324 research outputs found

    Development and Implementation of RFID Technology

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    Factor-Assisted Federated Learning for Personalized Optimization with Heterogeneous Data

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    Federated learning is an emerging distributed machine learning framework aiming at protecting data privacy. Data heterogeneity is one of the core challenges in federated learning, which could severely degrade the convergence rate and prediction performance of deep neural networks. To address this issue, we develop a novel personalized federated learning framework for heterogeneous data, which we refer to as FedSplit. This modeling framework is motivated by the finding that, data in different clients contain both common knowledge and personalized knowledge. Then the hidden elements in each neural layer can be split into the shared and personalized groups. With this decomposition, a novel objective function is established and optimized. We demonstrate FedSplit enjoyers a faster convergence speed than the standard federated learning method both theoretically and empirically. The generalization bound of the FedSplit method is also studied. To practically implement the proposed method on real datasets, factor analysis is introduced to facilitate the decoupling of hidden elements. This leads to a practically implemented model for FedSplit and we further refer to as FedFac. We demonstrated by simulation studies that, using factor analysis can well recover the underlying shared/personalized decomposition. The superior prediction performance of FedFac is further verified empirically by comparison with various state-of-the-art federated learning methods on several real datasets.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Processing of Individual Items during Ensemble Coding of Facial Expressions

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    There is growing evidence that human observers are able to extract the mean emotion or other type of information from a set of faces. The most intriguing aspect of this phenomenon is that observers often fail to identify or form a representation for individual faces in a face set. However, most of these results were based on judgments under limited processing resource. We examined a wider range of exposure time and observed how the relationship between the extraction of a mean and representation of individual facial expressions would change. The results showed that with an exposure time of 50 ms for the faces, observers were more sensitive to mean representation over individual representation, replicating the typical findings in the literature. With longer exposure time, however, observers were able to extract both individual and mean representation more accurately. Furthermore, diffusion model analysis revealed that the mean representation is also more prone to suffer from the noise accumulated in redundant processing time and leads to a more conservative decision bias, whereas individual representations seem more resistant to this noise. Results suggest that the encoding of emotional information from multiple faces may take two forms: single face processing and crowd face processi

    Practical Probabilistic Model-based Deep Reinforcement Learning by Integrating Dropout Uncertainty and Trajectory Sampling

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    This paper addresses the prediction stability, prediction accuracy and control capability of the current probabilistic model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) built on neural networks. A novel approach dropout-based probabilistic ensembles with trajectory sampling (DPETS) is proposed where the system uncertainty is stably predicted by combining the Monte-Carlo dropout and trajectory sampling in one framework. Its loss function is designed to correct the fitting error of neural networks for more accurate prediction of probabilistic models. The state propagation in its policy is extended to filter the aleatoric uncertainty for superior control capability. Evaluated by several Mujoco benchmark control tasks under additional disturbances and one practical robot arm manipulation task, DPETS outperforms related MBRL approaches in both average return and convergence velocity while achieving superior performance than well-known model-free baselines with significant sample efficiency. The open source code of DPETS is available at https://github.com/mrjun123/DPETS

    Effective Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Control with Relative Entropy Regularization

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    In this paper, a novel Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) approach, Multi-Agent Continuous Dynamic Policy Gradient (MACDPP) was proposed to tackle the issues of limited capability and sample efficiency in various scenarios controlled by multiple agents. It alleviates the inconsistency of multiple agents' policy updates by introducing the relative entropy regularization to the Centralized Training with Decentralized Execution (CTDE) framework with the Actor-Critic (AC) structure. Evaluated by multi-agent cooperation and competition tasks and traditional control tasks including OpenAI benchmarks and robot arm manipulation, MACDPP demonstrates significant superiority in learning capability and sample efficiency compared with both related multi-agent and widely implemented signal-agent baselines and therefore expands the potential of MARL in effectively learning challenging control scenarios

    Research on Techniques and Methods of 3D Laser Scanning Monitoring Coal Mining Subsidence

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    In this paper the author discusses the techniques and methods of monitoring coal mining subsidence using 3D laser scanning, respectively discusses data acquiring, data preprocessing, 3D modeling, data analysis, and damage forecasting. The author points out that DTMs are the foundation of data analysis and damage forecasting, the data of every period can build three kinds of DTM: Point cloud surface model, irregular triangular mesh surface model and regular grid surface model. Variation of elevation direction can be calculated through regular grid surface models, and variation of horizontal direction can be calculated through irregular triangular mesh surface models, combine variation in elevation direction and in horizontal direction, the regularity for change of the ground surface can be deduced and the variation in the future also can be forecasted. The aim of constructing point cloud model is to quest regularity for change of ground surface from another viewpoint.特集 : 「資源、新エネルギー、環境、防災研究国際セミナー

    Chinese basic education and experience from three regions (Shanghai, Guangdong, Sichuan)

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    Basic education is the foundation for people to gain more knowledge in the process of growing up and living. High buildings rise from the ground. What does basic education exert to cultivate the people is the foundation for building a house. Therefore, basic education is such an impor-tant and basic project to improve the quality of people. Since China’s reform and opening and the re-introduction of the college entrance examination in the late 1970s, basic education has continuously improved and developed with more and more attention. China started to participate in the Program for International Students Assessment PISA5 in 2009. Up to now, China has par-ticipated in four sessions of PISA with relatively good grades6. The results of the PISA can help to examine the education quality, fairness and development efficiency, establish and improve an education monitoring indicator system, and promote education reforms for both China and the other countries in the world. The progress of China’s basic education and education with Chinese characteristics has contributed to China’s all-round development, which also provided references for other countries. In the meantime, PISA’s analysis of China and other countries also reflect the parts of China’s basic education that need to be promoted and emphasized

    Electrically pumped continuous-wave O-band quantum-dot superluminescent diode on silicon

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    High-power, broadband quantum-dot (QD) superluminescent diodes (SLDs) are ideal light sources for optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging systems but have previously mainly been fabricated on native GaAs- or InP-based substrates. Recently, significant progress has been made to emigrate QD SLDs from native substrates to silicon substrates. Here, we demonstrate electrically pumped continuous-wave InAs QD SLDs monolithically grown on silicon substrates with significantly improved performance thanks to the achievement of a low density of defects in the III-V epilayers. The fabricated narrow-ridge-waveguide device exhibits a maximum 3 dB bandwidth of 103 nm emission spectrum centered at the O-band together with a maximum single facet output power of 3.8 mW at room temperature. The silicon-based SLD has been assessed for application in an OCT system. Under optimized conditions, a predicted axial resolution of ∼5.3µm is achieved with a corresponding output power of 0.66 mW/facet

    Prevalence and Associated Factors of Elder Mistreatment in a Rural Community in People's Republic of China: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Current knowledge about elder mistreatment is mainly derived from studies done in Western countries, which indicate that this problem is related to risk factors such as a shared living situation, social isolation, disease burden, and caregiver strain. We know little about prevalence and risk factors for elder mistreatment and mistreatment subtypes in rural China where the elder population is the most vulnerable. Methods: In 2010, we conducted a cross-sectional survey among older adults aged 60 or older in three rural communities in Macheng, a city in Hubei province, China. Of 2245 people initially identified, 2039 were available for interview and this was completed in 2000. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data regarding mistreatment and covariates. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors related to elder mistreatment and subtypes of mistreatment. Results: Elder mistreatment was reported by 36.2 % (95 % CI: 34.1%–38.3%) of the participants. Prevalence rates of psychological mistreatment, caregiver neglect, physical mistreatment, and financial mistreatment were 27.3 % (95 % CI

    Monolithic quantum-dot distributed feedback laser array on silicon

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    Electrically-pumped lasers directly grown on silicon are key devices interfacing silicon microelectronics and photonics. We report here, for the first time, an electrically-pumped, room-temperature, continuous-wave (CW) and single-mode distributed feedback (DFB) laser array fabricated in InAs/GaAs quantum-dot (QD) gain material epitaxially grown on silicon. CW threshold currents as low as 12 mA and single-mode side mode suppression ratios (SMSRs) as high as 50 dB have been achieved from individual devices in the array. The laser array, compatible with state-of-the-art coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) systems, has a well-aligned channel spacing of 20 0.2 nm and exhibits a record wavelength coverage range of 100 nm, the full span of the O-band. These results indicate that, for the first time, the performance of lasers epitaxially grown on silicon is elevated to a point approaching real-world CWDM applications, demonstrating the great potential of this technology