610 research outputs found

    Identifying geochemical hot moments and their controls on a contaminated river floodplain system using wavelet and entropy approaches

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    Geochemical hot moments are defined here as short periods of time that are associated with disproportionally high levels of concentrations (biogeochemically-driven or transport-related) relative to longer intervening time periods. We used entropy and wavelet techniques to identify temporal variability in geochemical constituents and their controls along three transects within a contaminated floodplain system near Rifle CO. Results indicated that transport-dominated hot moments drove overall geochemical processing in the contaminated groundwater and seep zones. These hot moments were associated with seasonal hydrologic variability (∼4 months) in the contaminated aquifer and with annual hydrologic cycle and residence times in the seep zone. Hot moments associated with a naturally reduced zone within the aquifer were found to be biogeochemically-driven, with a different dominant frequency (∼3 months) and no correlation to hydrologic or weather variations, in contrast to what is observed in other regions of the floodplain

    Investigating Microtopographic and Soil Controls on a Mountainous Meadow Plant Community Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing and Surface Geophysical Data

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    This study aims to investigate the microtopographic controls that dictate the heterogeneity of plant communities in a mountainous floodplain-hillslope system, using remote sensing and surface geophysical techniques. Working within a lower montane floodplain-hillslope study site (750 m × 750 m) in the Upper Colorado River Basin, we developed a new data fusion framework, based on machine learning and feature engineering, that exploits remote sensing optical and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data to estimate the distribution of key plant meadow communities at submeter resolution. We collected surface electrical resistivity tomography data to explore the variability in soil properties along a floodplain-hillslope transect at 0.50-m resolution and extracted LiDAR-derived metrics to model the rapid change in microtopography. We then investigated the covariability among the estimated plant community distributions, soil information, and topographic metrics. Results show that our framework estimated the distribution of nine plant communities with higher accuracy (87% versus 80% overall; 85% versus 60% for shrubs) compared to conventional classification approaches. Analysis of the covariabilities reveals a strong correlation between plant community distribution, soil electric conductivity, and slope, indicating that soil moisture is a primary control on heterogeneous spatial distribution. At the same time, microtopography plays an important role in creating particular ecosystem niches for some of the communities. Such relationships could be exploited to provide information about the spatial variability of soil properties. This highly transferable framework can be employed within long-term monitoring to capture community-specific physiological responses to perturbations, offering the possibility of bridging local plot-scale observations with large landscape monitoring

    Deep-water Tectono-Stratigraphy at a Plate Boundary Constrained by Large N-Detrital Zircon and Micropaleontological Approaches: Peninsular Ranges Forearc, Baja California, Mexico

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    The distribution of sedimentary systems on Earth’s surface is intimately linked to tectonics, therefore, at plate boundaries the stratigraphic archive can unlock the timing and style of tectonism and relative plate motions. Using large-n detrital zircon and micropaleontological analyses, tied to field mapping and data collection, we unravel the timing of strike-slip motion and its influence on the development of a Cretaceous submarine canyon on a long-lived oblique-convergent margin. Structural analysis demonstrates that the canyon bedrock, composed of fluvial rocks (La Bocana Roja Fm., of maximum depositional age (MDA): 93.6±1.1 Ma), underwent both syn- and post-depositional contractional and extensional deformation during the Cenomanian-Turonian in response to dextral strike-slip movement. Relative sea-level rise associated with basin subsidence and hinterland uplift was coincident with incision and fill of a submarine canyon system (Punta Baja Fm., MDA 87.1±1.5 Ma to 84.9±2.0 Ma), which exploited structural lineaments in the bedrock. The canyon was filled by sediment derived from an uplifted magmatic arc during the Coniacian to Santonian, most likely shed from erosional topography associated with plutonic intrusions to the NE. Structural data suggest that oblique dextral strike-slip motion on the Pacific margin controlled the development and location of submarine erosion, and had ended by the earliest Santonian, significantly earlier than previously estimated. Basinward tilting led to uplift, followed by transgression and wave ravinement of the canyon fill, which was then overlain by a shallow-marine to fluvial system. Thus, the canyon was cut, filled, buried, uplifted and rotated basinward, planed off through wave ravinement, and onlapped by shallow-marine to fluvial sediments within an 8 Myr period. Our findings, in part, reconcile contrasting basin evolution models for the Late Mesozoic Pacific margin

    Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2, IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents

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    This paper concerns the dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of C2{\bf C}^2. One can associate to such an automorphism two currents μ±\mu^\pm and the equilibrium measure μ=μ+μ\mu=\mu^+\wedge\mu^-. In this paper we study some geometric and dynamical properties of these objects. First, we characterize μ\mu as the unique measure of maximal entropy. Then we show that the measure μ\mu has a local product structure and that the currents μ±\mu^\pm have a laminar structure. This allows us to deduce information about periodic points and heteroclinic intersections. For example, we prove that the support of μ\mu coincides with the closure of the set of saddle points. The methods used combine the pluripotential theory with the theory of non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems

    Hysteresis Patterns of Watershed Nitrogen Retention and Loss Over the Past 50 years in United States Hydrological Basins

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    Patterns of watershed nitrogen (N) retention and loss are shaped by how watershed biogeochemical processes retain, biogeochemically transform, and lose incoming atmospheric deposition of N. Loss patterns represented by concentration, discharge, and their associated stream exports are important indicators of integrated watershed N retention behaviors. We examined continental United States (CONUS) scale N deposition (e.g., wet and dry atmospheric deposition), vegetation trends, and stream trends as potential indicators of watershed N-saturation and retention conditions, and how watershed N retention and losses vary over space and time. By synthesizing changes and modalities in watershed nitrogen loss patterns based on stream data from 2200 U.S. watersheds over a 50 years record, our work revealed two patterns of watershed N-retention and loss. One was a hysteresis pattern that reflects the integrated influence of hydrology, atmospheric inputs, land-use, stream temperature, elevation, and vegetation. The other pattern was a one-way transition to a new state. We found that regions with increasing atmospheric deposition and increasing vegetation health/biomass patterns have the highest N-retention capacity, become increasingly N-saturated over time, and are associated with the strongest declines in stream N exports—a pattern, that is, consistent across all land cover categories. We provide a conceptual model, validated at an unprecedented scale across the CONUS that links instream nitrogen signals to upstream mechanistic landscape processes. Our work can aid in the future interpretation of in-stream concentrations of DOC and DIN as indicators of watershed N-retention status and integrators of watershed hydrobiogeochemical processes

    Groundwater resources assessment using integrated geophysical techniques in the southwestern region of Peninsular Malaysia.

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    Combined geophysical techniques such as multi-electrode resistivity, induced polarization, and borehole geophysical techniques were carried out on volcano-sedimentary rocks in the north of Gemas as part of the groundwater resource’s investigations. The result identifies four resistivity units: the tuffaceous mudstone, tuffaceous sandstone, the tuff bed, and the shale layer. Two types of aquifer systems in terms of storage were identified within the area: one within a fracture system (tuff), which is the leaky area through which vertical flow of groundwater occurs, and an intergranular property of the sandy material of the aquifer which includes sandstone and tuffaceous sandstone. The result also reveals that the aquifer occupies a surface area of about 3,250,555 m2 with a mean depth of 43.71 m and a net volume of 9.798 × 107 m3. From the approximate volume of the porous zone (28 %) and the total aquifer volume, a usable capacity of (274.339 ± 30.177) × 107 m3 of water in the study area can be deduced. This study provides useful information that can be used to develop a much broader understanding of the nature of groundwater potential in the area and their relationship with the local geology

    Structural and Spectroscopic Analysis of the Kinase Inhibitor Bosutinib and an Isomer of Bosutinib Binding to the Abl Tyrosine Kinase Domain

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is caused by the kinase activity of the BCR-Abl fusion protein. The Abl inhibitors imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib are currently used to treat CML, but resistance to these inhibitors is a significant clinical problem. The kinase inhibitor bosutinib has shown efficacy in clinical trials for imatinib-resistant CML, but its binding mode is unknown. We present the 2.4 Å structure of bosutinib bound to the kinase domain of Abl, which explains the inhibitor's activity against several imatinib-resistant mutants, and reveals that similar inhibitors that lack a nitrile moiety could be effective against the common T315I mutant. We also report that two distinct chemical compounds are currently being sold under the name “bosutinib”, and report spectroscopic and structural characterizations of both. We show that the fluorescence properties of these compounds allow inhibitor binding to be measured quantitatively, and that the infrared absorption of the nitrile group reveals a different electrostatic environment in the conserved ATP-binding sites of Abl and Src kinases. Exploiting such differences could lead to inhibitors with improved selectivity

    Theorems on existence and global dynamics for the Einstein equations

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    This article is a guide to theorems on existence and global dynamics of solutions of the Einstein equations. It draws attention to open questions in the field. The local-in-time Cauchy problem, which is relatively well understood, is surveyed. Global results for solutions with various types of symmetry are discussed. A selection of results from Newtonian theory and special relativity that offer useful comparisons is presented. Treatments of global results in the case of small data and results on constructing spacetimes with prescribed singularity structure or late-time asymptotics are given. A conjectural picture of the asymptotic behaviour of general cosmological solutions of the Einstein equations is built up. Some miscellaneous topics connected with the main theme are collected in a separate section.Comment: Submitted to Living Reviews in Relativity, major update of Living Rev. Rel. 5 (2002)

    PTB Domain-Directed Substrate Targeting in a Tyrosine Kinase from the Unicellular Choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis

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    Choanoflagellates are considered to be the closest living unicellular relatives of metazoans. The genome of the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis contains a surprisingly high number and diversity of tyrosine kinases, tyrosine phosphatases, and phosphotyrosine-binding domains. Many of the tyrosine kinases possess combinations of domains that have not been observed in any multicellular organism. The role of these protein interaction domains in M. brevicollis kinase signaling is not clear. Here, we have carried out a biochemical characterization of Monosiga HMTK1, a protein containing a putative PTB domain linked to a tyrosine kinase catalytic domain. We cloned, expressed, and purified HMTK1, and we demonstrated that it possesses tyrosine kinase activity. We used immobilized peptide arrays to define a preferred ligand for the third PTB domain of HMTK1. Peptide sequences containing this ligand sequence are phosphorylated efficiently by recombinant HMTK1, suggesting that the PTB domain of HMTK1 has a role in substrate recognition analogous to the SH2 and SH3 domains of mammalian Src family kinases. We suggest that the substrate recruitment function of the noncatalytic domains of tyrosine kinases arose before their roles in autoinhibition