188 research outputs found

    Anxiety, graduate students, and new student orientation programs: A quantitative study

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    U radu je najprije predstavljeno društveno poduzetništvo, dan je povijesni pregled i pojmovno određenje društvenog poduzetništva. Prikazane su karakteristike društvenih poduzetnika te načini na koje se financiraju. Također prikazani su i neki od većih izazova s kojima se susreću u svom poslovanju i razvoju. Tom razvoju društvenih poduzetnika nastojalo se doprinijeti i Strategijom razvoja društvenog poduzetništva u RH za razdoblje od 2015. do 2020. godine, stoga su glavni dijelovi Strategije također prikazani. U radu je prikazana i uloga EU fondova u razvoju društvenog poduzetništva, točnije ukratko je predstavljen IPA program te Europski fond za regionalni razvoj i Europski socijalni fond. Kako bi se mogla prikazati važnost sredstava EU fondova u razvoju društvenog poduzetništva, kao primjer je izabran konzorcij društvenih poduzeća ACT Grupa iz Čakovca. Na temelju ACT Grupe prikazani su značajni projekti, koji su bili financirani sredstvima iz EU fondova. Samim time možemo reći i da su sredstva iz EU fondova pomogla u razvoju ACT Grupe

    Agriculture of the Middle Participation in State Branding Campaigns: The Case of Kentucky

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    In the past decade, statewide agricultural branding campaigns have blossomed. Examining the case of the Kentucky Proud™ (KyP) program, this paper investigates the potential benefit of a state-level marketing strategy for the declining class of midsize farms, referred to as Agriculture of the Middle (AOTM). First, we discuss why AOTM farms are important to maintaining a viable agriculture structure. Second, we introduce the context of state branding and explain how KyP developed as part of the transition from highly tobacco-dependent agriculture. Using recent agricultural census data and a survey of KyP members, we compare the key characteristics between three sets of pairs: (a) U.S. AOTM farmers and Kentucky AOTM farmers, (b) Kentucky AOTM farmers and KyP-member AOTM farmers, and (c) KyP AOTM farmers and other KyP-member farmers. The findings indicate that Kentucky\u27s AOTM farmers are unique compared to U.S. AOTM farmers, and that the KyP program benefits particularly those AOTM farmers transitioning from tobacco-dependent agriculture. We also found that the logo of the state branding campaign helps member farmers differentiate their products, and that the program helps most members gain knowledge and skills for marketing their products. Overall, findings suggest that state branding campaigns designed to incentivize agricultural marketing of local foods have the potential to help farmers of the middle. Further research needs to be done in order to track the long-term impact of different agricultural branding campaigns

    Confirmation of the \eps -- \eiso (Amati) relation from the X-ray flash XRF 050416A observed by Swift/BAT

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    We report Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) observations of the X-ray Flash (XRF) XRF 050416A. The fluence ratio between the 15-25 keV and 25-50 keV energy bands of this event is 1.5, thus making it the softest gamma-ray burst (GRB) observed by BAT so far. The spectrum is well fitted by the Band function with E^{\rm obs}_{\rm peak} of 15.0_{-2.7}^{+2.3} keV. Assuming the redshift of the host galaxy (z = 0.6535), the isotropic-equivalent radiated energy E_{\rm iso} and the peak energy at the GRB rest frame (E^{\rm src}_{\rm peak}) of XRF 050416A are not only consistent with the correlation found by Amati et al. and extended to XRFs by Sakamoto et al., but also fill-in the gap of this relation around the 30 - 80 keV range of E^{\rm src}_{\rm peak}. This result tightens the validity of the E^{\rm src}_{\rm peak} - E_{\rm iso} relation from XRFs to GRBs. We also find that the jet break time estimated using the empirical relation between E^{\rm src}_{\rm peak} and the collimation corrected energy E_{\gamma} is inconsistent with the afterglow observation by Swift X-ray Telescope. This could be due to the extra external shock emission overlaid around the jet break time or to the non existence of a jet break feature for XRF, which might be a further challenging for GRB jet emission, models and XRF/GRB unification scenarios.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    The First Swift BAT Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog

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    We present the first Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) catalog of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which contains bursts detected by the BAT between 2004 December 19 and 2007 June 16. This catalog (hereafter BAT1 catalog) contains burst trigger time, location, 90% error radius, duration, fluence, peak flux, and time averaged spectral parameters for each of 237 GRBs, as measured by the BAT. The BAT-determined position reported here is within 1.75' of the Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT)-determined position for 90% of these GRBs. The BAT T_90 and T_50 durations peak at 80 and 20 seconds, respectively. From the fluence-fluence correlation, we conclude that about 60% of the observed peak energies, Epeak, of BAT GRBs could be less than 100 keV. We confirm that GRB fluence to hardness and GRB peak flux to hardness are correlated for BAT bursts in analogous ways to previous missions' results. The correlation between the photon index in a simple power-law model and Epeak is also confirmed. We also report the current status for the on-orbit BAT calibrations based on observations of the Crab Nebula.Comment: 63 pages, 23 figures, Accepted in ApJS, Corrected for the BAT ground position, the image significance, and the error radius of GRB 051105, Five machine-readable tables are available at http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/swift/results/bat1_catalog

    Ferromagnetic redshift of the optical gap in GdN

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    We report measurements of the optical gap in a GdN film at temperatures from 300 to 6K, covering both the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases. The gap is 1.31eV in the paramagnetic phase and red-shifts to 0.9eV in the spin-split bands below the Curie temperature. The paramagnetic gap is larger than was suggested by very early experiments, and has permitted us to refine a (LSDA+U)-computed band structure. The band structure was computed in the full translation symmetry of the ferromagnetic ground state, assigning the paramagnetic-state gap as the average of the majority- and minority-spin gaps in the ferromagnetic state. That procedure has been further tested by a band structure in a 32-atom supercell with randomly-oriented spins. After fitting only the paramagnetic gap the refined band structure then reproduces our measured gaps in both phases by direct transitions at the X point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    On the Early Time X-ray Spectra of Swift Afterglows I: Evidence for Anomalous Soft X-ray Emission

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    We have conducted a thorough and blind search for emission lines in >70 Swift X-ray afterglows of total exposure ~10^7s. We find that most afterglows are consistent with pure power-laws plus extinction. Significant outliers to the population exist at the 5-10% level and have anomalously soft, possibly thermal spectra. Four bursts are singled out via possible detections of 2-5 lines: GRBs 060218, 060202, 050822, and 050714B. Alternatively, a blackbody model with kT~0.1-0.5 keV can describe the soft emission in each afterglow. The most significant soft component detections in the full data set of ~2000 spectra correspond to GRB060218/SN2006aj, with line significances ranging up to \~20-sigma. A thermal plasma model fit to the data indicates that the flux is primarily due to L-shell transitions of Fe at ~ solar abundance. We associate (>4-sigma significant) line triggers in the 3 other events with K-shell transitions in light metals. We favor a model where the possible line emission in these afterglows arises from the mildly relativistic cocoon of matter surrounding the GRB jet as it penetrates and exits the surface of the progenitor star. The emitting material in each burst is at a similar distance \~10^12--10^13 cm, a similar density ~10^17 cm^-3, and subject to a similar flux of ionizing radiation. The lines may correlate with the X-ray flaring. For the blackbody interpretation, the soft flux may arise from break out of the GRB shock or plasma cocoon from the progenitor stellar wind, as recently suggested for GRB060218 (Campana et al. 2006). Due to the low z of GRB060218, bursts faint in Gamma-rays with fluxes dominated by this soft X-ray component could outnumber classical GRBs 100-1.Comment: 32 pages, 10 tables, 17 figures, To Appear in ApJ v656, February 20, 200

    The BAT-Swift Science Software

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    The BAT instrument tells the Swift satellite where to point to make immediate follow-up observations of GRBs. The science software on board must efficiently process gamma-ray events coming in at up to 34 kHz, identify rate increases that could be due to GRBs while disregarding those from known sources, and produce images to accurately and rapidly locate new Gamma-ray sources.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, to appear in Santa Fe proceedings "Gamma-Ray Bursts: 30 Years of Discovery", Fenimore and Galassi (eds), AIP, 200