21 research outputs found

    Finding Hidden Treasures: Investigations in US Astronomical Plate Archives

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    We report here on an ongoing investigation of US astronomical plate archives and tests of the suitability of transportable scanning devices for in situ digitization of archival astronomical plates

    Finding Hidden Treasures: Investigations in US Astronomical Plate Archives

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    We report here on an ongoing investigation of US astronomical plate archives and tests of the suitability of transportable scanning devices for in situ digitization of archival astronomical plates

    US Astronomical Photographic Data Archives: Hidden Treasures and Importance for High-Energy Astrophysics

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    We report here on an ongoing investigation of US astronomical plate archives and tests of the suitability of transportable scanning devices for in situ digitization of archival astronomical plates, with emphasis on application in high-energy astrophysics

    QoS in IP network with the help of OMNeT++ simulation tool

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    Obsahem práce je seznámení se se simulačním nástrojem OMNeT++ a s jeho nadstavbou INET Framework. Na toto téma je v práci realizovaná ukázková simulace IP sítě za pomoci sady modelů INET Framework. Dále se práce zabývá rozborem možností zajištění kvality služeb v IP sítích a následnou implementací kvality služeb v prostředí simulačního nástroje OMNeT++ a jeho nadstavby INET Framework. Realizace je provedena dvěma způsoby. První je implementace diferencovaných služeb, tzv. DiffServ, za pomoci úpravy chování výstupních front. Tato úprava spočívá v tom, že datové pakety jsou řazeny do různých front na základě jejich priority. Druhý způsob ukazuje principy technologie MPLS a také funkci směrovacího protokolu OSPF. Technologie MPLS je realizovaná pomocí speciálních směrovačů s implementovaným modulem rezervačního protokolu.The content of this thesis is giving information about the network simulator OMNeT++ and its superstructure INET Framework. In this thesis a sample simulation of IP network with the help of simulation package INET Framework is realized on this theme. The thesis also deals with analysis of possibilities, how to assure quality service in IP networks and subsequently implementation quality of service in surrounding of network simulator OMNeT++ and its superstructure INET Framework. The implementation is accomplished by two methods. The first method is implementation of differential service, in other words DiffServ, with the help of change the behavior of output. This change rest in sorting of data packets to different queues by their device priority. The second method shows principles of the technology MPLS and also function code protocol OSPF. The MPLS technology is realized by special routers with implemented moduls reservation protocol.

    Systems for remote measurement in power engineering

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou měření a řízení v energetice. Popisuje úvod do oblasti dálkových odečtů, řízení a popisuje současnou situaci v oboru moderních technologií Smart metering a Smart grids. Je zde rozebrána problematika sběrných sítí a shromažďování dat od velkého počtu měřidel na rozsáhlém území. Pro účely přenosu dat jsou popsány technologie GPRS, PLC, DSL,… Dále jsou v práci uvedeny možnosti zefektivnění komunikace mezi měřidly a sběrnou centrálou. K tomuto je využita oblast hierarchické agregace. Pomocí algoritmu k-means je navržen program pro výpočet počtu koncentrátorů a jejich umístění ve skupině měřidel. Vytvořený program je napsán v programovacím jazyce Java. Obsahuje grafické rozhraní a znázorňuje, jak výpočet probíhá. Pro ověření výsledků z optimalizačního programu je sestaven simulační model v nástroji OPNET Modeler. Ověřené výsledky jsou popsány v závěru práce a lze z nich odvodit, že použitím optimalizačního programu dochází k zefektivnění komunikace mezi měřidly a sběrnou centrálou.The work deals with the measurement and management in power. Provides an introduction to the problems of remote meter reading, management, and describes the current situation in the field of modern technologies Smart metering and Smart grids. It also analyzed the issue of collection of networks and data collection from a large number of meters over a wide area. For the purpose of data transmission are described GPRS, PLC, DSL, ... Further, there are given options to streamline communication. This area is used hierarchical aggregation. Using k-means algorithm is a program designed to calculate the number of concentrators and their location in the group of meters. The finished program is written in Java. It has a graphical interface and shows how the calculation is conducted. To verify the results of the optimization program is given simulation model in OPNET Modeler tool. Audited results are described in the conclusion and can deduce that using the optimization program is to streamline communications.


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    The possibility of studying GRBs with the ESA Gaia and LOFT missions is briefly addressed. The ESA Gaia satellite to be launched in November 2013 will focus on high precision astrometry of stars and all objects down to limiting magnitude 20. The satellite will also provide photometric and spectral information and hence important inputs for various branches of astrophysics, including the study of GRBs and related optical afterglows (OAs) and optical transients (OTs). The strength of Gaia in GRB analyses will be the fine spectral resolution (spectro-photometry and ultra-low dispersion spectroscopy), which will allow the correct classication of related triggers. An interesting feature of Gaia BP and RP instruments will be the study of highly redshifted triggers. Similarly, the low dispersion spectroscopy provided by various plate surveys can also supply valuable data for investigations of high-energy sources. The ESA LOFT candidate mission, now in the assessment study phase, will also be able to detect and be used in the study of GRBs, with emphasis on low-energy (X-ray) emission


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    The possibility of studying GRBs with the ESA Gaia and LOFT missions is briefly addressed. The ESA Gaia satellite to be launched in November 2013 will focus on high precision astrometry of stars and all objects down to limiting magnitude 20. The satellite will also provide photometric and spectral information and hence important inputs for various branches of astrophysics, including the study of GRBs and related optical afterglows (OAs) and optical transients (OTs). The strength of Gaia in GRB analyses will be the fine spectral resolution (spectro-photometry and ultra-low dispersion spectroscopy), which will allow the correct classication of related triggers. An interesting feature of Gaia BP and RP instruments will be the study of highly redshifted triggers. Similarly, the low dispersion spectroscopy provided by various plate surveys can also supply valuable data for investigations of high-energy sources. The ESA LOFT candidate mission, now in the assessment study phase, will also be able to detect and be used in the study of GRBs, with emphasis on low-energy (X-ray) emission

    Rekonstrukcion of building n.13, locality Svit in Zlín

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    Import 07/02/2011Cílem diplomové práce je návrh rekonstrukce objektu č.13 v areálu Svit ve Zlíně. Objekt se nachází v Městské památkové zóně Zlín. Exteriér objektu po rekonstrukci bude podobný původnímu stavu z dvacátých let 19. století. Návrh je zpracován ve dvou variantách. První varianta obsahuje obchody, kancelářské prostory a byty menších plošných rozměrů. Druhá varianta obsahuje kancelářské prostory a byty nadstandardních plošných rozměrů. K těmto bytů jsou navrženy také garáže. V každém patře s byty je navržen také jeden byt se zimní zahradou. Návrhy rovněž obsahují napojení na dopravní infrastrukturu a parkovací stání.The objective of this graduation thesis is a concept of a reconstruction of the building number 13, Svit area, Zlin. The building is located to an Urban conservation area in Zlin. After the reconstruction, the exterior of this object will be similar to the original condition from 1920s. The concept has been made in two different variants. The first of them includes shops, offices and small flats. The second one includes offices and large and spacious flats. Garages have also been designed to those flats. Moreover, a flat with an indoor garden has been designed on each floor. The concepts also inculde connection with the traffic infrastructure and parking.Prezenční222 - Katedra městského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    xAI-CycleGAN, a Cycle-Consistent Generative Assistive Network

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    In the domain of unsupervised image-to-image transformation using generative transformative models, CycleGAN has become the architecture of choice. One of the primary downsides of this architecture is its relatively slow rate of convergence. In this work, we use discriminator-driven explainability to speed up the convergence rate of the generative model by using saliency maps from the discriminator that mask the gradients of the generator during backpropagation, based on the work of Nagisetty et al., and also introducing the saliency map on input, added onto a Gaussian noise mask, by using an interpretable latent variable based on Wang M.'s Mask CycleGAN. This allows for an explainability fusion in both directions, and utilizing the noise-added saliency map on input as evidence-based counterfactual filtering. This new architecture has much higher rate of convergence than a baseline CycleGAN architecture while preserving the image quality.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, ICVS TU Wien 202

    US Astronomical Photographic Data Archives: Hidden Treasures and Importance for High-Energy Astrophysics

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    We report here on an ongoing investigation of US astronomical plate archives and tests of the suitability of transportable scanning devices for in situ digitization of archival astronomical plates, with emphasis on application in high-energy astrophysics