98 research outputs found

    Características físico-químicas y estabilidad oxidativa de aceites de diferentes ecotipos de ricino peruano

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    The aim of this research was to assess the physico-chemical properties and shelf-life of oils press-extracted at two temperatures (60 °C and 80 °C) from five Peruvian castor bean ecotypes. A wide variation for all traits was observed. Low acidity index, low peroxide index and absence of p-anisidine were recorded. The total tocopherol contents ranged from 798 to 1040 mg/kg. A higher antioxidant capacity was detected in methanolic extracts than in hexane extract. From the Rancimat performed at 150-170 °C, the predicted shelf-life at 25 °C ranged from 0.15 to 8.93 years; the higher extraction temperature led to a longer shelf-life, probably because of enzyme inactivation.El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar las propiedades fisicoquímicas y la vida útil de aceite de ricino extraido a presión a dos temperaturas (60 y 80 °C) de cinco ecotipos peruanos. Se notó una amplia variación para todas las características. Se observaron bajos índice de acidez, bajo índice de peróxido y ausencia de p-anisidina. El contenido total de tocoferoles osciló entre 798 y 1040 mg/kg. Se detectó una mayor capacidad antioxidante en los extractos en metanol que en los extractos en hexano. A partir del Rancimat realizado a 150-170 °C, la vida útil prevista a 25 °C osciló entre 0.15 y 8.93 años; la mayor temperatura de extracción condujo a una vida útil más larga, probablemente debido a inactivación de las enzimas. &nbsp

    Modified Polymeric Biosorbents from Rumex acetosella for the Removal of Heavy Metals in Wastewater

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    The contamination of water resources by effluents from various industries often contains heavy metals, which cause irreversible damage to the environment and health. The objective was to evaluate different biosorbents from the weed Rumex acetosella to remove metal cations in wastewater. Drying, grinding and sieving of the stems was carried out to obtain the biomass, re taining the fractions of 250 to 500 µm and 500 to 750 µm, which served to obtain the biosorbents in natura (unmodified), acidic, alkaline, and mixed. Proximal analysis, PZC, TOC, removal capacity, influence of pH, functional groups, thermal analysis, structural characteristics, adsorption iso therms, and kinetic study were evaluated. The 250 µm mixed treatment was the one that presented the highest removal percentages, mainly due to the OH, NH, -C-H, COOH, and C-O functional groups achieving the removal of up to 96.14% of lead, 36.30% of zinc, 34.10% of cadmium and 32.50% of arsenic. For contact times of 120 min and an optimum pH of 5.0, a loss of cellulose mass of 59% at 328 °C and a change in the surface of the material were also observed, which allowed for obtaining a topography with greater chelating capacity, and the Langmuir and pseudo-second or der models were better fitted to the adsorption data. The new biosorbents could be used in wastewater treatment economically and efficiently

    The influence of anthropogenic activities on the concentration of pesticides, physicochemical and microbiological properties in the Chumbao river, Andahuaylas, Perú

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    The province of Andahuaylas is located in the region of Apurimac, a Peruvian city located in the Andes. Andahuaylas has three important districts: San Jerónimo, Andahuaylas and Talavera. These areas are highly populated, and their buildings are close to the Chumbao River. This research aimed to determine the influence of anthropogenic activities on the concentration of pesticides, physicochemical and microbiological characteristics in the Chumbao River. Five agricultural activities, 19 organochlorine pesticides, and 25 organophosphorus pesticides were studied. Eighteen physicochemical properties and two microbiological properties were also studied at seven sampling points along the Chumbao River during the rainy and dry seasons. Several veterinary and agricultural products were identified in the agricultural activities studied. However, no significant concentration values of organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides were found; no weed control products were found. In the case of livestock farming, albendazole and ivermectin are frequently used as anthelmintics. Organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides are used to control flies and other ectoparasites. Several pesticides have been identified in the surveys in the case of quinoa, potato, and corn crops. Some of the physicochemical and microbiological properties are above environmental quality standards according to current Peruvian regulations; these properties increase at points where wastewater is discharged directly into the river. The study evidenced a progressive deterioration of water quality in the Chumbao River caused by anthropic activities in the basin. These may cause infectious and parasitic diseases in the urban population of the Chumbao river valley

    Microencapsulation of Erythrocytes Extracted from Cavia porcellus Blood in Matrices of Tara Gum and Native Potato Starch

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    Ferropenic anemy is the leading iron deficiency disease in the world. The aim was to encapsulate erythrocytes extracted from the blood of Cavia porcellus, in matrices of tara gum and native potato starch. For microencapsulation, solutions were prepared with 20% erythrocytes; and encapsulants at 5, 10, and 20%. The mixtures were spray-dried at 120 and 140 ◦C. The iron content in the erythrocytes was 3.30 mg/g and between 2.32 and 2.05 mg/g for the encapsulates (p < 0.05). The yield of the treatments varied between 47.84 and 58.73%. The moisture, water activity, and bulk density were influenced by the temperature and proportion of encapsulants. The total organic carbon in the atomized samples was around 14%. The particles had diverse reddish tonalities, which were heterogeneous in their form and size; openings on their surface were also observed by SEM. The particle size was at the nanometer level, and the zeta potential (ζ) indicated a tendency to agglomerate and precipitation the solutions. The presence of iron was observed on the surface of the atomized by SEM-EDX, and FTIR confirmed the encapsulation due to the presence of the chemical groups OH, C-O, C-H, and N-H in the atomized. On the other hand, high percentages of iron release in vitro were obtained between 88.45 and 94.71%. The treatment with the lowest proportion of encapsulants performed at 140 ◦C obtained the best results and could potentially be used to fortify different functional foods


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    Se utilizaron 65 borregas Corriedale de 3 y 4 años de edad en los meses de abril a agosto del 2002 para evaluar el efecto de la administración de PGF2µ en los días 4 y 10 del ciclo estrual sobre (i) la incidencia del celo, (ii) la variabilidad entre animales en la presentación del celo, (iii) el intervalo tratamiento-celo y (iv) la tasa de preñez postservicio. El ciclo estrual fue sincronizado previamente con la inserción intravaginal por 12 días de esponjas impregnadas con 30 mg de acetato de fluorogestona (FGA). Luego del celo postsincronización (celo = día 0) se administró 0.175 mg de un análogo de PGF2? a 20 animales en el día 4 del ciclo estrual (GP4) y a 22 animales en el día 10 (GP10), en tanto que 23 animales quedaron sin tratamiento como grupo control (GC) para fines comparativos. Se detectó el celo con carneros vasectomizados a las 6, 12 y 17 h de cada día. El 100% de las borregas presentó celo a la sincronización con FGA y con el tratamiento con FGF2? ; sin embargo, el celo ocurrió significativamente (p? 0.01) más temprano en GP4 (34:28 h) y GC (40:16 h) que en GP10 (47:45 h). GP4 presentó menor variabilidad entre borregas (de=4:26) en el intervalo entre el tratamiento con PGF2? y la presentación de celo, que GP10 (de=7:06). La tasa de preñez (no retorno al celo) a los 17 días postservicio fue similar en ambos grupos tratados con PGF2? y ligeramente mayor en GC (77.3, 80.0 y 91.3% para GP10, GP4 y GC, respectivamente), reduciéndose esta tasa a los 28 días en todos los grupos (63.6, 65.0 y 87.0%, respectivamente) y manteniéndose hasta los 72 días con excepción de GC (78.3%).Sixty-five 3-4 years old Corriedale ewes were used from April to August 2002 to evaluate the effect of PGF2µ treatment at days 4 (GP4) and 10 (GP10) of the estrous cycle on (i) the percentage of estrus, (ii) variability within animals in the onset of estrus, (iii) the length of the treatment-estrus interval and, (iv) the rate of pregnancy. The estrous cycle was synchronized inserting intravaginal sponges impregnated with 30 mg of fluorogestone acetate (FGA) during 12 days. After the occurence of estrus (estrus = day 0), 20 ewes at day 4 (GP4) and 22 at day 10 (GP10) were treated with 0.175 mg of an analogue of PGF2µ. The 23 remaining ewes were not treated and kept as control group (GC). Estrus was detected by introducing vasectomized rams to the flock at 6, 12 and 17 h on daily basis. All FGA-synchronizated ewes showed estrus, as well as after the treatment with PGF2µ; however, the onset of estrus was significantly (p£ 0.01) earlier in GP4 (34:28 h) and GC (40:16 h) than in GP10 (47:45 h). GP4 presented smaller variability among ewes (sd=4:26) in the length of the treatment-estrus interval than GP10 (sd=7:06). Pregnancy rate (no return to estrus) at day 17 after breeding were similar in groups GP10 (77.3%) and GP4 (80.0%), but slightly higher in GC (91.3%). Pregnancy rate decreased by day 28 in all groups (63.6, 65.0 and 87.0%, respectively), and remaining like that until day 72, with the exception of GC (78.3%)


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    Se determinó la frecuencia y se caracterizó las alteraciones anátomo-histopatológicas testiculares en alpacas beneficiadas en la zona de Nuñoa, Puno. Se hizo el examen macroscópico de los testículos de 177 alpacas, donde 102 presentaron tamaño y peso disminuido, además de quistes epididimarios uni o bilaterales. Muestras de tejido testicular se fijaron con Solución de Bouin por 28 horas, y se tiñeron con Hematoxilina y Eosina, Ácido Periódico de Schiff y Tricrómico de Masson. Se encontró una frecuencia de 13.7% de alteraciones testiculares, correspondiendo a infiltración linfocítica inespecífica (7.8%), ausencia testicular (2.9%), degeneración testicular (1.0%), hidrocele (1.0%) y teratoma testicular (1.0%). Asimismo, se observó una frecuencia de 32.2% de quistes epididimarios, sin que haya asociación estadística entre presencia de quistes con edad o raza de las alpacas.The aim of the study was to determine the frequency and characterize testicularanatomo-histopathological alterations in alpacas slaughtered in Nuñoa, Puno.Macroscopic examination of the testes was carried out in 177 alpacas, which 102 showedsmaller size and low weight, and also uni or bilateral epididymal cysts. Tissue sampleswere fixed with the Bouin solution during 28 hours and stained with Haematoxylin andEosin, Periodic Acid Schiff and Masson’s Trichromic stain. The frequency of testicularalterations was 13.7%, corresponding to nonspecific lymphocytic infiltration (7.8%),testicular absence (2.9%), testicular degeneration (1.0%), hidrocele (1.0%), and teratoma(1.0%). Besides, there was 32.2% of epididymal cysts, but without statistical associationwith age or breed

    "HIV therapy adherence and outcomes in Peruvian military personnel over a 30-year period"

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    "Objectives: We aimed to describe the sociodemographic, clinical, and therapeutic characteristics of Peruvian military personnel diagnosed with HIV. Furthermore, we determined the frequency of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) adherence, the complications and mortality. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients diagnosed with HIV, confirmed by Western blot at a single institution from 1989-2020. Descriptive analyses were performed for all the variables using mean and standard deviation (SD) in the case of quantitative variables, and frequency and percentage for qualitative variables. Results:Ofthe 161 patients included, 95.7% were males and the mean age was 39.59 years (SD= 16.45 years). Most had college or higher education (67.7%) and were on active duty at diagnosis (77%). 35.4% had AIDS at diagnosis; 28.6% opportunistic infections; and 8.1% tuberculosis. The median follow-up was five years. 94.4% of the patients received HAART as the principal treatment; of these, 88.8% was adherent to treatment, and death was reported in 6.8%. There were no factors associated with adherence. Conclusions: Although the sociodemographic characteristics of Peruvian military personnel are similar to those of other countries, our findings suggest that Peruvian military personnel present higher adherence to HAART compared to previous studies in other military populations from South American countries. Further studies are recommended to assess specific factors attributed to these successful outcomes in the military personnelthat can be applied in other hospitals