73 research outputs found
Kajian Pengetahuan Bioetika dan Kemampuan Pengambilan Keputusan Etis Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi (Pre-Service Biologi Teacher's Cognitive and Decision Making Ethics)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan bioetika dan kemampuan
pengambilan keputusan etik mahasiswa calon guru biologi di Program Studi Pendidikan
Biologi FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah
penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa seluruh responden (123 orang)
belum mengetahui istilah dan cakupan kajian bioetika dengan baik. Bioetika dipahami oleh
67,5% responden sebagai istilah baru dalam biologi, 32,5% responden belum pernah
mengetahui apapun hal tentang bioetika dan mengetahui bioetika sebagai kosa kata dalam
biologi dan bukan sebagai pengetahuan. Kemampuan pengambilan keputusan etik responden
adalah, bahwa 100% responden belum pernah mengambil keputusan etik yang berkaitan
dengan problematika biologi, namun terdapat 65.5% responden melakukan pengambilan
keputusan etik yang berkaitan dengan tatakrama (hubangan antara manusia berdasarkan etika
kesopanan) dan 27.5% responden berkaitan dengan kemampuan pengambilan keputusan
terkait keadministrasian, dan 7% berkaitan dengan pengambilan keputusn etik berkaitan
dengan hukum. Berdasarkan hal ini dapat disimpulkan, bahwa perlu peningkatan
pengetahuan bioetika dan peningkatan kemampuan pengambilan keputusan etik pada
mahasiswa calon guru biologi di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas
Muhammadiyah Malang melalui model pembelajaran yang sesuai
Model Pembelajaran OIDDE: Implementasi Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Bioetika
Pendidikan erat kaitannya dengan transfer
pengetahuan oleh guru/dosen kepada murid. Hal itulah
sehingga membutuhkan kemampuan khusus dalam
metode pembelajaran. Metode pembelajaran yang
tepat dan akurat akan menjadi katalisotor transfer ilmu
pengetahuan yang ada.
Tidak hanya itu. Pengetahuan juga menanggung
beban tanggung jawab atas kebenaran. Kebenaran itulah
yang mengantarkan pada pemikiran dan perilaku etis
dalam pundak masyarakat pendidikan. Masyarakat
yang mengaplikasikan pendidikan sebagai sarana
memperbaiki laku dan terus berusaha menemukan
sebuah kebenaran.
Dari sana lah, penulis buku ini menghadirkan
sebuah karya yang sangat relevan di dunia pendidikan
terkait metode pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran itu
dinamakan OIDDE, akronim dari Orientation, Identify,
Discussion, Decision, and Engage in behavior, yang dinilai
menjadi sebuah solusi pendidikan masa kini. Hal itu
didukung oleh ahli, yang meliputi ahli pembelajaran,
ahli bioetika, dan ahli psikologi pendidikan. Model
pembelajaran OIDDE juga dinyatakan sangat
praktis untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran yang
berupaya menumbuhkan kerakter positif khususnya
memunculkan keputusan etis dan perilaku etis peserta
Edmodo Learning Media and Meeting Room Help Grasp Simple and Significant Ones: Circulatory System
Biology is complex for students because of a lack of interest, uncertainty
regarding healthy blood circulation, small and large blood circulation
systems, remembering the order of blood circulation, and fast-paced
education. Students need microcirculation groups. Significant and minor
blood circulation groups must be understood and circulated by students.
Old biology teaching methods failed students despite adopting technology.
Teachers must master and use learning technology in our globalized
environment. Online learning is current education technology. This
research can help educators choose instructional resources, especially the
exciting part of practitioners contributing to academic biology research.
This study evaluates student motivation and circulation system learning
with Edmodo and meeting room media. Classroom Action Research met
twice. Research rigour evaluation needs learning and assessment criteria
alignment. Planning, Action, Observation/Evaluation, and Reflection
comprise each learning cycle. This study includes 20 grade 11 controls.
Teachers and practitioners utilize Edmodo and Zoom for online learning. In
the lesson plan, a 40-question two-level multiple-choice exam and a
motivation survey assess student learning. The study is quantitative. From
inception to finish, data analysis grades data quality 1–4. Researchers use
observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Microsoft Excel averaged
descriptive analysis data. It measures efficacy by the percentage increase
in learning outcomes during learning. This essay analyzes how Edmodo
impacts classroom learning, outcomes, and motivation
Etika Wisatawan Domestik terhadap Upaya Konservasi Pantai (Studi Kasus di Pantai Balekambang Kabupaten Malang)
Conservation of biodiversity and the development of marine tourism destinations can be categorized as synergic
efforts. But the evidence in the field shows different things, because the behavior of domestic tourists have not awareness of
biodiversity conservation. This is indicated by the behavior of domestic tourists who often take various tidal biotas without
educational purposes. It is so not educational, because at this time of nature conservation is very necessary, so that no damage to
the environment, especially in the marine environment due to imbalance of living creatures in it by human activities. This is an
observational research by conducting survey method to the behavior of domestic tourists while traveling on the coast of tidal
Balekambang Malang regency. The findings indicate that the various ages of domestic tourist entering tidal zones during low
tide take a variety of tidal biota, such as Echinoidea, Holothuroidea, Ophiuroidea, Anthozoa (corals) and other biota without
educational purposes, since the biota referred to is taken and then disposed of in the mainland. It can be concluded that the bad
behavior shown by the domestic tourists by taking biota is not for education, but for fun can be categorized as violation behavior
of environmental ethics
OIDDE Learning Model Through Integrated Field Studies Abroad to Develop Ethnical Decision Skills of Candidate Biology Teachers: Indonesian Perspective
This study aimed to describe the ethical problems, valuable experience, and ethical
decision-making abilities about the environment by students through the application
of OIDDE models on integrated field studies abroad. Descriptive data analysis
techniques were used on existing data. Environmental ethical problems that arose are
the use and exploitation of natural resources, pollution, lack of public facilities’
cleanliness, poaching, and environment arrangement problems. Valuable experiences
gained by students were: 1) Malaysia Highway Rest Area: plants flourish and the
birdlife is undisturbed; 2) Malacca River: transformed into a clean and beautiful area;
3) Putrajaya: concerns raised about environmental balance and sustainability;
4) Sentosa Island: various modern amusement rides prepared for enjoyment in line
with environmental principles. Ethical decisions taken were: 1) environmental
functions and sustainability should be referenced in development; 2) amusement rides
developed in line with environmental consideration; 3) pattern of consumption and
human activities to avoid resultant pollutants as much as possible; 4) use of
environmentally friendly facilities should become a lifestyle choice; and 5) consistently
implement environment regulations
Development of Bioethics-Based Student Worksheets at Zoology Courses
Zoology courses for biology education
students need to be taught by integrating bioethics,
because it is important to foster student ethical
attitudes towards animals. Through research and
development, a product of student worksheets is
produced in bioethics-based zoology courses to be
implemented in their learning. The Plomp research
and development model was used in this study,
including the Preliminary Investigation stage; Design;
Realization / Construction; Test, Evaluation, and
Revision, Implementation. The implementation phase
has not been carried out. The resulting student
worksheet products were then validated by four
validators, namely two bioethics professors, one
learning device expert lecturer, and one zoological
lecturer. The results of the study show that: (1) the
product model in the form of worksheets of zoological
subjects is declared valid by the validators with a
score of 4.92; (2) the product of the student worksheet
model was declared reliable by the validators with a
score of 95.1. Based on the results of the study it can
be concluded, that the bioethics-based student
worksheets in zoological subjects were declared
feasible and reliable to be used in learning zoology
courses for students of biology education study
Good-by Learning Journal: Strengthening Metacognitive Skills in OIDDE Learning Model
Pemberdayaan keterampilan metakognitif siswa perlu dilakukan dengan
membiasakan siswa berpikir tingkat tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
untuk menganalisis pengaruh penerapan jurnal pembelajaran dalam
model pembelajaran OIDDE terhadap keterampilan metakognitif siswa.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu. Jenis
penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.
Pengambilan sampel menggunakan non-probability sampling dengan
kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen yang berjumlah 58 siswa.
Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes non tes, observasi, dan
dokumentasi. Data hasil belajar dianalisis menggunakan tes ANCOVA
satu arah. Data keterampilan metakognitif dianalisis secara deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterampilan metakognitif siswa di kelas
eksperimen menunjukkan tingkat keterampilan perencanaan sebesar
42%, pemantauan sebesar 56%, dan evaluasi sebesar 56%. Oleh karena
itu, perlu membiasakan siswa dengan mengatur proses berpikir,
menyadari berbagai jenis kemungkinan berpikir, dan merefleksikan
kemampuannya untuk berpikir dalam pembelajarannya sendiri
Developing genetic learning module baased on blue eyes phenomenon in Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi
The existence of learning resources based on local phenomena is presumed to be able
to optimize genetic learning processes. The purposes of this study were (1) to produce
module based on the blue eyes phenomenon occurred in Buton Island for genetic
material in senior high school and (2) to find the quality of the module produced. This
study used research and development (R & D) based on Borg & Gall model which was
limited to seventh step. The research involved three validators, six students in initial
field-testing step, and 70 students in main field testing. The data collection technique
used was questionnaire. The data obtained were calculated as percentages of module
quality. The results of the material validation, media validation, and practitioners were
96.52% (very valid); 82.40% (very valid); and 83.75% (very valid), respectively. In
addition, the student responses to the module was 22.13% (good). In conclusion, this
module can be used as a learning resource for senior high school students in genetic
(Studi Literatur) Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran OIDEE Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dan Sikap Peduli Lingkungan Mahasiswa
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penerapan model Pembelajaran OIDDE (orientation, identify, discussion, decision, and engage in behavavior). Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan sikap peduli lingkungan mahasiswa, melalui meta-analisis data hasil studi pustaka penelitian yang sudah ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis/pendekatan penelitian yang berupa studi kepustakaan (library research) atau studi literatur. Berdasarkan literature review, didapatkan 10 jurnal dan 3 Tesis dianalisis. Jurnal yang dianalisis adalah jurnal nasional tentang Pengaruh model Pembelajaran OIDDE terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan sikap peduli lingkungan. Dapat disimpulkan, penelitian ini memiliki hasil analisis, yakni adanya pengaruh dalam penerapan model OIDDE, diungkapkan oleh Ma’rifatillah et all mengemukakan bahwa memasuki tahun ke - 21, berbagai aspek kehidupan sehari-hari , termasuk pendidikan, mengalami resesi dikarenakan pendidikan merupakan proses pengembangan kualitas pribadi dan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi kehidupan yang lebih baik baik bagi individu maupun orang lain. Proses pembelajaran ini melibatkan observasi, pengajaran, dan transfer pengetahuan untuk memaksimalkan hasil belajar model OIDDE. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pemikiran kritis dan kesadaran lingkungan adalah model OIDDE. Model ini berfokus pada orientasi, identifikasi, diskusi, pengambilan keputusan, dan menunjukan sikap/perilaku
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