92 research outputs found

    Automatic speech recognition research at NASA-Ames Research Center

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    A trainable acoustic pattern recognizer manufactured by Scope Electronics is presented. The voice command system VCS encodes speech by sampling 16 bandpass filters with center frequencies in the range from 200 to 5000 Hz. Variations in speaking rate are compensated for by a compression algorithm that subdivides each utterance into eight subintervals in such a way that the amount of spectral change within each subinterval is the same. The recorded filter values within each subinterval are then reduced to a 15-bit representation, giving a 120-bit encoding for each utterance. The VCS incorporates a simple recognition algorithm that utilizes five training samples of each word in a vocabulary of up to 24 words. The recognition rate of approximately 85 percent correct for untrained speakers and 94 percent correct for trained speakers was not considered adequate for flight systems use. Therefore, the built-in recognition algorithm was disabled, and the VCS was modified to transmit 120-bit encodings to an external computer for recognition

    Truncating the Y-Axis: Threat or Menace?

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    Bar charts with y-axes that don't begin at zero can visually exaggerate effect sizes. However, advice for whether or not to truncate the y-axis can be equivocal for other visualization types. In this paper we present examples of visualizations where this y-axis truncation can be beneficial as well as harmful, depending on the communicative and analytic intent. We also present the results of a series of crowd-sourced experiments in which we examine how y-axis truncation impacts subjective effect size across visualization types, and we explore alternative designs that more directly alert viewers to this truncation. We find that the subjective impact of axis truncation is persistent across visualizations designs, even for designs with explicit visual cues that indicate truncation has taken place. We suggest that designers consider the scale of the meaningful effect sizes and variation they intend to communicate, regardless of the visual encoding

    1993 Progress Reports

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    The 1993 Progress Reports which contain Blueberry Tax Supported Weed Management and Pruning Project Reports, and CSRS Supported Weed Management and Pruning Project Reports, pertain to and report on research conducted in 1992. They were prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: Progress Reports 1. Effects of Irrigation on Low bush Blueberry Yield and Quality 2. Economics of Investing in Irrigation for Lowbush Blueberries 3. Diammonium Phosphate Study 4. Phosphorus Dose/Response Curve 5. Winter Injury Protection by Potassium 6. Multiple Cropping of Wild Stands 7. Effect of Boron on Lowbush Blueberry Fruit Set and Yield 8.Determination of Pesticide Residue Levels in Freshly Harvested and Processed Lowbush Blueberries 9. Effects of Calcium Salts and Citric Acids on the Quality of Canned Lowbush Blueberries- missing 10. Investigation of PreProcess Changes- missing 11. The Effect of Fertilization and Irrigation on Blueberry Fruit Control - missing 12. Pollination Ecology of Lowbush Blueberry in Maine 13. Control of Secondary Blueberry Pests 14. Control of Blueberry Maggot 15. Biology and Action Thresholds of Secondary Blueberry Pests 16. Cold-Hardiness of Native Lowbush Blueberries 17. Design, Fabrication, and Testing of an Experimental Sterilizer for Blueberry Fields 18. Canned Product Quality - Heat Resistant Molds 19. Sanitation for Disease Control Blueberry Tax Supported Weed Management and Pruning Project Reports 20. Evaluation of Postemergence Applications of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry Control 21. Comparison of Poast and Select for Suppression of Bunchgrass 22. Effect of Time of Fall Pruning on Growth and Productivity of Blueberries. and Evaluation of Infrared Burner to Prune Blueberries 23. Evaluation of Velpar impregnated DAP for weed control 24. Thresholds of Dogbane and Bracken Fern for Mechanical and Chemical Control in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 25. Effect of Time and Rate of Application of Clopyralid for Control of Vetch in Lowbush Blueberries 26. Hexazinone Ground Water Survey 27. Composting Blueberry Processing Waste 28. Hexazinone Movement in a Blueberry Soil in Maine CSRS Supported Weed Management and Pruning Project Reports 29. Evaluation of the Suitability of Remote Sensing to Evaluate Plant Cover in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 30. Obstruction Removal in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 31. Evaluation of Pressurized Rope Wick Wick Master Wiper for Treating Weeds Growing Above Lowbush Blueberries 32. Evaluation of Infrared Burner for Weed Control 33. Blueberry Extension Education Program Base Miscellaneous 34. Comparison of N, NP, and NPK Fertilizers to Correct Nitrogen and Phosphorus Deficienc

    1992 Blueberry Research Progress Reports

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    The 1992 Blueberry Research Progress Reports pertain to and report on research conducted in 1991, and were prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1992 CSRS Progress Reports: 1. Investigation of Groundwater Resources 2. Sprinkler Irrigation 3. Investigation of Preprocess Changes Leading to Berry Spoilage 4. Effect of Fertilization and Irrigation on Blueberry Quality 5. Effects of Calcium Salts and Citric Acid on Quality of Canned Lowbush Blueberries 6. Pollination of Lowbush Blueberry by Native Bees 7. Application of Heat for Controlling Insects 8. Investigations of Lowbush Blueberry Fruit Bud Cold-Hardiness 9. Steam Sterilization in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 10. Heat-Tolerant Molds 11. Vacuum Sanitation for Disease Control 12. Evaluation of Infrared Burner for Weed Control 13. Evaluation and Modification of Commercial Herbicide Wipers 14. Evaluation of Remote Sensing to Estimate Plant Cover in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 15. Comparison of Three Mechanical Blueberry Harvesters vs. Hand Raking Advisory Committee Research Reports: 16. Biology and action thresholds of secondary blueberry insects 17. Control of secondary blueberry pests 18. Control of blueberry maggot 19. Effects of calcium salts and citric acid on the quality of canned lowbush blueberries 20. The effects of postharvest handling on the dietary fiber and ellagic acid content of lowbush blueberries 21. Investigation of preprocessing changes that could lead to development of simple and inexpensive method to measure preprocessing berry spoilage 22. Determination of pesticide residue levels in fresh and processed lowbush blueberries 23. Vacuum sanitation for disease control 24. Heat-tolerant molds 25. Seedling pruning study 26. Effect of time and rate of application of Clopyralid for control of Vetch in lowbush blueberries 27. Evaluation and modification of commercial herbicide wipers 28. Effect of time of application and formulation of Hexazinone (Velpar) on Blueberry and Bunchberry 29. Evaluation of postemergence applications of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry control 30. Thresholds of Dogbane and Bracken Fern by mechanical and chemical control in lowbush blueberry fields 31. Evaluation of the suitability of remote sensing to evaluate plant cover in lowbush blueberry fields 32. Evalution of infrared burner for weed control 33. Effect of time of fall pruning on growth and productivity of blueberry and evaluation of infrared burner to prune blueberries 34. Effect of Boron on lowbush blueberry fruit set and yield 35. Winter injury protection by potassium 36. Multiple cropping of wild stands 37. Nitrogen-Phosphorus study 38. Phosphorus dose/response curve 39. Investigations of lowbush blueberry fruit bud cold-hardines

    1993-94 Progress Report

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    The 1993 edition of the Progress Reports was prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Effects of irrigation on lowbush blueberry yield and quality 2. The Economics of investigating irrigation for lowbush blueberries 3. Phosphorus dose/response curve 4. Winter injury protection by potassium 5. Multiple cropping of wild stands 6. Effect of Boron and Calcium on lowbush blueberry fruit set and yield 7. Comparison of N, NP, and NPK fertilizers to correct nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency 8. Determination of pesticide residue levels in freshly harvested and processed lowbush blueberries 9. Effects of calcium salts and citric acid on the quality of canned lowbush blueberries 10. Investigation of preprocess changes (chemical, microbiological, and/or physical) that can lead to the development of a simple and inexpensive method to measure preprocess berry spoilage 11. The effect of fertilization and irrigation in blueberry fruit quality 12. Pollination Ecology of lowbush blueberry in Maine 13. Current importance of insects in lowbush blueberry fields 14. Application of heat as a method of controlling secondary pest insects on lowbush blueberry: a feasibility study 15. Control of blueberry maggot 16. Control of secondary blueberry pest insects 17. Biology and action thresholds of secondary blueberry pest insects 18. Cold-hardiness of native lowbush blueberry 19. Design, fabrication, and testing of an experimental sterilizer for blueberry fields 20. Canned Product Quality--Heat-resistant molds 21. Sanitation for disease control 22. Evaluation of Velpar® impregnated DAP and Pronone® for weed control 23. Evaluation of postemergence applications of tribenuron methyl for bunchberry control 24. Evaluation of postemergence applications of a tank mix of tribenuron methyl and hexazinone for bunchberry control 25. Thresholds of dogbane and bracken fem by mechanical and chemical control in lowbush blueberry fields 26. Effect of time of application of clopyralid for control of vetch and effect on flowering in lowbush blueberries 27. Effect of time of fall pruning on growth and productivity of blueberries and evaluation of infrared burner to prune blueberries 28. Evaluation of infrared burner for selective seedling weed control 29. Evaluation of pressurized rope wick Wick Master wiper for treating weeds growing above lowbush blueberries 30. Blueberry Extension Education Program Base 31. Blueberry ICM program for Hancock County 32. Composting blueberry processing waste 33. Hexazinone ground water survey 34. Investigations of Lowbush Blueberry Fruit bud Cold-hardiness 35. Design, Fabrication, and Testing of an Experimental Sterilizer for Blueberry Field

    Ancestry of the Iban Is Predominantly Southeast Asian: Genetic Evidence from Autosomal, Mitochondrial, and Y Chromosomes

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    Humans reached present-day Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) in one of the first major human migrations out of Africa. Population movements in the millennia following this initial settlement are thought to have greatly influenced the genetic makeup of current inhabitants, yet the extent attributed to different events is not clear. Recent studies suggest that south-to-north gene flow largely influenced present-day patterns of genetic variation in Southeast Asian populations and that late Pleistocene and early Holocene migrations from Southeast Asia are responsible for a substantial proportion of ISEA ancestry. Archaeological and linguistic evidence suggests that the ancestors of present-day inhabitants came mainly from north-to-south migrations from Taiwan and throughout ISEA approximately 4,000 years ago. We report a large-scale genetic analysis of human variation in the Iban population from the Malaysian state of Sarawak in northwestern Borneo, located in the center of ISEA. Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers analyzed here suggest that the Iban exhibit greatest genetic similarity to Indonesian and mainland Southeast Asian populations. The most common non-recombining Y (NRY) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA haplogroups present in the Iban are associated with populations of Southeast Asia. We conclude that migrations from Southeast Asia made a large contribution to Iban ancestry, although evidence of potential gene flow from Taiwan is also seen in uniparentally inherited marker data

    Books in Arabic Script

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    The chapter approaches the book in Arabic script as the indispensable means for the transmission of knowledge across Eurasia and Africa, within cultures and across cultural boundaries, since the seventh century ad. The state of research can be divided into manuscript and print studies, but there is not yet a history of the book in Arabic script that captures its plurilinear development for over fourteen hundred years. The chapter explores the conceptual and practical challenges that impede the integration of the book in Arabic script into book history at large and includes an extensive reference list that reflects its diversity. The final published version was slightly updated, and includes seven illustrations of six Qurans from the holdings of Columbia University Libraries, four manuscripts and two printed versions. Moreover, the illustrations are images of historical artifacts which are in the public domain - despite Wiley's copyright claim

    A Meta-analysis of Multiple Myeloma Risk Regions in African and European Ancestry Populations Identifies Putatively Functional Loci

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in European populations have identified genetic risk variants associated with multiple myeloma (MM)