5,223 research outputs found

    Three Tramp Dacetine Ants in Taiwan

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    Trabalho de projeto do mestrado em Economia (Economia Financeira), apresentado à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra.Neste trabalho, as taxas forward foram utilizadas para prever os valores futuros da Estrutura de Prazo das Taxas de Juro, em diferentes pontos desta estrutura, e em diferentes contextos do sistema financeiro, e abrange o período que vai do final de 2004 ao final de 2014. As taxas spot e forward foram construidas a partir do modelo de Nelson, Siegel e Svensson (1994), e para a anlisar a relação existente entre estes dois tipos de taxas, recorreu-se o método de cointegração proposto por Johansen (1988, 1991). Para períodos mais curtos, foram construídas taxas forward instantâneas, que antecipam as taxas spot instantâneas a distâncias que vão de 1 a 10 dias. Para períodos mais longos, foram construídas taxas forward com prazo de 1 mês, que antecipam as taxas spot com o mesmo prazo, a distâncias que vão de 1 a 12 meses. Nas taxas instantâneas, verificou-se que existe cointegração entre todas as taxas forward e as taxas spot que antecipam, nas estimações que abrangem a totalidade da amostra, e para alguns casos quando se divide a amostra em sub-períodos. Nas taxas mensais, pelo contrário, apenas em alguns casos foi constatada a existência de cointegração, quer para a totalidade do período quer para os sub-períodos. De seguida, foi estimado o Modelo de Correção dos Erros proposto por Johansen (1988, 1991), e recorreu-se à analise da função impulso-resposta, para as taxas cointegradas. As taxas mensais apresentaram sempre um comportamento mais instável, quando comparadas com as taxas instantâneas. Entretanto, com a divisão do período, as taxas instantâneas apresentaram um comportamento instável, principalmente para o sub-período 2012-2014

    Three Tramp Dacetine Ants in Taiwan

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    Qubit Mapping Toward Quantum Advantage

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    Qubit Mapping is a pivotal stage in quantum compilation flow. Its goal is to convert logical circuits into physical circuits so that a quantum algorithm can be executed on real-world non-fully connected quantum devices. Qubit Mapping techniques nowadays still lack the key to quantum advantage, scalability. Several studies have proved that at least thousands of logical qubits are required to achieve quantum computational advantage. However, to our best knowledge, there is no previous research with the ability to solve the qubit mapping problem with the necessary number of qubits for quantum advantage in a reasonable time. In this work, we provide the first qubit mapping framework with the scalability to achieve quantum advantage while accomplishing a fairly good performance. The framework also boasts its flexibility for quantum circuits of different characteristics. Experimental results show that the proposed mapping method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on quantum circuit benchmarks by improving over 5% of the cost complexity in one-tenth of the program running time. Moreover, we demonstrate the scalability of our method by accomplishing mapping of an 11,969-qubit Quantum Fourier Transform within five hours


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematics and kinetics both in high-Iow impact aerobic dance and step aerobics. Six female subjects performed front knee lift movements under high-Iow impact aerobics and two-step heights (10, 20 cm) in step aerobics. One Peak high-speed camera (120 Hz) and one Kistler force plate (600 Hz) were synchronized to collect the data. An ANOVA for repeated measures was used to identify differences for each dependent variable. The result indicated that it is important to flex at the knee and ankle joints in order to absorb and reduce the shock in the landing phase. When compared to the low impact front knee lift, high impact front knee lift and two-step heights of step aerobics had significant shorter time to first peak impact force and higher values for first peak impact force, passive impact impulse, and total work


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    Reaction, coordination and speed ability are essential for success in a variety of sports. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is related to all of these abilities. Previous studies had investigated power and endurance type athletes, but there is less research in athletes who are skilled in coordinated lower extremity movements requiring more neural adaptation for nerve conduction velocity after specific exercise training. The purpose of this study is to investigate nerve conduction velocity of soccer, sanshou players and untrained subjects. Results show that NCV was significantly different among the 3 groups (p < .05) for the femoral and tibal nerves. For both femoral and tibial nerve.§, results showed that the soccer players had significantly faster NCV than the other groups (p < .05). According to the results, faster NCV adaptation from long term training in soccer players may be relate to their movement requirement of changing their movement direction quickly and skillfully

    Development of a Small Intelligent Weather Station for Agricultural Applications

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    It is known that climate change causes a decrease in the profit gained from agricultural production. This work designs and establishes weather boxes equipped with functions of rainfall prediction, frosting forecast, and lightning detection. With the wireless connection and the build-in decision mode, weather boxes can deliver early-warning by sending texting messages to the users and actuating the corresponding action to response the extreme climate. To implement rainfall and frosting prognostication, two different datasets are analyzed by the technology of data mining. One of the datasets is acquired from the Central Weather Bureau, and the other is from the proposed weather box monitoring the agricultural environment. From the experimental results, the prediction model constructed from the data which is collected by the proposed weather box exhibits a higher accuracy in rainfall forecasting than those based on the Central Weather Bureau