396 research outputs found

    Propiedades antioxidantes de dos nuevos derivados lipofílicos del ácido gálico

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    The effectiveness of two lipophilic derivatives of the natural phenol, gallic acid (GA), synthesized using methyl gallate as starting material was investigated. The antioxidant activities of these novel phenolics compared to GA, tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) were evaluated in bulk oil, emulsion and the DPPH systems. The results showed that the new compounds effectively delayed lipid oxidation much better than GA and other antioxidants under Rancimat (100-140 °C) and emulsion tests. In the bulk oil system at 65 °C, they still behaved better than GA, but TBHQ had the highest activity. Thus, replacing the electron-withdrawing carboxylic group on GA by covalently linking sterically hindered phenols to its phenyl ring increased its lipophilicity and also resulted in synergistic effects which improved overall antioxidant activity through stabilization of the phenoxy radical. These new antioxidant variants satisfy industrial demands for bioactive ingredients with strong antioxidant potentials under different food processing conditions.Se aporta información sobre de la eficacia de dos derivados lipofílicos de fenoles naturales derivados del ácido gálico (GA) y sintetizados utilizando galato de metilo como material de partida. Las actividades antioxidantes de estos nuevos compuestos fenólicos en comparación con el GA, terc-butilhidroquinona (TBHQ) y butil hidroxitolueno (BHT) se evaluaron en aceites, sistemas emulsionados y mediante DPPH. Los resultados mostraron que los nuevos compuestos retrasaron efectivamente la oxidación de lípidos mucho más fuerte que el GA y otros antioxidantes mediante Rancimat (100-140 °C) y pruebas de emulsión. En el aceite a 65 °C, se comportaron mejor que el GA, pero el TBHQ tuvo la actividad más alta. Por lo tanto, reemplazar el grupo carboxílico en GA al unir covalentemente fenoles impedidos estéricamente a su anillo de fenilo ayudó a aumentar su lipofilia y también dio como resultado efectos sinérgicos que mejoraron la actividad antioxidante general a través de la estabilización del radical fenoxi. Estas nuevas variantes de antioxidantes satisfacen la demanda industrial de ingredientes bioactivos con un fuerte potencial antioxidante en diferentes condiciones de procesamiento de alimentos

    Теоретичні аспекти процесу реструктуризації в умовах антикризового управління

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    У статті розкрито сутність поняття "реструктуризація", окреслено чинники, які викликають необхідність реструктуризаційних змін, визначено цілі та види реструктуризації, а також запропоновано ряд перспективних напрямів та відповідних заходів її проведення.Essence of concept "restructuring" is exposed in the article, outlined factors which cause the necessity of restrukturizaciynikh changes, certainly aims and types of restructuring, and also the row of perspective directions and proper measures of its leadthrough is offered

    Preparación de sustitutos de grasa de leche humana y mejora de su estabilidad oxidativa

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    1,3-Dioleoyl-2-palmitoylglycerol (OPO) was synthesized by enzymatic interesterification using palm stearin rich in tripalmitin (PPP) and ethyl oleate. Enzymatic interesterification parameters such as temperature, water content, enzyme load, and substrate molar ratio were optimized. High contents of C52 (primarily OPO and its isomeric compounds) production (46.7%) and sn-2 palmitic acid (PA) content of 75.3% were detected. In addition, OPO-human milk fat substitute (HMFS) was blended with coconut, soybean, algal and microbial oils at a weight ratio of 0.70:0.18:0.11:0.004:0.007 to simulate fatty acids in human milk fat (HMF) according to the mathematical model. The main and important fatty acids in the Final-HMFS were within the ranges of those present in HMF. The Final-HMFS could promote the absorption of fats and minerals and the development of retina tissues in infants. The mixture of L-ascorbyl palmitate (L-AP) and vitamin E (VE) resulted in a synergistic antioxidant effect both in OPO-HMFS and OPO-HMFS emulsions. This finding has great significance in improving the quality and extending shelf-life of HMFS.Se sintetizó el 1,3-dioleoil-2-palmitoilglicerol (OPO), utilizando estearina de palma rica en tripalmitina (PPP) y oleato de etilo, mediante interesterificación enzimática. Se optimizaron los parámetros de la interesterificación enzimática, como la temperatura, el contenido de agua, la carga de enzimas y la relación molar del sustrato. Se lograron altos rendimientos de C52 (principalmente OPO y sus isómeros, 46,7%) y un contenido de ácido palmítico (PA) en sn-2 del 75,3%. Además, el sustituto graso de leche humana OPO (HMFS), se mezcló con aceites de coco, soja, algas y microbianos, en una proporción en peso de 0,70:0,18:0,11:0,004:0,007 para simular los ácidos grasos de la leche humana (HMF) de acuerdo con un modelo matemático. Los ácidos grasos principales e importantes en HMFS-Final estaban casi dentro de los rangos de los presentes en HMF. El HMFS-Final podría promover la absorción de grasas y minerales y el desarrollo de los tejidos de la retina en los bebés. La mezcla de palmitato de L-ascorbilo (L-AP) y vitamina E (VE) resultó tener un efecto antioxidante sinérgico, tanto en la emulsión OPO-HMFS como en la OPO-HMFS. Este hallazgo tiene una gran importancia para mejorar la calidad y prolongar la vida útil de HMFS

    Effective nonlinear optical properties of composite media of graded spherical particles

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    We have developed a nonlinear differential effective dipole approximation (NDEDA), in an attempt to investigate the effective linear and third-order nonlinear susceptibility of composite media in which graded spherical inclusions with weak nonlinearity are randomly embedded in a linear host medium. Alternatively, based on a first-principles approach, we derived exactly the linear local field inside the graded particles having power-law dielectric gradation profiles. As a result, we obtain also the effective linear dielectric constant and third-order nonlinear susceptibility. Excellent agreement between the two methods is numerically demonstrated. As an application, we apply the NDEDA to investigate the surface plasma resonant effect on the optical absorption, optical nonlinearity enhancement, and figure of merit of metal-dielectric composites. It is found that the presence of gradation in metal particles yields a broad resonant band in the optical region, and further enhances the figure of merit.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Multiple superconducting gap and anisotropic spin fluctuations in iron arsenides: Comparison with nickel analog

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    We present extensive 75As NMR and NQR data on the superconducting arsenides PrFeAs0.89F0.11 (Tc=45 K), LaFeAsO0.92F0.08 (Tc=27 K), LiFeAs (Tc = 17 K) and Ba0.72K0.28Fe2As2 (Tc = 31.5 K) single crystal, and compare with the nickel analog LaNiAsO0.9F0.1 (Tc=4.0 K) . In contrast to LaNiAsO0.9F0.1 where the superconducting gap is shown to be isotropic, the spin lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 in the Fe-arsenides decreases below Tc with no coherence peak and shows a step-wise variation at low temperatures. The Knight shift decreases below Tc and shows a step-wise T variation as well. These results indicate spinsinglet superconductivity with multiple gaps in the Fe-arsenides. The Fe antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations are anisotropic and weaker compared to underdoped copper-oxides or cobalt-oxide superconductors, while there is no significant electron correlations in LaNiAsO0.9F0.1. We will discuss the implications of these results and highlight the importance of the Fermi surface topology.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figure

    Tailoring Passivation Molecular Structures for Extremely Small Open-Circuit Voltage Loss in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Passivation of electronic defects at the surface and grain boundaries of perovskite materials has become one of the most important strategies to suppress charge recombination in both polycrystalline and single-crystalline perovskite solar cells. Although many passivation molecules have been reported, it remains very unclear regarding the passivation mechanisms of various functional groups. Here, we systematically engineer the structures of passivation molecular functional groups, including carboxyl, amine, isopropyl, phenethyl, and tert-butylphenethyl groups, and study their passivation capability to perovskites. It reveals the carboxyl and amine groups would heal charged defects via electrostatic interactions, and the neutral iodine related defects can be reduced by the aromatic structures. The judicious control of the interaction between perovskite and molecules can further realize grain boundary passivation, including those that are deep toward substrates. Understanding of the underlining mechanisms allows us to design a new passivation molecule, D-4-tert-butylphenylalanine, yielding high-performance p-i-structure solar cells with a stabilized efficiency of 21.4%. The open-circuit voltage (VOC) of a device with an optical bandgap of 1.57 eV for the perovskite layer reaches 1.23 V, corresponding to a record small VOC deficit of 0.34 V. Our findings provide a guidance for future design of new passivation molecules to realize multiple facets applications in perovskite electronics

    Synthesis, structural and physical properties of δ\delta'-FeSe1x_{1-x}

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    We report on synthesis, structural characterization, resistivity, magnetic and thermal expansion measurements on the as yet unexplored δ\delta'-phase of FeSe1x_{1-x}, here synthesized under ambient- (AP) and high-pressure (HP) conditions. We show that in contrast to β\beta-FeSe1x_{1-x}, monophasic superconducting δ\delta'-FeSe1x_{1-x} can be obtained in off-stoichiometric samples with excess Fe atoms preferentially residing in the van der Waals gap between the FeSe layers. The AP δ\delta'-FeSe1x_{1-x} sample studied here (TcT_c \simeq 8.5\,K) possesses an unprecedented residual resistivity ratio RRR \simeq 16. Thermal expansion data reveal a small feature around \sim90\,K, which resembles the anomaly observed at the structural and magnetic transitions for other Fe-based superconductors, suggesting that some kind of "magnetic state" is formed also in FeSe. %indicative of a fluctuating magnetic ordering. For HP samples (RRR \simeq 3), the disorder within the FeSe layers is enhanced through the introduction of vacancies, the saturated magnetic moment of Fe is reduced and only spurious superconductivity is observed.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, published versio

    Striped antiferromagnetic order and electronic properties of stoichiometric LiFeAs from first-principles calculations

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    We investigate the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of stoichiometric LiFeAs by using state-of-the-arts first-principles method. We find the magnetic ground-state by comparing the total energies among all the possible magnetic orders. Our calculated internal positions of Li and As are in good agreement with experiment. Our results show that stoichiometric LiFeAs has almost the same striped antiferromagnetic spin order as other FeAs-based parent compounds and tetragonal FeSe do, and the experimental fact that no magnetic phase transition has been observed at finite temperature is attributed to the tiny inter-layer spin coupling