280 research outputs found


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    Recent legislative initiatives call for studies to evaluate costs associated with cleaning U.S. grains to meet more stringent standards. This paper reports on a study which developed a mixed-integer programming model of the U.S. sorghum sector to (1) determine the least-cost geographic location for new cleaning investment at the country, terminal and port elevator stages of the marketing system and (2) measure additional system marketing costs associated with implementing the proposed standards. Results show the least-cost cleaning location to be at country and terminal elevators in excess supply regions. Implementing the proposed standard would increase system costs about 2 percent.Grain quality, Plant location, Sorghum, Mixed-integer, Crop Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Evaluation of pdx-1 gene expression in insulin producing cells, derived from embryonal carcinoma stem cells

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    زمینه و هدف: درک عملکرد سلول های بتا در سطح مولکولی به احتمال زیاد توسعه تکنیک های تولید سلول های بتا را تسهیل می کند. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی بیان ژن هومئوباکس دئودنال 1 (pdx-1) در سلول‌های تمایز یافته طراحی و اجرا شد. روش بررسی: این مطالعه بنیادی-کاربردی بر روی تمایز سلول‌های بنیادی به سلول‌های انسولین‌ساز انجام گرفت. محیط ثانویه حاصل از کشت پانکراس نوزاد یک هفته‌ای موش برای تمایز سلول‌های P19 استفاده شد. اجسام شبه جنینی (EBs) با کشت معلق 24 ساعته سلول‌های P19 تشکیل شدند. برای القای تمایز، غلظت‌های متفاوت محیط ثانویه (25، 50، 75 و 100) به محیط کشت اضافه شد. جهت شناسایی سلول‌های تمایز یافته مشتق از EBs در شرایط آزمایشــگاهی از رنگ آمیزی دیتیزون استفاده شد. تولید انسولین-پروانسولین و رسپتور بتای انسولین در این سلول ها به روش ایمنوفلورسنس تعیین و بیان ژن pdx-1 به وسیله واکنش زنجیره پلی‌مراز-رونویسی معکوس ارزیابی شد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه و دانکن تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. یافته‌ها: پس از هفت روز القا، دستجات سلولی تمایز یافته ظاهر شدند. اوج پاسخ‌گویی تمایزی مربوط به غلظت 50 از محیط ثانویه بود. بیان ژن pdx-1 در دستجات سلولی تمایز یافته مشاهده شد. بیان نشانگرهای انسولین-پروانسولین و رسپتور بتا در سلول‌های تمایز یافته به روش ایمنوفلورسنس اثبات شد. نتیجه‌گیری: محیط ثانویه پانکراس باعث تمایز سلول‌های P19به سلول‌های انسولین ساز ‌‌شد، لذا نتایج این مطالعه می تواند تولید سلول های بتا را از سلول های بنیادی تسهیل نماید

    Comparing sex hormones levels in Acipenser persicus at the onset of autumnal migration

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    Levels of two main steroid hormones in gonads, 17-B Stradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) were compared in males and females of Persian sturgeon at the start of autumnal migration to spawning rivers. Hormone levels were also studied for likely relationship with different stages of sexual maturity. The results showed that levels of T and E2 in females at the stage four of sexual maturity is significantly higher than the individuals with immature gonads (ovary in stages 2 and 3). We measured 11.81±2.86Omg/ml and 7±1.15mg/ml of T and E2 in mature females compared to 0.2±0.09mg/ml and 0.736±0.161mg/ml of T and E2 in immature females. Levels of the two hormones in males at different stages of sexual maturity showed that only testosterone was significantly different in mature and immature sturgeons (0.50±0.144 mg/ml and al 4.3 I 25±3.121mg/ml in mature and immature males, respectively) (P=0.04). In males and females with higher sexual maturity, differences between the two hormones were significant (T and E2 levels in females and males were 11.81±2.860mg/ml, 7±1.15mg/ml and 0.50±0.144mg/ml, 0.7023±0/212ng/ml, respectively). However, in immature fish of both sexes, only males showed significantly higher T levels (14.312513.121mg/ml in comparison with 0.2±0.09mg/ml). Disregarding the sexual maturity stages, we found significantly different levels of E2 in both sexes (4.779±1.827mg/ml in females and 0.709±0.121mg/ml in males) (P=0.00). Statistical analyses indicated no correlation between fish age and levels of steroid hormones of the fish (at 90% confidence level)


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    Mathematical programming-based systems analysis is used to examine the consequences of alternative operation configuration for the agricultural operations within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Continuation versus elimination of the total operation as well as individual operating departments are considered. Methodology includes a firm systems operation model combined with capital budgeting and an integer programming based investment model. Results indicate the resources realize a positive return as a whole, but some enterprises are not using resources profitably. The integer investment model is found to be superior for investigating whether to continue multiple interrelated enterprises.agribusiness, enterprise selection, mathematical programming, optimal enterprise organization, Agribusiness,

    Minimal-memory realization of pearl-necklace encoders of general quantum convolutional codes

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    Quantum convolutional codes, like their classical counterparts, promise to offer higher error correction performance than block codes of equivalent encoding complexity, and are expected to find important applications in reliable quantum communication where a continuous stream of qubits is transmitted. Grassl and Roetteler devised an algorithm to encode a quantum convolutional code with a "pearl-necklace encoder." Despite their theoretical significance as a neat way of representing quantum convolutional codes, they are not well-suited to practical realization. In fact, there is no straightforward way to implement any given pearl-necklace structure. This paper closes the gap between theoretical representation and practical implementation. In our previous work, we presented an efficient algorithm for finding a minimal-memory realization of a pearl-necklace encoder for Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) convolutional codes. This work extends our previous work and presents an algorithm for turning a pearl-necklace encoder for a general (non-CSS) quantum convolutional code into a realizable quantum convolutional encoder. We show that a minimal-memory realization depends on the commutativity relations between the gate strings in the pearl-necklace encoder. We find a realization by means of a weighted graph which details the non-commutative paths through the pearl-necklace. The weight of the longest path in this graph is equal to the minimal amount of memory needed to implement the encoder. The algorithm has a polynomial-time complexity in the number of gate strings in the pearl-necklace encoder.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; extends paper arXiv:1004.5179v

    Effect of rapidly resorbable bone substitute materials on the temporal expression of the osteoblastic phenotype \u3cem\u3ein vitro\u3c/em\u3e

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    Ideally, bioactive ceramics for use in alveolar ridge augmentation should possess the ability to activate bone formation and, thus, cause the differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells into osteoblasts at their surfaces. Therefore, in order to evaluate the osteogenic potential of novel bone substitute materials, it is important to examine their effect on osteoblastic differentiation. This study examines the effect of rapidly resorbable calcium–alkali– orthophosphates on osteoblastic phenotype expression and compares this behavior to that of ß-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and bioactive glass 45S5. Test materials were three materials (denominated GB14, GB9, GB9/25) with a crystalline phase Ca2KNa(PO4)2 and with a small amorphous portion containing either magnesium potassium phosphate (GB14) or silica phosphate (GB9 and GB9/25, which also contains Ca2P2O7); and a material with a novel crystalline phase Ca10[K/Na](PO4)7 (material denominated 352i). SaOS-2 human bone cells were grown on the substrata for 3, 7, 14, and 21 days, counted, and probed for an array of osteogenic markers. GB9 had the greatest stimulatory effect on osteoblastic proliferation and differentiation, suggesting that this material possesses the highest potency to enhance osteogenesis. GB14 and 352i supported osteoblast differentiation to the same or a higher degree than TCP, whereas, similar to bioactive glass 45S5, GB9/25 displayed a greater stimulatory effect on osteoblastic phenotype expression, indicating that GB9/25 is also an excellent material for promoting osteogenesis

    SEM Analysis of MTAD Efficacy for Smear Layer Removal from Periodontally Affected Root Surfaces

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    Objective: Biopure® MTAD (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, USA) has been developedas a final irrigant following root canal shaping to remove intracanal smear layer.Many of the unique properties of MTAD potentially transfer to the conditioningprocess of tooth roots during periodontal therapy. The aim of this ex vivo studywas to evaluate the effect of MTAD on the removal of smear layer from root surfaces.Materials and Methods: Thirty two longitudinally sectioned specimens from 16freshly extracted teeth diagnosed with advanced periodontal disease were dividedinto four groups. In group 1 and 2, the root surfaces were scaled using Gracey curettes.In group 3 and 4, 0.5 mm of the root surface was removed using a fissurebur. The specimens in group 1 and 3 were then irrigated by normal saline. Thespecimens in groups 2 and 4 were irrigated with Biopure MTAD.All specimens were prepared for SEM and scored according to the presence ofsmear layer.Results: MTAD significantly increased (P=0.001) the smear layer removal inboth groups 2 and 4 compared to the associated control groups, in which only salinewas used.Conclusion: MTAD increased the removal of the smear layer from periodontallyaffected root surfaces. Use of MTAD as a periodontal conditioner may be suggeste

    Detection QTLs for Grain Quality Traits and Yield in Two BILs Population of Rice

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    . Rice, the second most important crop after wheat, has been cultivated in Iran. Marketing conditions and quality traits after yield are the most important factors to adopt of new varieties. Therefore in recent years Iranian scientists decided to training on breeding improved high yield varieties with good grain quality.Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) yield and grain quality traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with additive, epistatic, and QTL × environment (QE) interaction effects were studied using a mixed-model-based composite interval mapping (MCIM) method and two populations of Back cross inbred lines (BILs) with a common maternal parent.In each of the populations two or three main effects of QTLs were detected for yield, amylose content, gel consistency and gelatinization temperature. Some identified QTL clusters suggested pleiotropic effects could control these traits. The phenotypic variation of AAE and AA QTLs effects were smaller than main QTLs. We conclude that the major genes and some minor and modifier genes controlled rice grain quality and yield components. The information obtained in this study have used to manipulating the QTLs for these traits by molecular marker-assisted selection and the best lines with excellent quality and high yield recognize