2,118 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamical Simulations of the Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1097

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    NGC 1097 is a nearby barred spiral galaxy believed to be interacting with the elliptical galaxy NGC 1097A located to its northwest. It hosts a Seyfert 1 nucleus surrounded by a circumnuclear starburst ring. Two straight dust lanes connected to the ring extend almost continuously out to the bar. The other ends of the dust lanes attach to two main spiral arms. To provide a physical understanding of its structural and kinematical properties, two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations have been carried out. Numerical calculations reveal that many features of the gas morphology and kinematics can be reproduced provided that the gas flow is governed by a gravitational potential associated with a slowly rotating strong bar. By including the self-gravity of the gas disk in our calculation, we have found the starburst ring to be gravitationally unstable which is consistent with the observation in \citet{hsieh11}. Our simulations show that the gas inflow rate is 0.17 M_\sun yr−1^{-1} into the region within the starburst ring even after its formation, leading to the coexistence of both a nuclear ring and a circumnuclear disk.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in the Ap

    VI-Band Follow-Up Observations of Ultra-Long-Period Cepheid Candidates in M31

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    The ultra-long period Cepheids (ULPCs) are classical Cepheids with pulsation periods exceeding ≈80\approx 80 days. The intrinsic brightness of ULPCs are ~1 to ~3 mag brighter than their shorter period counterparts. This makes them attractive in future distance scale work to derive distances beyond the limit set by the shorter period Cepheids. We have initiated a program to search for ULPCs in M31, using the single-band data taken from the Palomar Transient Factory, and identified eight possible candidates. In this work, we presented the VI-band follow-up observations of these eight candidates. Based on our VI-band light curves of these candidates and their locations in the color-magnitude diagram and the Period-Wesenheit diagram, we verify two candidates as being truly ULPCs. The six other candidates are most likely other kinds of long-period variables. With the two confirmed M31 ULPCs, we tested the applicability of ULPCs in distance scale work by deriving the distance modulus of M31. It was found to be μM31,ULPC=24.30±0.76\mu_{M31,ULPC}=24.30\pm0.76 mag. The large error in the derived distance modulus, together with the large intrinsic dispersion of the Period-Wesenheit (PW) relation and the small number of ULPCs in a given host galaxy, means that the question of the suitability of ULPCs as standard candles is still open. Further work is needed to enlarge the sample of calibrating ULPCs and reduce the intrinsic dispersion of the PW relation before re-considering ULPCs as suitable distance indicators.Comment: 13 pages, with 14 Figures and 4 Tables (one online table). AJ accepte

    Reduction in magnetic coercivity of Co nanomagnets by Fe alloying

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    We measured the magnetic hysteresis and coercivity of individual Co and Co0.8_{0.8}Fe0.2_{0.2} bilayer nano-sized island structures formed on Cu (111) substrate using spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy. From the hysteresis taken on various sizes of islands, we found that the alloyed islands are ferromagnetic with out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy, same as the pure islands. Coercivity of the alloy islands, which is dependent on their size, was significantly reduced to ≈40% of that of the pure islands. Based on the Stoner–Wohlfarth model, we evaluated the amount of magnetic anisotropic energy and anisotropy constant for both pure and alloy islands. Since tunneling spectra taken on the alloy islands show upward shifts of the valence electronic states as compared to the pure ones, fewer electrons populated in the valence band of the alloy islands are presumably responsible for the reduction in the magnetic anisotropic energy

    Neel tensor torque at the ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interface

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    Antiferromagnets (AFMs) exhibit spin arrangements with no net magnetization, positioning them as promising candidates for spintronics applications. While electrical manipulation of the single-crystal AFMs, composed of periodic spin configurations, is achieved recently, it remains a daunting challenge to characterize and to manipulate polycrystalline AFMs. Utilizing statistical analysis in data science, we demonstrate that polycrystalline AFMs can be described using a real, symmetric, positive semi-definite, rank-two tensor, which we term the Neel tensor. This tensor introduces a unique spin torque, diverging from the conventional field-like and Slonczewski torques in spintronics devices. Remarkably, Neel tensors can be trained to retain a specific orientation, functioning as a form of working memory. This attribute enables zero-field spin-orbit-torque switching in trilayer devices featuring a heavy-metal/ferromagnet/AFM structure and is also consistent with the X-ray magnetic linear dichroism measurements. Our findings uncover hidden statistical patterns in polycrystalline AFMs and establishes the presence of Neel tensor torque, highlighting its potential to drive future spintronics innovations.Comment: main text 18 pages, supplementary information 10 page

    Fabrication of multianalyte CeO2 nanograin electrolyte–insulator–semiconductor biosensors by using CF4 plasma treatment

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    Multianalyte CeO2 biosensors have been demonstrated to detect pH, glucose, and urine concentrations. To enhance the multianalyte sensing capability of these biosensors, CF4 plasma treatment was applied to create nanograin structures on the CeO2 membrane surface and thereby increase the contact surface area. Multiple material analyses indicated that crystallization or grainization caused by the incorporation of flourine atoms during plasma treatment might be related to the formation of the nanograins. Because of the changes in surface morphology and crystalline structures, the multianalyte sensing performance was considerably enhanced. Multianalyte CeO2 nanograin electrolyte–insulator–semiconductor biosensors exhibit potential for use in future biomedical sensing device applications
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