424 research outputs found

    Características espaciales y cambios recientes en las aldeas periurbanas de "La tribu de las hormigas" en Beijing : los casos de estudio de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang

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    En relación con el proceso de urbanización de China, desde el año 2000, se ha prestado atención principalmente a dos grupos sociales. Uno está constituido por la segunda generación de trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y otro, por los graduados universitarios de bajos ingresos, conocido como «La tribu de las hormigas» («The ant tribe»). En los últimos años, las condiciones de supervivencia en las megalópolis chinas de los segundos han empeorado. Por eso, como estrategia de supervivencia, muchos de ellos optan por residir en viviendas más asequibles, aunque de calidad inferior, en los pueblos o aldeas periurbanas y no en las ciudades, cada vez más caras y polarizadas. Este trabajo analiza las características espaciales y los cambios registrados en las aldeas periurbanas de «La tribu de las hormigas» de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang, en Beijing. En primer lugar, el artículo describe las características espaciales de los graduados de bajos ingresos que proceden principalmente de zonas rurales, tienen un nivel de educación alto y adoptan modos de vida urbanos. En segundo lugar, el artículo analiza los efectos socioespaciales y los cambios recientes surgidos a raíz de la reconstrucción de las aldeas periurbanas. A partir de estos análisis, se demostrará que los jóvenes titulados de bajos ingresos son desplazados hacia áreas periurbanas más pobres y alejadas, por el proceso de revalorización residencial de los suburbios.Pel que fa al procés d'urbanització de la Xina, des de l'any 2000, hom ha parat esment principalment a dos grups socials. L'un és constituït per la segona generació de treballadors agrícoles migrants i l'altre, pels graduats universitaris d'ingressos baixos, conegut com «La tribu de les formigues» («The ant tribe»). Els darrers anys, les condicions de supervivència a les megalòpolis xineses dels segons han empitjorat. Per això, n'hi ha molts que opten per residir en habitatges més assequibles com a estratègia de supervivència, encara que de qualitat inferior, als pobles o llogarets periurbans i no a les ciutats, cada vegada més cares i polaritzades. Aquest treball analitza les característiques espacials i els canvis registrats als pobles periurbans de «La tribu de les formigues» de Tangjialing i Shigezhuang, a Pequín. En primer lloc, l'article descriu les característiques espacials dels graduats de baixos ingressos que procedeixen principalment de zones rurals, que tenen un nivell d'educació alt i que adopten estils de vida urbans. En segon lloc, l'article analitza els efectes socioespacials i els canvis recents esdevinguts arran de la reconstrucció dels pobles periurbans. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi, es demostrarà que els joves titulats de baixos ingressos són desplaçats cap a les àrees periurbanes més pobres i allunyades, a causa del procés de revalorització residencial dels suburbis.Depuis le processus d'urbanisation de la Chine, à partir de l'année 2000 l'attention a principalement porté sur deux groupes sociaux. L'un est constitué par la deuxième génération de travailleurs agricoles migrants, et l'autre par les diplômés universitaires de bas revenus, connus comme la tribu de fourmis (Ant Tribe). Lors de ces dernières années, les conditions de survie des récemment diplômés dans les mégapoles chinoises ont empiré. C'est pourquoi beaucoup d'entre eux choisissent, comme stratégie de survie de résider dans des logements plus abordables, bien que de qualité inférieure, dans les villages périurbains et non pas dans les villes, de plus en plus coûteuses et polarisées. Ce travail analyse les caractéristiques spatiales et les changements enregistrés dans les villages périurbains de la tribu des fourmis de Tangjialing et Shigezhuang, à Pékin. En premier lieu, l'article décrit les caractéristiques spatiales des diplômés de bas revenus qui proviennent principalement de zones rurales, avec un niveau d'éducation élevé et adoptant des modes de vie urbains. Deuxièmement, l'article analyse les effets socio-spatiaux et les changements récents surgis à la suite de la reconstruction des villages périurbains. Enfin, nous constatons que les diplômés universitaires récents sont déplacés vers les quartiers les plus pauvres et les plus éloignés, en raison de la revalorisation des banlieues intérieures.Since the year 2000, and in relation with China's urbanization process, many politicians and scholars have paid attention to two social groups: the second generation of migrant farm workers and low-income college graduates known as the "ant tribe". In recent years, Características espaciales y cambios recientes en las aldeas periurbanas de «La tribu Chaolin Gu; de las hormigas» en Beijing: Los casos de estudio de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang Mingjie Sheng; Lingqian Hu Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica 2017, vol. 63/2 301 the survival conditions of new college graduates in Chinese mega-cities have worsened. A large number of them opt for affordable yet substandard housing in urban villages as a survival strategy in increasingly commercialized and polarized cities. This paper analyzes the spatial characteristics and new changes of the urban village "ant tribe" in Tangjialing and Shigezhuang, Beijing. Firstly, the case study describes the spatial characteristics of these low-income graduates who are mainly from the countryside, have a high educational level and embrace city lives. Secondly, the socio-spatial effects and new changes after the reconstruction of the urban village are examined. It is found that recent college graduates are being displaced to the poorest and most remote suburban areas due to the revalorization of the inner suburbs

    Empirical Study on the M&A (merger and acquisition) performances of China energy enterprises

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    DEA (Data Exchange Agreement) is used to make empirical study on the merger and acquisition performances of 46 China energy enterprises that happened from 2006 to 2012. The conclusions are listed as follow. Firstly, overall performances have a tendency of slow improvement, which is followed by a decline and then a remarkable enhancement. Secondly, sample performances of stock acquisition, which have a slow improvement, appear to be better than those of asset acquisition. Thirdly, during the first year after the acquisition, the performance of related party M&A is clearly better than that of unrelated party M&A. The performance of stock acquisition is unsteady while that of asset acquisition is steady and slow. And the performances of both stock acquisition and asset acquisition are basically the same. Fourthly, horizontal M&A show better performances than conglomerate M&A

    Special Seminal: Factors that influence Online Purchasing of Luxury goods in Wuhan

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    Consumer purchasing behavior of luxury goods in physical store is affected by various factors. There also exist factors that influence purchasing via online shopping. Through integrated analysis of these two kinds of factors, we can find factors that influence purchasing of luxury goods via online shopping. Questionnaire survey and quantitative analysis are needed measures in the research

    A157: The Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Therapy on the Motor Abilities of Patients with Sarcopenia

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    Purpose: The highly morbid condition known as sarcopenia affects middle-aged and elderly people and is characterized by a progressive loss of whole-body muscle mass accelerated by aging. It is also accompanied by a decline in muscle strength and physiological function. These weakening functions manifest as impaired physical movement, increased risk of falls, disability, lower quality of life, and even death. Sarcopenia is progressively emerging as a new public health issue in China with a quickly aging population, making it vital to investigate effective exercise therapies for sarcopenic patients. Methods: Sixty sarcopenic patients (aged 60-75) from a local hospital in northeast China participated in the study. They were randomly divided into a test group and a control group, with 30 patients in each. The test group underwent a 40-minute whole-body vibration training session for 12 weeks, five times a week, while the control group kept regular routines. Data were collected at the end of the experiment, including muscle strength, muscle mass, muscle function, gait speed, berg balance scale (BBS), five sit-to-stand test (FTSST), activities of daily living (ADL), fall risk assessment scale (FRA), and Sarcopenia Quality of Life Scale (SarQoL) scores. Results: The 12-week whole-body vibration training intervention resulted in a significantly higher value of muscular strength, muscle mass, and muscle function among the test group compared to the control group. The former achieved substantially higher SPPB, ADL, FTSST, and BBS scores than the latter (p \u3c 0.01). With much lower FRA scores and significantly better SarQoL ratings compared to baseline, the test group also significantly outperformed the control group in terms of fall risk and quality of life (p \u3c 0.01). Conclusion: With whole-body vibration training, people with sarcopenia can increase their skeletal muscle strength, considerably enhance their motor function, lower their risk of falls and accidents, and generally improve their quality of life. Whole-body vibration training is worthy of therapeutic use since it is both feasible and practical

    Influencing factors on efficacy of summer acupoint application treatment for allergic rhinitis: a retrospective study

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    AbstractObjectiveAllergic rhinitis (AR) is a common health problem. Summer acupoint application treatment (SAAT) is reported to effectively treat and prevent AR from seasonal onset. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate its effects, especially on the course of AR, through a retrospective study.MethodA cross-sectional multicenter study was performed based on patients treated between 2008 and 2009 in 13 clinical centers in China. A total of 1058 outpatients aged ≥2 years with documented AR and ≥1 year SAAT were eligible for enrollment. A case report form (CRF) was completed by both patient and doctor. The CRF was designed to collect data on the patient's history of SAAT, AR condition, and self-reported health condition. The outcomes (dependent variables) were incidence and intensity of AR and concomitant medications used. Data were analyzed with ordinal logistic regression (OLR).ResultsTreatment course and seasonal pattern of AR were related to all dependent variables positively. After controlling for sample bias and confounding factors, the findings suggested that a 3-year treatment course had better efficacy (OR/incidence of AR: 2.57, 95% CI: 1.76–3.76; OR/intensity of AR: 2.17, 95%CI: 1.50–3.17; OR/concomitant medications: 2.20, 95% CI: 1.50–3.23) compared with a 2-year or less treatment course.ConclusionThe results showed that: 1) the length of treatment course was positively associated with the efficacy of SAAT (the longer the treatment course, the better the efficacy); and 2) SAAT was more efficacious in treating seasonal AR than non-seasonal AR

    Research on the Mechanism of Entrepreneurship Education on College Students’ Entrepreneurial Willingness and Its Future Prediction

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    The strength of college students’ entrepreneurial willingness is a barometer for measuring the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. It is also an important avenue for college students to expand their employment opportunities and enhance the quality of their employment in the face of new employment trends. Comprehensive universities offer a wide range of disciplines and great professional specialization. It is of great significance to explore the diversity results in college students’ entrepreneurship education indicators. According to the data on the relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship willingness in comprehensive universities in Jiangsu province, various factors such as subject characteristics, work experience, educational background, and family environment significantly impact college students’ willingness to become entrepreneurs. The implementation of entrepreneurship education, including the awakening of entrepreneurial consciousness, the cultivation of entrepreneurial abilities, and the improvement of entrepreneurial willingness, has a direct impact on college students’ willingness to start their own businesses

    Notch2 controls hepatocyte-derived cholangiocarcinoma formation in mice.

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    Liver cancer comprises a group of malignant tumors, among which hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) are the most common. ICC is especially pernicious and associated with poor clinical outcome. Studies have shown that a subset of human ICCs may originate from mature hepatocytes. However, the mechanisms driving the trans-differentiation of hepatocytes into malignant cholangiocytes remain poorly defined. We adopted lineage tracing techniques and an established murine hepatocyte-derived ICC model by hydrodynamic injection of activated forms of AKT (myr-AKT) and Yap (YapS127A) proto-oncogenes. Wild-type, Notch1 flox/flox , and Notch2 flox/flox mice were used to investigate the role of canonical Notch signaling and Notch receptors in AKT/Yap-driven ICC formation. Human ICC and HCC cell lines were transfected with siRNA against Notch2 to determine whether Notch2 regulates biliary marker expression in liver tumor cells. We found that AKT/Yap-induced ICC formation is hepatocyte derived and this process is strictly dependent on the canonical Notch signaling pathway in vivo. Deletion of Notch2 in AKT/Yap-induced tumors switched the phenotype from ICC to hepatocellular adenoma-like lesions, while inactivation of Notch1 in hepatocytes did not result in significant histomorphological changes. Finally, in vitro studies revealed that Notch2 silencing in ICC and HCC cell lines down-regulates the expression of Sox9 and EpCAM biliary markers. Notch2 is the major determinant of hepatocyte-derived ICC formation in mice

    Three Dimensional Reconfigurable Optical Singularities in Bilayer Photonic Crystals

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    Metasurfaces and photonic crystals have revolutionized classical and quantum manipulation of light, and opened the door to studying various optical singularities related to phases and polarization states. However, traditional nanophotonic devices lack reconfigurability, hindering the dynamic switching and optimization of optical singularities. This paper delves into the underexplored concept of tunable bilayer photonic crystals (BPhCs), which offer rich interlayer coupling effects. Utilizing silicon nitride-based BPhCs, we demonstrate tunable bidirectional and unidirectional polarization singularities, along with spatiotemporal phase singularities. Leveraging these tunable singularities, we achieve dynamic modulation of bound-state-in-continuum states, unidirectional guided resonances, and both longitudinal and transverse orbital angular momentum. Our work paves the way for multidimensional control over polarization and phase, inspiring new directions in ultrafast optics, optoelectronics, and quantum optics
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