Qubit Mapping is a pivotal stage in quantum compilation flow. Its goal is to
convert logical circuits into physical circuits so that a quantum algorithm can
be executed on real-world non-fully connected quantum devices. Qubit Mapping
techniques nowadays still lack the key to quantum advantage, scalability.
Several studies have proved that at least thousands of logical qubits are
required to achieve quantum computational advantage. However, to our best
knowledge, there is no previous research with the ability to solve the qubit
mapping problem with the necessary number of qubits for quantum advantage in a
reasonable time. In this work, we provide the first qubit mapping framework
with the scalability to achieve quantum advantage while accomplishing a fairly
good performance. The framework also boasts its flexibility for quantum
circuits of different characteristics. Experimental results show that the
proposed mapping method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on quantum
circuit benchmarks by improving over 5% of the cost complexity in one-tenth of
the program running time. Moreover, we demonstrate the scalability of our
method by accomplishing mapping of an 11,969-qubit Quantum Fourier Transform
within five hours