27 research outputs found

    Numerical Analysis of a Wind Turbine Blade with Different Software

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    The development of wind power generation technology recognises the wind turbine blade design and manufacturing as crucial for its performance. The laboratory size wind turbine blade was analysed, considering the 3D printing plastic material for blades. Applying the structural dynamic equations of blades, the aero-elastic model of the rotating rotor and the numerical simulation method of the deflections are presented under the aerodynamic loads and centrifugal forces. Based on the parameters of aerofoil and the geometrical parameters of blade, 3D model of the blade was established with the modelling software. Then the model was introduced into computational flow dynamics software to carry out the loads on the blade and further into numerical structural analysis. The analysis was performed in two different software packages. Design of wind turbine blades depends on high precision, reliable and robust numerical predictions of performance where the plug-in software is found to be inadequate for nontrivial problems

    Aplikacija imerzivnih video metod

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    A Virtual Tour is an interactive presentation of real places accessible directly with an Internet browser with no additional installations of apps of plugins. Once, 360° photos are recorded and processed (stitched into spherical panoramas), editing of a Virtual Tour (walk) enables connection of spherical panoramic photos (or videos) into interactive presentations. For an enhanced experience and stand-alone presenting ability, features are added, like natural-sounding voice for text-to-speech descriptions and embedded videos. During multiple virtual tour presentations, users, viewers and presenters reported exceptional usability and an immersive experience. Virtual Tours have great potential to reshape the future education process and establish a new benchmark for presentation. The Virtual Tours application is expected to be used in education, tourism and future building sites or industry, as a key component for workforce briefings, and “as build” documenting of various stages of build, with the possibilities to integrate into Building Information Modelling (BIM) models.Virtualni ogled je interaktivna predstavitev resničnih krajev, dostopnih neposredno z internetnim brskalnikom brez dodatnih namestitev aplikacij ali kakršnihkoli vtičnikov. Ko so 360 -stopinjske fotografije posnete in ustrezno obdelane, sledi urejanje virtualnega ogleda (sprehoda), ki omogoči povezavo sferičnih panoramskih fotografij (ali videov) v interaktivne predstavitve. Za boljšo izkušnjo in samostojno predstavitev je posameznim panoramam dodan naravni zvok glasu, ki opisuje prostor ali predstavi željeno področje. Po večkratnih predstavitvah uporabniki, gledalci in predstavitelji poročajo o izjemni uporabnosti platforme. Virtualni sprehod ima zaradi poglobljene izkušnje velik potencial za preoblikovanje novodobnega izobraževalnega procesa in vzpostavitev novih meril predstavljanja. Pričakuje se, da se bodo virtualni ogledi uporabljali predvsem v izobraževanju, turizmu, na gradbiščih prihodnosti ter v industriji kot ključna tehnologija za napotke delovni sili in dokumentiranje različnih stopenj gradnje in razvoja z možnostjo vključitve posnetkov v modele gradbenega informacijskega modeliranja (BIM)

    Računalništvo za inženirje energetike

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    Nuclear power beyond Fukushima

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    Virtual Engineering I.

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    Zapiski predavanj so namenjeni študentom, ki se vsakodnevno in vedno bolj srečujejo z uporabo razvojnih računalniških orodij pri designu izdelkov. Izredno kakovostne in tudi kompleksnejše računalniške aplikacije omogočajo simulacije in analize inženirskih rešitev preden so te implementirane kot prototipi ali končni izdelki. Virtualni inženiring najprej tvorijo komponente za ustvarjanje geometrije, sistemi CAD in povratni inženiring s sistemi skeniranja, ki predstavlja osnovo za nadaljnje postopke razvoja izdelkov. Naslednje komponente so izdelava virtualnih prototipov v navideznem okolju ali fizičnih prototipov, katerih izdelava je dandanes večinoma izvedena s 3D tiskom. Izrednega pomena v razvoju izdelkov so numerične simulacije, ki omogočajo analize -trdnosti, dinamike tekočin in gibanja mehanizmov - glede na robne pogoje. S pridobljenimi podatki lahko načrtujemo proizvodnjo, logistiko, kontrolo kakovosti, ergonomijo, marketing, preden gre izdelek v končno izdelavo. Vse te komponente povezujejo informacijski sistemi DMU, PLM, ki omogočajo in tudi določajo organizacijsko strukturo razvojnega dela, opisanem v zadnjem poglavju: Virtualni razvoj izdelkov.The publication is intended for students who are daily and increasingly experience the use of development computer tools in product design. High-quality and more complex computer applications enable simulations and analyses of engineering solutions before they are implemented as prototypes or final products. Virtual engineering is firstly formed by geometry creation components, CAD systems and reverse engineering with scanning systems, which forms the basis for further product development processes. The next components are the production of virtual prototypes in a virtual environment or physical prototypes, the production of which is nowadays mostly performed by 3D printing. Numerical simulations are extremely important in product development, which enable analyses of strength, fluid dynamics and movement of mechanisms based on boundary conditions. With the obtained information, we can plan production, logistics, quality control, ergonomics, and marketing before the product goes into final production. All these components are linked by DMU, PLM information systems, which enable and also determine the organisational structure of the development work described in the last chapter: Virtual product development

    Statični model temperaturne porazdelitve v fotonapetostnem modulu

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    The primary objective of this paper is to present a static model for calculating the temperature distribution in a photovoltaic module using the finite element method. The paper presents in more detail the theoretical background of solar radiation, heat transfer, and the finite element method. The results of the static model are evaluated using temperature measurements of a photovoltaic model, which were performed at the Institute of Energy Technology, Faculty of Energy Technology, University of Maribor. The results of the regression analysis show a good concurrence between the measured and modelled values of the temperature of the photovoltaic module, especially on days with a higher share of the direct component of solar radiation.Glavni cilj tega prispevka je predstavitev statičnega modela za izračun temperaturne porazdelitve v fotonapetostnem modulu po metodi končnih elementov. V prispevku je podrobneje predstavljeno teoretično ozadje sončnega sevanja, prenosa toplote in metode končnih elementov. Rezultati statičnega modela so ovrednoteni z meritvami temperature fotonapetostnega modela, ki so bile izvedene na Inštitutu za energetiko (Fakulteta za energetiko Univerze v Mariboru). Rezultati regresijske analize med izmerjenimi in izračunanimi vrednostmi temperature fotonapetostnega modula prikazujejo dobro ujemanje predvsem v dnevih z večjim deležem neposredne komponente sončnega sevanja

    Primerjava kavitacijskih modelov za numerično napoved kavitacije na hidrodinamičnem profilu

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    In this paper, four different cavitation models were compared for predicting cavitation around a hydrofoil. A blocked structured mesh was created in ICEM CFD. Steady-state 2D simulations were performed in Ansys CFX. For all cases, the SST turbulence model with Reboud\u27s correction was used. For Zwart and Schnerr cavitation models, the recommended values were used for the empirical coefficients. For the full cavitation model and Kunz cavitation model, values for the empirical coefficients were determined as the recommended values did not provide satisfactory results. For the full cavitation model, the effect of non-condensable gases was neglected. For all the above-mentioned cavitation models, the pressure coefficient distribution was compared to experimental results from the literature.V prispevku je narejena primerjava med štirimi kavitacijskimi modeli pri numerični napovedi kavitacije na hidrodinamičnem profilu. V ICEM CFD je bila izdelana blokovna strukturirana mreža. V Ansys CFX so se izvedle 2D stacionarne simulacije. Za vse simulacije je bil uporabljen SST turbulentni model s korekcijo, ki jo je uvedel Reboud. Za kavitacijska modela Zwart in Schnerr smo uporabili privzete vrednosti empirični koeficientov. Za full cavitation model in Kunzov kavitacijski model smo vrednosti koeficientov določili sami, saj privzete vrednosti niso dale zadovoljivih rezultatov. Za vse štiri zgoraj omenjene kavitacijske modele smo primerjali porazdelitev tlačnega koeficienta z eksperimentalnimi rezultati iz literature

    Simulacije mehanizmov CAD sistemov na spletu

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