240 research outputs found

    Proline dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus does not discriminate between FAD and FMN as cofactor

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    Flavoenzymes are versatile biocatalysts containing either FAD or FMN as cofactor. FAD often binds to a Rossmann fold, while FMN prefers a TIM-barrel or flavodoxin-like fold. Proline dehydrogenase is denoted as an exception: it possesses a TIM barrel-like fold while binding FAD. Using a riboflavin auxotrophic Escherichia coli strain and maltose-binding protein as solubility tag, we produced the apoprotein of Thermus thermophilus ProDH (MBP-TtProDH). Remarkably, reconstitution with FAD or FMN revealed that MBP-TtProDH has no preference for either of the two prosthetic groups. Kinetic parameters of both holo forms are similar, as are the dissociation constants for FAD and FMN release. Furthermore, we show that the holo form of MBP-TtProDH, as produced in E. coli TOP10 cells, contains about three times more FMN than FAD. In line with this flavin content, the crystal structure of TtProDH variant ¿ABC, which lacks helices aA, aB and aC, shows no electron density for an AMP moiety of the cofactor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a flavoenzyme that does not discriminate between FAD and FMN as cofactor. Therefore, classification of TtProDH as an FAD-binding enzyme should be reconsidered

    Proteomic Serum Biomarkers and Their Potential Application in Cancer Screening Programs

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    Early diagnosis of cancer is of pivotal importance to reduce disease-related mortality. There is great need for non-invasive screening methods, yet current screening protocols have limited sensitivity and specificity. The use of serum biomarkers to discriminate cancer patients from healthy persons might be a tool to improve screening programs. Mass spectrometry based proteomics is widely applied as a technology for mapping and identifying peptides and proteins in body fluids. One commonly used approach in proteomics is peptide and protein profiling. Here, we present an overview of profiling methods that have the potential for implementation in a clinical setting and in national screening programs

    USP15 deubiquitinase safeguards hematopoiesis and genome integrity in hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia cells

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    Altering ubiquitination by disruption of individual deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) has proven to affect hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) maintenance. However, comprehensive knowledge of DUB function during hematopoiesis in vivo is lacking. To accomplish this goal, we systematically inactivated DUBs in mouse hematopoietic progenitors using in vivo small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) screens. We found that multiple DUBs may be individually required for hematopoiesis and that the ubiquitin-specific protease 15 (USP15) is particularly important for the maintenance of murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo. Consistently, Usp15 knockout mice exhibited a reduced HSC pool. The defect was intrinsic to HSCs, as demonstrated by competitive repopulation assays. Importantly, USP15 is highly expressed in normal human hematopoietic cells and leukemias, and USP15 depletion in murine early progenitors and myeloid leukemia cells impaired in vitro expansion and increased genotoxic stress. Our study underscores the importance of DUBs in preserving normal hematopoiesis and uncovers USP15 as a critical DUB in safeguarding genome integrity in HSC and in leukemia cells

    Autoantibody subclass predominance is not driven by aberrant class switching or impaired B cell development

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    A subset of autoimmune diseases is characterized by predominant pathogenic IgG4 autoantibodies (IgG4-AID). Why IgG4 predominates in these disorders is unknown. We hypothesized that dysregulated B cell maturation or aberrant class switching causes overrepresentation of IgG4+ B cells and plasma cells. Therefore, we compared the B cell compartment of patients from four different IgG4-AID with two IgG1-3-AID and healthy donors, using flow cytometry. Relative subset abundance at all maturation stages was normal, except for a, possibly treatment-related, reduction in immature and naïve CD5+ cells. IgG4+ B cell and plasma cell numbers were normal in IgG4-AID patients, however they had a (sub)class-independent 8-fold increase in circulating CD20-CD138+ cells. No autoreactivity was found in this subset. These results argue against aberrant B cell development and rather suggest the autoantibody subclass predominance to be antigen-driven. The similarities between IgG4-AID suggest that, despite displaying variable clinical phenotypes, they share a similar underlying immune profile.</p

    Autoantibody subclass predominance is not driven by aberrant class switching or impaired B cell development

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    A subset of autoimmune diseases is characterized by predominant pathogenic IgG4 autoantibodies (IgG4-AID). Why IgG4 predominates in these disorders is unknown. We hypothesized that dysregulated B cell maturation or aberrant class switching causes overrepresentation of IgG4+ B cells and plasma cells. Therefore, we compared the B cell compartment of patients from four different IgG4-AID with two IgG1-3-AID and healthy donors, using flow cytometry. Relative subset abundance at all maturation stages was normal, except for a, possibly treatment-related, reduction in immature and naïve CD5+ cells. IgG4+ B cell and plasma cell numbers were normal in IgG4-AID patients, however they had a (sub)class-independent 8-fold increase in circulating CD20-CD138+ cells. No autoreactivity was found in this subset. These results argue against aberrant B cell development and rather suggest the autoantibody subclass predominance to be antigen-driven. The similarities between IgG4-AID suggest that, despite displaying variable clinical phenotypes, they share a similar underlying immune profile.</p

    Functional monovalency amplifies the pathogenicity of anti-MuSK IgG4 in myasthenia gravis

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    Human immunoglobulin (Ig) G4 usually displays antiinflammatory activity, and observations of IgG4 autoantibodies causing severe autoimmune disorders are therefore poorly understood. In blood, IgG4 naturally engages in a stochastic process termed "Fab-arm exchange" in which unrelated IgG4s exchange half-molecules continuously. The resulting IgG4 antibodies are composed of two different binding sites, thereby acquiring monovalent binding and inability to cross-link for each antigen recognized. Here, we demonstrate that this process amplifies autoantibody pathogenicity in a classic IgG4-mediated autoimmune disease: muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) myasthenia gravis. In mice, monovalent anti-MuSK IgG4s caused rapid and severemyasthenicmuscleweakness, whereas the same antibodies in their parental bivalent form were less potent or did not induce a phenotype. Mechanistically this could be explained by opposing effects onMuSK signaling. Isotype switching to IgG4 in an autoimmune response thereby may be a critical step in the development of disease. Our study establishes functional monovalency as a pathogenic mechanism in IgG4-mediated autoimmune disease and potentially other disorders.Neurological Motor Disorder

    Haploid genetic screens identify SPRING/C12ORF49 as a determinant of SREBP signaling and cholesterol metabolism

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    The sterol-regulatory element binding proteins (SREBP) are central transcriptional regulators of lipid metabolism. Using haploid genetic screens we identify the SREBPRegulating Gene (SPRING/C12ORF49) as a determinant of the SREBP pathway. SPRING is a glycosylated Golgi-resident membrane protein and its ablation in Hap1 cells, Hepa1-6 hepatoma cells, and primary murine hepatocytes reduces SREBP signaling. In mice, Spring deletion is embryonic lethal yet silencing of hepatic Spring expression also attenuates the SREBP response. Mechanistically, attenuated SREBP signaling in SPRING(KO) cells results from reduced SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP) and its mislocalization to the Golgi irrespective of the cellular sterol status. Consistent with limited functional SCAP in SPRING(KO) cells, reintroducing SCAP restores SREBP-dependent signaling and function. Moreover, in line with the role of SREBP in tumor growth, a wide range of tumor cell lines display dependency on SPRING expression. In conclusion, we identify SPRING as a previously unrecognized modulator of SREBP signaling

    Utilizing individual fish biomass and relative abundance models to map environmental niche associations of adult and juvenile targeted fishes

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    Many fishes undergo ontogenetic habitat shifts to meet their energy and resource needs as they grow. Habitat resource partitioning and patterns of habitat connectivity between conspecific fishes at different life-history stages is a significant knowledge gap. Species distribution models were used to examine patterns in the relative abundance, individual biomass estimates and environmental niche associations of different life stages of three iconic West Australian fishes. Continuous predictive maps describing the spatial distribution of abundance and individual biomass of the study species were created as well predictive hotspot maps that identify possible areas for aggregation of individuals of similar life stages of multiple species (i.e. spawning grounds, fisheries refugia or nursery areas). The models and maps indicate that processes driving the abundance patterns could be different from the body size associated demographic processes throughout an individual's life cycle. Incorporating life-history in the spatially explicit management plans can ensure that critical habitat of the vulnerable stages (e.g. juvenile fish, spawning stock) is included within proposed protected areas and can enhance connectivity between various functional areas (e.g. nursery areas and adult populations) which, in turn, can improve the abundance of targeted species as well as other fish species relying on healthy ecosystem functioning
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