3,949 research outputs found

    Plant and Insect Fossils from the Mayo Indian Village Section (Central Yukon): New Data on Middle Wisconsinan Environments and Glaciation

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    The Mayo Indian Village Section in central Yukon contains the Mayo Till, representing the Wisconsinan McConnell Glaciation, underlain by fluvial sediments with rare detrital organics. Previous 14C dates from the till or underlying sediments have failed to adequately define the age of the McConnell Glaciation. A new accelerator date (29.6 ka BP) on seeds of Corispermum hyssopifolium from subtill deposits shows that the McConnell Glaciation is probably Late Wisconsinan in age and that it correlates with the Kluane Glaciation (Kluane Lake area), McCauley Glaciation (Snag-Klutlan region) and the glaciation represented by « Till D » at the Tom Creek Section (Liard Plain). This conclusion and a new date on Old Crow tephra mean that the Reid, Mirror Creek and possibly Shakwak glaciations are of lllinoian age. Plant fossils (pollen and seeds) and insect fossils from detrital organics associated with the 29.6 ka BP date portray an essentially treeless environment. Even though typical low arctic plants such as heaths, shrub birch and alder are rare to absent, both pollen and macro-fossils suggest a climate no colder than present low arctic tundra, although, it was probably drier. Spruce may have survived in the region, but only as small groves rather than as a riparian forest.La coupe du village indien de Mayo renferme le Till de Mayo, témoin de la Glaciation de McConnell datant du Wisconsinien, sous lequel se trouvent des sédiments fluviatiles comprenant des matériaux organodétritiques rares. Les datations au 14C du till et des sédiments sous-jacents obtenues antérieurement n'avaient pas permis de dater avec précision l'âge de la Glaciation de McConnell. La nouvelle date de 29,6 ka obtenue par accélérateur sur des graines de Corispermum hyssopifolium provenant des dépôts sous-jacents au till indique que la Glaciation de McConnell date probablement du Wisconsinien supérieur et qu'elle correspond aux glaciations de Kluane (Kluane Lake) et de McCauley (région de Snag-Klutan) et à la glaciation représentée par le "Till D" dans la coupe de Tom Creek (Liard Plain). À partir de cette conclusion et grâce à une nouvelle datation sur le tephra de Old Crow, on peut croire que les glaciations de Reid, de Mirror Creek et probablement de Shakwak sont d'âge illinoien. Les fossiles de végétaux (pollen et graines) et d'insectes trouvés dans les sédiments organodétritiques associés à la date de 29.6 ka BP témoignent d'un milieu en grande partie dépourvu d'arbres. Même si les végétaux caractéristiques du bas Arctique comme les Éricacées, l'aulne et le bouleau arbustif sont rares ou absents, le pollen et les macrofossiles laissent entrevoir un climat qui n'était pas plus froid que le climat actuel de la toundra du bas Arctique, mais probablement plus sec. Les épinettes ont peut-être survécu dans la région mais seulement sous forme de bosquets et non de forêt riparienne.Das Profil aus dem indianischen Dorf Mayo, Zentral-Yukon, enthàlt das Till von Mayo, das die McConnell-Vereisung im Wiskonsinium bezeugt und unter dem sich Flusssedimente mit seltenem organischem Erosionsmaterial befinden. Frùhere 14C-Daten von dem Till oder darunter liegenden Sedimenten fùhrten nicht zu einer adâquaten Bestimmung des Alters der McConnell-Vereisung. Ein neues, mit Hilfe eines Beschleunigers auf Samen von Corispermum hyssopifolium in den Ablagerungen unter dem Till gefundenes Datum (29.6 ka v.u.Z.) zeigt, dass die McConnell-Vereisung môglicherweise im spàten Wiskonsinium stattfand und mit den Vereisungen von Kluane (Kluane-See-Gebiet), McCauley (Snag-Klutlan-Gebiet) und dem durch das "Till D" reprasentierten Profil von Tom Creek (Liard Plain) korreliert. Dièse Folgerung und ein neues Datum auf dem Tephra von Old Crow bedeuten, dass die Vereisungen von Reid, Mirror Creek und môglicherweise Shakwak dem lllinoium zugeordnet werden kônnen. Pflanzenfossile (Pollen und Samen) und Insektenfossile aus organischem Erosionsmaterial, das mit dem 29.6 ka v.u.Z. Datum in Verbindung gebracht wird. zeichnen eine im wesentlichen baumlose Umwelt. Auch wenn typische Pflanzen der unteren Arktis wie Heidekraut, Buschbirke und Erie selten bis nicht vorhanden sind. belegen sowohl Pollen wie Makrofossile ein Klima, das nicht kâlter war als das gegenwàrtig in der Tundra der unteren Arktis herrschende, wenn auch môglicherweise trockener. Fichten haben wohl in dem Gebiet uberlebt aber nur in kleinen Wàldchen und nicht als Uferwald

    The Last Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Southern Yukon Territory

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    The Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Yukon radiated from ice-divides in the Selwyn, PeIIy1 Cassiar, and eastern Coast Mountains and was contiguous with a piedmond glacier complex from the St. Elias Mountains. Expansion of glaciers in divide areas could have been underway by 29 ka BP but these did not merge to form the ice sheet until after 24 ka BP. The firn line fell to approximately 1500 m at the climax of McConnell Glaciation. Flow within the ice sheet was more analogous to a complex of merged valley glaciers than to that of extant ice sheets: topographic relief was typically equal to or exceeded ice thickness, and strongly influenced ice flow. Surface gradients on the ice sheet were fractions of a degree. Steeper ice-surface gradients occurred locally along the digitate ice margin. Retreat from the terminal moraine was initially gradual as indicated by recessional moraines within a few tens of kilometres of the terminal moraine. Small magnitude readvances occurred locally. The ice sheet eventually disappeared through regional stagnation and downwasting in response to a rise in the firn line to above the surface of the ice sheet. Regional déglaciation was complete prior to approximately 10 ka BP.L'Inlandsis de la Cordillère a progressé dans le Yukon à partir des lignes de partage des glaces des monts Selwyn, PeIIy et Cassiar et de l'est de la chaîne Côtière; il était contigu à un glacier de piémont complexe en provenance des monts St. Elias. Les glaciers ont pu se développer dans les régions de partage des glaces à partir de 29 ka BP, mais ils ne se sont fusionnés pour former un inlandsis qu'à partir de 24 ka BP. À l'optimum de la Glaciation de McConnell, la ligne de névé s'est abaissée à environ 1500 m. L'écoulement à l'intérieur de l'inlandsis ressemblait davantage à celui d'un complexe de glaciers de vallées coalescents qu'à celui des inlandsis actuels: le relief rejoignait l'épaisseur de glace ou la dépassait et influençait grandement l'écoulement glaciaire. Sur l'inlandsis, les gradients du profil topographique se mesuraient en fractions de degrés, mais le long de la marge digitée, les gradients étaient par endroits plus prononcés. Le retrait à partir de la moraine frontale a au départ été graduel comme l'indiquent les moraines de retrait à quelques dizaines de kilomètres de la moraine frontale. Il y eut localement quelques récurrences mineures. L'inlandsis disparut avec le temps par stagnation à une échelle régionale et fonte en réponse à une hausse de la ligne de névé au-dessus de la surface de l'inlandsis. À l'échelle régionale, la déglaciation était terminée avant 10kaBP environ.Die Kordilleren-Eisdecke in Yukon breitete sich strahlenfôrmig von den Eisscheiden der Seywyn-, Pelley- und Cassiar-Berge und den ôstlichen Kùstenbergen aus und grenzte an einen Vorlandgletscher von den St. Elias-Bergen. Die Ausdehnung der Gletscher in den Eisscheiden-Gebieten kônnte schon um 29 ka v.u.Z. eingesetzt haben; doch sind sie erst nach 24 ka v.u.Z. zu der Eisdecke verschmolzen. Die Firn-Linie sank auf etwa 1500m wâhrend des Hôhepunkts der McConnell-Vereisung. Das Fliessen innerhalb der Eisdecke entsprach mehr einer Einheit verschmolzener Talgletscher als dem der noch vorhandenen Eisdecke: das topographische relief stimmt in beispielhafter Weise mit der Dicke des Eises ùberein, oder ùbertraf dièse und beeinflusste sehr stark die Eisstrômung. Auf der Oberflàche der Eisdecke betrug das Gefàlle nur Bruchteile eines Grads. Steilere Eisoberflàchengefàlle gab es ôrtlich entlang des fingerfôrmigen Eisrands. Der Rùckzug von der Endmoràne geschah anfangs graduell, was aus den einige 10 km von der Endmoràne entfernten Rùckzugsmorànen hervogeht. Ôrtlich gab es einige kleinere Rùckvorstôsse. Die Eisdecke verschwand schliesslich durch régionale Stagnation und Abzehrung infolge eines Anhubs der Firnlinie ùber die Oberflàche der Eisdecke hinaus. Die régionale Enteisung war vor etwa 10 ka v.u.Z. vollendet

    Two populations of transition discs?

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    We examine the distribution of transition discs as a function of mm flux. We confirm that as expected in any model in which most primordial discs turn into transition discs and in which mm flux declines with time, transition discs have lower mm fluxes on average than primordial discs. However, we find that the incidence of transition discs does not, as expected, fall monotonically towards large mm fluxes and we investigate the hypothesis that these mm bright transition discs may have a distinct physical origin. We find that mm bright transition discs occupy a separate region of parameter space. Transition discs in the bright mm sub-sample have systematically higher accretion rates and inner hole radii than those in the faint mm sub-sample, along with being systematically weighted to earlier spectral types.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted version: mnras letter

    The imprint of photoevaporation on edge-on discs

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    We have performed hydrodynamic and radiative transfer calculations of a photoevaporating disc around a Herbig Ae/Be star to determine the evolution and observational impact of dust entrained in the wind. We find that the wind selectively entrains grains of different sizes at different radii resulting in a dust population that varies spatially and increases with height above the disc at radii > 10 AU. This variable grain population results in a 'wingnut' morphology to the dust density distribution. We calculate images of this dust distribution at NIR wavelengths that also show a wingnut morphology at all wavelengths considered. We have also considered the contribution that crystalline dust grains will have in the wind and show that a photoevaporative wind can result in a significant crystallinity fraction at all radii, when the disc is edge-on. However, when the disc's photosphere is unobscured, a photoevaporative wind makes no contribution to the observable crystallinity fraction in the disc. Finally, we conclude that the analysis of extended emission around edge-on discs could provide a new and independent method of testing photoevaporation models.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    ChemE car

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    With gas prices rising every day, scientists and engineers are looking to alternative fuel sources to power our vehicles. One project specifically designed to help collegiate engineers work toward an energy solution is the American Institute of Chemical Engineers ChemE Car competition. This competition requires that students build a model car that is powered by an alternative fuel source to gasoline. For the Clemson ChemE Car team, we are building a car that is powered by a silver oxide - zinc battery. Additionally, our stopping mechanism is an iodine clock, in which a delayed light sensor stops the car once the iodine reaction darkens. We will be testing our car at the Southern regional conference in Puerto Rico over Spring Break, and we will present our competition results

    Advanced once-through flow cell methodology for evaluation of a new staged inhibition concept to mitigate corrosion of carbon steel in high-strength hydrochloric acid flow

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    A new staged acid corrosion inhibition (ACI) concept, utilising polymerisable ACIs, has been developed to minimise the corrosion of coiled tubing and wellbore casing materials during matrix acidizing operations. The concept has been evaluated using a customised once-through flow cell and 4 molar hydrochloric acid at 80 °C. A high quality, protective inhibitor film is established using an elevated ACI concentration during the test period 0–1 h (Stage 1), followed by a significantly reduced ACI concentration during the period 1–4 h (Stage 2). This approach is able to maintain good film persistency and acceptably low corrosion rates

    The relationship of isometric strength to peak dynamic hand forces during submaximal weight lifting

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    Reports have indicated that approximately one third of the US workforce is presently required to exert significant strength as part of their jobs. In addressing the prevention of these types of injuries, the assessment of muscular strength can provide a method of predicting whether a person is capable of performing the job without incurring injury. Currently, isometric strength assessments are often used to assist in predicting the capability to safely perform a lifting task. However, given the dynamic nature of work activities, isometric values may be limited, particularly if the load is well below a person's strength capability. Thus, it is of interest to evaluate the relationship between isometric strength values and peak dynamic hand forces under varied submaximal loading. It is shown in this study that the peak hand forces, exhibited while dynamically lifting different submaximal loads, are not highly correlated with a person's isometric lifting strength in similar postures. It is also shown that for very light load lifting, the peak accelerations approached 2.5 g's, further supporting the need to limit such lifting from floor level by using ergonomic interventions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30255/1/0000651.pd

    Observational Limit on Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron Stars in the Galaxy

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    Using optimal matched filtering, we search 25 hours of data from the LIGO 40-meter prototype laser interferometric gravitational-wave detector for gravitational-wave chirps emitted by coalescing binary systems within our Galaxy. This is the first test of this filtering technique on real interferometric data. An upper limit on the rate R of neutron star binary inspirals in our Galaxy is obtained: with 90% confidence, R< 0.5/hour. Similar experiments with LIGO interferometers will provide constraints on the population of tight binary neutron star systems in the Universe.Comment: RevTeX, minor revisions, exactly as published in PRL 83 (1999) p1498, 4 pages, 2 figures include

    A proposal for using benefit-risk methods to improve the prominence of adverse event results when reporting trials

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    Adverse events suffer from poor reporting within randomised controlled trials, despite them being crucial to the evaluation of a treatment. A recent update to the CONSORT harms checklist aims to improve reporting by providing structure and consistency to the information presented. We propose an extension wherein harms would be reported in conjunction with effectiveness outcome(s) rather than in silo to provide a more complete picture of the evidence acquired within a trial. Benefit-risk methods are designed to simultaneously consider both benefits and risks, and therefore, we believe these methods could be implemented to improve the prominence of adverse events when reporting trials. The aim of this article is to use case studies to demonstrate the practical utility of benefit-risk methods to present adverse events results alongside effectiveness results. Two randomised controlled trials have been selected as case studies, the Option-DM trial and the SANAD II trial. Using a previous review, a shortlist of 17 benefit-risk methods which could potentially be used for reporting RCTs was created. From this shortlist, three benefit-risk methods are applied across the two case studies. We selected these methods for their usefulness to achieve the aim of this paper and which are commonly used in the literature. The methods selected were the Benefit-Risk Action Team (BRAT) Framework, net clinical benefit (NCB), and the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) 3 Ă— 3 table. Results using the benefit-risk method added further context and detail to the clinical summaries made from the trials. In the case of the SANAD II trial, the clinicians concluded that despite the primary outcome being improved by the treatment, the increase in adverse events negated the improvement and the treatment was therefore not recommended. The benefit-risk methods applied to this case study outlined the data that this decision was based on in a clear and transparent way. Using benefit-risk methods to report the results of trials can increase the prominence of adverse event results by presenting them alongside the primary efficacy/effectiveness outcomes. This ensures that all the factors which would be used to determine whether a treatment would be recommended are transparent to the reader
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