307 research outputs found

    The Introduction and Application of General Regression Model

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    V práci byl podrobně popsán obecný lineární regresní model, včetně testových statistik pro jednotlivé koeficienty, podmodely, predikce a především testy odlehlých hodnot a pozorování výrazně deformujících model. Byl popsán způsob jak do regresního modelu zahrnout kategoriální proměnné. Tento model byl aplikován na popis saturace fotografických snímků chleba, kde vstupní proměnné byly typ mouky, typ přídavku a koncentrace mouky. Po identifikaci nevhodných pozorování jsme vytvořili matematický model, který má vysoký koeficient determinace a odborníkům z potravinářského průmyslu bude v kombinaci s matematickým modelem barvy a struktury, které nejsou předmětem této práce, sloužit k předběžné identifikaci možného složení chleba.This thesis sumarizes in detail general linear regression model, including testing statistics for coefficients, submodels, predictions and mostly tests of outliers and large leverage points. It describes how to include categorial variables into regression model. This model was applied to describe saturation of photographs of bread, where input variables were, type of flour, type of addition and concntration of flour. After identification of outliers it was possible to create mathematical model with high coefficient of determination, which will be usefull for experts in food industry for preliminar identification of possible composition of bread.

    Object Database in the GlobalsDB Environment

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    Cílem této práce je prozkoumat systém GlobalsDB a s jeho pomocí navrhnou, implementovat a  otestovat knihovnu pro persistenci objektů na platformě Java. Nejprve je uveden přehled existujících  možností, po kterém následuje návrh samotného řešení. V následujících kapitolách je popsána  implementace a testování navrženého řešení. Závěr práce je věnován porovnání výkonu vůči  existujícím řešením.The goal of this thesis is to explore the GlobalsDB database and to design, implement and test an  object persistence library for this database on Java platform. The opening chapters contain a  description of the existing possibilities and subsequently, our own solution is proposed. In the  following chapters, the implementation and testing of the proposed solution is described. Last  chapters compare the performance of the designed solution against its competition.

    Stochastic Programming for Engineering Design

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    Stochastické programování a optimalizace jsou velmi užitečné nástroje pro řešení široké škály inženýrských úloh zahrnujících neurčitost. Diplomová práce se zabývá stochastickým programováním a jeho aplikací při řešení logistických úloh. Teoretická část práce je věnována jak základním pojmům z teorie grafů, tak pojmům souvisejících s matematickým, lineárním, celočíselným a stochastickým programováním. Pozornost je věnována také návaznosti zmíněných pojmů na logistiku. Druhá část se zabývá tvorbou vlastních úloh prezentujících stochastické logistické modely, jejich implementací a výsledky.Stochastic programming and optimization are both useful tools to solve a wide variety of engineering problems - including uncertainty. This thesis deals with stochastic programming applied to logistic problems. The theoretical part aims to introduce basic terms of graph theory and terms related to mathematical, linear, integer and stochastic programming. It will also put these terms into the specific context of logistics. The second part aims to apply such concepts to the development of suitable stochastic logistic models and to present their implementations and results.

    Optimization in Engineering Design

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    Cílem práce je ukázat možnosti optimalizačního přístupu pro vybrané základní úlohy inženýrského návrhu, tyto diskutované modely implementovat v GAMSu a provést testovací výpočty. Tyto výpočty jsou provedeny na základě znalostí lineárního a nelineárního programování.The aim of present work is to show possibilities of optimization for special basic examples of engineering design. The discussed models have been implemented in GAMS and the corresponding calculations have been performed. The knowledge of linear and non-linear programming is utilized.

    Least-squares fitting of multivariate data

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    Práce shrnuje základní teorii potřebnou pro odvození aproximace pomocí metody nejmenších čtverců a aplikuje tuto metodu na data z technické praxe. V rámci práce byly vytvořeny programy, v prostředí MATLAB, pro řešení této úlohy. MATLAB už obsahuje několik algoritmů použitelných pro tuto problematiku. Práce zahrnuje porovnání vlastností a testování těchto algoritmů.Thesis sumarizes basic theory required for inference of aproximation using the least squares method and aplicates this method on data obtained from engineering practice. Within thesis were created programs, in MATLAB enviroment, to solve this problem. MATLAB already contains several algorithms, wich are useful for solving this problem. Thesis includes comparsion of properties and test of those algorithms.

    Filmy wideo w nauczaniu cudzoziemców słownictwa biologicznego

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Influence of Polyphenol Extract from Evening Primrose (Oenothera Paradoxa) Seeds on Proliferation of Caco-2 Cells and on Expression, Synthesis and Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Their Inhibitors

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    Evening primrose (Oenothera paradoxa Hudziok) seeds are a rich source of not only a valuable oil containing an essential fatty acid - ᵧ-linolenic acid (GLA) - but also polyphenols which can be obtained from the biomass remaining after oil pressing. The aim of our studies was to evaluate the influence of a polyphenol extract from defatted seeds of evening primrose on human colorectal adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cell proliferation and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) synthesis and activity. To assess the effect of evening primrose extract on Caco-2 cell proliferation, crystal violet staining and sulforhodamine B (SRB) assays were used whereas mRNA expression and activity of MMPs were evaluated by RT-PCR and gelatin zymography. The results revealed that the examined polyphenol extract had little influence on Caco-2 proliferation, but effectively in a time- and dose-dependent manner inhibited MMP-1, MMP-7, MMP-9 and MMP-14 mRNA synthesis induced by TNF-α and TPA. Additionally, zymographic analysis revealed that after 24 h, the polyphenol extract at a concentration of 50 μmol/L GAE caused a 10-fold reduction in MMP-9 synthesis. Moreover, this extract might be a potent inhibitor of MMP activity. The results showed that polyphenol extract from evening primrose inhibited PBMC-derived MMP-2 and MMP-9 enzymatic activity in dose-dependent manner. The obtained results indicate that the polyphenol extract from evening primrose seeds could be an inhibitor of proteases involved in tumor progression and metastasis

    How Czech firms deal with operational budgets? – Survey results

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    In recent decades, academics and practitioners started a deep discussion about the limitations and perspectives of enterprise budgeting systems. Traditional budgets are frequently criticized due to their inflexibility, weak connection to corporate performance and demand on manager’s time. Recently, we have observed more frequent examples of firms which have undertaken budgeting system transformation and the adoption of modern, flexible and performance-based budgets. In this study, we have studied some trends in the budgeting of Czech firms with a focus on the manager´s behaviour. This paper contributes to the existing knowledge in two fields: Firstly, it summarizes the existing state of the art regarding the budgeting transformation; secondly, it presents the survey results focused on the operational budget utilization and its impact on the manager’s behaviour. Overall, the study presents some findings regarding the impact of an operational budget on the manager’s behaviour. We have tested how frequently situations occur, more specifically those frequently discussed in literature, in a given Czech firm´s budgeting practices. © Foundation of International Studies and CSR, 2017.17-13518S/P403, GA, FP7 Coordination of Non-Community Research Programmes; IGA/FaME/2016/005, UTB, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlín

    Optimal manoeuvre for two cooperative military elements under uncertain enemy threat

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    Consider an armed military group of two friendly elements that need to move between two given locations – a starting point and an end point – in an environment with the possible presence of armed enemy elements. The potential positions of the enemy may or may not be known in advance. Therefore, we capture the possible threat by identifying the locations that are advantageous from the enemy’s perspective. We model the problem using a stochastic programming approach. We then provide a deterministic reformulation of the problem in consideration of this possible threat and, through the use of cooperation, we minimise the total predicted threat as well as the suitability of the terrain for movement (or total length). Finally, we provide concrete experimental calculations and visualisations in our tactical information system, which serves as a tool for commanders to support their decision-making processes, and compare the obtained results to a selection of different approaches. Copyright © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd