41 research outputs found

    Absent Pulmonary Valve Repair

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    A presenter’s ultimate goal is the effective communication of their message to their audience. However, it can be difficult ensuring that such a message resonates with and is understood by everyone in an audience, considering an audience’s size, language makeup, and (e.g., possibly remote) location. Techniques are presented herein that leverage wearable technologies, which can provide valuable insights into the engagement, confusion, and amusement of an audience as a whole. Using biometric data (such as heart rate activity and gyroscope and accelerometer readings) that may be collected from such technologies, a deeper real-time understanding of how an audience is feeling may be developed. Aspects of the presented techniques may offer personalized suggestions based on collected data, allowing a presenter to make real-time adjustments to their presentation style to better facilitate an audience\u27s understanding and engagement and thus connect with their audience like never before

    Read-Copy-Update for HelenOS

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    Multicore processors have become prevalent and spurred interest in scalable synchronization mechanisms, such as Read-Copy Update. While RCU is popular in monolithic operating system kernels it has yet to see an implementation in a microkernel environment. In this thesis we design and implement RCU for the microkernel operating system HelenOS. Moreover, we explore potential uses of RCU in HelenOS and illustrate its utility in both the kernel and user space. Benchmarks demonstrate that the RCU implementation provides linearly scalable read-sides and incurs significantly less overhead than traditional locking even if uncontended. Furthermore, RCU was used in user space to speed up traditional locking 2.6 times in the common case. In the kernel, RCU ensured linear scalability of a previously non-scalable futex subsystem. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Read-Copy-Update pro HelenOS

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    Rozšírenie viacjadrových procesorov zvýšilo záujem o škálovateľné synchronizačné primitíva ako je Read-Copy Update. Zatiaľčo RCU je populárne v monolitických kerneloch operačných systémov, doposiaľ nebolo nasadené v prostredí mikrokernelov. V práci navrhneme a implementujeme RCU pre mikrokernelový operačný systém HelenOS. Navyše preskúmame možnosti použitia RCU v HelenOSe a demonštrujeme užitočnosť RCU tak v kerneli ako aj v user space. Merania ukazujú, že implementované RCU poskytuje lineárnu škálovateľnosť RCU čitateľov a RCU vyžaduje omnoho nižšiu réžiu pri vstupe do chránenej sekcie ako bežné zámky a to i v ideálnom prípade pre zámky. RCU sme využili v user space na 2.6 násobné zrýchlenie tradičných zámkov. V kerneli RCU zabezpečilo lineárnu škálovateľnosť futexového podsystému. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Multicore processors have become prevalent and spurred interest in scalable synchronization mechanisms, such as Read-Copy Update. While RCU is popular in monolithic operating system kernels it has yet to see an implementation in a microkernel environment. In this thesis we design and implement RCU for the microkernel operating system HelenOS. Moreover, we explore potential uses of RCU in HelenOS and illustrate its utility in both the kernel and user space. Benchmarks demonstrate that the RCU implementation provides linearly scalable read-sides and incurs significantly less overhead than traditional locking even if uncontended. Furthermore, RCU was used in user space to speed up traditional locking 2.6 times in the common case. In the kernel, RCU ensured linear scalability of a previously non-scalable futex subsystem. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Department of Distributed and Dependable SystemsKatedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémůFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Read-Copy-Update for HelenOS

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    Multicore processors have become prevalent and spurred interest in scalable synchronization mechanisms, such as Read-Copy Update. While RCU is popular in monolithic operating system kernels it has yet to see an implementation in a microkernel environment. In this thesis we design and implement RCU for the microkernel operating system HelenOS. Moreover, we explore potential uses of RCU in HelenOS and illustrate its utility in both the kernel and user space. Benchmarks demonstrate that the RCU implementation provides linearly scalable read-sides and incurs significantly less overhead than traditional locking even if uncontended. Furthermore, RCU was used in user space to speed up traditional locking 2.6 times in the common case. In the kernel, RCU ensured linear scalability of a previously non-scalable futex subsystem. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Distributed containers

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    Distributed hash tables provide similar functionality to ordinary hash tables but they distribute stored data across a self-organized peer-to-peer network. In this thesis we explore the various challenges DHTs must face and we also examine the algorithms used to overcome them. We focus on key location algorithms as well as the data maintenance strategies. Furthermore, the thesis also includes a flexible and simple-to-use implementation of a DHT. The DHT is based on a set of algorithms which we believe provide good balance between performance and bandwidth usage. The implemented DHT may form the basis of a large-scale decentralized application. However, practical deployment of the DHT on hundreds of nodes and evaluation of the performance of the implemented DHT in such a deployment is outside the scope of this thesis

    Invited Commentary

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