41 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) pada Proyek Insulation di Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. Geragai

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    Contractors working on projects must have a CSMS to ensure their safety and health so that the  work process runs smoothly. SKK Migas' 2016 sustainability report shows that by applying the CSMS method for contractors, the number of work accident victims in 2016 decreased by 33.8% from 2015. Therefore this study aims to analyze the description of the implemention of the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) Implementation At PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. Geragai By CV. Ekacipta Global Radian. Methods of The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. With K3 supervisor research informants Petrochina International Jabung Ltd, K3 manager CV. RGE, and employees of CV. RGE in the field. Data collection technique with In-depth Interview. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation, discussion of analysis and drawing conclusions. Commitment management at CV. RGE has been implemented properly and adequately. The CSMS program has been effective in accordance with its objectives and has led to targets set in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality it needs further improvement. Risk control has been implemented in the field where CV. RGE has created a JSA and inspected the site before work started well in advance. Safe behavior measures have also been implemented by CV. RGE by putting up K3 posters, holding safety meetings every morning before starting work, providing training to employees. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is also sufficient. Each employee receives his own PPE and is responsible for his PPE

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Layanan Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Dalam Program Pencegahan HIV/AIDS di Puskesmas Pakuan Baru Kota Jambi

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    Peningkatan kasus HIV/ AIDS ini diduga salah satunya disebabkan oleh ditutupnya kawasan lokalisasi Payo Sigadung. Pasca ditutupnya Payo Sigadung tahun 2014 lalu, tentunya menjadi salah satu “ancaman” dikarenakan sulitnya petugas kesehatan melakukan kontrol dan pengawasan terhadap pekerja seks komersial (PSK) tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan kuat dugaan para pekerja seks komersial tersebut masih bekerja dengan sembunyi-sembunyi dan bahkan menyebar ke luar Payo Sigadung seperti di kawasan hiburan malam dan tempat-tempat lain seperti warung remang-remang dan tempat-tempat lainnya. Sehubungan dengan itu tentunya diperlukan inisiatif masyarakat yang memiliki kesadaran untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara berkala. Salah satu sarana yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat adalah layanan Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) yang tersedia di Puskesmas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Layanan VCT dalam Program Pencegahan HIV/AIDS di Puskesmas Pakuan Baru Kota Jambi. Studi Kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam pada Maret-November 2020. Informan dalam penelitian ini yaitu konselor HIV/AIDS, petugas laboratorium/ farmasi, petugas administrasi dan pengunjung layanan VCT.Hasil penelitian yaitu Pelaksanaan layanan VCT, tingkat pengetahuan/ pemahaman informasi, sarana dan prasarana umumnya sudah cukup baik. Perlu adanya evaluasi berkala terhadap pelaksanaan layanan VCT, peningkatan ketrampilan petugas agar dapat menggali informasi lebih dalam dari pasien, perlu adanya peningkatan pengetahuan melalui pelatihan yang rutin. Kata Kunci: HIV/AIDS, VCT, Puskesma

    Determinan Pemanfaatan Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis (PROLANIS) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Talang Banjar Kota Jambi

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    AbstractBackground: Talang Banjar Community Health Center is a community health center with the lowest Controlled Prolanist Participant Ratio (RPPT) in Jambi City, namely 0.55% from ≥ 5% set by BPJS. Of the 185 patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, only 39 patients were registered as pronalis participants and only 1 patient was controlled on prolanis. Meanwhile, of the 658 diagnosed with hypertension, 36 patients were registered as pronalis participants and only 3 patients were controlled on prolanis. Researchers aim to analyze the determinants of utilization of the chronic disease management program (prolanis) in the working area of the Talang Banjar Community Health Center, Jambi City.Research Method: This type of research is quantitative research with a cross sectional study design. The total population in this study was 75 respondents. The sample in this study was selected using the Total Sampling Technique, namely all prolanis participants who were registered at the Talang Banjar Community Health Center, Jambi City. The dependent variable was the use of prolanis and the independent variables were age, gender, education, employment, knowledge, accessibility, attitude of health workers, and perception of disease. Data analysis used the chi square test.Research Results: There is a relationship between education (p = 0,049), knowledge (p = 0,000), accessibility (p = 0,043), and perception of disease (0,020) with the use of prolanis. There was no relationship between age (p = 0,254), gender (p = 0,383), occupation (p = 1,000), and attitude of health workers (p = 0,320) with the use of prolanis.Conclusion: There is a relationship between education, knowledge, accessibility and perception of disease with the use of prolanis. There is no relationship between age, gender, occupation and attitude of health workers with the use of prolanis.Keywords: Determinants, Utilization of Prolanis, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and Prolanis BPJS Health Participant


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    Abstrak: Meskipun berbagai sumber pendanaan domestik tersedia, pendanaan untuk program tuberkulosis (TB) di Indonesia masih didominasi oleh dana dari donor internasional. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan hard skills berupa pengetahuan kepada ketua RT mengenai kondisi epidemiologi TB, kegiatan-kegiatan pencegahan dan pengendalian TB di masyarakat, pentingnya penganggaran TB mulai di tingkat RT, dan informasi sumber pendanaan yang dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan pencegahan dan pengendalian TB. Luaran kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan ketua RT mengenai kondisi epidemiologi TB dan kegiatan pencegahan dan pengendalian TB sehingga mereka dapat berkomitmen untuk mengusulkan kegiatan TB berbasis masyarakat menggunakan dana yang tersedia di Desa/Kelurahan di tahun penganggaran selanjutnya. Metode kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi dengan sasaran sebanyak tujuh orang ketua RT yang ada di Kelurahan Solok Sipin. Pengetahuan peserta diukur dengan membandingkan nilai pre-test dan post-test. Terjadi penurunan nilai rata-rata post-test sebesar 9% (nilai rata-rata sebesar 81,43 dan standar deviasi 14,64) dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata pre-test (nilai rata-rata 74,29 dan standar deviasi 11,34) . Meskipun demikian, berdasarkan uji Wilcoxon diketahui bahwa tidak ada perbedaan secara statistik nilai rata-rata pre-test dan post-test.Abstract: Even though various sources of domestic funds are available, funds of tuberculosis (TB) program in Indonesia are still dominated by fund from international donors. The purpose of this activity is to provide hard skills of the Head of Neighborhoods regarding the epidemiological condition of TB, TB prevention and control activities in the community, the importance of TB budgeting starting at the neighborhood level, and sources of funding used for TB prevention and control. The output of this activity is an increase in the knowledge of the Head of the Neighborhoods regarding the epidemiology of TB and TB prevention and control so that they commit to proposing community-based TB activities using available funds in the village in the next budget year. The method of this activity is socialization with the target of seven Head of Neighborhoods in Solok Sipin Village. Participants' knowledge was measured by comparing the pre-test and post-test scores. There was a decrease in the mean value of the post-test of 9% (mean value of 81.43 and standard deviation of 14.64) compared to mean value of the pre-test (mean value of 74.29 and standard deviation of 11.34). However, based on the Wilcoxon test, it was found that there was no statistical difference between the pre-test and post-test mean values

    Faktor – Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Unmet Need KB pada Pasangan Usia Subur di Kelurahan Sulanjana Jambi

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    Unmet need for family planning is a couple of childbearing age who do not want children, want children with a distance of 2 but do not use contraception. The Sulanjana Village has the highest unmet need for KB rating in East Jambi at 38.40%. The study aims to determine the relationship between age, education, employment status, income, and attitudes towards family planning, with the incidence of unmet need for family planning in couples of childbearing age in Sulanjana Village, East Jambi District, Jambi City in 2023This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 78 respondents taken using accidental sampling technique. The sample is married women of childbearing age aged 19-49 years. data collection was carried out February-March 2023 by interviewing using a questionnaire. Data processing was performed univariately and bivariately using the SPSS chi-square test. the results of the analysis show a relationship between income (P-value=0.024), and attitude (P-value=0.010), while the variables are age (P-value=0.820), education (P-value=1.000), occupation (P-value= 634) there is no relationship with the incidence of unmet need for family planning in couples of childbearing age in the Sulanjana Village, DistrictEast Jambi Jambi City.to increase knowledge, attitudes in socializing and educating the community regarding the importance of participating in family planning programs and using contraceptives, not only wives but husbands also participate

    Transmisi Seksual (Pmts) Di Kalangan Wanita Pekerja Seks (Wps) Lokasi Gang Laler Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat Tahun 2014

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    PMTS (HIV-AIDS Prevention Program through Sexual Transmission) is a program of HIV-AIDS prevention which was initiated by the National AIDS Commission (KPAN), its aim is to do HIV prevention comprehensively, interactively and effectively on the key population which is female sex workers, however, as it is known that the purpose of this program has not been reached. The research objective was to evaluate HIV-AIDS prevention program through sexual transmittion among female sex workers at Gang Laler Kemayoran Central Jakarta 2014.The research is using cualitative method, data assessment method is found through deep interview and document review, data validation is using triangulate sourch, data and method. The reseach show thatlack of coordination, lack of funds, facilities and infrastructure have become the reason whythe goal PMTS program cannot be achieved yet, marked with dysfunctional Location Working Unit. Location Working Unit is one key to success that can run the entire activities, so the suggestions of this research are to improve the coordination of KPAK with LSM/NGO, SKPD, Location Working in a form of routine meetings, to allocate the routine funds for Location Working Unit and the entire activities, as well as providing facilities and infrastructure to support the activities

    Transmisi Seksual (Pmts) Di Kalangan Wanita Pekerja Seks (Wps) Lokasi Gang Laler Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat Tahun 2014

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    PMTS (HIV-AIDS Prevention Program through Sexual Transmission) is a program of HIV-AIDS prevention which was initiated by the National AIDS Commission (KPAN), its aim is to do HIV prevention comprehensively, interactively and effectively on the key population which is female sex workers, however, as it is known that the purpose of this program has not been reached. The research objective was to evaluate HIV-AIDS prevention program through sexual transmittion among female sex workers at Gang Laler Kemayoran Central Jakarta 2014.The research is using cualitative method, data assessment method is found through deep interview and document review, data validation is using triangulate sourch, data and method. The reseach show thatlack of coordination, lack of funds, facilities and infrastructure have become the reason whythe goal PMTS program cannot be achieved yet, marked with dysfunctional Location Working Unit. Location Working Unit is one key to success that can run the entire activities, so the suggestions of this research are to improve the coordination of KPAK with LSM/NGO, SKPD, Location Working in a form of routine meetings, to allocate the routine funds for Location Working Unit and the entire activities, as well as providing facilities and infrastructure to support the activities


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    Kebakaran hutan dan lahan (Karhutla) yang terjadi di Indonesia tahun 2015 berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya.Jumlah kebakaran terbanyak terpantau pada 6 provinsi di Indonesia yaitu Provinsi Riau, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Kalimantan Selatan. Dampak kesehatan yang paling signifikan adalah infeksi salur pernafasan akut (ISPA), asma bronkial, diare, iritasi mata, dan penyakit kulit. Untuk menghindari dampak negatif kebakaran hutan dan lahan terhadap kesehatan, perlu ada edukasi mengenai hal tersebut di wilayah yang terdampak. Upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah menjaga agar udara dalam ruanganbersih, sedapat mungkin tidak keluar rumah, menggunakan masker yang tepat ketika keluar rumah, membersihkan tubuh. Serta untuk mendukung kegiatan peningkatan Upaya Kesehatan Sekolah, maka mitra yang tepat menjadi sasaran adalah siswa. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan edukasi mengenai respon terhadap permasalahan krisis kesehatan saat bencana kabut asap bagi siswa. Kegiatan ini bermitra dengan Camat Pelayangan dan SMP N 13 Pelayangan Kota Jambi sebanyak 60 siswa, dalam bentuk sosialisasi, pemberian masker dan praktek cuci tangan dansabun yang benar. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan tingkatpengetahuan dan pemahaman peserta setelah diberikan edukasi. Hal ini dapat terbukti dari hasil analisis uji t-paired test nilai t=-4.0596, df= 61 dan P-value =0.0001. Publikasi di media massa melalui media digital dan jurnal merupakan luaran yang dihasilkan. Kesimpulan kegiatan ini yaitu telah terlaksana dengan baik dan efektif. Camat, Kepala Sekolah dan guru sangatmendukung, serta siswa sangat antusias dalam mengikuti dan melaksanakan kegiatan ini. Diharapkan kegiatan ini dapat dilaksanakan secara berkesinambungan mengingatsiswa di kelompok umur ini memiliki risiko terhadap berbagai penyakit, haruslah menjadi fokus dalam upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan


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    Hypertension disease in the elderly can affect the quality of life. This disease causes various complications that require much money; therefore, Hypertension exercises can help reduce complications from Hypertension. The purpose of this community service was for the community, especially the elderly, to know and apply how to do Hypertension exercises. This community service partner is the elderly in the Sengeti Health Center working area, Muaro Jambi Regency, which was carried out through education and training in Hypertension exercises. The results of this activity obtained an increase in knowledge and understanding of elderly participants from 30% to 70% at the end of the activity. The facts prove the importance of health counselling through education and training in Hypertension exercises to reduce the risk of complications of Hypertension disease


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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Anemia is a condition characterized by a reduced concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. There are various causes of anemia, both physiological due to pregnancy or high activity, as well as the result of pathological Mild to moderate anemia rarely causes symptoms so it is considered that there are no problems in the body. Anemia is a problem that occurs almost all over the world. The global prevalence of anemia in 2019 was 22.8%, with the highest prevalence in children under five years of age 39.7%. Method: This activity has been carried out on July 27, 2021. The location of the activity will be in Muara Jambi Village, Maro Sebo District, Muaro Jambi Regency. The method of activity is anemia screening, by gathering the community with the application of health protocols, conducting anemia screening by checking hemoglobin levels for free for the community, giving iron tablets to the community and introducing raw materials for high-iron foods to the community in the form of leaflets, counseling and discussion groups. Results and Discussion: The age of participants in this service is 18 participants who are less than 40 years old, and 12 participants who are more than 41 years old. After the Hemoglobin examination, the average participants had normal Hemoglobin with a value of more than 11 mg/dL. But there were 3 participants who had HB below 11 mg/dL. These 3 participants are at risk for iron deficiency anemia Conclusion: The implementation of this service was welcomed by the village government and the local community. This service is one solution that wants to be given to the community, regarding the problem of anemia that has been happening so far. From the screening results, the majority of the population's HB was normal. It is hoped that this research can increase public knowledge about raw materials for high-iron foods and the prevention of anemia, especially in pregnant women, children and other communities. Keywords: Iron Deficiency Anemia, High Iron Food Ingredients   ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Anemia adalah kondisi yang ditandai dengan berkurangnya konsentrasi hemoglobin di dalam darah. Penyebab anemia ada bermacam-macam, baik bersifat fisiologis akibat kehamilan atau aktifitas yang tinggi, maupun akibat dari patologis Anemia ringan hingga sedang jarang menimbulkan gejala sehingga dianggap tidak ada masalah di dalam tubuhnya.  Anemia merupakan permasalahan yang terjadi hampir di seluruh dunia.  Prevalensi Anemia secara global pada tahun 2019 adalah 22,8%, dengan prevalensi tertinggi pada anak di bawah lima tahun 39,7%. Metode: Kegiatan ini telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Juli 2021.  Lokasi kegiatan akan dilakukan di Desa Muara Jambi, Kecamatan Maro Sebo, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Metode kegiatannya adalah skrining anemia, dengan mengumpulkan masyarakat dengan penerapan protocol kesehatan, melakukan skrining anemia dengan pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin gratis bagi masyarakat, pemberian tablet besi kepada masyarakat dan mengenalkan bahan baku makanan tinggi besi kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk leaflet, penyuluhan dan grup diskusi. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Usia peserta pada pengabdian ini di mana peserta yang berusia kurang dari 40 tahun ada 18 peserta, dan peserta yang lebih dari 41 tahun ada 12 orang. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan Hemoglobin, rata-rata peserta memiliki Hemoglobin yang normal dengan nilai lebih dari 11 mg/dL. Tetapi ada 3 peserta yang memiliki HB di bawah 11 mg/dL. 3 peserta ini memiliki risiko untuk terjadi anemia defisiensi besi Kesimpulan: Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini disambut baik oleh pemerintah desa dan masyarakat setempat. Pengabdian ini adalah salah satu solusi yang ingin diberikan kepada masyarakat, tentang permasalahan anemia yang selama ini terjadi. Dari hasil skrining didaptkan HB masyarakat mayoritas normal. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang bahan baku makanan tinggi zat besi dan pencegahan terjadinya anemia terutama pada wanita hamil, anak-anak dan masyarakt lainnya.   Kata Kunci: Anemia Defisiensi Besi, Bahan Makanan Tinggi Bes