658 research outputs found

    Sparse Bayesian vector autoregressions in huge dimensions

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    We develop a Bayesian vector autoregressive (VAR) model with multivariate stochastic volatility that is capable of handling vast dimensional information sets. Three features are introduced to permit reliable estimation of the model. First, we assume that the reduced-form errors in the VAR feature a factor stochastic volatility structure, allowing for conditional equation-by-equation estimation. Second, we apply recently developed global-local shrinkage priors to the VAR coefficients to cure the curse of dimensionality. Third, we utilize recent innovations to efficiently sample from high-dimensional multivariate Gaussian distributions. This makes simulation-based fully Bayesian inference feasible when the dimensionality is large but the time series length is moderate. We demonstrate the merits of our approach in an extensive simulation study and apply the model to US macroeconomic data to evaluate its forecasting capabilities

    Polymer adsorption on heterogeneous surfaces

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    The adsorption of a single ideal polymer chain on energetically heterogeneous and rough surfaces is investigated using a variational procedure introduced by Garel and Orland (Phys. Rev. B 55 (1997), 226). The mean polymer size is calculated perpendicular and parallel to the surface and is compared to the Gaussian conformation and to the results for polymers at flat and energetically homogeneous surfaces. The disorder-induced enhancement of adsorption is confirmed and is shown to be much more significant for a heterogeneous interaction strength than for spatial roughness. This difference also applies to the localization transition, where the polymer size becomes independent of the chain length. The localization criterion can be quantified, depending on an effective interaction strength and the length of the polymer chain.Comment: accepted in EPJB (the Journal formerly known as Journal de Physique

    Sophisticated and small versus simple and sizeable: When does it pay off to introduce drifting coefficients in Bayesian VARs?

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    We assess the relationship between model size and complexity in the time-varying parameter VAR framework via thorough predictive exercises for the Euro Area, the United Kingdom and the United States. It turns out that sophisticated dynamics through drifting coefficients are important in small data sets while simpler models tend to perform better in sizeable data sets. To combine best of both worlds, novel shrinkage priors help to mitigate the curse of dimensionality, resulting in competitive forecasts for all scenarios considered. Furthermore, we discuss dynamic model selection to improve upon the best performing individual model for each point in time

    Introducing shrinkage in heavy-tailed state space models to predict equity excess returns

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    We forecast S&P 500 excess returns using a flexible Bayesian econometric state space model with non-Gaussian features at several levels. More precisely, we control for overparameterization via novel global-local shrinkage priors on the state innovation variances as well as the time-invariant part of the state space model. The shrinkage priors are complemented by heavy tailed state innovations that cater for potential large breaks in the latent states. Moreover, we allow for leptokurtic stochastic volatility in the observation equation. The empirical findings indicate that several variants of the proposed approach outperform typical competitors frequently used in the literature, both in terms of point and density forecasts

    Unsupervised identification of topological order using predictive models

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    Machine-learning driven models have proven to be powerful tools for the identification of phases of matter. In particular, unsupervised methods hold the promise to help discover new phases of matter without the need for any prior theoretical knowledge. While for phases characterized by a broken symmetry, the use of unsupervised methods has proven to be successful, topological phases without a local order parameter seem to be much harder to identify without supervision. Here, we use an unsupervised approach to identify topological phases and transitions out of them. We train artificial neural nets to relate configurational data or measurement outcomes to quantities like temperature or tuning parameters in the Hamiltonian. The accuracy of these predictive models can then serve as an indicator for phase transitions. We successfully illustrate this approach on both the classical Ising gauge theory as well as on the quantum ground state of a generalized toric code.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Hydrodynamics of steady state phloem transport with radial leakage of solute

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    Long-distance phloem transport occurs under a pressure gradient generated by the osmotic exchange of water associated with solute exchange in source and sink regions. But these exchanges also occur along the pathway, and yet their physiological role has almost been ignored in mathematical models of phloem transport. Here we present a steady state model for transport phloem which allows solute leakage, based on the Navier-Stokes and convection-diffusion equations which describe fluid motion rigorously. Sieve tube membrane permeability P s for passive solute exchange (and correspondingly, membrane reflection coefficient) influenced model results strongly, and had to lie in the bottom range of the values reported for plant cells for the results to be realistic. This smaller permeability reflects the efficient specialization of sieve tube elements, minimizing any diffusive solute loss favored by the large concentration difference across the sieve tube membrane. We also found there can be a specific reflection coefficient for which pressure profiles and sap velocities can both be similar to those predicted by the Hagen-Poiseuille equation for a completely impermeable tube.This study was supported by a Ph.D. grant from the Helmholtz-DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Fellowship Programme Biogeosystems: Dynamics, Adaptation and Adjustment
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