294 research outputs found

    Kinematics of the Local Universe XIII. 21-cm line measurements of 452 galaxies with the Nan\c{c}ay radiotelescope, JHK Tully-Fisher relation and preliminary maps of the peculiar velocity field

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    This paper presents 452 new 21-cm neutral hydrogen line measurements carried out with the FORT receiver of the meridian transit Nan\c{c}ay radiotelescope (NRT) in the period April 2003 -- March 2005. This observational programme is part of a larger project aiming at collecting an exhaustive and magnitude-complete HI extragalactic catalogue for Tully-Fisher applications (the so-called KLUN project, for Kinematics of the Local Universe studies, end in 2008). The whole on-line HI archive of the NRT contains today reduced HI-profiles for ~4500 spiral galaxies of declination delta > -40° (http://klun.obs-nancay.fr). As an example of application, we use direct Tully-Fisher relation in three (JHK) bands in deriving distances to a large catalog of 3126 spiral galaxies distributed through the whole sky and sampling well the radial velocity range between 0 and 8000 km/s. Thanks to an iterative method accounting for selection bias and smoothing effects, we show as a preliminary output a detailed and original map of the velocity field in the Local Universe

    Nonlinearity and stochasticity in the density--velocity relation

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    We present results of the investigations of the statistical properties of a joint density and velocity divergence probability distribution function (PDF) in the mildly non-linear regime. For that purpose we use both perturbation theory results, extended here for a top-hat filter, and numerical simulations. In particular we derive the quantitative (complete as possible up to third order terms) and qualitative predictions for constrained averages and constrained dispersions -- which describe the nonlinearities and the stochasticity properties beyond the linear regime -- and compare them against numerical simulations. We find overall a good agreement for constrained averages; however, the agreement for constrained dispersions is only qualitative. Scaling relations for the Omega-dependence of these quantities are satisfactory reproduced. Guided by our analytical and numerical results, we finally construct a robust phenomenological description of the joint PDF in a closed analytic form. The good agreement of our formula with results of N-body simulations for a number of cosmological parameters provides a sound validation of the presented approach. Our results provide a basis for a potentially powerful tool with which it is possible to analyze galaxy survey data in order to test the gravitational instability paradigm beyond the linear regime and put useful constraints on cosmological parameters. In particular we show how the nonlinearity in the density--velocity relation can be used to break the so-called Omega-bias degeneracy in cosmic density-velocity comparisons.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures; revised version with minor changes in the presentation, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Motions of Clusters of Galaxies and the Dipoles of the Peculiar Velocity Field

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    In preceding papers of this series, TF relations for galaxies in 24 clusters with radial velocities between 1000 and 9200 km/s (SCI sample) were obtained, a Tully-Fisher (TF) template relation was constructed and mean offsets of each cluster with respect to the template obtained. Here, an estimate of the line-of-sight peculiar velocities of the clusters and their associated errors are given. It is found that cluster peculiar velocities in the Cosmic Microwave Background reference frame do not exceed 600 k/ms and that their distribution has a line-of-sight dispersion of 300 k/ms, suggesting a more quiescent cluster peculiar velocity field than previously reported. When measured in a reference frame in which the Local Group is at rest, the set of clusters at cz > 3000 km/s exhibits a dipole moment in agreement with that of the CMB, both in amplitude and apex direction. It is estimated that the bulk flow of a sphere of 6000 km/s radius in the CMB reference frame is between 140 and 320 km/s. These results are in agreement with those obtained from an independent sample of field galaxies (Giovanelli et al. 1998; see astro-ph/9807274)Comment: 9 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, uses AAS LaTex; to appear in A

    The IR-Completion of Gravity: What happens at Hubble Scales?

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    We have recently proposed an "Ultra-Strong" version of the Equivalence Principle (EP) that is not satisfied by standard semiclassical gravity. In the theory that we are conjecturing, the vacuum expectation value of the (bare) energy momentum tensor is exactly the same as in flat space: quartically divergent with the cut-off and with no spacetime dependent (subleading) ter ms. The presence of such terms seems in fact related to some known difficulties, such as the black hole information loss and the cosmological constant problem. Since the terms that we want to get rid of are subleading in the high-momentum expansion, we attempt to explore the conjectured theory by "IR-completing" GR. We consider a scalar field in a flat FRW Universe and isolate the first IR-correction to its Fourier modes operators that kills the quadratic (next to leading) time dependent divergence of the stress energy tensor VEV. Analogously to other modifications of field operators that have been proposed in the literature (typically in the UV), the present approach seems to suggest a breakdown (here, in the IR, at large distances) of the metric manifold description. We show that corrections to GR are in fact very tiny, become effective at distances comparable to the inverse curvature and do not contain any adjustable parameter. Finally, we derive some cosmological implications. By studying the consistency of the canonical commutation relations, we infer a correction to the distance between two comoving observers, which grows as the scale factor only when small compared to the Hubble length, but gets relevant corrections otherwise. The corrections to cosmological distance measures are also calculable and, for a spatially flat matter dominated Universe, go in the direction of an effective positive acceleration.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures. Final version, references adde

    Redshift-distance Survey of Early-type Galaxies: The D_n-sigma Relation

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    In this paper R-band photometric and velocity dispersion measurements for a sample of 452 elliptical and S0 galaxies in 28 clusters are used to construct a template D_n-sigma relation. This template relation is constructed by combining the data from the 28 clusters, under the assumption that galaxies in different clusters have similar properties. The photometric and spectroscopic data used consist of new as well as published measurements, converted to a common system, as presented in a accompanying paper. The resulting direct relation, corrected for incompleteness bias, is log{D_n} =1.203 log{sigma} + 1.406; the zero-point has been defined by requiring distant clusters to be at rest relative to the CMB. This zero-point is consistent with the value obtained by using the distance to Virgo as determined by the Cepheid period-luminosity relation. This new D_n-sigma relation leads to a peculiar velocity of -72 (\pm 189) km/s for the Coma cluster. The scatter in the distance relation corresponds to a distance error of about 20%, comparable to the values obtained for the Fundamental Plane relation. Correlations between the scatter and residuals of the D_n-sigma relation with other parameters that characterize the cluster and/or the galaxy stellar population are also analyzed. The direct and inverse relations presented here have been used in recent studies of the peculiar velocity field mapped by the ENEAR all-sky sample.Comment: 46 pages, 20 figures, and 7 tables. To appear in AJ, vol. 123, no. 5, May 200

    Observations of a solar flare and filament eruption in Lyman <span class='mathrm'>α</span> and X-rays

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Context&lt;/b&gt;: L&#945; is a strong chromospheric emission line, which has been relatively rarely observed in flares. The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) has a broad “Lyman &#945;” channel centered at 1216 Å used primarily at the beginning of the mission. A small number of flares were observed in this channel.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Aims&lt;/b&gt;: We aim to characterise the appearance and behaviour of a flare and filament ejection which occurred on 8th September 1999 and was observed by TRACE in L&#945;, as well as by the Yohkoh Soft and Hard X-ray telescopes. We explore the flare energetics and its spatial and temporal evolution. We have in mind the fact that the L&#945; line is a target for the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging telescope (EUI) which has been selected for the Solar Orbiter mission, as well as the LYOT telescope on the proposed SMESE mission.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods&lt;/b&gt;: We use imaging data from the TRACE 1216 Å, 1600 Å and 171 Å channels, and the Yohkoh hard and soft X-ray telescopes. A correction is applied to the TRACE data to obtain a better estimate of the pure L&#945; signature. The L&#945;  power is obtained from a knowledge of the TRACE response function, and the flare electron energy budget is estimated by interpreting Yohkoh/HXT emission in the context of the collisional thick target model.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results&lt;/b&gt;: We find that the L&#945;  flare is characterised by strong, compact footpoints (smaller than the UV ribbons) which correlate well with HXR footpoints. The L&#945; power radiated by the flare footpoints can be estimated, and is found to be on the order of 1026 erg s-1 at the peak. This is less than 10% of the power inferred for the electrons which generate the co-spatial HXR emission, and can thus readily be provided by them. The early stages of the filament eruption that accompany the flare are also visible, and show a diffuse, roughly circular spreading sheet-like morphology, with embedded denser blobs.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions&lt;/b&gt;: On the basis of this observation, we conclude that flare and filament observations in the L&#945; line with the planned EUI and LYOT telescopes will provide valuable insight into solar flare evolution and energetics, especially when accompanied by HXR imaging and spectroscopy.&lt;/p&gt

    The Ecm11-Gmc2 complex promotes synaptonemal complex formation through assembly of transverse filaments in budding yeast

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    During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair at close proximity to form the synaptonemal complex (SC). This association is mediated by transverse filament proteins that hold the axes of homologous chromosomes together along their entire length. Transverse filament proteins are highly aggregative and can form an aberrant aggregate called the polycomplex that is unassociated with chromosomes. Here, we show that the Ecm11-Gmc2 complex is a novel SC component, functioning to facilitate assembly of the yeast transverse filament protein, Zip1. Ecm11 and Gmc2 initially localize to the synapsis initiation sites, then throughout the synapsed regions of paired homologous chromosomes. The absence of either Ecm11 or Gmc2 substantially compromises the chromosomal assembly of Zip1 as well as polycomplex formation, indicating that the complex is required for extensive Zip1 polymerization. We also show that Ecm11 is SUMOylated in a Gmc2-dependent manner. Remarkably, in the unSUMOylatable ecm11 mutant, assembly of chromosomal Zip1 remained compromised while polycomplex formation became frequent. We propose that the Ecm11-Gmc2 complex facilitates the assembly of Zip1 and that SUMOylation of Ecm11 is critical for ensuring chromosomal assembly of Zip1, thus suppressing polycomplex formation

    Excitons in quasi-one dimensional organics: Strong correlation approximation

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    An exciton theory for quasi-one dimensional organic materials is developed in the framework of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hamiltonian augmented by short range extended Hubbard interactions. Within a strong electron-electron correlation approximation, the exciton properties are extensively studied. Using scattering theory, we analytically obtain the exciton energy and wavefunction and derive a criterion for the existence of a BuB_u exciton. We also systematically investigate the effect of impurities on the coherent motion of an exciton. The coherence is measured by a suitably defined electron-hole correlation function. It is shown that, for impurities with an on-site potential, a crossover behavior will occur if the impurity strength is comparable to the bandwidth of the exciton, corresponding to exciton localization. For a charged impurity with a spatially extended potential, in addition to localization the exciton will dissociate into an uncorrelated electron-hole pair when the impurity is sufficiently strong to overcome the Coulomb interaction which binds the electron-hole pair. Interchain coupling effects are also discussed by considering two polymer chains coupled through nearest-neighbor interchain hopping tt_{\perp} and interchain Coulomb interaction VV_{\perp}. Within the tt matrix scattering formalism, for every center-of-mass momentum, we find two poles determined only by VV_{\perp}, which correspond to the interchain excitons. Finally, the exciton state is used to study the charge transfer from a polymer chain to an adjacent dopant molecule.Comment: 24 pages, 23 eps figures, pdf file of the paper availabl

    Formation and interactions of cold and ultracold molecules: new challenges for interdisciplinary physics

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    Progress on researches in the field of molecules at cold and ultracold temperatures is reported in this review. It covers extensively the experimental methods to produce, detect and characterize cold and ultracold molecules including association of ultracold atoms, deceleration by external fields and kinematic cooling. Confinement of molecules in different kinds of traps is also discussed. The basic theoretical issues related to the knowledge of the molecular structure, the atom-molecule and molecule-molecule mutual interactions, and to their possible manipulation and control with external fields, are reviewed. A short discussion on the broad area of applications completes the review.Comment: to appear in Reports on Progress in Physic

    Patterns of polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium in cultivated barley

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    We carried out a genome-wide analysis of polymorphism (4,596 SNP loci across 190 elite cultivated accessions) chosen to represent the available genetic variation in current elite North West European and North American barley germplasm. Population sub-structure, patterns of diversity and linkage disequilibrium varied considerably across the seven barley chromosomes. Gene-rich and rarely recombining haplotype blocks that may represent up to 60% of the physical length of barley chromosomes extended across the ‘genetic centromeres’. By positioning 2,132 bi-parentally mapped SNP markers with minimum allele frequencies higher than 0.10 by association mapping, 87.3% were located to within 5 cM of their original genetic map position. We show that at this current marker density genetically diverse populations of relatively small size are sufficient to fine map simple traits, providing they are not strongly stratified within the sample, fall outside the genetic centromeres and population sub-structure is effectively controlled in the analysis. Our results have important implications for association mapping, positional cloning, physical mapping and practical plant breeding in barley and other major world cereals including wheat and rye that exhibit comparable genome and genetic features