3,717 research outputs found

    The importance of collegiality and reciprocal learning in the professional development of beginning teachers

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    This paper discusses factors which enhance induction experiences for beginning teachers. It reports the findings from case studies which explore the impact of new entrants to the teaching profession in Scotland. The data suggest that the most supportive induction processes mix both formal and informal elements, but that the informal elements such as collegiality, good communication and a welcoming workplace environment should not be underestimated. The study also highlights the potential benefits of a more collegiate environment for teachers across the career phases. Experienced teachers and new entrants had a range of experience to offer each other, thus creating more cohesive professional working which was supportive of early career teachers while encouraging reflection on practice among the more experienced professionals

    Ecocide and the Polluter Pays Principle: The Case of Fracking

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    A more representative chamber: representation and the House of Lords

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    Since 1997 there has been substantive reform of the House of Lords in an effort to make the chamber ‘more democratic and more representative’. Whilst the Labour government failed to press ahead with any of the proposed plans for further reform following the removal of the bulk of the hereditary peers in 1999, it remained committed to the notion that such reform must make the second chamber ‘more representative’. The coalition government's programme advocates a long-term aspiration for a House wholly or mainly elected on the basis of proportional representation, and a short-term approach based on additional appointments to ensure a balance of the parties. What is clear in all of these proposals for reform is a desire for the House of Lords to become more representative than it is at present. However, what is less clear is what is meant by ‘representative’ – who the House of Lords is supposed to represent, and what form representation will take. Moreover, in proposing to make the chamber more representative, either through appointment or election, little attention has been paid to how the current House of Lords provides representation. This article examines these questions in the context of Pitkin's classic conceptions of representation and peers' attitudes towards their own representative rol

    Am I dyslexic? Parental self-report of literacy difficulties

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    In the absence of criteria for the diagnosis of dyslexia, considerable weight is given to self-report, in particular in studies of children at family risk of dyslexia. The present paper uses secondary data from a previous study to compare parents who self-report as dyslexic and those who do not, in relation to objectively determined levels of ability. In general, adults are more likely to self-report as 'dyslexic' if they have poorer reading and spelling skills and also if there is a discrepancy between IQ and measured literacy. However, parents of higher social status who have mild literacy difficulties are more likely to self-report as dyslexic than parents who have weaker literacy skills but are less socially advantaged. Together the findings suggest that the judgement as to whether or not a parent considers themselves 'dyslexic' is made relative to others in the same social sphere. Those who are socially disadvantaged may, in turn, be less likely to seek support for their children

    On the metric dimension of corona product graphs

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    Given a set of vertices S={v1,v2,...,vk}S=\{v_1,v_2,...,v_k\} of a connected graph GG, the metric representation of a vertex vv of GG with respect to SS is the vector r(vS)=(d(v,v1),d(v,v2),...,d(v,vk))r(v|S)=(d(v,v_1),d(v,v_2),...,d(v,v_k)), where d(v,vi)d(v,v_i), i{1,...,k}i\in \{1,...,k\} denotes the distance between vv and viv_i. SS is a resolving set for GG if for every pair of vertices u,vu,v of GG, r(uS)r(vS)r(u|S)\ne r(v|S). The metric dimension of GG, dim(G)dim(G), is the minimum cardinality of any resolving set for GG. Let GG and HH be two graphs of order n1n_1 and n2n_2, respectively. The corona product GHG\odot H is defined as the graph obtained from GG and HH by taking one copy of GG and n1n_1 copies of HH and joining by an edge each vertex from the ithi^{th}-copy of HH with the ithi^{th}-vertex of GG. For any integer k2k\ge 2, we define the graph GkHG\odot^k H recursively from GHG\odot H as GkH=(Gk1H)HG\odot^k H=(G\odot^{k-1} H)\odot H. We give several results on the metric dimension of GkHG\odot^k H. For instance, we show that given two connected graphs GG and HH of order n12n_1\ge 2 and n22n_2\ge 2, respectively, if the diameter of HH is at most two, then dim(GkH)=n1(n2+1)k1dim(H)dim(G\odot^k H)=n_1(n_2+1)^{k-1}dim(H). Moreover, if n27n_2\ge 7 and the diameter of HH is greater than five or HH is a cycle graph, then $dim(G\odot^k H)=n_1(n_2+1)^{k-1}dim(K_1\odot H).