62 research outputs found

    Unraveling the Complexity of Splitting Sequential Data: Tackling Challenges in Video and Time Series Analysis

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    Splitting of sequential data, such as videos and time series, is an essential step in various data analysis tasks, including object tracking and anomaly detection. However, splitting sequential data presents a variety of challenges that can impact the accuracy and reliability of subsequent analyses. This concept article examines the challenges associated with splitting sequential data, including data acquisition, data representation, split ratio selection, setting up quality criteria, and choosing suitable selection strategies. We explore these challenges through two real-world examples: motor test benches and particle tracking in liquids

    Colloidal topological insulators

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    Topological insulators insulate in the bulk but exhibit robust conducting edge states protected by the topology of the bulk material. Here, we design a colloidal topological insulator and demonstrate experimentally the occurrence of edge states in a classical particle system. Magnetic colloidal particles travel along the edge of two distinct magnetic lattices. We drive the colloids with a uniform external magnetic field that performs a topologically non-trivial modulation loop. The loop induces closed orbits in the bulk of the magnetic lattices. At the edge, where both lattices merge, the colloids perform skipping orbits trajectories and hence edge-transport. We also observe paramagnetic and diamagnetic colloids moving in opposite directions along the edge between two inverted patterns; the analogue of a quantum spin Hall effect in topological insulators. We present a new, robust, and versatile way of transporting colloidal particles, enabling new pathways towards lab on a chip applications

    Beleuchtungskörper in der Legehennenhaltung: Einfluss des Lichtspektrums von Beleuchtungskörpern in der Legehennenhaltung

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    Hühner sehen im Vergleich zum Menschen zusätzlich im UV-Bereich. Fehlt dieser im Licht künstlicher Leuchtmittel, beeinträchtigt das die Tiere beim Ausüben ihrer natürlichen Verhaltensweisen und entspricht somit nicht den Anforderungen an eine tiergerechte Beleuchtung. In den Untersuchungen wurde geprüft, ob Leuchtstoffröhren mit einem erhöhten UV-Anteil im Vergleich zu herkömmlicher Stallbeleuchtung einen Effekt auf Leistungsparameter, Tierverluste und das Verhalten von Legehennen haben. In den Ställen mit UV-emittierenden Lampen wurden ein höherer Futter- und Wasserverbrauch, ein geringerer Anteil B-Ware und verlegter Eier sowie leicht erhöhte Tierverluste festgestellt. Keine Unterschiede bestanden in der Legeleistung und im Verhalten

    Evaluation of label incorporated recommender systems : Based on restricted boltzmann machines

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    In this thesis the problem of providing good recommendations to assist users to make the best choice out of numerous options is studied. To overcome the common problem of sparsity of the data, from which recommendations are inferred, additional label information assigned to items is considered. Based on a literature survey approaches that have proven to perform well were identified and combined into a single Framework. The proposed framework is based on the third-order Restricted Boltzmann machine which enables to incorporate label information as well as traditional rating information into a single model. The framework also implements the global-approach of collaborative filtering, where the user- and item-based approaches are both considered to improve the performance of the model. The proposed framework is implemented and evaluated using an experiment measuring the prediction error on test samples. The results obtained from the conducted experiments did not confirm the assumptions made about the improve of the models accuracy, when incorporating the additional label information. Reasons for this are identified and discussed

    Radiographic assessment in Perthes disease. Hip development and evaluation of prognostic factors

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    Calvé-Legg-Perthes er en hoftesykdom som skyldes et fullstendig eller delvis opphør av blodtilførselen til lårbenshodet. Årsaken er ukjent. Sykdommen er mest vanlig i 5-6 års alderen. I de aktive stadiene av sykdommen gjennomgår hoften ombygninsprosesser som gir enringer av hoftens anatomi. Tiden fra diagnose til tilheling kan ta flere år. Hofteleddets endelige form kan variere fra tilnærmet normal leddkonfigurasjon til uttalte forandringer i form av et stort ovalt eller flatt leddhode og en deform og grunn hofteskål. Et slikt deformert hofteledd kan disponere for slitasje i tidlig voksen alder. I sin avhandling Radiographic assessment in Perthes disease - Hip development and evaluation of prognostic factors har Stefan Huhnstock og medarbeidere undersøkt hoftens radiologiske utvikling fra diagnose til tilheling. Hovedfokus ble lagt på hofteskålens forandring, forløp av dobbeltsidig hoftesykdom og evaluering av prognostiske radiologiske faktorer som kan påvirke langtidsprognosen. Hoftenskålen blir videre og grunnere umiddelbart ved sykdoms debut. Videre avrundes hofteskålens ytterste begrensing og dysplasien er mest utalt 1 år etter diagnose . Hofteskålens form bedres igjen fram til tilheling. Hoftenskålens evne for å kunne tilpasse seg til et lårbenshode som blir større i omfanget viste seg til å være gunstig for hoftens endelige form. Ved dobbeltsidig Calvé-Legg-Perthes sykdom fikk halvparten av pasientene sykdommen i begge hoftene samtidig, mens sykdommen rammet hoftene med et tidsintervall hos resten. Langtidsoppfølgning viste at hoftens endelig form ble dårligere når hoftene ikke ble syke samtidig. I litteraturen er det bred enighet om at omfanget av hoftekulens initiale nekrose er av stor prognostisk betydning for hoftens endelige form. Det er etablert en rekke klassifikasjoner som kategoriserer tidlige radiologiske forandringer som følge av nekrosen. 3-gruppe klassifikasjonen viste seg for å være mest pålitelig og med høyst prognostisk verdi sammenlignet med 4-gruppe- klassifikasjonene

    Eine qualitative Studie zum zukünftigen Aufgabengebiet von Beschäftigten in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

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    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit besteht darin zu untersuchen, wie sich das heutige Aufgabengebiet eines Beschäftigten in einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek gestaltet und wie es sich in Zukunft weiter entwickeln wird. Es wird hierbei keine genaue Aufteilung des Aufgabengebietes geben, da die Entwicklung der Bibliotheken noch nicht abgeschlossen ist (Drechsel 2016, S. 113). Vielmehr werden Empfehlungen für die Zukunft aufgezeigt, die sich aus den Ergebnissen der durchgeführten Experteninterviews und der aktuellen Fachliteratur zusammensetzten. Die Ergebnisse richten sich vor allem an die in dem Beruf Arbeitenden und an Ausbildungsstätten in wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen

    Analysis of near-substrate magnetic particle transport for Lab-on-a-chip applications: stray field modulations, influence of particle properties and three-dimensional trajectories

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    Deutscher Titel: Analyse des substratnahen Transports magnetischer Partikel für Lab-on-a-Chip Anwendungen: Modulationen des Streufeldes, Einfluss der Partikeleigenschaften und dreidimensionale Trajektorie