73 research outputs found


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    Facial expressions and factual lies : beliefs and expressions produced during a lie with a cognitive overload

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    Deux facteurs permettent d’augmenter la performance de dĂ©tection du mensonge : (a)identifier les croyances erronĂ©es et lutter contre elles et (b) accroĂźtre les diffĂ©rences decomportements entre les menteurs et les personnes qui disent la vĂ©ritĂ©. Ce travail de thĂšse aĂ©tudiĂ© ces facteurs en lien avec les expressions faciales du mensonge. Pour ce faire, nous avonsinvestiguĂ© les croyances via l’utilisation d’un questionnaire photographique et utilisĂ© un rĂ©citantĂ©chronologique (narration Ă  rebours) pour amplifier les diffĂ©rences de comportements(approche de la charge cognitive).Notre dĂ©marche expĂ©rimentale a questionnĂ© : (a) Les croyances les plus prĂ©gnantesrelatives aux expressions faciales du mensonge. (b) L’influence de l’expĂ©rience professionnelle,de l’enjeu du mensonge (grave ou anodin) et du comportement mensonger Ă©valuĂ© (le sien oucelui d’autrui). (c) La pertinence de l’intensitĂ© des expressions faciales pour dĂ©celer lesmensonges lors d’un rĂ©cit antĂ©chronologique.L’ensemble de nos rĂ©sultats ont mis au jour de nombreuses nouvelles croyances. Septd’entre elles Ă©taient trĂšs partagĂ©es par les individus et cohĂ©rentes avec la vision stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ©e dumenteur. L’expĂ©rience professionnelle, l’enjeu du mensonge et le comportement mensongerĂ©valuĂ© ont peu modifiĂ© les croyances. Le rĂ©cit antĂ©chronologique a amplifiĂ© les diffĂ©rences entrementeurs et sincĂšres ; et l’intensitĂ© des mouvements faciaux a Ă©tĂ© une mesure pertinente pourdĂ©celer le mensonge. L’application de nos travaux est discutĂ©e.Two factors increase the lie detection performance: (a) identify and decrease false beliefsand (b) increase behavioral differences between liars and truth-tellers. These factors were studiedin relation to facial expressions of deception in this doctoral dissertation.The present work questioned (a) The most important beliefs about facial expressions ofdeception throught the use of a photographic questionnaire (b) The influence of professionalexperience, stakes of lie (serious or trivial) and the lying behavior evaluated (his own or that ofothers) (c) The relevance of facial expressions’ intensity to detect lies in an reverse orderinstruction which was used to magnify behavioral differences (cognitive load approach).Our results highlighted many new beliefs. Seven of them were very shared by people andconsistent with the stereotypical view of the liar. Beliefs were little infuenced by professionalexperience, the stakes of lie and the evaluated behavior. The reverse order instruction amplifieddifferences between liars and truth-tellers; and the intensity of facial movements was a relevantmeasure for detecting deception. Application of our research is discussed

    La communication non verbale dans les médias télévisuels

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    International audienceFor at least a decade, television media have promoted misconceptions about gestures and facial expressions : crime shows suggest that legal professionals can analyze nonverbal communications to distinguish truth from lies, while individuals identified, explicitly or not, as “body language experts” are employed on television shows to “decipher” the non-verbal expressions of public figures. What sort of information is conveyed by such “decipherings” and how, in practice, is it detrimental to the proper administration of justice ? To answer this question, we carefully analyzed the “deciphering” of Aaron Hernandez that took place during his trial. The results of our analysis show how the prosecutor (a) implicitly translated Hernandez’s nonverbal behaviors into speech, thereby forcing viewers to reshape their understanding of the case in light of what she suggested, and (b) indirectly promoted misconceptions about nonverbal communication that could have distorted the way judges and jurors assessed the evidence. The results are discussed in light of the scientific literature on nonverbal communication and detecting deception.Desde hace por lo menos 10 años, los medios televisivos promocionan ideas recibidas sobre los gestos y las expresiones faciales. Series policivas presentan el anĂĄlisis de la comunicaciĂłn no verbal como un Ăștil que le permitirĂ­a a los profesionales de la justicia diferenciar eficazmente la verdad de las mentiras. AdemĂĄs, los profesionales en intervenciĂłn, presentados explĂ­citamente, o no, como « expertos en lenguaje personal », proponen « descifrados » de lo no verbal de personalidades pĂșblicas. Sin embargo, ÂżcuĂĄl es la naturaleza de la informaciĂłn vehiculada por tales « descifrados », y, cĂłmo, en la prĂĄctica, pueden afectar la buena administraciĂłn de la justicia ? Para responder a esta pregunta, analizamos de forma minuciosa y profunda un « descifrado » de Aaron Hernandez durante su proceso. Los resultados de nuestro anĂĄlisis muestran cĂłmo la profesional de intervenciĂłn (a) hace hablar implĂ­citamente los comportamientos no verbales de HernĂĄndez, obligando entonces a los tele-espectadores a reconstruir lo que hace entender, y (b) hace indirectamente la promociĂłn de ideas recibidas sobre la comunicaciĂłn no verbal que pueden distorsionar la apreciaciĂłn de la prueba por los jueces y los jurados. Los resultados son discutidos con la ayuda de la literatura cientĂ­fica sobre la comunicaciĂłn no verbal y la detecciĂłn de mentiras.Depuis au moins une dizaine d’annĂ©es, les mĂ©dias tĂ©lĂ©visuels font la promotion d’idĂ©es reçues sur les gestes et les expressions faciales. Des sĂ©ries policiĂšres prĂ©sentent l’analyse de la communication non verbale comme un outil qui, pour les professionnels de la justice, permettrait de distinguer efficacement la vĂ©ritĂ© des mensonges. De plus, des intervenants, prĂ©sentĂ©s explicitement ou non comme des body language experts , proposent des « dĂ©cryptages » du non-verbal de personnalitĂ©s publiques. Toutefois, quelle est la nature de l’information vĂ©hiculĂ©e par de tels « dĂ©cryptages » et comment, en pratique, peuvent-ils nuire Ă  la bonne administration de la justice ? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, nous avons analysĂ© de façon minutieuse et approfondie un « dĂ©cryptage » d’Aaron Hernandez lors de son procĂšs. Les rĂ©sultats de notre analyse montrent comment l’intervenante (a) fait parler implicitement les comportements non verbaux d’Hernandez, obligeant alors les tĂ©lĂ©spectateurs Ă  reconstruire ce qu’elle laisse entendre, et (b) fait indirectement la promotion d’idĂ©es reçues sur la communication non verbale qui peuvent fausser l’apprĂ©ciation de la preuve par les juges et les jurĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s Ă  l’aide de la littĂ©rature scientifique sur la communication non verbale et la dĂ©tection du mensonge

    La communication non verbale dans les mĂ©dias tĂ©lĂ©visuels : Un regard critique sur un « dĂ©cryptage » d’Aaron Hernandez lors de son procĂšs

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    Depuis au moins une dizaine d’annĂ©es, les mĂ©dias tĂ©lĂ©visuels font la promotion d’idĂ©es reçues sur les gestes et les expressions faciales. Des sĂ©ries policiĂšres prĂ©sentent l’analyse de la communication non verbale comme un outil qui, pour les professionnels de la justice, permettrait de distinguer efficacement la vĂ©ritĂ© des mensonges. De plus, des intervenants, prĂ©sentĂ©s explicitement ou non comme des body language experts, proposent des « dĂ©cryptages » du non-verbal de personnalitĂ©s publiques. Toutefois, quelle est la nature de l’information vĂ©hiculĂ©e par de tels « dĂ©cryptages » et comment, en pratique, peuvent-ils nuire Ă  la bonne administration de la justice ? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, nous avons analysĂ© de façon minutieuse et approfondie un « dĂ©cryptage » d’Aaron Hernandez lors de son procĂšs. Les rĂ©sultats de notre analyse montrent comment l’intervenante (a) fait parler implicitement les comportements non verbaux d’Hernandez, obligeant alors les tĂ©lĂ©spectateurs Ă  reconstruire ce qu’elle laisse entendre, et (b) fait indirectement la promotion d’idĂ©es reçues sur la communication non verbale qui peuvent fausser l’apprĂ©ciation de la preuve par les juges et les jurĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s Ă  l’aide de la littĂ©rature scientifique sur la communication non verbale et la dĂ©tection du mensonge.For at least a decade, television media have promoted misconceptions about gestures and facial expressions : crime shows suggest that legal professionals can analyze nonverbal communications to distinguish truth from lies, while individuals identified, explicitly or not, as “body language experts” are employed on television shows to “decipher” the non-verbal expressions of public figures. What sort of information is conveyed by such “decipherings” and how, in practice, is it detrimental to the proper administration of justice ? To answer this question, we carefully analyzed the “deciphering” of Aaron Hernandez that took place during his trial. The results of our analysis show how the prosecutor (a) implicitly translated Hernandez’s nonverbal behaviors into speech, thereby forcing viewers to reshape their understanding of the case in light of what she suggested, and (b) indirectly promoted misconceptions about nonverbal communication that could have distorted the way judges and jurors assessed the evidence. The results are discussed in light of the scientific literature on nonverbal communication and detecting deception.Desde hace por lo menos 10 años, los medios televisivos promocionan ideas recibidas sobre los gestos y las expresiones faciales. Series policivas presentan el anĂĄlisis de la comunicaciĂłn no verbal como un Ăștil que le permitirĂ­a a los profesionales de la justicia diferenciar eficazmente la verdad de las mentiras. AdemĂĄs, los profesionales en intervenciĂłn, presentados explĂ­citamente, o no, como « expertos en lenguaje personal », proponen « descifrados » de lo no verbal de personalidades pĂșblicas. Sin embargo, ÂżcuĂĄl es la naturaleza de la informaciĂłn vehiculada por tales « descifrados », y, cĂłmo, en la prĂĄctica, pueden afectar la buena administraciĂłn de la justicia ? Para responder a esta pregunta, analizamos de forma minuciosa y profunda un « descifrado » de Aaron Hernandez durante su proceso. Los resultados de nuestro anĂĄlisis muestran cĂłmo la profesional de intervenciĂłn (a) hace hablar implĂ­citamente los comportamientos no verbales de HernĂĄndez, obligando entonces a los tele-espectadores a reconstruir lo que hace entender, y (b) hace indirectamente la promociĂłn de ideas recibidas sobre la comunicaciĂłn no verbal que pueden distorsionar la apreciaciĂłn de la prueba por los jueces y los jurados. Los resultados son discutidos con la ayuda de la literatura cientĂ­fica sobre la comunicaciĂłn no verbal y la detecciĂłn de mentiras

    Dracaena draco sp draco

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The Verifiability Approach: A Meta-Analysis of Published Studies and a Test of a Decline Effect

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    Liars are caught in a paradox: they want to provide details to be credible but not so many they could be discovered being untruthful. The verifiability approach assumes that liars include fewer verifiable details, more unverifiable details (or a similar amount), and a lower proportion of verifiable details than truth-tellers. This meta-analysis included 17 published studies, resulting in an overall medium veracity effect for the number (gu = 0.64, gu = 0.55 without outlier) and the proportion of verifiable details (gu = 0.66). No veracity effect was found for the unverifiable details. The type of lie, the use of an information protocol, and the type of statement moderated the veracity effect on the verifiability approach. No effect was found for motivation. A decline effect only appeared for the number of verifiable details. Recommendations for future studies and field applications are discussed

    Stimulation of bacterial exoproteolytic activity by fish farming in coastal marine ponds: effect on dissolved protein cycling

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    The effect of fish farming on dissolved amino acid concentrations, bacterioplankton abundance and exoproteolytic activity was assessed in 3 experimental marine ponds. Different standing stocks of fish were introduced (semi-intensive pond: 250 g.m−2, semi-extensive pond: 50 g.m−2, control pond: 0). Sea bass farming increased dissolved combined amino acid (DCAA) concentrations only in the semi-intensive pond. Bacterial standing stock was unaffected by fish food supply. However, bacterial exoproteolytic activity was strongly stimulated by aquaculture intensification; the average maximal rate of dissolved protein hydrolysis (Vm) increased with intensity (control pond: 1 500 nM.h-1; semi-extensive pond: 2 600 nM.h−1; semi-intensive pond: 5 100 nM.h−1). DCAA fluxes through bacterial exoproteolytic activity ranged between 16 (semi-extensive) and 11% (semi-intensive) of the daily nitrogen input by fish food. Bacterial exoproteolytic activity allowed a substantial part of the increased supply of dissolved amino nitrogen to be incorporated into bacterial biomass, then available for transfer to higher trophic levels within the ponds. It also significantly decreased dissolved organic nitrogen export from the ponds to the surrounding environment

    Do you Know this Celebrity? Eye Tracking in a Concealed Information Test with Famous Faces

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    International audienceThe concealed information test (CIT) aims at identifying knowledge that a person wants to hide, by measuring physiological indices during the presentation of known vs. unknown items. Lancry-Dayan et al. (2018) incorporated a short-term memory task into this test, using photos of relatives. In a first experiment (N=45), we replicated Lancry-Dayan et al.’s (2018) study using photos of famous faces. A gaze orientation reflex towards familiar faces was first observed, followed by avoidance of these faces. No difference was found between participants asked to perform the memory task only, participants asked to conceal their familiarity with the famous faces, and a countermeasure group. In a second experiment (N=30), we tested the robustness of Lancry-Dayan et al.'s countermeasure. We modified the instructions by emphasizing the oculomotor task or giving feedback. Between-group differences in gaze patterns appeared in this experiment, revealing strengths and limitations of this new CIT protocol
