4,964 research outputs found

    Assessing the accuracy of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations by use of mass relations

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    The accuracy of three different sets of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations of nuclear binding energies is systematically evaluated. To emphasize minor fluctuations, a second order, four-point mass relation, which almost completely eliminates smooth aspects of the binding energy, is introduced. Applying this mass relation yields more scattered results for the calculated binding energies. By examining the Gaussian distributions of the non-smooth aspects which remain, structural differences can be detected between measured and calculated binding energies. Substructures in regions of rapidly changing deformation, specifically around (N,Z)=(60,40)(N,Z)=(60,40) and (90,60)(90,60), are clearly seen for the measured values, but are missing from the calculations. A similar three-point mass relation is used to emphasize odd-even effects. A clear decrease with neutron excess is seen continuing outside the experimentally known region for the calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Structure and decay at rapid proton capture waiting points

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    We investigate the region of the nuclear chart around A≃70A \simeq 70 from a three-body perspective, where we compute reaction rates for the radiative capture of two protons. One key quantity is here the photon dissociation cross section for the inverse process where two protons are liberated from the borromean nucleus by photon bombardment. We find a number of peaks at low photon energy in this cross section where each peak is located at the energy corresponding to population of a three-body resonance. Thus, for these energies the decay or capture processes proceed through these resonances. However, the next step in the dissociation process still has the option of following several paths, that is either sequential decay by emission of one proton at a time with an intermediate two-body resonance as stepping stone, or direct decay into the continuum of both protons simultaneously. The astrophysical reaction rate is obtained by folding of the cross section as function of energy with the occupation probability for a Maxwell-Boltzmann temperature distribution. The reaction rate is then a function of temperature, and of course depending on the underlying three-body bound state and resonance structures. We show that a very simple formula at low temperature reproduces the elaborate numerically computed reaction rate.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference proceedings, publishe

    Leverage and deepening business cycle skewness

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    We document that the U.S. and other G7 economies have been characterized by an increasingly negative business cycle asymmetry over the last three decades. This finding can be explained by the concurrent increase in the financial leverage of households and firms. To support this view, we devise and estimate a dynamic general equilibrium model with collateralized borrowing and occasionally binding credit constraints. Improved access to credit increases the likelihood that financial constraints become non-binding in the face of expansionary shocks, allowing agents to freely substitute intertemporally. Contractionary shocks, on the other hand, are further amplified by drops in collateral values, since constraints remain binding. As a result, booms become progressively smoother and more prolonged than busts. Finally, in line with recent empirical evidence, financially-driven expansions lead to deeper contractions, as compared with equally-sized non-financial expansions

    Emergence of clusters: Halos, Efimov states, and experimental signals

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    We investigate emergence of halos and Efimov states in nuclei by use of a newly designed model which combines self-consistent mean-field and three-body descriptions. Recent interest in neutron heavy calcium isotopes makes 72^{72}Ca (70^{70}Ca+n+n) an ideal realistic candidate on the neutron dripline, and we use it as a representative example that illustrates our broadly applicable conclusions. By smooth variation of the interactions we simulate the crossover from well-bound systems to structures beyond the threshold of binding, and find that halo-configurations emerge from the mean-field structure for three-body binding energy less than ∼100\sim 100keV. Strong evidence is provided that Efimov states cannot exist in nuclei. The structure that bears the most resemblance to an Efimov state is a giant halo extending beyond the neutron-core scattering length. We show that the observable large-distance decay properties of the wave function can differ substantially from the bulk part at short distances, and that this evolution can be traced with our combination of few- and many-body formalisms. This connection is vital for interpretation of measurements such as those where an initial state is populated in a reaction or by a beta-decay.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, under revie

    Combined few-body and mean-field model for nuclei

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    The challenging nuclear many-body problem is discussed along with classifications and qualitative descriptions of existing methods and models. We present detailed derivations of a new method where cluster correlations co-exist with an underlying mean-field described core-structure. The variation of an antisymmetrized product of cluster and core wave functions and a given nuclear interaction, provide sets of self-consistent equations of motion. After the applications on dripline nuclei we discuss perspectives with improvements and applications. In the conclusion we summarize while emphasizing the merits of consistently treating both short- and large-distance properties, few- and many-body correlations, ordinary nuclear structure, and concepts of halos and Efimov states

    A combined mean-field and three-body model tested on the 26^{26}O-nucleus

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    We combine few- and many-body degrees of freedom in a model applicable to both bound and continuum states and adaptable to different subfields of physics. We formulate a self-consistent three-body model for a core-nucleus surrounded by two valence nucleons. We treat the core in the mean-field approximation and use the same effective Skyrme interaction between both core and valence nucleons. We apply the model to 26^{26}O where we reproduce the known experimental data as well as phenomenological models with more parameters. The decay of the ground state is found to proceed directly into the continuum without effect of the virtual sequential decay through the well reproduced d3/2d_{3/2}-resonance of 25^{25}O.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, under revie

    Combining few-body cluster structures with many-body mean-field methods

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    Nuclear cluster physics implicitly assumes a distinction between groups of degrees-of-freedom, that is the (frozen) intrinsic and (explicitly treated) relative cluster motion. We formulate a realistic and practical method to describe the coupled motion of these two sets of degrees-of-freedom. We derive a coupled set of differential equations for the system using the phenomenologically adjusted effective in-medium Skyrme type of nucleon-nucleon interaction. We select a two-nucleon plus core system where the mean-field approximation corresponding to the Skyrme interaction is used for the core. A hyperspherical adiabatic expansion of the Faddeev equations is used for the relative cluster motion. We shall specifically compare both the structure and the decay mechanism found from the traditional three-body calculations with the result using the new boundary condition provided by the full microscopic structure at small distance. The extended Hilbert space guaranties an improved wave function compared to both mean-field and three-body solutions. We shall investigate the structures and decay mechanism of 22^{22}C (20^{20}C+n+n). In conclusion, we have developed a method combining nuclear few- and many-body techniques without losing the descriptive power of each approximation at medium-to-large distances and small distances respectively. The coupled set of equations are solved self-consistently, and both structure and dynamic evolution are studied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference proceedings, publishe
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