SEM Analysis of MTAD Efficacy for Smear Layer Removal from Periodontally Affected Root Surfaces


Objective: Biopure® MTAD (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, USA) has been developedas a final irrigant following root canal shaping to remove intracanal smear layer.Many of the unique properties of MTAD potentially transfer to the conditioningprocess of tooth roots during periodontal therapy. The aim of this ex vivo studywas to evaluate the effect of MTAD on the removal of smear layer from root surfaces.Materials and Methods: Thirty two longitudinally sectioned specimens from 16freshly extracted teeth diagnosed with advanced periodontal disease were dividedinto four groups. In group 1 and 2, the root surfaces were scaled using Gracey curettes.In group 3 and 4, 0.5 mm of the root surface was removed using a fissurebur. The specimens in group 1 and 3 were then irrigated by normal saline. Thespecimens in groups 2 and 4 were irrigated with Biopure MTAD.All specimens were prepared for SEM and scored according to the presence ofsmear layer.Results: MTAD significantly increased (P=0.001) the smear layer removal inboth groups 2 and 4 compared to the associated control groups, in which only salinewas used.Conclusion: MTAD increased the removal of the smear layer from periodontallyaffected root surfaces. Use of MTAD as a periodontal conditioner may be suggeste

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