3,002 research outputs found

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    Role of interface coupling inhomogeneity in domain evolution in exchange bias

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    Models of exchange-bias in thin films have been able to describe various aspects of this technologically relevant effect. Through appropriate choices of free parameters the modelled hysteresis loops adequately match experiment, and typical domain structures can be simulated. However, the use of these parameters, notably the coupling strength between the systems' ferromagnetic (F) and antiferromagnetic (AF) layers, obscures conclusions about their influence on the magnetization reversal processes. Here we develop a 2D phase-field model of the magnetization process in exchange-biased CoO/(Co/Pt)xn that incorporates the 10 nm-resolved measured local biasing characteristics of the antiferromagnet. Just three interrelated parameters set to measured physical quantities of the ferromagnet and the measured density of uncompensated spins thus suffice to match the experiment in microscopic and macroscopic detail. We use the model to study changes in bias and coercivity caused by different distributions of pinned uncompensated spins of the antiferromagnet, in application-relevant situations where domain wall motion dominates the ferromagnetic reversal. We show the excess coercivity can arise solely from inhomogeneity in the density of biasing- and anti-biasing pinned uncompensated spins in the antiferromagnet. Counter to conventional wisdom, irreversible processes in the latter are not essential

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of a Gravity Settler for Algae Dewatering

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    Algae are the future of lipid sources for biodiesel production. Algae can produce more biodiesel than soybean and canola oil and can be grown in more diverse locations. Algae concentrations are naturally around 0.1 by weight. Enough water must be removed for the algae level to reach 5 , the minimum concentration in which lipids can be used in the transesterification process for biofuel production is 5 . Current dewatering methods involve the use of settling tanks and centrifugation. The costs of centrifugation limit the commercial viability of algae based biodiesel. A novel inclined gravity settler design at Cleveland State University is analyzed in this project. A major difference between this and a traditional gravity settler is that the inlet of this gravity settler is at the top, whereas traditional gravity settlers have inlets at the bottom. A computational fluid dynamics model for the system has been developed to allow tie simulations of fluid flow and particle trajectories over time. These simulations determine the optimal conditions for algae dewatering. Results show that the concentration increase of algae is largely dependent on the settler\u27s angle of inclination, inlet flow rate, and the split ratio of water between the overflow (predominantly water) and underflow (concentrated algae) outlets. A 50-fold concentration increase requires multiple settlers set up in series. A two- or three-settler design is sufficient to increase algae concentration the desired leve

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of a Gravity Settler for Algae Dewatering

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    Algae are the future of lipid sources for biodiesel production. Algae can produce more biodiesel than soybean and canola oil and can be grown in more diverse locations. Algae concentrations are naturally around 0.1 by weight. Enough water must be removed for the algae level to reach 5 , the minimum concentration in which lipids can be used in the transesterification process for biofuel production is 5 . Current dewatering methods involve the use of settling tanks and centrifugation. The costs of centrifugation limit the commercial viability of algae based biodiesel. A novel inclined gravity settler design at Cleveland State University is analyzed in this project. A major difference between this and a traditional gravity settler is that the inlet of this gravity settler is at the top, whereas traditional gravity settlers have inlets at the bottom. A computational fluid dynamics model for the system has been developed to allow tie simulations of fluid flow and particle trajectories over time. These simulations determine the optimal conditions for algae dewatering. Results show that the concentration increase of algae is largely dependent on the settler\u27s angle of inclination, inlet flow rate, and the split ratio of water between the overflow (predominantly water) and underflow (concentrated algae) outlets. A 50-fold concentration increase requires multiple settlers set up in series. A two- or three-settler design is sufficient to increase algae concentration the desired leve

    Halbach arrays at the nanoscale from chiral spin textures

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    Mallinson's idea that some spin textures in planar magnetic structures could produce an enhancement of the magnetic flux on one side of the plane at the expense of the other gave rise to permanent magnet configurations known as Halbach magnet arrays. Applications range from wiggler magnets in particle accelerators and free electron lasers, to motors, to magnetic levitation trains, but exploiting Halbach arrays in micro- or nanoscale spintronics devices requires solving the problem of fabrication and field metrology below 100 {\mu}m size. In this work we show that a Halbach configuration of moments can be obtained over areas as small as 1 x 1 {\mu}m^2 in sputtered thin films with N\'eel-type domain walls of unique domain wall chirality, and we measure their stray field at a controlled probe-sample distance of 12.0 x 0.5 nm. Because here chirality is determined by the interfacial Dyzaloshinkii-Moriya interaction the field attenuation and amplification is an intrinsic property of this film, allowing for flexibility of design based on an appropriate definition of magnetic domains. 100 nm-wide skyrmions illustrate the smallest kind of such structures, for which our measurement of stray magnetic fields and mapping of the spin structure shows they funnel the field toward one specific side of the film given by the sign of the Dyzaloshinkii-Moriya interaction parameter D.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Nosokomiale Harnwegsinfektionen des Erwachsenen

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Harnwegsinfektion ist die häufigste Infektion des Erwachsenen im Spital. Sie ist meistens mit dem Tragen von Harnwegskathetern assoziiert. Entscheidend sind daher die richtige Indikationsstellung für die Kathetereinlage, die frühzeitige Wiederentfernung des Katheters sowie die korrekte Diagnosestellung zur Vermeidung unnötiger antibiotischer Behandlungen. Die therapeutischen Überlegungen sollten die Komorbiditäten und potenzielle Behinderungen des Urinabflusses mit einschließen. In der Behandlung stehen Chinolone, Breitspektrumpenizilline und Cephalosporine der 3.Generation im Vordergrund. Bei den ökonomischen Überlegungen sollte v.a. der höhere Preis von i.v.-Antibiotika im Vergleich zu per os mit einfließe