178 research outputs found
Fostering media literacy in the age of ai: examining the impact on digital citizenship and ethical decision-making
In today's interconnected and technology-driven world, examining the impact of artificial intelligence and digital media on individuals' understanding and engagement with information is imperative. This research aims to explore the intersection between these mediums and investigate the role of the media literacy education in the context of AI and the digital media. By doing so, the study seeks to understand how promoting critical thinking and ethical awareness can enhance individuals' abilities to navigate the digital landscape responsibly. The research questions explore how the media literacy education contributes to the critical thinking skills and ethical decision-making among individuals interacting with AI-driven media, the potential risks and challenges associated with AI in creating and spreading disinformation, and how the media literacy interventions can mitigate these risks. The methodology for this research will be divided into three parts. The first includes a literature review to examine existing research on media literacy, AI, digital citizenship, ethical decision-making, and analysis of case studies. The second incorporates online surveys with individuals, to assess their media literacy levels, critical thinking abilities, and ethical awareness. The third part employs an experimental approach, involving the creation and dissemination of a simulated fake news article generated by AI. The goal is to observe and analyse the reaction of the individuals, and the extent of fact-checking conducted in response. Expected outcomes include identifying the impact of the media literacy education on critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and digital citizenship in the context of AI-driven media, understanding risks and challenges posed by AI in disinformation creation and spread, highlighting the relationship between the media education and the civic engagement, addressing ethical considerations and proposing AI integration guidelines for media literacy education, and offering recommendations for enhancing and sustaining media literacy initiatives amidst rapid AI advancements
EU Influence and the Politics of Memory Postwar Croatia & Serbia in a Comparative Perspective
This thesis argues that the EU has indirectly influenced domestic perceptions of the past in postwar Croatia and Serbia through these states’ desire for EU membership. Informed by EU conditionality criteria, which include democratic policies, regional cooperation, and issuelinkage with the ICTY, political elites have tailored new discourses that confront past atrocities to improve EU trajectory. However, the depth of this process—called “the politics of memory,” has differed in both states primarily because Serbia was unable to extradite their war criminals at the pace of Croatia. This was the result of negative patterns that stemmed from the dynamics of regime transition, and the strength of old regime spoilers and nationalist parties who have perpetuated myths and discourses of victimisation in the new regime. In addition, desire for EU membership itself has fluctuated because of greater contest at the elite level between reformist and nationalist politician
This paper analyses the relation between the constitution and constitutionalism. It elaborates the traditional notion of constitutionality and separate factors determining their reality and compliance with the constellation of real social relations. The paper also elaborates concepts of limited constitution, symbolic constitution and the idea of constitution behind the constitution, given the dilemmas these categories open in relation to the constitutional and judicial control of the constitutionality and which are more and more challenging for the constitutional and legal science. Often the effect of “broken mirror” especially if the aforementioned concepts are used may create a completely distorted image of actual situations. That raises the question: Is constitutional review possible without written Constitution? Is constitution invisible, that is, constitution is what the judges say is a constitution? The paper deals with the question does constitutional judges begin with its reconstruction in the process of interpretation of the “mischievous phrases” of the constitution? Does the taking away of the “traditional” constitution from the constitutional judges really jeopardize the concept of constitutionalism? Finally, it seems that the constitutional legal science rigidly adheres to the traditional notion about the constitution in the formal sense as stable, written and codified act. It can be concluded that the constitution is the core of the constitutionalism. However constitution and constitutionalism cannot be equated. The implementation and fostering of the constitutionalism in practice seems to be conditioned by a number of other factors such as political culture, constitutional history, political, social and legal certainty and economic stability. The constitution may project the idea of achieving constitutionalism, but whether it will be implemented in the real sense of the word depends finally on the state and the will of the society
THE RIGHT OF LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE (Comparative Analysis of Macedonian and Swiss Model of Normative Solutions)
Legislation is a special state activity which, based on the constitution, establishes the foundations of social and state organization and the legal system. The paper will elaborate the issue of legislative initiative as a constitutionally guaranteed right to propose laws. Namely, the procedure for enacting laws is realized through several separate stages, and it starts with the legislative initiative. If we take into account the fact that "to propose a law means to rule", it will not be difficult to conclude that the legislative initiative represents more than just an initial phase of the legislative procedure and much more than just a technical issue. A special review in the paper will be the analysis of the legislative initiative in the Macedonian and Swiss model of legislative procedure. They are subject to elaboration, considering the broad nature of the right to legislative initiative. The paper will examine the thesis whether the number of entities that have the right to legislative initiative is an indicator of the degree of involvement of citizens in the process of passing laws
Measuring the Stochastic Monetary Benefits of Multiple Inlet Irrigation in Arkansas Rice Production
Irrigation fuel costs represent a significant portion of rice production expenses. Multiple inlet (MI) irrigation represents a water saving alternative to conventional flood irrigation. This study uses simulation to calculate the range of monetary benefits to MI in rice production. Water savings from MI relative to conventional flood irrigation along with rice yields, rice prices, and prices for key production inputs (diesel and fertilizer) are simulated, and stochastic rice net returns above variable and fixed expenses are calculated for different pump lifts with and without MI. Monetary benefits to MI are measured as the difference in net returns with and without MI. The results indicate MI monetary benefits depend greatly on pump lift and the presence or absence of a yield increase. Monetary benefits to MI increase as pump lifts become larger, and relatively small increases in yield resulting from MI irrigation can greatly enhance its payoff.cost, cumulative distribution functions, multiple inlet irrigation, net return, rice, stochastic, Farm Management,
An Economic Risk Analysis of No-till Management for the Rice-Soybean Rotation System used in Arkansas
Arkansas is the top domestic rice producer, representing nearly half of total U.S. rice production. Sediment is one of the major pollutants in rice producing areas of Arkansas. In order to mitigate this problem no-tillage management is often recommended. No-tillage is not well understood by farmers who believe that no-till is less profitable due to lower yields offsetting cost savings. This study evaluates the profitability and variability of no-till in the typical rice-soybean rotation used in Arkansas rice production. Crop yields, prices and prices for key production inputs (fuel and fertilizer) are simulated for the rotation, and net return distributions for rice, soybean and the two-year rotation are evaluated for no-till and conventional till using stochastic efficiency with respect to a function (SERF) analysis. The results indicate that both risk neutral and risk-averse rice producers would prefer no-till over conventional till management in the two year rice-soybean rotation, and that no-till soybeans contribute greatly to the overall profitability of the rotation.simulation, rice-soybean, no tillage-profitability, risk analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
Niacin, Metabolic Stress and Insulin Resistance in Dairy Cows
The periparturient period in cows is associated with metabolic stress and a state of negative energy balance, which are characterized by increased lipolysis, ketogenesis, hepatic steatosis, oxidative stress and insulin resistance. Such metabolic changes may exert adverse effects on the health and milk yield of lactating cows. The pharmacokinetics of niacin in ruminants is specific as rumen microorganisms facilitate both the synthesis of tryptophan and the degradation of niacin. Niacin administration to cows leads to an increase in the coenzyme activity, encompassing the activity of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). These coenzymes are actively involved in the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates, whereas NAD protects the organism from oxidative stress. In periparturient cows, the supplementation of niacin has been found to induce depressed lipolysis and a limited impact of nonesterified fatty acids on all metabolic processes. It also results in decreased lipid peroxidation regardless of the magnitude of lipolysis in the periparturient period. Furthermore, niacin reduces the concentration of ketone bodies, thus preventing the development of fatty lever disease and ketosis in cows. The anti-inflammatory effect of niacin is manifested in stimulating the secretion of adiponectin and inhibiting immune cells
Influnce of niacin on lipide profile and metabolic adaptation in dairy cows during early lacttion
Cilj ove disertacije je da se ispita uticaj aplikacije niacina na metabolizam lipida u peripartalnom periodu, da se utvrdi dali aplikacija niacina utiče na insulinsku rezistenciju, vezu između metaboličkih parametara i lipolize i ketogeneze i uticaj aplikacije niacina na koncetracije NAD i NADP. NAD i NADP predstavljaju adekvatne pokazatelje statusa niacina kod krava u ranoj laktaciji, a njihova vrednost je značajno viša kod krava koje su primale ovaj vitamin. NED i NADP pokazuju pozitivnu korelaciju. Pored ovoga izvedene vrednosti kao što je NAD:NADP indeks i površina ispod krive koju prave ovi vitameri posle teljnja zavise od aplikacije niacina. Aplikacija niacina dovodi do smanjenja koncentracije NEFA, BHB i MDA, a do povećanja koncentracije triglicerida i holesterola u krvi krava. Aplikacija niacina dovodi do porasta koncentracije insulina i glukoze kod krava posle teljenja. Uticaj niacina na insulinsku rezistenciju se mora dvojako posmatrati. Krave koje primaju niacin imaju nižu vrednost indeksa glukoza:insulin, što znači da se po jedinici insulina neutrališe manje glukoze. Ovakvo stanje nastaje jer sa porastom koncentracije insulina opada njegova efikasnost i životinje ulaze u insulinsku rezustenciju. Međutim, RQUICKIBHB indeks insulinske rezistencije je pokazao da su krave koje su primale niacin mnogo osetljivije na insulin, što se može pripisati povećanoj insulinskoj senzitivnosti masnog tkiva. Kod krava koje su primale niacin nađena je niža koncentracija bilirubina i aktivnost AST, ALP i GGT. Nađena je viša koncentracija albumina i viša koncentracija uree i niža koncentracija fosfora. Rezultati pokazuju da aplikacija niacina pozitivno utiče na status hepatocita, a može uticati i na metabolizam proteina u organizmu zbog promena u vrednosti uree. Promena metaboličkih parametara posle teljenja išla je u istom pravcu u oglednoj i kontrolnog grupu, samo se menjao intenzitet promena u funkciji aplikacije niacina. Parcijalna korelacija pokazuje da vitameri niacina mogu objasniti određeni deo korelacije koji postoji između lipolize, ketogeneze i metaboličkim parametrima. Stopa promene veze između 142 metaboličkih parametara sa NEFA i BHB zavisi od stope promene statusa niacina u organizmu krava u ranoj laktaciji. Naknadnim istraživanjima treba odrediti kauzalnu prirodu ovih veza. Krave koje su primale niacina pokazivale su tendenciju povećane proizvodnje mleka do 30. dana laktacije. Ovakav uticaj niacina se izgubio prilikom merenja u 60. danu laktacije. Krave sa boljim statusom niacina (viša vrednost NAD i NADP) pokazuju manji stepen zamašćenja i bolju vitalnost hepatocita, a nađen je i veći dijametar adipocita u potkožnom masnom tkivu, što se može pripisati antilipoliznom efektu niacina.AB The aim of this dissertation is to examine the effect of niacin on lipid metabolism in perpaturient period, to determine does application of niacin have effects on insulin resistance, relationship between metabolic parameters and lipolysis and ketogenesis and effects of application of niacin on NAD and NADP concentration in plasma. NAD and NADP present the adequate indicator of the status of niacin in cows in early lactation, and concentration of NAD and NADP is significant increase in cows that were treated with niacin. NAD and NADP demonstrate positive correlation. Despite this, the derived values like NAD:NADP ratio and area under the curve depends of the application of niacin. Application of niacin leads to decreased NEFA, BHB and MDA plasma concentration, and increased triglyceride and cholesterol concentration in plasma in cows. Application of niacin leads to increased concentration of insulin and glucose in plasma after partum. The effect of niacin on insulin resistance may have two sides. Cows that received niacin had lower value of glucose:insulin ratio, that means that one unit of insulin metabolized less glucose. This state became because with increased insulin concentration decreased its efficiency and animals obtained insulin resistance. On the other hand index RQUICKIBHB for insulin resistance showed that cows that received niacin were much more sensitive to insulin, and that may be as a result of increased insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue. Cows that have received niacin bilirubin concentration and activity of AST, ALP and GGT were decrease. Albumin concentration was increased, urea and phosphor concentration was decreased in group that had received niacin. Results indicate that application of niacin have positive impact on status hepatocytes, and may have influence on protein metabolism in organism because of alteration on value in urea. In control and niacin group alteration on metabolic parameters after partum went on the same direction, but intensity of changing was in function of application of niacin. Partial correlation indicates that niacin vitamers may explain certain part of correlation that exists between lipolysis, ketogenesis, and metabolic parameters. Rate changes of the relationship between metabolic parameters with NEFA and BHB depends of the rate changes of the niacin status in cows in early lactation. Subsequent research should determinate the causal nature of this relationship. Cows that have received niacin were demonstrating tendency of increased milk production until 30.day lactation. This impact of niacin was lost in 60.day of lactation. Cows with better status niacin (greater value of NAD and NADP) manifest smaller grade of hepatic lipidosis and better vitality of hepatocytes, and was found bigger 145 diameter on subcutaneous adipocytes, which can be as a result of antilipolitic effects of niacin
Во проследувањето на темата, појдовна точка се придобивките од просветителството во Европа и на Балканот. Истовремено, следи нивно компаративно проследување со промените од новиот светски поредок, поточно, состојбата во културата, економијата, политиката, критиката итн. Накратко, проследени се претставниците на просветителството на Балканот и придобивките од нивните заложби, по што следува кратката согледба на историските настани, односно на настаните по појавата на национализмот во 19-тиот век поради што дел од мисијата и визијата на просветителските придобивки бил пренасочен кон други цели, поради што сè уште останува констатацијата на Фуко дека „Не знам дали некогаш ќе станеме полнолетни. Многу работи во нашето искуство нè убедуваат дека историскиот настан Aufklärung не нè направил полнолетни и сè уште такви не сме“
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