1,431 research outputs found

    'Create the future': an environment for excellence in teaching future-oriented Industrial Design Engineering

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    In 2001, the University of Twente started a new course on Industrial Design Engineering. This paper describes the insights that have been employed in developing the curriculum, and in developing the environment in which the educational activities are facilitated. The University of Twente has a broad experience with project-oriented education [1], and because one of the goals of the curriculum is to get the students acquainted with working methods as employed in e.g. design bureaus, this project-oriented approach has been used as the basis for the new course. In everyday practice, this implies a number of prerequisites to be imposed on the learning environment: instead of focusing on the sheer transfer of information, this environment must allow the students to imbibe the knowledge and competences that make them better designers. Consequently, a much more flexible environment has to be created, in which working as a team becomes habitual, and where cutting-edge technologies are available to facilitate the process. This can be realized because every student owns a laptop, with all relevant software and a full-grown course management system within reach. Moreover, the learning environment provides the fastest possible wireless network and Internet access available [2]. This obviously has its repercussions on the way the education is organized. On the one hand, e.g. virtual reality tools, CAD software and 3D printing are addressed in the curriculum, whereas on the other hand more traditional techniques (like sketching and model making) are conveyed explicitly as well. Together with a sound footing in basic disciplines ranging from mathematics to design history, this course offers the students a profound education in Industrial Design Engineering. The paper describes in more detail the curriculum and the education environment, based on which it is assessed if the course on Industrial Design Engineering can live up to its motto: ‘Create the future’, and what can be done to further enable the students to acquire the full denotation of that motto

    Experiments feeding butter-milk

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    The objects of the following feeding trials were to determine the relative values of wash water from the creamery churn, of buttermilk fed alone, and in conjunction with soaked corn, and to determine the effect of corn following a long period of feeding with a very narrow ratio. Each lot was given all the diluted milk that it would drink. The total solids of this milk amounted to 4.5 per cent, being about one-half the total solids in ordinary buttermilk, showing that the milk was reduced about one-half its value. Lot two was fed ,two pounds of shelled corn, soaked, per day and head. Lot three was fed four pounds of shelled corn, soaked, per day and head. Lot four was fed all the corn they would eat which was from six to seven pounds per day and head. The result for lot one shows that the so-called wash water is not a sustaining ration. The pigs losing a little rising one-half pound of live weight per day and head. A part of this loss can be accounted for in stomach contents

    Thermoelectric effects in Kondo correlated quantum dots

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    In this Letter we study thermoelectric effects in ultra small quantum dots. We study the behaviour of the thermopower, Peltier coefficient and thermal conductance both in the sequencial tunneling regime and in the regime where Kondo correlations develope. Both cases of linear response and non-equilibrium induced by strong temperature gradients are considered. The thermopower is a very sensitive tool to detect Kondo correlations. It changes sign both as a function of temperature and temperature gradient. We also discuss violations of the Wiedemann-Franz law.Comment: 7 pages; 5 figure

    Cotunneling-mediated transport through excited states in the Coulomb blockade regime

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    We present finite bias transport measurements on a few-electron quantum dot. In the Coulomb blockade regime, strong signatures of inelastic cotunneling occur which can directly be assigned to excited states observed in the non-blockaded regime. In addition, we observe structures related to sequential tunneling through the dot, occuring after it has been excited by an inelastic cotunneling process. We explain our findings using transport calculations within the real-time Green's function approach, including diagrams up to fourth order in the tunneling matrix elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Charge transport through weakly open one dimensional quantum wires

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    We consider resonant transmission through a finite-length quantum wire connected to leads via finite transparency junctions. The coherent electron transport is strongly modified by the Coulomb interaction. The low-temperature current-voltage (IVIV) curves show step-like dependence on the bias voltage determined by the distance between the quantum levels inside the conductor, the pattern being dependent on the ratio between the charging energy and level spacing. If the system is tuned close to the resonance condition by the gate voltage, the low-voltage IVIV curve is Ohmic. At large Coulomb energy and low temperatures, the conductance is temperature-independent for any relationship between temperature, level spacing, and coupling between the wire and the leads

    Statistics of conductance oscillations of a quantum dot in the Coulomb-blockade regime

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    The fluctuations and the distribution of the conductance peak spacings of a quantum dot in the Coulomb-blockade regime are studied and compared with the predictions of random matrix theory (RMT). The experimental data were obtained in transport measurements performed on a semiconductor quantum dot fabricated in a GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure. It is found that the fluctuations in the peak spacings are considerably larger than the mean level spacing in the quantum dot. The distribution of the spacings appears Gaussian both for zero and for non-zero magnetic field and deviates strongly from the RMT-predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence for a colour dependence in the size distribution of main belt asteroids

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    We present the results of a project to detect small (~1 km) main-belt asteroids with the 3.6 meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We observed in 2 filters (MegaPrime g' and r') in order to compare the results in each band. Owing to the observational cadence we did not observe the same asteroids through each filter and thus do not have true colour information. However strong differences in the size distributions as seen in the two filters point to a colour-dependence at these sizes, perhaps to be expected in this regime where asteroid cohesiveness begins to be dominated by physical strength and composition rather than by gravity. The best fit slopes of the cumulative size distributions (CSDs) in both filters tend towards lower values for smaller asteroids, consistent with the results of previous studies. In addition to this trend, the size distributions seen in the two filters are distinctly different, with steeper slopes in r' than in g'. Breaking our sample up according to semimajor axis, the difference between the filters in the inner belt is found to be somewhat less pronounced than in the middle and outer belt, but the CSD of those asteroids seen in the r' filter is consistently and significantly steeper than in g' throughout. The CSD slopes also show variations with semimajor axis within a given filter, particularly in r'. We conclude that the size distribution of main belt asteroids is likely to be colour dependent at kilometer sizes and that this dependence may vary across the belt.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Real-time single-molecule imaging reveals a direct interaction between UvrC and UvrB on DNA tightropes

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    Nucleotide excision DNA repair is mechanistically conserved across all kingdoms of life. In prokaryotes, this multi-enzyme process requires six proteins: UvrA?D, DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase. To examine how UvrC locates the UvrB? DNA pre-incision complex at a site of damage, we have labeled UvrB and UvrC with different colored quantum dots and quantitatively observed their interactions with DNA tightropes under a variety of solution conditions using oblique angle fluorescence imaging. Alone, UvrC predominantly interacts statically with DNA at low salt. Surprisingly, however, UvrC and UvrB together in solution bind to form the previously unseen UvrBC complex on duplex DNA. This UvrBC complex is highly motile and engages in unbiased one-dimensional diffusion. To test whether UvrB makes direct contact with the DNA in the UvrBC?DNA complex, we investigated three UvrB mutants: Y96A, a b-hairpin deletion and D338N. These mutants affected the motile properties of the UvrBC complex, indicating that UvrB is in intimate contact with the DNA when bound to UvrC. Given the in vivo excess of UvrB and the abundance of UvrBC in our experiments, this newly identified complex is likely to be the predominant form of UvrC in the cell. © 2013 The Author(s)

    Critical assessment of human metabolic pathway databases: a stepping stone for future integration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Multiple pathway databases are available that describe the human metabolic network and have proven their usefulness in many applications, ranging from the analysis and interpretation of high-throughput data to their use as a reference repository. However, so far the various human metabolic networks described by these databases have not been systematically compared and contrasted, nor has the extent to which they differ been quantified. For a researcher using these databases for particular analyses of human metabolism, it is crucial to know the extent of the differences in content and their underlying causes. Moreover, the outcomes of such a comparison are important for ongoing integration efforts.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We compared the genes, EC numbers and reactions of five frequently used human metabolic pathway databases. The overlap is surprisingly low, especially on reaction level, where the databases agree on 3% of the 6968 reactions they have combined. Even for the well-established tricarboxylic acid cycle the databases agree on only 5 out of the 30 reactions in total. We identified the main causes for the lack of overlap. Importantly, the databases are partly complementary. Other explanations include the number of steps a conversion is described in and the number of possible alternative substrates listed. Missing metabolite identifiers and ambiguous names for metabolites also affect the comparison.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that each of the five networks compared provides us with a valuable piece of the puzzle of the complete reconstruction of the human metabolic network. To enable integration of the networks, next to a need for standardizing the metabolite names and identifiers, the conceptual differences between the databases should be resolved. Considerable manual intervention is required to reach the ultimate goal of a unified and biologically accurate model for studying the systems biology of human metabolism. Our comparison provides a stepping stone for such an endeavor.</p

    Current and noise expressions for radio-frequency single-electron transistors

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    We derive self-consistent expressions of current and noise for single-electron transistors driven by time-dependent perturbations. We take into account effects of the electrical environment, higher-order co-tunneling, and time-dependent perturbations under the two-charged state approximation using the Schwinger-Kedysh approach combined with the generating functional technique. For a given generating functional, we derive exact expressions for tunneling currents and noises and present the forms in terms of transport coefficients. It is also shown that in the adiabatic limit our results encompass previous formulas. In order to reveal effects missing in static cases, we apply the derived results to simulate realized radio-frequency single-electron transistor. It is found that photon-assisted tunneling affects largely the performance of the single-electron transistor by enhancing both responses to gate charges and current noises. On various tunneling resistances and frequencies of microwaves, the dependence of the charge sensitivity is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure
