162 research outputs found

    Highlighting the Proteasome: Using Fluorescence to Visualize Proteasome Activity and Distribution

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    Proteasomes are critical proteases in the cell responsible for the turnover of many cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins. They are essential for many cellular processes and various diseases are associated with their malfunctioning. Proteasome activity depends on the nature of the catalytic subunits, as well as the interaction with associated proteasome regulators. Here we describe various fluorescence-based methods to study proteasome function, highlighting the use of activity-based probes to study proteasome localization, dynamics, and activity in living cells

    OTU deubiquitinases reveal mechanisms of linkage specificity and enable ubiquitin chain restriction analysis

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    Sixteen ovarian tumor (OTU) family deubiquitinases (DUBs) exist in humans, and most members regulate cell-signaling cascades. Several OTU DUBs were reported to be ubiquitin (Ub) chain linkage specific, but comprehensive analyses are missing, and the underlying mechanisms of linkage specificity are unclear. Using Ub chains of all eight linkage types, we reveal that most human OTU enzymes are linkage specific, preferring one, two, or a defined subset of linkage types, including unstudied atypical Ub chains. Biochemical analysis and five crystal structures of OTU DUBs with or without Ub substrates reveal four mechanisms of linkage specificity. Additional Ub-binding domains, the ubiquitinated sequence in the substrate, and defined S1’ and S2 Ub-binding sites on the OTU domain enable OTU DUBs to distinguish linkage types. We introduce Ub chain restriction analysis, in which OTU DUBs are used as restriction enzymes to reveal linkage type and the relative abundance of Ub chains on substrates

    Типові схеми використання офшорних та оншорних зон для зменшення податкового навантаження бізнесу в Україні

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    The proteasome is able to create spliced Ags, in which two distant parts of a protein are excised and ligated together to form a novel peptide, for presentation by MHC class I molecules. These noncontiguous epitopes are generated via a transpeptidation reaction catalyzed by the proteasomal active sites. Transpeptidation reactions in the proteasome follow explicit rules and occur particularly efficiently when the C-terminal ligation partner contains a lysine or arginine residue at the site of ligation. Lysine contains two amino groups that theoretically may both participate in ligation reactions, implying that potentially not only peptide but also isopeptide linkages could be formed. Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we demonstrate in the present study that the proteasome can use the ε-amino group of an N-terminal lysine residue in transpeptidation reactions to create a novel type of posttranslationally modified epitopes. We show that the overall efficiency of ε ligation is only 10-fold lower as compared with α ligation, suggesting that the proteasome can produce sufficient isopeptide Ag to evoke a T cell response. Additionally, we show that isopeptides are more stable toward further proteasomal processing than are normal peptides, and we demonstrate that isopeptides can bind to HLA-A2.1 and HLA-A3 with high affinity. These properties likely increase the fraction of ε-ligated peptides presented on the cell surface for CD8+ T cell surveillance. Finally, we show that isopeptide Ags are immunogenic in vivo. We postulate that ε ligation is a genuine posttranslational modification, suggesting that the proteasome can create a novel type of Ag that is likely to play a role in immunity

    Inhibition of protein ubiquitination by paraquat and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium impairs ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation pathways

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    Intracytoplasmic inclusions of protein aggregates in dopaminergic cells (Lewy bodies) are the pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Ubiquitin (Ub), alpha [α]-synuclein, p62/sequestosome 1 and oxidized proteins are major components of Lewy bodies. However, the mechanisms involved in the impairment of misfolded/oxidized protein degradation pathways in PD are still unclear. PD is linked to mitochondrial dysfunction and environmental pesticide exposure. In this work, we evaluated the effect of the pesticide paraquat (PQ) and the mitochondrial toxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) on Ub-dependent protein degradation pathways. No increase in the accumulation of Ub-bound proteins or aggregates was observed in dopaminergic cells (SK-N-SH) treated with PQ or MPP+, or in mice chronically exposed to PQ. PQ decreased Ub protein content, but not its mRNA transcription. Protein synthesis inhibition with cycloheximide depleted Ub levels and potentiated PQ–induced cell death. Inhibition of proteasomal activity by PQ was found to be a late event in cell death progression, and had no effect on either the toxicity of MPP+ or PQ, or the accumulation of oxidized sulfenylated, sulfonylated (DJ-1/PARK7 and peroxiredoxins) and carbonylated proteins induced by PQ. PQ- and MPP+-induced Ub protein depletion prompted the dimerization/inactivation of the Ub-binding protein p62 that regulates the clearance of ubiquitinated proteins by autophagic. We confirmed that PQ and MPP+ impaired autophagy flux, and that the blockage of autophagy by the overexpression of a dominant-negative form of the autophagy protein 5 (dnAtg5) stimulated their toxicity, but there was no additional effect upon inhibition of the proteasome. PQ induced an increase in the accumulation of α-synuclein in dopaminergic cells and membrane associated foci in yeast cells. Our results demonstrate that inhibition of protein ubiquitination by PQ and MPP+ is involved in the dysfunction of Ub-dependent protein degradation pathways

    Downregulation of 26S proteasome catalytic activity promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

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    The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) endows carcinoma cells with phenotypic plasticity that can facilitate the formation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) and contribute to the metastatic cascade. While there is substantial support for the role of EMT in driving cancer cell dissemination, less is known about the intracellular molecular mechanisms that govern formation of CSCs via EMT. Here we show that β2 and β5 proteasome subunit activity is downregulated during EMT in immortalized human mammary epithelial cells. Moreover, selective proteasome inhibition enabled mammary epithelial cells to acquire certain morphologic and functional characteristics reminiscent of cancer stem cells, including CD44 expression, self-renewal, and tumor formation. Transcriptomic analyses suggested that proteasome-inhibited cells share gene expression signatures with cells that have undergone EMT, in part, through modulation of the TGF-β signaling pathway. These findings suggest that selective downregulation of proteasome activity in mammary epithelial cells can initiate the EMT program and acquisition of a cancer stem cell-like phenotype. As proteasome inhibitors become increasingly used in cancer treatment, our findings highlight a potential risk of these therapeutic strategies and suggest a possible mechanism by which carcinoma cells may escape from proteasome inhibitor-based therapy

    Recognition of S100 proteins by Signal Inhibitory Receptor on Leukocytes-1 negatively regulates human neutrophils

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    Signal inhibitory receptor on leukocytes-1 (SIRL-1) is an inhibitory receptor with a hitherto unknown ligand, and is expressed on human monocytes and neutrophils. SIRL-1 inhibits myeloid effector functions such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. In this study, we identify S100 proteins as SIRL-1 ligands. S100 proteins are composed of two calcium-binding domains. Various S100 proteins are damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) released from damaged cells, after which they initiate inflammation by ligating activating receptors on immune cells. We now show that the inhibitory SIRL-1 recognizes individual calcium-binding domains of all tested S100 proteins. Blocking SIRL-1 on human neutrophils enhanced S100 protein S100A6-induced ROS production, showing that S100A6 suppresses neutrophil ROS production via SIRL-1. Taken together, SIRL-1 is an inhibitory receptor recognizing the S100 protein family of DAMPs. This may help limit tissue damage induced by activated neutrophils

    USP16 is an ISG15 cross-reactive deubiquitinase targeting a subset of metabolic pathway-related proteins

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    The ubiquitin-like modifier ISG15 can modulate host and viral proteins to restrict viral and microbial infections, and act as a cytokine. Its expression and conjugation are strongly up-regulated by type I interferons. Here we identify the deubiquitinating enzyme USP16 as an ISG15 cross-reactive protease. Ubiquitin-specific protease 16 (USP16) was found to react with an ISG15 activity-based probe in pull-down experiments using chronic myeloid leukaemia-derived human cells (HAP1). Supporting this finding, recombinant USP16 cleaved pro-ISG15 and ISG15 iso-peptide linked model substrates in vitro, as well as ISGylated substrates present in cell lysates. Moreover, the interferon-induced stimulation of ISGylation in human HAP1 cells was increased by knockdown or knockout of USP16. Depletion of USP16 did not affect interferon signaling, and interferon treatment did not affect USP16 expression or enzymatic activity either. A USP16-dependent ISG15 interactome was established by anti-ISG15 immunoprecipitation mass spectrometry (IP-MS), which indicated that the deISGylating function of USP16 may regulate metabolic pathways involving GOT1, ALDOA, SOD1 and MDH1, all of which were further confirmed to be deISGylated by USP16 in HEK293T cells. Together, our results indicate that USP16 may contribute to regulating the ISGylation status of a subset of proteins related to metabolism during type I interferon responses

    USP16 is an ISG15 cross-reactive deubiquitinase that targets pro-ISG15 and ISGylated proteins involved in metabolism

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    Interferon-induced ubiquitin (Ub)-like modifier ISG15 covalently modifies host and viral proteins to restrict viral infections. Its function is counteracted by the canonical deISGylase USP18 or Ub-specific protease 18. Notwithstanding indications for the existence of other ISG15 cross-reactive proteases, these remain to be identified. Here, we identify deubiquitinase USP16 as an ISG15 cross-reactive protease by means of ISG15 activity-based profiling. Recombinant USP16 cleaved pro-ISG15 and ISG15 isopeptide-linked model substrates in vitro, as well as ISGylated substrates from cell lysates. Moreover, interferon-induced stimulation of ISGylation was increased by depletion of USP16. The USP16-dependent ISG15 interactome indicated that the deISGylating function of USP16 may regulate metabolic pathways. Targeted enzymes include malate dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase 1, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A, and cytoplasmic glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1. USP16 may thus contribute to the regulation of a subset of metabolism-related proteins during type-I interferon responses