1,623 research outputs found

    Minimal immersions of closed surfaces in hyperbolic three-manifolds

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    We study minimal immersions of closed surfaces (of genus g2g \ge 2) in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, with prescribed data (σ,tα)(\sigma, t\alpha), where σ\sigma is a conformal structure on a topological surface SS, and αdz2\alpha dz^2 is a holomorphic quadratic differential on the surface (S,σ)(S,\sigma). We show that, for each t(0,τ0)t \in (0,\tau_0) for some τ0>0\tau_0 > 0, depending only on (σ,α)(\sigma, \alpha), there are at least two minimal immersions of closed surface of prescribed second fundamental form Re(tα)Re(t\alpha) in the conformal structure σ\sigma. Moreover, for tt sufficiently large, there exists no such minimal immersion. Asymptotically, as t0t \to 0, the principal curvatures of one minimal immersion tend to zero, while the intrinsic curvatures of the other blow up in magnitude.Comment: 16 page

    Cluster Structure of Disoriented Chiral Condensates in Rapidity Distribution

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    We study the creation of disoriented chiral condensates with some initial boundary conditions that may be expected in the relativistic heavy ion collisions. The equations of motion in the linear σ\sigma-model are solved numerically with and without a Lorentz-boost invariance. We suggest that a distinct cluster structure of coherent pion production in the rapidity distribution may emerge due to a quench and may be observed in experiments.Comment: 10 pages in LaTex, 2 uuencoded ps figures, LBL-3493

    Comparative analysis of full genomic sequences among different genotypes of dengue virus type 3

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the previous study demonstrated the envelope protein of dengue viruses is under purifying selection pressure, little is known about the genetic differences of full-length viral genomes of DENV-3. In our study, complete genomic sequencing of DENV-3 strains collected from different geographical locations and isolation years were determined and the sequence diversity as well as selection pressure sites in the DENV genome other than within the E gene were also analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches, our phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Taiwan's indigenous DENV-3 isolated from 1994 and 1998 dengue/DHF epidemics and one 1999 sporadic case were of the three different genotypes – I, II, and III, each associated with DENV-3 circulating in Indonesia, Thailand and Sri Lanka, respectively. Sequence diversity and selection pressure of different genomic regions among DENV-3 different genotypes was further examined to understand the global DENV-3 evolution. The highest nucleotide sequence diversity among the fully sequenced DENV-3 strains was found in the nonstructural protein 2A (mean ± SD: 5.84 ± 0.54) and envelope protein gene regions (mean ± SD: 5.04 ± 0.32). Further analysis found that positive selection pressure of DENV-3 may occur in the non-structural protein 1 gene region and the positive selection site was detected at position 178 of the NS1 gene.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study confirmed that the envelope protein is under purifying selection pressure although it presented higher sequence diversity. The detection of positive selection pressure in the non-structural protein along genotype II indicated that DENV-3 originated from Southeast Asia needs to monitor the emergence of DENV strains with epidemic potential for better epidemic prevention and vaccine development.</p

    Inflammasome Inhibition as a Pathogenic Stealth Mechanism

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    The activation of inflammasomes containing NBD-LRR (NLRs) or non-NLRs is critical for effective host defense against microbial pathogens. Recent discoveries have uncovered a plethora of pathogenic strategies to inhibit inflammasome-mediated processing of IL-1β and IL-18. We review recent evidence for viral and bacterial manipulation of the inflammasome ranging from perturbation of caspase-1 activation to targeting of specific inflammasome components

    Robust causal inference using directed acyclic graphs: the R package ‘dagitty’

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    Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), which offer systematic representations of causal relationships, have become an established framework for the analysis of causal inference in epidemiology, often being used to determine covariate adjustment sets for minimizing confounding bias. DAGitty is a popular web application for drawing and analysing DAGs. Here we introduce the R package ‘dagitty’, which provides access to all of the capabilities of the DAGitty web application within the R platform for statistical computing, and also offers several new functions. We describe how the R package ‘dagitty’ can be used to: evaluate whether a DAG is consistent with the dataset it is intended to represent; enumerate ‘statistically equivalent’ but causally different DAGs; and identify exposure outcome adjustment sets that are valid for causally different but statistically equivalent DAGs. This functionality enables epidemiologists to detect causal misspecifications in DAGs and make robust inferences that remain valid for a range of different DAGs. The R package ‘dagitty’ is available through the comprehensive R archive network (CRAN) at [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dagitty/]. The source code is available on github at [https://github.com/jtextor/dagitty]. The web application ‘DAGitty’ is free software, licensed under the GNU general public licence (GPL) version 2 and is available at [http:// dagitty.net/]

    Conserving and Gapless Approximations for an Inhomogeneous Bose Gas at Finite Temperatures

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    We derive and discuss the equations of motion for the condensate and its fluctuations for a dilute, weakly interacting Bose gas in an external potential within the self--consistent Hartree--Fock--Bogoliubov (HFB) approximation. Account is taken of the depletion of the condensate and the anomalous Bose correlations, which are important at finite temperatures. We give a critical analysis of the self-consistent HFB approximation in terms of the Hohenberg--Martin classification of approximations (conserving vs gapless) and point out that the Popov approximation to the full HFB gives a gapless single-particle spectrum at all temperatures. The Beliaev second-order approximation is discussed as the spectrum generated by functional differentiation of the HFB single--particle Green's function. We emphasize that the problem of determining the excitation spectrum of a Bose-condensed gas (homogeneous or inhomogeneous) is difficult because of the need to satisfy several different constraints.Comment: plain tex, 19 page

    Advances in the proposed electromagnetic zero-point field theory of inertia

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    A NASA-funded research effort has been underway at the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto and at California State University in Long Beach to develop and test a recently published theory that Newton's equation of motion can be derived from Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics as applied to the zero-point field (ZPF) of the quantum vacuum. In this ZPF-inertia theory, mass is postulated to be not an intrinsic property of matter but rather a kind of electromagnetic drag force that proves to be acceleration dependent by virtue of the spectral characteristics of the ZPF. The theory proposes that interactions between the ZPF and matter take place at the level of quarks and electrons, hence would account for the mass of a composite neutral particle such as the neutron. An effort to generalize the exploratory study of Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (1994) into a proper relativistic formulation has been successful. Moreover the principle of equivalence implies that in this view gravitation would also be electromagnetic in origin along the lines proposed by Sakharov (1968). With regard to exotic propulsion we can definitively rule out one speculatively hypothesized mechanism: matter possessing negative inertial mass, a concept originated by Bondi (1957) is shown to be logically impossible. On the other hand, the linked ZPF-inertia and ZPF-gravity concepts open the conceptual possibility of manipulation of inertia and gravitation, since both are postulated to be electromagnetic phenomena. It is hoped that this will someday translate into actual technological potential. A key question is whether the proposed ZPF-matter interactions generating the phenomenon of mass might involve one or more resonances. This is presently under investigation.Comment: Revised version of invited presentation at 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July 13-15, 1998, Cleveland, OH, 10 pages, no figure

    Spin Transfer from a Ferromagnet into a Semiconductor through an Oxide barrier

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    We present results on the magnetoresistance of the system Ni/Al203/n-doped Si/Al2O3/Ni in fabricated nanostructures. The results at temperature of 14K reveal a 75% magnetoresistance that decreases in value up to approximately 30K where the effect disappears. We observe minimum resistance in the antiparallel configurations of the source and drain of Ni. As a possibility, it seems to indicate the existence of a magnetic state at the Si/oxide interface. The average spin diffusion length obtained is of 650 nm approximately. Results are compared to the window of resistances that seems to exist between the tunnel barrier resistance and two threshold resistances but the spin transfer seems to work in the range and outside the two thresholds

    The Free Quon Gas Suffers Gibbs' Paradox

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    We consider the Statistical Mechanics of systems of particles satisfying the qq-commutation relations recently proposed by Greenberg and others. We show that although the commutation relations approach Bose (resp.\ Fermi) relations for q1q\to1 (resp.\ q1q\to-1), the partition functions of free gases are independent of qq in the range 1<q<1-1<q<1. The partition functions exhibit Gibbs' Paradox in the same way as a classical gas without a correction factor 1/N!1/N! for the statistical weight of the NN-particle phase space, i.e.\ the Statistical Mechanics does not describe a material for which entropy, free energy, and particle number are extensive thermodynamical quantities.Comment: number-of-pages, LaTeX with REVTE