37 research outputs found

    Sykepleiestudenters læringsutbytte belyst gjennom to kunnskapsbaserte samarbeidsprosjekter; fagutviklingsarbeid med studenter i hjemmesykepleiepraksis

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    Health services are constantly met by greater demands on offering the best treatment and care based on quality and research. For that reason health workers and teachers in health care institutions and universities are working evidence-based. Hedmark University College and Hamar municipality have collaborated in two projects. The aim of this article is to illuminate the students’ learning outcomes in palliative care after participated in two evidence-based projects. Different written guides for conversations with patients, next of kin and staff, a log-book and an evaluation form were developed. Results show that the students learned about the significance of continuity in patients’ pain relief, spiritual and existential needs, and about palliative care in the municipality. The students concluded that they in some areas experienced greater learning outcomes from working with evidence-based practice than in their ordinary practice in the municipality

    Sykepleiestudenters læringsutbytte belyst gjennom to kunnskapsbaserte samarbeidsprosjekter. Fagutviklingsarbeid med studenter i hjemmesykepleiepraksis

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    Health services are constantly met by greater demands on offering the best treatment and care based on quality and research. For that reason health workers and teachers in health care institutions and universities are working evidence-based. Hedmark University College and Hamar municipality have collaborated in two projects. The aim of this article is to illuminate the students’ learning outcomes in palliative care after participated in two evidence-based projects. Different written guides for conversations with patients, next of kin and staff, a log-book and an evaluation form were developed. Results show that the students learned about the significance of continuity in patients’ pain relief, spiritual and existential needs, and about palliative care in the municipality. The students concluded that they in some areas experienced greater learning outcomes from working with evidence-based practice than in their ordinary practice in the municipality

    Evaluering av studiet «Pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg»

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    Mange pårørende står i utfordrende omsorgsoppgaver uten nok støtte (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, 2011). En ny pårørendepolitikk er nødvendig, hvor det er svært viktig å ta vare på pårørende med store omsorgsbelastninger. Arbeidet med pårørende til alvorlig syke og døende er utfordrende for helsepersonell (Landmark, Svenkerud, & Grov, 2012). En av grunnene til dette kan være manglende kompetanse innen området (Runkle, Wu, Wang, Gordon, & Frankel, 2008). Prosjektets overordnede mål var å styrke kompetansen til ansatte i Hamar kommune i pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg. Utviklingssenter for hjemmetjenester i Hedmark, Hamar kommune har utviklet et høgskolestudium som har fått navnet Pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg (15 studiepoeng). Studiet ble gjennomført med første studentkull våren 2014. Målgruppen for studiet var personer som bidrar i det lindrende omsorgstilbudet i kommunen, institusjoner og i frivillige organisasjoner i lokalmiljøet. Studiet har blitt evaluert gjennom både spørreskjema før og etter studiet og intervjuer i etterkant. Resultatene fra spørreskjema før studiet viste at det var flere områder hvor studentene hadde behov for økt kompetanse. Gjennom studiet har studentene særlig fått økt kompetanse innen forskning og utviklingsarbeid på området, verktøy og metoder innen lindrende omsorg og den lindrende omsorgens posisjon i sentrale dokumenter

    Being a nurse leader in bedside nursing in hospital and community care contexts in Norway and Sweden

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    This is an open access article. You can find it online by following this link: http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/jnep/article/view/3418The article is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Background: The changes of health care that have been going on the latest decades have affected nurse leaders’ role in bedside nursing in hospitals and community care in Norway and Sweden as in many other countries. Aim: This study aimed at describing nurse leaders’ working situation, role experience and role performance in bedside nursing in hospital and community care contexts in Norway and Sweden. Methods: Twenty-four nurse leaders in three hospitals and ten nursing homes/sheltered accommodations in urban and rural areas in Norway and Sweden participated in qualitative interviews. Data was analyzed using inductive content analysis. In addition background information was used for providing deeper understanding of the leaders’ working situation. Findings: The leader responsibilities concerned safeguarding the quality in daily care, upholding a good workplace environment, developing nursing care, and keeping the budget in balance. Being in an ‘in-between’ position with more responsibility than authority in the role was common for all leaders. Four characteristic groups of leaders; ‘the patient guardian’, ‘the manager’, ‘the climber’, and ‘the unconscious’, illustrated different pattern found. Conclusion: Our study illuminates the necessity of improvement of competence requirements, authority-responsibility balance, administrative and emotional support, and competence development in regard to bedside nurse leaders

    Evaluering av studiet «Pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg»

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    Mange pårørende står i utfordrende omsorgsoppgaver uten nok støtte (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, 2011). En ny pårørendepolitikk er nødvendig, hvor det er svært viktig å ta vare på pårørende med store omsorgsbelastninger. Arbeidet med pårørende til alvorlig syke og døende er utfordrende for helsepersonell (Landmark, Svenkerud, & Grov, 2012). En av grunnene til dette kan være manglende kompetanse innen området (Runkle, Wu, Wang, Gordon, & Frankel, 2008). Prosjektets overordnede mål var å styrke kompetansen til ansatte i Hamar kommune i pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg. Utviklingssenter for hjemmetjenester i Hedmark, Hamar kommune har utviklet et høgskolestudium som har fått navnet Pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg (15 studiepoeng). Studiet ble gjennomført med første studentkull våren 2014. Målgruppen for studiet var personer som bidrar i det lindrende omsorgstilbudet i kommunen, institusjoner og i frivillige organisasjoner i lokalmiljøet. Studiet har blitt evaluert gjennom både spørreskjema før og etter studiet og intervjuer i etterkant. Resultatene fra spørreskjema før studiet viste at det var flere områder hvor studentene hadde behov for økt kompetanse. Gjennom studiet har studentene særlig fått økt kompetanse innen forskning og utviklingsarbeid på området, verktøy og metoder innen lindrende omsorg og den lindrende omsorgens posisjon i sentrale dokumenter

    Family carers' preferences for support when caring for a family member at the end of life at home: protocol for an integrative literature review.

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    The aim of this integrative review is to explore the evidence base of family carers' preferences for support during end of life care in their own home. To investigate what preferences for support family carers have during end of life care in their own home, what help family carers requires to cope during end of life care in their own home and how the organisation of end of life care at home effects the family carers

    Plasma extracellular vesicles in people living with HIV and type 2 diabetes are related to microbial translocation and cardiovascular risk

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    HIV and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are both associated with gut microbiota alterations, low-grade endotoxemia and increased cardiovascular risk. We investigated the potential role of plasma extracellular vesicles (EVs) in relation to these processes. Plasma EVs were isolated by size exclusion chromatography in fasting individuals with HIV and T2D (n = 16), T2D only (n = 14), HIV only (n = 20) or healthy controls (n = 19), and characterized by transmission electron microscopy, western blot, nanoparticle tracking analysis and quantitative proteomics. The findings were compared to gut microbiota alterations, lipopolysaccharide levels and cardiovascular risk profile. Individuals with concomitant HIV and T2D had higher plasma EV concentration, which correlated closely with plasma lipopolysaccharides, triglycerides and Framingham score, but not with gut microbiota alterations. Proteomic analyses identified 558 human proteins, largely related to cardiometabolic disease genes and upstream regulation of inflammatory pathways, including IL-6 and IL-1 beta, as well as 30 bacterial proteins, mostly from lipopolysaccharide-producing Proteobacteria. Our study supports that EVs are related to microbial translocation processes in individuals with HIV and T2D. Their proteomic content suggests a contributing role in low-grade inflammation and cardiovascular risk development. The present approach for exploring gut-host crosstalk can potentially identify novel diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets.Peer reviewe