68 research outputs found

    When sales managers prioritize their own interests against company goal

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    La historia evolutiva ha demostrado que los líderes han desempeñado un papel fundamental dentro de las comunidades humanas que les han permitido alcanzar metas imposibles. Sin embargo, cuando un individuo logra una posición de liderazgo tiende a anteponer sus propios intereses frente a los del grupo. Tras comprobar la visión pesimista que muestra la literatura, nos interesa ver si es posible encontrar factores de personalidad que sean útiles en un proceso de selección. En esta investigación se propone un experimento para explorar algunos rasgos (capacidad del individuo para manejar su imagen, tendencia hacia la reflexión, enfoque regulatorio y género) para detectar aquellos que se puedan considerar en la selección de directivos que no utilicen el poder en su propio beneficio. Se considera un equipo de vendedores y estudiaremos el papel moderador de los cuatro rasgos del director de ventas durante un ejercicio simulado de gestión.Evolutionary history has shown that leaders have played a fundamental role within human communities that have allowed them to achieve impossible goals. However, when an individual achieves a position of leadership tends to put their own interests ahead of those of the group. After checking the pessimistic view of the literature, we are interested in seeing if there is this possible to find personality factors that are useful in a selection process. This research proposes an experiment to explore some traits (individual's ability to manage their image, tendency towards reflection, regulatory focus and gender) to detect those that can be considered in the selection of managers who do not use the power in their own benefit. We consider a team of salespeople and we will study the moderating role of the four features of sales manager during a simulated management exercise

    Conjoint Analysis of Tourist Choice of Hotel Attributes Presented in Travel Agent Brochures

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    The purposes of this study are to demonstrate how it is possible to determinewhich attributes are the most important in the final choices of tourists who use a travel agent brochure as a source of information and how these attributes influence perceived value in a pre-purchase stage.We conduct the study in three phases: (i) a qualitative study, (ii) an experiment using choice-based conjoint analysis by means of a fractional factorial experimental design and (iii) another experiment using a full factorial derived from the same design. Results suggest advertisement size, a hotel's starred rating and price influence perceived value at this stage. The presence of a positive combined effect of price and advertising was found. Implications and directions for future applications are offered,focusing particularly on marketing services

    Decision making and erotic stimuli: An evolutionary perspective

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    Exposing individuals to erotic stimuli modifies perceived time horizons, causing subjects to assign greater value to the present than the future. This can be explained by different models, including the theory of visceral factors and evolutionary psychology. Specifically, evolutionary theory analyses the latest reasons as explanatory variables of this behaviour. An evolutionary perspective was used to perform two experiments where individuals were exposed to pictures containing erotic stimuli. The first experiment, in which both men and women took part, shows that the influence of such stimuli on risk perception is different in the two sexes. The second experiment, in which only women took part, shows that female risk perception varies according to the subject's aims in a relationship

    Online drivers and offline influences related to loyalty to airline websites

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    This paper explores users loyalty to airlines’ websites, by examining differences among users belonging to the Y, X and baby boomer generations. The results indicate that to obtain users loyalty to a company’s site, it is necessary to first, affective e-loyalty, through e-trust, which is also positively influenced by offline perceived value, e-satisfaction, and indirectly by e-quality. We also demonstrates that significant differences exist among the various generations, implying airlines need to fine-tune their online strategies retain customer loyalty

    Online cheaters: Profiles and motivations of internet users who falsify their data online

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    The digital environment, which includes the Internet and social networks, is propitious for digital marketing. However, the collection, filtering and analysis of the enormous, constant flow of information on social networks is a major challenge for both academics and practitioners. The aim of this research is to assist the process of filtering the personal information provided by users when registering online, and to determine which user profiles lie the most, and why. This entailed conducting three different studies. Study 1 estimates the percentage of Spanish users by stated sex and generation who lie the most when registering their personal data by analysing a database of 5,534,702 participants in online sweepstakes and quizzes using a combination of error detection algorithms, and a test of differences in proportions to measure the profiles of the most fraudulent users. Estimates show that some user profiles are more inclined to make mistakes and others to forge data intentionally, the latter being the majority. The groups that are most likely to supply incorrect data are older men and younger women. Study 2 explores the main motivations for intentionally providing false information, and finds that the most common reasons are related to amusement, such as playing pranks, and lack of faith in the company's data privacy and security measures. These results will enable academics and companies to improve mechanisms to filter out cheaters and avoid including them in their databases

    What's on the horizon? A bibliometric analysis of personal data collection methods on social networks

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    In Digital Marketing, the capture of consumers' personal data from social networks is essential for better targeting of commercial actions. The methods for collecting this information are arousing growing interest among the scientific community. This paper offers a comprehensive review of the literature on the issue and its management. To this end, a bibliometric study of 866 publications on the Web of Science between 1997 and 2022 was conducted to identify the most relevant trends through analysis of the most significant articles, keywords, authors, institutions and countries. In addition, visualisation software (VOS) was used to illustrate the relationships established through bibliographic coupling, keyword co-occurrence, authors and co-citation. The results indicate that the USA and Australia are the countries that publish the most in this field, while Finland and Australia have the highest number of publications per capita. Finally, the progress of research is discussed and future research directions are suggested

    The Role of Sustainability in Brand Equity Value in the Financial Sector

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    The behavior of firms is changing as new kinds of businesses evolve. In particular, companies are now seeking to optimize their value, especially their intangible value¿referred to as brand equity value¿which has many behavioral drivers. The analysis of brand equity determinants in the financial sector (e.g., ethical investments, sustainability and firm behavior) has received little attention. The methodology used in this study included the collection of information from publicly listed companies, followed by the execution of a statistical analysis to study the correlations between brand equity values and their determinants. We aimed to close this gap by raising the awareness of the positive impacts of sustainable investments in the financial sector and the need for a managerial implementation model to build a sustainability-oriented brand value. The objective of this research was to examine the relationships between elements such as sustainability scores or diversity measures and firms' brand value. Considering sectoral and regional effects, we observed a positive relationship between environmental and social governance scores and brand equity value

    Conjoint Analysis of Tourist Choice of Hotel Attributes Presented in Travel Agent Brochures

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    The purposes of this study are to demonstrate how it is possible to determine which attributes are the most important in the final choices of tourists who use a travel agent brochure as a source of information and how these attributes influence perceived value in a pre-purchase stage.We conduct the study in three phases: (i) a qualitative study, (ii) an experiment using choice-based conjoint analysis by means of a fractional factorial experimental design and (iii) another experiment using a full factorial derived from the same design. Results suggest advertisement size, a hotel’s starred rating and price influence perceived value at this stage. The presence of a positive combined effect of price and advertising was found. Implications and directions for future applications are offered, focusing particularly on marketing services.Postprint (published version

    How do Consumers' Gender and Rational Thinking Affect the Acceptance of Entertainment Social Robots?

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    In recent years, the rapid ageing of the population, a longer life expectancy and elderly people's desire to live independently are social changes that put pressure on healthcare systems. This context is boosting the demand for companion and entertainment social robots on the market and, consequently, producers and distributors are interested in knowing how these social robots are accepted by consumers. Based on technology acceptance models, a parsimonious model is proposed to estimate the intention to use this new advanced social robot technology and, in addition, an analysis is performed to determine how consumers' gender and rational thinking condition the precedents of the intention to use. The results show that gender differences are more important than suggested by the literature. While women gave greater social influence and perceived enjoyment as the main motives for using a social robot, in contrast, men considered their perceived usefulness to be the principal reason and, as a differential argument, the ease of use. Regarding the reasoning system, the most significant differences occurred between heuristic individuals, who stated social influence as the main reason for using a robot, and the more rational consumers, who gave ease of use as a differential argument

    Cómo afecta el ciclo menstrual de la mujer en su toma de decisiones financieras: el efecto moderador del enfoque regulador

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    Estudios recientes indican que las mujeres consumidoras modifican sus preferencias y comportamientos a lo largo de su ciclo menstrual. La teoría evolutiva sugiere que a través del proceso de selección natural las mujeres han interiorizado un conjunto de comportamientos que se activan cuando están en la fase de máxima procreación. En esta ponencia se propone analizar cómo las diferentes fases del ciclo menstrual pueden modificar las percepciones de las consumidoras sobre el futuro, llevándoles a tomar diferentes decisiones en función de si lo hacen en fase de máxima fertilidad o lo hacen en una fase de infertilidad. A continuación, se analizará el papel moderador que puede jugar el enfoque regulador en la motivación instintiva de las mujeres en sus decisiones financieras.Recent studies indicate that female consumers modify their preferences and behaviours across their menstrual cycle. Evolutionary theory suggests that through the natural selection process women have internalized a set of behaviours that are activated when they are in the phase of maximum procreation. In this paper, we propose analysing how different menstrual cycle phases might modify female consumers’ perceptions about the future, leading them to make different decisions in their maximum fertility phase to those they make in a phase of infertility. We then analyse the moderating role that regulatory focus can play on women’s instinctive motivation in their financial decisions