26 research outputs found

    Regulação economica do mercado de saude suplementar no Brasil

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    Orientador : Pedro Luiz Barros SilvaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de EconomiaMestrad

    Benefits For Some, Losses For Many: Reasons And Implications Of Adopting Double Entry Door In Brazilian University Hospitals

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    The so-called double entry door - one for the patients of the public system and another one for customers of private health plans - is a growing phenomenon in many public health care facilities, especially in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where several university hospitals linked to public universities assign resources to attend private clientele. The objective of this article is to understand the reasons for the adoption (or not) of the double entry door at two public university hospitals, seeking to identify its implications for the hospital and other stakeholders. Methods included desk research of relevant literature and interviews conducted in 2014 with representatives of selected hospitals. The results show the existence of two divergent narratives on the subject. The favorable narrative emphasizes the additional fundraising and the possibility of keeping fully dedicated teachers working at the university. The unfavorable narrative emphasizes the discrimination arising from the segmentation between paying and non-paying patients and the use of public resources for attending private clientele. By emphasizing the solution of structural problems through the privatization of public services, we conclude that the adoption of double entry door in university hospitals reinforces existing inequalities in society.25380882

    Benefits For Some, Losses For Many: Reasons And Implications Of Adopting Double Entry Door In Brazilian University Hospitals

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    A chamada dupla porta de entrada - uma para usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e outra para clientela privada - é fenômeno crescente nos serviços de saúde, sobretudo no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, onde diversos hospitais de ensino destinam parcela dos recursos existentes para atender pacientes de planos de saúde em suas dependências. O objetivo do artigo é compreender as razões que justificam a adoção (ou não) da dupla porta de entrada em hospitais vinculados a universidades públicas, buscando identificar suas implicações socioeconômicas. Os métodos incluíram pesquisa documental e a realização de entrevistas com representantes dos hospitais selecionados no período de abril a junho de 2014. Os resultados evidenciam a existência de duas narrativas divergentes sobre o tema. A narrativa favorável enfatiza o aporte adicional de recursos e a possibilidade de manter os médicos docentes integralmente dedicados à universidade; a narrativa desfavorável enfatiza as discriminações decorrentes da segmentação entre pagantes e não pagantes, assim como o uso de recursos públicos para o atendimento de clientela privada. Conclui-se que a adoção da dupla porta de entrada, ao enfatizar a solução de problemas estruturais mediante a privatização de serviços públicos, reforça as desigualdades existentes na sociedade.25380882

    Benefícios para alguns, prejuízos para muitos: razões e implicações da adoção da dupla porta de entrada em hospitais universitários

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    The so-called double entry door - one for the patients of the public system and another one for customers of private health plans - is a growing phenomenon in many public health care facilities, especially in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, where several university hospitals linked to public universities assign resources to attend private clientele. The objective of this article is to understand the reasons for the adoption (or not) of the double entry door at two public university hospitals, seeking to identify its implications for the hospital and other stakeholders. Methods included desk research of relevant literature and interviews conducted in 2014 with representatives of selected hospitals. The results show the existence of two divergent narratives on the subject. The favorable narrative emphasizes the additional fundraising and the possibility of keeping fully dedicated teachers working at the university. The unfavorable narrative emphasizes the discrimination arising from the segmentation between paying and non-paying patients and the use of public resources for attending private clientele. By emphasizing the solution of structural problems through the privatization of public services, we conclude that the adoption of double entry door in university hospitals reinforces existing inequalities in society.A chamada dupla porta de entrada - uma para usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e outra para clientela privada - é fenômeno crescente nos serviços de saúde, sobretudo no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, onde diversos hospitais de ensino destinam parcela dos recursos existentes para atender pacientes de planos de saúde em suas dependências. O objetivo do artigo é compreender as razões que justificam a adoção (ou não) da dupla porta de entrada em hospitais vinculados a universidades públicas, buscando identificar suas implicações socioeconômicas. Os métodos incluíram pesquisa documental e a realização de entrevistas com representantes dos hospitais selecionados no período de abril a junho de 2014. Os resultados evidenciam a existência de duas narrativas divergentes sobre o tema. A narrativa favorável enfatiza o aporte adicional de recursos e a possibilidade de manter os médicos docentes integralmente dedicados à universidade; a narrativa desfavorável enfatiza as discriminações decorrentes da segmentação entre pagantes e não pagantes, assim como o uso de recursos públicos para o atendimento de clientela privada. Conclui-se que a adoção da dupla porta de entrada, ao enfatizar a solução de problemas estruturais mediante a privatização de serviços públicos, reforça as desigualdades existentes na sociedade

    Development policy for the brazilian health industry and qualification of national public laboratories

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    As inovações tecnológicas jogam papel decisivo no processo de desenvolvimento das sociedades, visto que contribuem para gerar crescimento econômico e bem-estar da população. O Estado possui grande importância e centralidade nesse processo, pois pode induzir fortemente o comportamento, as estratégias e as decisões relativas à inovação. O presente artigo tem por objetivo investigar a atual política de desenvolvimento produtivo em saúde no Brasil e seus reflexos sobre a capacitação dos laboratórios públicos nacionais. Para essa finalidade, contextualiza os diferentes ciclos de interação entre a política de saúde e a sua base produtiva, discute a estratégia do governo brasileiro para o desenvolvimento, a transferência e a absorção de tecnologia na área da saúde (as parcerias para o desenvolvimento produtivo) e apresenta duas parcerias vigentes envolvendo laboratórios públicos para a produção de medicamentos e vacina322CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQTechnological innovations play a decisive role in societies' development by contributing to economic growth and the population's welfare. The state has a key role in this process by inducing innovative behavior, strategies, and decisions. This study addresses Brazil's current policy for development of the health industry and its effects on qualification of national public laboratories by contextualizing different cycles of interaction between health policy and the industrial base, discussing the government's development strategy and the transfer and absorption of health technology (through Industrial Development Partnerships), and presenting two current partnerships involving public laboratories in the production of medicines and vaccine

    What Health System Challenges Should Responsible Innovation in Health Address? Insights From an International Scoping Review

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    Abstract Background: While responsible innovation in health (RIH) suggests that health innovations could be purposefully designed to better support health systems, little is known about the system-level challenges that it should address. The goal of this paper is thus to document what is known about health systems’ demand for innovations. Methods: We searched 8 databases to perform a scoping review of the scientific literature on health system challenges published between January 2000 and April 2016. The challenges reported in the articles were classified using the dynamic health system framework. The countries where the studies had been conducted were grouped using the human development index (HDI). Frequency distributions and qualitative content analysis were performed. Results: Up to 1391 challenges were extracted from 254 articles examining health systems in 99 countries. Across countries, the most frequently reported challenges pertained to: service delivery (25%), human resources (23%), and leadership and governance (21%). Our analyses indicate that innovations tend to increase challenges associated to human resources by affecting the nature and scope of their tasks, skills and responsibilities, to exacerbate service delivery issues when they are meant to be used by highly skilled providers and call for accountable governance of their dissemination, use and reimbursement. In countries with a low and medium HDI, problems arising with infrastructure, logistics and equipment were described in connection with challenges affecting procurement, supply and distribution systems. In countries with a medium and high HDI, challenges included a growing demand for drugs and new technology and the management of rising costs. Across all HDI groups, the need for flexible information technologies (IT) solutions to reach rural areas was underscored. Conclusion: Highlighting challenges that are common across countries, this study suggests that RIH should aim to reduce the cost of innovation production processes and attend not only to the requirements of the immediate clinical context of use, but also to the vulnerabilities of the broader system wherein innovations are deployed. Policy-makers should translate system-level demand signals into innovation development opportunities since it is imperative to foster innovations that contribute to the success and sustainability of health systems

    Dimensions of health in Brazil: social protection, technological innovation, and capital accumulation

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    O objetivo do trabalho é estudar o processo de incorporação de tecnologias médicas no sistema de saúde brasileiro, mediante a realização de um estudo de caso na área de equipamentos de diagnóstico por imagem, com foco nas variáveis que influenciam a tomada de decisão. Considerando que os modernos sistemas de saúde são o resultado da complexa interação de processos econômicos, políticos e sociais, adotou-se a abordagem teórica fornecida pela Economia Política da Saúde, que fornece elementos para discutir a saúde a partir de suas especificidades enquanto mercadoria ou bem econômico, como direito social e como espaço de inovação tecnológica e acumulação de capital. Os métodos utilizados incluíram pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema, análise de dados secundários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes dos principais segmentos que participam do processo de incorporação da tecnologia estudadaThis work aims at studying the process of new medical technologies incorporation in the Brazilian healthcare system. For this purpose a case study of a new image diagnostic technology was conducted, focusing the variables that affect decision-making process. Considering that modern healthcare systems are the result of complex interaction of economical, political and social processes, the theoretical approach of Political Economy of Health was adopted, which provides elements to discuss health as a merchandise or an economic good, as a social right, and as a space for technological innovation and capital accumulation. Methods included documental research, data analysis, and semi-structured interviews with main actors and institutions that participate of incorporation process of the studied technolog

    SUS : a questão do financiamento nas propostas de universalização e descentralização da saude

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