6 research outputs found

    Z aktuálních problému obecné pedagogiky

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    Prevalence and biological consequence of chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) in Czech population

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    7 Abstrakt Šestý lidský herpesvirus (HHV-6) je komplexem dvou blízce příbuzných DNA virů: HHV- 6A a HHV-6B. Primoinfekce probíhá už v raném dětském věku ať již ve formě šesté exantémové nemoci, nebo asymptomaticky. Oba viry HHV-6 jsou schopny se rekombinačními mechanismy integrovat do lidského genomu. Tato vlastnost je vzhledem k ostatním lidským herpetickým virům jedinečná. Tato diplomová práce se věnuje studiu Ci-HHV-6 ve zdravé populaci a ve skupině s maligním onemocněním. Testovali jsme 812 pacientů s maligním onemocněním a 420 osob ze zdravé populace. Přítomnost HHV-6 DNA jsme určili pomocí real-time PCR, lokalizaci integrace viru jsme pak detekovali pomocí fluorescenční hybridizace in situ (FISH). Srovnávací studií jsme nezjistili statisticky významný rozdíl ve frekvenci Ci-HHV-6 u pacientů s maligním onemocněním (1,11%) a zdravé kontrolní skupiny (0,95%) (P=0,8). U potvrzených integrací jsme dále prokázali dědičnost tohoto fenoménu u rodinných příslušníků. Pomocí FISH jsme lokalizovali Ci-HHV-6 do telomerických oblastí chromozomů 2 a 18. Otestovali jsme také tvorbu virových proteinů u nosičů Ci-HHV-6 pomocí detekce mRNA. V rámci této práce jsme provedli první epidemiologickou studii výskytu Ci-HHV-6 v populaci zdravých dárců v České republice a zavedli jsme nové metody k lepší charakteristice tohoto...8 Abstract Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6) consists of two closely related DNA viruses: HHV-6A and HHV-6B. The primoinfection proceeds at an early childhood usually as sixth exanthem disease or without any clinical symptoms. Both HHV-6 viruses are able to integrate to human genome using recombinant mechanisms which is unique compared to other human herpesviruses. The aim of the thesis is to study Ci-HHV-6 in a group of patients with malign disease and in the healthy population. We analysed 812 patients with malign disease and 420 healthy subjects from general population. The Ci-HHV-6 was assessed by real-time PCR, the specific localization of Ci-HHV-6 was determined using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Using comparative study, we did not identify significant difference between frequency of Ci-HHV-6 in patients with malign disease (1.11%) and healthy subjects (0.95%) (P-value 0.8). Consequently, we proved the heritability of Ci-HHV-6 in affected families. We determined the localization of Ci-HHV-6 to telomeric regions of chromosomes 2 and 18. We studied the production of viral proteins in the subjects with Ci-HHV-6. In this work, we conducted the first epidemiological study of Ci-HHV-6 in the Czech Republic. We also introduced novel methods which contribute to better characterization of this phenomenom.Department of Anthropology and Human GeneticsKatedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Multimedia presentation of geography research {--} Urban geography of České Budějovice and the agglomeration of České Budějovice

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    This diploma thesis describes possibilities and forms of multimedia presentation for education at the University or presentations at scientific conferences, using the example of research in the field of urban geography of České Budějovice and the agglomeration of České Budějovice. In the first part we focus on programs and program systems, which are used to create presentations. To these programs belongs for example PowerPoint and also technical equipment, which allows us to show complete presentations (projectors, dataprojectors, slide projectors, document cameras). In the second part of this work we gather and sort materials of urban geography research of České Budějovice and the agglomeration of České Budějovice to make a multimedia presentation. In the third part of this work we add a 262-slide presentation of this research, primarily intended for students of geography. In this work, the urban geography research of České Budějovice and the agglomeration of České Budějovice deals with the historical evolution of the city, the location of the city, the spatial structure of the city (genetic and concentric, functional, urban-morphological, social and demographic) and the agglomeration (also suburbanization), the infrastructure of this city and its agglomeration (traffic, technical and biotic) and in the end with selected aesthetic and compositional characteristics of the surroundings of České Budějovice

    Prevalence and biological consequence of chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) in Czech population

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    8 Abstract Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6) consists of two closely related DNA viruses: HHV-6A and HHV-6B. The primoinfection proceeds at an early childhood usually as sixth exanthem disease or without any clinical symptoms. Both HHV-6 viruses are able to integrate to human genome using recombinant mechanisms which is unique compared to other human herpesviruses. The aim of the thesis is to study Ci-HHV-6 in a group of patients with malign disease and in the healthy population. We analysed 812 patients with malign disease and 420 healthy subjects from general population. The Ci-HHV-6 was assessed by real-time PCR, the specific localization of Ci-HHV-6 was determined using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Using comparative study, we did not identify significant difference between frequency of Ci-HHV-6 in patients with malign disease (1.11%) and healthy subjects (0.95%) (P-value 0.8). Consequently, we proved the heritability of Ci-HHV-6 in affected families. We determined the localization of Ci-HHV-6 to telomeric regions of chromosomes 2 and 18. We studied the production of viral proteins in the subjects with Ci-HHV-6. In this work, we conducted the first epidemiological study of Ci-HHV-6 in the Czech Republic. We also introduced novel methods which contribute to better characterization of this phenomenom

    Magazine Prague in Week in 1940 - 1944

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    Bachelor thesis "Magazine Prague in Week in 1940 - 1944"presents a detailed characteristic of a regional weekly Praha v týdnu (Prague in Week), which was published in Prague in 1940 - 1944. Initially a programme review, the magazine informed its readers about what's on in Prague theatres and cinemas, about held exhibitions as well as different social events. It also gave information on new films and brought their reviews as well as interviews with artists; at first bringing light topic articles but later on focusing more on specialised essays from the field of culture. The aim of the thesis was to give a complex description of the magazine content as well as its inner structure, placing special emphasis on the volumes I, III and V (1940, 1942, 1944). The analysis focuses on the editorial staff, content of the magazine and how this has been formed in the course of time, comparing further the number and relation of Czech and German topics appearing throughout the magazine, presence of propaganda and texts with a political tone within a cultural and social, and therefore apolitical periodical, thus trying to answer the question of to which extent Praha v týdnu was a pro-German or even collaborative paper with regard to the period in which it was published. As Praha v týdnu was part of the group of..