7 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical detection of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in fetal and adult bovine epididymis: Release by the apocrine secretion mode?

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    Originally defined as a lymphokine inhibiting the random migration of macrophages, the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an important mediator of the host response to infection. Beyond its function as a classical cytokine, MIF is currently portrayed as a multifunctional protein with growth-regulating properties present in organ systems beyond immune cells. In previous studies, we detected substantial amounts of MIF in the rat epididymis and epididymal spermatozoa, where it appears to play a role during post-testicular sperm maturation and the acquisition of fertilization ability. To explore its presence in other species not yet examined in this respect, we extended the range of studies to the bull. Using a polyclonal antibody raised against MIF purified from bovine eye lenses, we detected MIF in the epithelium of the adult bovine epididymis with the basal cells representing a prominently stained cell type. A distinct accumulation of MIF at the apical cell pole of the epithelial cells and in membranous vesicles localized in the lumen of the epididynnal duct was obvious. In the fetal bovine epididymis, we also detected MIF in the epithelium, whereas MIF accumulation was evident at the apical cell surface and in apical protrusions. By immuno-electron microscopy of the adult bovine epididymis, we localized MIF in apical protrusions of the epithelial cells and in luminal membrane-bound vesicles that were found in close proximity to sperm cells. Although the precise origin of the MIF-containing vesicles remains to be delineated, our morphological observations support the hypothesis that they become detached from the apical surface of the epididymal epithelial cells. Additionally, an association of MIF with the outer dense fibers of luminal spermatozoa was demonstrated. Data obtained in this study suggest MIF release by an apocrine secretion mode in the bovine epididymis. Furthermore, MIF localized in the basal cells of the epithelium and in the connective tissue could be responsible for regulating the migration of macrophages in order to avoid contact of immune cells with spermatozoa that carry a wide range of potent antigens. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Complex cytogenetic and molecular-genetic analysis of males with spermatogenesis failure

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    The chromosomal anomalies, microdeletions of AZF region of Y-chromosome and CFTR gene mutations have been studied among 80 infertile men with idiopathic spermatogenetic failure: 36 (45 %) patients with aspermia, 19 (24 %) patients with azoospermia and 25 (31 %) patients with severe oligoasthenoteratozoospermia. In total 30 % males with spermatogenetic failure genetic factor of infertility was observed. Karyotype anomalies were observed in 17.5 % of infertile men, within 16.2 % numerical and structural gonosomal anomalies and in 1.3 % – Robertsonian translocation were revealed. In 11 % males with spermatogenetic failure, Y-chromosome AZF region microdeletions were detected. The frequency of CFTR major mutation F508del among infertile men was 6.25 %. 5T allele of polymorphic locus IVS8polyT was detected in 7.5 % of examined men. The results obtained indicate the high complexity of cytogenetic and moleculargenetic studies of male infertility.Изучали аномалии хромосом, микроделеции AZF региона Y-хромосомы и мутации гена ТРБМ у 80 мужчин с идиопатическими нарушениями сперматогенеза, а именно: у 36 (45 %) пациентов с аспермией, 19 (24 %) пациентов с азооспермией и 25 (31 %) пациентов с олигоастенотератозооспермией IV степени. В общем у 30 % мужчин с нарушениями сперматогенеза установлены генетические факторы бесплодия. Нарушения кариотипа наблюдали у 17.5 % бесплодных мужчин, среди них у 16.2 % – количественные и структурные аномалии хромосом и у 1.3 % – робертсоновскую транслокацию. У 11 % мужчин с нарушениями сперматогенеза выявили микроделеции AZF региона Y хромосомы. Частота мажорной мутации F508del гена ТРБМ среди бесплодных мужчин составила 6.25 %. 5T аллель полиморфного локуса IVS8polyT выявили у 7.5 % обследованных мужчин. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о высокой информативности комплексного цитогенетического и молекулярно-генетического исследования при мужском бесплодии