7 research outputs found


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    Small scale gold mines discussed here are located at Selogiri area, Central Java, Indonesia which was mined by local community mainly during gold rush in 1990s. This Selogiri gold deposit genetically is characterized by porphyry mineralization overprinted by epithermal system. The ore minerals assemblage consists of pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, chalcocite and rare arsenopyrite. Chemical analysis of soil and stream sediment sampled over 1.5 km across at the Selogiri gold extraction site indicates that the site has been contaminated with mercury due to mining activities. The mercury concentrations in soil and stream sediments collected during dry season range from 0.01 to 481 ppm and 0.01 to 139 ppm, respectively, higher than background value of 0.05 ppm. In contrast, mercury concentration in stream sediments collected during rainy season from the same location as dry season sampling ranges from 0.01 to 13.42 ppm, and one sample has anomalous value of 331 ppm. This result show that rain water may disperse and decrease mercury concentration in stream sediments. In case of arsenic, although the ore contains rare arsenic minerals, arsenic concentration in bulk rock and ore is high ranging from 8 to 59 ppm, while the arsenic concentration in tailing is much higher ranging from 5.8 to 385 ppm. Chemical analyses on pyrite reveal that the pyrite grains contain arsenic and might be the source of arsenic in Selogiri mine site. However, analysis of dug-well water demonstrates that the mercury and arsenic content is still lower than the maximum allowable concentration. Keywords: Mercury, arsenic, contamination, Selogiri, gold min

    Master-Slave Synchronization of Robotic Arm using PID Controller

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    This paper analyzes the position control of a master-slave synchronization robotic arm driven by a D.C. motor using a PID (Proportional, Integral, and Derivative) controller with software and hardware design. This controller works to achieve the exact desired position simultaneously for the master and slave robot arm with minimal defects. The transfer function of the D.C. motor for the robotic arms used in this research is calculated with black box modelling. MATLAB Simulink block is used to test the software result. The MATLAB built-in auto-tuning method obtains Kp, Ki and Kd gain. These gains are adjusted with manual tuning to get precise angular positions for two robotic arms. This research uses Arduino Uno to act as a controller in the experiment. First, the position control of one robotic arm is tested with the same PID gain in MATLAB Simulink at different input degrees. Then, the hardware experiment of position control in one robotic arm is operated with only one PID gain at various reference degrees. Finally, the I2C communication protocol connects the master and slave robot arms. The main work that the PID controller hardware experiment with controls different level angular positions of two robotic arms

    Assessment of rural livelihood in Kyaukpadaung Township as affected by PACT microfinance program

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    This study was conducted to assess the livelihood of rural households as affected by PACT microfinance program in Kyaukpadaung Township. The data were collected through personal interview in sample six villages in October 2014. Sample households were differentiated into participant and non-participant households in PACT microfinance program. Comparison analysis and multiple regression model were used in the data analysis. In both types of households, while farming was the major source of occupation, non-farm jobs became the second source. Family size and income earning family members were higher in participant households. In addition, majority of the participant households were small holder farmers and landless. In the study area, most households were still suffered from poverty and food poverty, in the meantime, migration rate was rather high in both households. Analysis of income composition found that crop income dominated among the income of both households in the study area. Participant households utilized more credit sources and higher credit amount than non-participant households. While participant households suffered from more health and social shock, both households had applied borrowed money as coping strategy if they faced shocks. By means of the income function analysis, household income was found to be more increased by older household head, larger family size, higher non-farm income and farming households. Although household income was increased by participation in PACT microfinance program but did not show significant effects

    Serological Survey and Factors Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Domestic Goats in Myanmar

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    Goat farming is important for the livelihood of millions of rural people because it contributes to food security and creation of assets. However, infection of goats with Toxoplasma gondii could be a source of parasite transmission to humans. The information on T. gondii infection of goat was not reported yet in Myanmar. A total of 119 goat serum samples were collected from three cities in the central region of Myanmar for T. gondii antibody survey. With the occurrence value obtained in this first study, a second one, more complete, with larger number (162) of animals and properties, was carried out and the risk factors and prevalence were determined. In both studies the samples were analyzed by the LAT. Of these, 32 (11.4%) samples were showed to be positive. The infection was associated with the presence of cats at the farm (odds ratio [OR] = 4.66, 95% confidential interval [CI] = 1.03-21.06), farming with different animal species (sheep, cattle, and pigs) (OR = 4.33, 95% CI = 1.57-11.94), and farming without good management practices (OR = 0.23, 95% CI = 0.06-0.83). This is the first T. gondii prevalence study in goats in the country

    Serological Survey and Factors Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Domestic Goats in Myanmar

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    Goat farming is important for the livelihood of millions of rural people because it contributes to food security and creation of assets. However, infection of goats with Toxoplasma gondii could be a source of parasite transmission to humans. The information on T. gondii infection of goat was not reported yet in Myanmar. A total of 119 goat serum samples were collected from three cities in the central region of Myanmar for T. gondii antibody survey. With the occurrence value obtained in this first study, a second one, more complete, with larger number (162) of animals and properties, was carried out and the risk factors and prevalence were determined. In both studies the samples were analyzed by the LAT. Of these, 32 (11.4%) samples were showed to be positive. The infection was associated with the presence of cats at the farm (odds ratio [OR] = 4.66, 95% confidential interval [CI] = 1.03-21.06), farming with different animal species (sheep, cattle, and pigs) (OR = 4.33, 95% CI = 1.57-11.94), and farming without good management practices (OR = 0.23, 95% CI = 0.06-0.83). This is the first T. gondii prevalence study in goats in the country