1,402 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of the stochastic dynamics of inclusions in biomembranes in presence of surface tension

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    The stochastic dynamics of inclusions in a randomly fluctuating biomembrane is simulated. These inclusions can represent the embedded proteins and the external particles arriving at a cell membrane. The energetics of the biomembrane is modelled via the Canham-Helfrich Hamiltonian. The contributions of both the bending elastic-curvature energy and the surface tension of the biomembrane are taken into account. The biomembrane is treated as a two-dimensional sheet whose height variations from a reference frame is treated as a stochastic Wiener process. The lateral diffusion parameter associated with this Wiener process coupled with the longitudinal diffusion parameter obtained from the standard Einsteinian diffusion theory completely determine the stochastic motion of the inclusions. It is shown that the presence of surface tension significantly affects the overall dynamics of the inclusions, particularly the rate of capture of the external inclusions, such as drug particles, at the site of the embedded inclusions, such as the embedded proteins.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, to appear in physica

    Lanthanides in granulometric fractions of Mediterranean soils. Can they be used as fingerprints of provenance?

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    Highlights Are lanthanides from fine sand and clay genetically related to the geological materials? Lanthanide concentrations of fine sand and clay fit chronofunctions Pearson's r of lanthanide couples decreases when separation increases in the periodic table Free forms of clay are scavengers of lanthanides and concentrate HREE and ceriumSample preparation and chemical analysis were conducted by Emma Humphreys-Williams and Stanislav Strekopytov (Imaging and Analysis Centre, Natural History Museum, London, UK). This work was supported by a grant from Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad de España (‘TipologĂ­as de Suelos MediterrĂĄneos versus Cuarzo. En la frontera del conocimiento edafogenĂ©tico’; Ref. CGL2016-80308-P). The authors thank Professor Margaret A. Oliver, an anonymous editor and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions that improved the final manuscript. We also thank Robert Abrahams (Bsc) for revising the English language.There is geochemical interest in the lanthanides because they behave like a group that is closely related to the parent materials during surface processes, although they also undergo fractionation as a result of supergene dynamics. We analysed lanthanide concentrations (ICPms) in the granulometric fractions fine sand, clay and free forms of clay (FFclay‐CDB and FFclay‐Ox: extracted with citrate‐dithionite‐sodium bicarbonate and with ammonium oxalate, respectively) from a soil chronosequence of Mediterranean soils. There was a relative enrichment of heavy rare earth elements (HREE) in the clay fraction and its free forms with respect to fine sand. The clay free forms behaved as scavengers of lanthanides, and oxidative scavenging of cerium (Ce) in FFclay‐CDB was also detected. Lanthanide concentrations (lanthanum to gadolinium in fine sand; terbium to lutetium in clay) varied with soil age, and chronofunctions were established. There was a strong positive collinearity between most of the lanthanide concentrations. Furthermore, the value of the correlation index (Pearson's r ) of the concentrations between couples of lanthanides (r CLC) decreased significantly with increasing separation between the elements in the periodic table; this has never been described in soils. Several geochemical properties and indices in the fine sand and clay soil fractions and in the geological materials of the Guadalquivir catchment showed, on the one hand, a genetic relation between them all, enabling the lanthanides to be used as fingerprints of provenance; on the other hand, fractionation between fine sand and clay showed these are actively involved in soil lanthanide dynamics.SecretarĂ­a de Estado de InvestigaciĂłn, Desarrollo e InnovaciĂłn. Grant Number: CGL2016‐80308‐

    Couplings of the Rho Meson in a Holographic dual of QCD with Regge Trajectories

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    The couplings gρHHg_{\rho HH} of the ρ\rho meson with any hadron H are calculated in a holographic dual of QCD where the Regge trajectories for mesons are manifest. The resulting couplings grow linearly with the exciting number of H, thus are far from universal. A simple argument has been given for this behavior based on quasi-classical picture of excited hadrons. It seems that in holographic duals with exact Regge trajectories the gρHHg_{\rho HH} universality should be violated. The ρ\rho-dominance for the electromagnetic form factors of H are also strongly violated, except for the lowest state, the pion. Quite unexpected, the form factor of the pion is completely saturated by the contribution of the ρ\rho. The asymptotic behavior of the form factors are also calculated, and are found to be perfectly accordant with the prediction of conformal symmetry and pertubative QCD.Comment: 9 page

    Superfluidity vs Bose-Einstein condensation in a Bose gas with disorder

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    We investigate the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity in a Bose gas at zero temperature with disorder. By using the Diffusion Monte-Carlo method we calculate the superfluid and the condensate fraction of the system as a function of density and strength of disorder. In the regime of weak disorder we find agreement with the analytical results obtained within the Bogoliubov model. For strong disorder the system enters an unusual regime where the superfluid fraction is smaller than the condensate fraction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    The Liquid-Gas Phase Transitions in a Multicomponent Nuclear System with Coulomb and Surface Effects

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    The liquid-gas phase transition is studied in a multi-component nuclear system using a local Skyrme interaction with Coulomb and surface effects. Some features are qualitatively the same as the results of Muller and Serot which uses relativistic mean field without Coulomb and surface effects. Surface tension brings the coexistance binodal surface to lower pressure. The Coulomb interaction makes the binodal surface smaller and cause another pair of binodal points at low pressure and large proton fraction with less protons in liquid phase and more protons in gas phase.Comment: 20 pages including 7 postscript figure

    Observation of Parity Violation in the Omega-minus -> Lambda + K-minus Decay

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    The alpha decay parameter in the process Omega-minus -> Lambda + K-minus has been measured from a sample of 4.50 million unpolarized Omega-minus decays recorded by the HyperCP (E871) experiment at Fermilab and found to be [1.78 +/- 0.19(stat) +/- 0.16(syst)]{\times}10^{-2}. This is the first unambiguous evidence for a nonzero alpha decay parameter, and hence parity violation, in the Omega-minus -> Lambda + K-minus decay.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    High speed synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of the ultrasound shockwave and enhanced flow during metal solidification processes

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    The highly dynamic behaviour of ultrasonic bubble implosion in liquid metal, the multiphase liquid metal flow containing bubbles and particles, and the interaction between ultrasonic waves and semisolid phases during solidification of metal were studied in situ using the complementary ultrafast and high speed synchrotron X-ray imaging facilities housed respectively at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, US, and Diamond Light Source, UK. Real-time ultrafast X-ray imaging of 135,780 frames per second (fps) revealed that ultrasonic bubble implosion in a liquid Bi-8 wt. %Zn alloy can occur in a single wave period (30 kHz), and the effective region affected by the shockwave at implosion was 3.5 times the original bubble diameter. Furthermore, ultrasound bubbles in liquid metal move faster than the primary particles, and the velocity of bubbles is 70 ~ 100% higher than that of the primary particles present in the same locations close to the sonotrode. Ultrasound waves can very effectively create a strong swirling flow in a semisolid melt in less than one second. The energetic flow can detach solid particles from the liquid-solid interface and redistribute them back into the bulk liquid very effectively

    A geometric approach to time evolution operators of Lie quantum systems

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    Lie systems in Quantum Mechanics are studied from a geometric point of view. In particular, we develop methods to obtain time evolution operators of time-dependent Schrodinger equations of Lie type and we show how these methods explain certain ad hoc methods used in previous papers in order to obtain exact solutions. Finally, several instances of time-dependent quadratic Hamiltonian are solved.Comment: Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    HyperCP: A high-rate spectrometer for the study of charged hyperon and kaon decays

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    The HyperCP experiment (Fermilab E871) was designed to search for rare phenomena in the decays of charged strange particles, in particular CP violation in Ξ\Xi and Λ\Lambda hyperon decays with a sensitivity of 10−410^{-4}. Intense charged secondary beams were produced by 800 GeV/c protons and momentum-selected by a magnetic channel. Decay products were detected in a large-acceptance, high-rate magnetic spectrometer using multiwire proportional chambers, trigger hodoscopes, a hadronic calorimeter, and a muon-detection system. Nearly identical acceptances and efficiencies for hyperons and antihyperons decaying within an evacuated volume were achieved by reversing the polarities of the channel and spectrometer magnets. A high-rate data-acquisition system enabled 231 billion events to be recorded in twelve months of data-taking.Comment: 107 pages, 45 Postscript figures, 14 tables, Elsevier LaTeX, submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Meth.
