383 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient Localization-based Link Setup Scheme for Device-to-Device Communications

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    A new energy efficient link setup scheme for device-to-device (D2D) communications in cellular networks is proposed that employs approximate localization easily performed using new radio technologies. To set up a D2D link, the obtained location estimates are used to judge whether two user-devices can be a D2D pair, and to control the transmit power between two devices, taking into account the accuracy of the estimated distance between them. Simulation results show that the scheme not only removes the neighbor discovery step, leading to faster setup, but also significantly improves energy efficiency and resource block utilization, while maintaining a high success probability for the D2D discovery and communication setup

    Measurement of SiPM gain and photon detection efficiency at different temperatures and bias voltages

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    Gain and photon detection efficiency (PDE) of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are important characteristics to understand SiPM-based detector systems in low light level applications. In this work, experimental setups are developed to quantify SiPM gain and PDE at different temperatures and bias voltages with a light source of fixed wavelength 405 nm, where a novel light-tight connected device of two integrating spheres is implemented to produce weak light onto SiPM. We present methods and results of the breakdown voltage, gain and PDE measurements for a Hamamatsu S13360-2050VE MPPC. At 25 Celsius, consistent results are obtained with the datasheet from the manufacturer. The temperature and bias voltage dependence of SiPM performances can guide its usage, such as in gain compensation at readout circuits, optical modeling of SiPMs and optimization of operating conditions of SiPM-based detectors.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Delayed Effect of Anisaldehyde on Feeding Behavior and Reproduction of Adult Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) 1

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    ABSTRACT Anisaldehyde may be useful as a spatial repellent against Aedes albopictus, and it could play a major role in new repellent technology for mosquito management. This study characterized the delayed effects of anisaldehyde on Ae. albopictus adult host-seeking behavior, feeding behavior, and reproduction. Anisaldehyde was applied as a fumigant (0.25 mg/cm 3 ) during different developmental stages of the mosquito (larvae from 1 st instar to pupation, larvae from 1 st instar to adult emergence, pupae, and two-day-old adults). Except when treated as pupae, the resulting adult females (at 5 days of age) exhibited significantly lower host-seeking capability and lower repeated-feeding rates than untreated females. Anisaldehyde treatments also significantly reduced the number of eggs and hatchability, and this chemical prolonged the gonotrophic cycle and egg development. These results showed that anisaldehyde acted as a spatial repellent, where it not only reduced hostseeking capability, but also greatly reduced vectoring capacity and reproduction potential, which is significant for mosquito control and disease prevention

    A new exploration of the fl ipped classroom of systematic anatomy

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    in recent years, new teaching reform mode is common, and more and more are applied in teaching work. However, diff erent teaching reforms achieve diff erent goals. As long as the reform mode can achieve high-quality teaching eff ect, it is the pursuit of teachers. At present, we should consider whether diff erent reform models can be integrated with each other. After the integration, we may get the ideal teaching eff ect. Therefore, teachers should put forward more innovative teaching methods. We should make rational use of diff erent teaching reform modes to make teaching achievements to a higher level

    Apresiasi Masyarakat Terhadap Tradisi Lisan Permainan Rakyat Jaran Kepang Di Kanagarian Simalidu Kecamatan Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    The perposes of this researeh are to describe and the explain the appreciation of society in kanagarian Simalidu Kecamatan Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya. West Sumatra to the Jaran Kepang. The research is using the descriptive methade and the of this research is qualitative the issues that describe is type the appreciation and the acceptance of the society to Jaran Kepang in Kanagarian Simalidu Kecamatan Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya. That obtainable through the questionnaire and interview that using by the instrument in this research. The accumulation technique of data that using here are: (1) the observation to searching the informan that requires in the research, (2) give the questionnaire that contain same questions that have to be answered by the society in Kanagarian Simalidu Kecamatan Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya, (3) The structural interview, by using some questions to the informans based an the research, (4) record, by recorded oral data that express by the informans, (5) note, by kating all the informan that has bean obtained from the observation the interview, and the recard

    Cyclic intensive light exposure induces retinal lesions similar to age-related macular degeneration in APPswe/PS1 bigenic mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intensive light exposure and beta-amyloid (Aβ) aggregates have been known as a risk factor for macular degeneration and an important component in the pathologic drusen structure involved in this disorder, respectively. However, it is unknown whether Aβ deposition mediates or exacerbates light exposure-induced pathogenesis of macular degeneration. Several studies including the one from us already showed accumulation of Aβ deposits in the retina in Alzheimer's transgenic mice. Using histopathological analysis combined with electroretinographic functional assessment, we investigated the effects of cyclic intensive light exposure (CILE) on the architecture of retina and related function in the APPswe/PS1bigenic mouse.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Histopathological analysis has found significant loss of outer nuclear layer/photoreceptor outer segment and outer plexiform layer along with abnormal hypo- and hyper-pigmentation in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), remarkable choroidal neovascularization (CNV), and exaggerated neuroinflammatory responses in the outer retina of APPswe/PS1 bigenic mice following cyclic intensive light exposure (CILE), whereas controls remained little change contrasted with age-matched non-transgenic littermates. CILE-induced degenerative changes in RPE are further confirmed by transmission electron microcopy and manifest as formation of basal laminar deposits, irregular thickening of Bruch's membrane (BrM), deposition of outer collagenous layer (OCL) in the subretinal space, and vacuolation in the RPE. Immunofluorescence microscopy reveals drusenoid Aβ deposits in RPE as well as neovessels attached which are associated with disruption of RPE integrity and provoked neuroinflammatory response as indicated by markedly increased retinal infiltration of microglia. Moreover, both immunohistochemistry and Western blots detect an induction of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in RPE, which corroborates increased CNV in the outer retina in the bigenic mice challenged by CILE.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings demonstrate that degenerative changes in the outer retina in the APPswe/PS1 bigenic mouse induced by CILE are consistent with these in AMD. These results suggest that an Alzheimer's transgenic animal model with accumulation of Aβ deposits might be an alternative animal model for AMD, if combined with other confounding factors such as intensive light exposure for AMD.</p

    One-pot synthesis of 2-alkyl cycloketones on bifunctional Pd/ZrO<sub>2</sub> catalyst

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    2-Alkyl cycloketones are essential chemicals and intermediates for synthetic perfumes and pesticides, which are conventionally produced by multistep process including aldol condensation, separation and hydrogenation. In present work, a batch one-pot cascade approach using aldehydes and cycloketones as the raw materials, and a bifunctional Pd/ZrO2 catalyst was developed for the synthesis of 2-alkyl cycloketones, e.g., cyclohexanone and cycloheptanone. Very high aldehydes (except for paraldehyde with large steric hindrance) conversion and high yields for 2-alkyl cycloketones (e.g., 99 % of conversion for n-butanal and 76 wt.% of yield for 2-butyl cyclohexanone) were obtained at mild temperature of 140 °C. After 10 cycles of reuse, Pd/ZrO2 catalyst showed slight deactivation (ca. 5 % conversion and 10 % yield losses), due to the coke on the catalyst. However, the performance of the catalyst was completely recovered after an oxidative regeneration

    GLP-2 decreases food intake in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH) through Exendin (9-39) in male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats

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    Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2), a member of Glucagon peptide family involved in regulating energy metabolism, can be produced and secreted by preproglucagonergic (PPG) neurons in the brain. GLP-2 reduces food intake but at which brain sites GLP-2 exerts its feeding-suppress effects are still unclear. In this study, we used the stereological microinjection technique and behavioral test to examine the functions of locally delivered GLP-2 into DMH on feeding behavior. We compared effects of different concentration of GLP-2 on the food intake behavior in free-feeding rats and fasted-refeeding rats. We found that GLP-2 inhibited food intake in fasted rats after a short-term intervention in a dose-dependent manner. Importantly, the effects of locally delivered GLP-2 can be blocked by specific GLP-1 receptor antagonist Exendin(9-39), but not the melanocortin-4 receptor antagonist SHU9119, indicating the involvement of specificity of GLP-2 signaling in regulating the feeding behavior. Taken together, our data revealed that GLP-2 peptide pharmacologically inhibited food intake in DMH and this effect could be blocked functionally by Exendin(9-39)