157 research outputs found

    Teoksen synty : kuvataiteellista prosessia sanallistamassa

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    Le slogan de campagne entre effet de style et argumentation : les législatives ivoiriennes de 2016

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    À partir d’un corpus tirĂ© des lĂ©gislatives ivoiriennes de 2016, cette Ă©tude explore la pratique du slogan en tant que modalitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rique du discours Ă©lectoral. D’un point de vue stylistique et rhĂ©torique, elle examine la forme phonĂ©tique et rythmique des slogans liĂ©e Ă  une praxis de configuration du sens qui est celle du discours symbolique iconique. SimultanĂ©ment, elle lie ces aspects Ă  l’argumentation dans le discours des slogans de campagne Ă©lectorale en contexte ouest-africain, en tenant compte aussi bien de leur « visĂ©e » que de leur « dimension » argumentative (Amossy). Cette dĂ©marche se rĂ©alise Ă  travers deux grandes Ă©tapes : analyse des aspects stylistiques des slogans (formes et figuralitĂ©, variantes diastratiques et diatopiques) ; Ă©tude de leurs stratĂ©gies argumentatives et de leur dimension Ă©thotique, le tout conduisant Ă  la formulation de rĂ©serves sur certaines occurrences contre-productives. Les slogans pris pour objet sont constamment rapportĂ©s Ă  leur soubassement ethnoculturel Ă  travers la notion d’« imaginaire » linguistique, ce qui permet de corrĂ©ler le rhĂ©torique avec la culture ivoirienne, tout en explorant sa dimension sociopolitique.Drawing on a body of campaign slogans form the 2016 legislative elections in 2016, this study examines the practice of a genre of electoral discourse. In a stylistic and rhetoric perspective, it explores the slogan’s phonetic and rhythmic patterns in their relation to the praxis of meaning configuration characteristic of iconic symbolic discourse. These aspects are connected to the argumentation deployed in the discourse of the electoral slogans in a West-African context. In so doing, the paper examines both their argumentative aim and their argumentative dimension (Amossy). This approach is carried out in two main steps: an analysis of the stylistic aspects of the slogans (forms and figures, diastratic and diatopical variants); and an analysis of argumentative strategies and ethos construction, both eventually raising some reservations concerning a few instances that seem counterproductive. The analyzed slogans are systematically linked to their ethnic and cultural background through the notion of “linguistic imaginary”, thus connecting the rhetorical component and the Ivory Coast culture and exploring the socio-political dimension of the campaign slogan

    Le processus de construction d’une GPEC-Territoriale : rĂ©flexion Ă  partir de dispositifs de GPEC-Territoriale pilotĂ©e par la Chambre de mĂ©tiers et de l’artisanat de Loir-et-Cher

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    Nowadays HRP is built increasingly on a territorial scale. Institutional actors from different backgrounds and varying size businesses work together to put in place actions that address issues related to employment, training, and skills. These approaches are sometimes in "hot", sometimes in "cold" depending on the circumstances, territories and stakeholders. The extension of the building of the HRP across a territory can be justified by taking into account several factors: internal or external to enterprises, policies, situational, socio-economic, etc. Thus through converging wills, multiple actors aspire to lift the limits and shortcomings related to HRP by using a HRP-Territorial. This new construction approach and analysis of HRP nevertheless raises several questions. Among the many questions we reflected about five of them: how do actors work together? What diagnosis allows to unite stakeholders around HRP-Territorial? How is this HRP-Territorial built in terms of phasing? How do actors agree on the construction and content of the actions of HRP-Territorial? How to mobilize actors in such collective approaches? These questions are taken from the main issue of our research: What is the process of building a HRP-Territorial involving institutional actors and businesses? We discussed and debated these issues on the basis of empirical data collected in two cases: HRP-Territorial in the Community of communes of Cher Ă  la Loire and the HRP-Territorial in the timber Industry in Loir-et-Cher. Those data are collected by observation, qualitative interview, quantitative studies and documentaries. Theory of interaction, actor network theory, rational choice theory and mobilization theory served as our analytical framework. At the intersection of these approaches and these analyzes, it appears that the HRP-Territorial be built from a few necessities : the ability of the pilot to work together several actors, establishing a prior and shared diagnosis that rely on problem and challenges for companies and territory, mobilization of actors through selective incentives and analysis of priority categories of actors. Furthermore, it appears that the contents of the HRP-Territorial is continuously translated and obtained by relative consensus. Finally, and despite the particular case of each situation, a modeling phase of this construction is possible.La GPEC se construit de plus en plus Ă  l’échelle territoriale. Des acteurs institutionnels d’horizons divers et des entreprises de taille variable rĂ©flĂ©chissent et travaillent ensemble pour mettre en place des actions qui rĂ©pondent aux problĂ©matiques liĂ©es Ă  l’emploi, Ă  la formation, et aux compĂ©tences. Ces dĂ©marches se font tantĂŽt Ă  « chaud », tantĂŽt Ă  « froid » selon les circonstances, les territoires et les acteurs. L’extension de l’échelle de construction de la GPEC de l’entreprise au territoire peut se justifier par la prise en compte de plusieurs facteurs : internes ou externes aux entreprises, politiques, conjecturaux, socio-Ă©conomiques, etc. Ainsi Ă  travers des volontĂ©s convergentes, de multiples acteurs ambitionnent de lever les limites et insuffisances consubstantielles Ă  la GPEC d’entreprise en recourant Ă  une GPEC-Territoriale. Cette nouvelle approche de construction et d’analyse de la GPEC pose nĂ©anmoins des interrogations. Parmi celles-ci, nous avons rĂ©flĂ©chi, Ă  cinq questions : comment faire travailler ensemble les acteurs ? Quel diagnostic permet de fĂ©dĂ©rer les acteurs autour de la GPEC-Territoriale ? Comment se construit cette GPEC-Territoriale en termes de phasage ? Comment les acteurs se mettent-ils d’accord sur la construction et le contenu des actions de la GPEC-Territoriale ? Comment mobiliser les acteurs dans de telles dĂ©marches collectives ? Ces questions sont issues de la question principale de notre recherche : quel est le processus de construction d’une GPEC-Territoriale impliquant des acteurs institutionnels et des entreprises ? Nous avons abordĂ© et discutĂ© ces questions sur la base de donnĂ©es empiriques collectĂ©es dans deux cas : la GPEC-Territoriale dans la CommunautĂ© de communes du Cher Ă  la Loire et la GPEC-Territoriale dans la filiĂšre Bois dans le dĂ©partement du Loir-et-Cher. Ces donnĂ©es sont collectĂ©es Ă  partir d’observations, d’entretiens qualitatifs, d’études quantitatives et documentaires. Les thĂ©ories de l’interaction, de la traduction, du choix rationnel et de la mobilisation nous ont servi de grille d’analyse. Au croisement de ces approches et de ces analyses, il en est ressorti que la GPEC-Territoriale se construit Ă  partir de quelques nĂ©cessitĂ©s : capacitĂ© du pilote Ă  faire travailler ensemble plusieurs acteurs, Ă©tablissement d’un diagnostic prĂ©alable et partagĂ© se basant sur les problĂ©matiques et enjeux des entreprises et des territoires, mobilisation des acteurs Ă  travers des incitations sĂ©lectives et l’analyse des catĂ©gories de prioritĂ©s des acteurs. En outre, il est apparu que le contenu de la GPEC-Territoriale est continĂ»ment traduit et s’obtient sous un consensus relatif. Enfin et malgrĂ© l’aspect sui generis de chaque cas, une modĂ©lisation, en phases, de sa construction est possible

    Paola Paissa et RuggeroDruetta (dir.). 2019. La RĂ©pĂ©tition en discours (Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia ; L'Harmattan, Collection « Au cƓur des textes »)

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    Les Ă©tudes linguistiques et textuelles sur la rĂ©pĂ©tition se sont enrichies d’un volume important avec la publication de La rĂ©pĂ©tition en discours sous la direction conjointe de Paola Paissa et Ruggero Druetta. Le prĂ©sent compte rendu vise Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les contributions fondamentales de cette parution dans l’histoire des Ă©tudes liĂ©es au phĂ©nomĂšne observĂ© par les quatorze contributions qui y sont prĂ©sentes. L’ouvrage s’ouvre avec une introduction signĂ©e des directeurs qui commencent par..

    Les fonctions argumentatives des récits de vie : un exemple de construction ethotique chez Laurent Gbagbo

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    Cette contribution vise Ă  systĂ©matiser les rĂ©cits de vie comme Ă©tant des constructions porteuses d’arguments ethotiques, c'est-Ă -dire contribuant Ă  prĂ©senter une image du locuteur qui soit mĂ©liorative et participe Ă  l’adhĂ©sion de son auditoire aux thĂšses qu’il prĂ©sente. Montrer les modalitĂ©s du fonctionnement argumentatif du genre autobiographique revient, dans un tel contexte de valorisation de soi, Ă  interroger le genre narratif et son potentiel didactique, voire manipulateur, de mĂȘme que la structure narrative des rĂ©cits de vie. Les marqueurs doxiques participant de la construction du consensus Ă  travers les rĂ©cits de vie, donc des valeurs communes Ă  l’auditoire, conduisent Ă  poser la dissymĂ©trie du miroir Ă©pidictique comme rĂ©vĂ©lateur de schĂšmes ethotiques oĂč l’autre est narrĂ© en mĂȘme temps que soi, mais adulĂ© dans l’espoir de l’ĂȘtre encore davantage par le pĂŽle co-Ă©nonciatif. Celui-ci, en effet, est l’objet de l’entreprise de l’argumentation et de la persuasion construite par un dĂ©ploiement narratif configurant Ă  la fois des identitĂ©s idĂ©ologiques telles que le locuteur-narrateur les revendique et les catĂ©gorisations axiologiques mises en Ɠuvre dans la matĂ©rialitĂ© narrativo-discursive. Le support choisi est un discours de Laurent Gbagbo, PrĂ©sident de la CĂŽte d'Ivoire de 2000 Ă  2011, prononcĂ© lors de la cĂ©rĂ©monie d’investiture de la mutuelle « Gotiwa » le 12 septembre 2009. En tant que discours d’investiture, les clauses d’expression du pouvoir et de sa transmission y sont consubstantielles Ă  l’effet de lĂ©gitimation souhaitĂ© par le sujet locutif.This contribution intends to systematise life narratives as constructions bearing ethotic arguments, i.e. as constructions presenting a meliorative image of the speaker which reinforces the support of his audience to his theses. In such a context, to show the modes of the argumentative process in the autobiographic genre amounts to inquiring into the narrative genre and into its didactic potentialities as well as into the narrative structure of life narratives. Social markers, i.e. the set of values shared by the audience, which contribute to build up a consensus through life narratives, point to the dissymmetry of an epidictic mirror which discloses the ethotic patterns whereby self and other are narrated at the same time. However, the adulation of the other by the speaker is done with the expectation that the speaker will be even more adulated by this other, his interlocutive pole. The latter is indeed the object of an argumentative and a persuasive endeavour developed through a narrative process which configures both ideological identities, as claimed by the speaker-narrator, and axiological categories materialized in narrative-discursive terms. Our case study is former President of CĂŽte d'Ivoire Laurent Gbagbo's inaugural address of the "Gotiwa" association on September 12th 2009. In this inaugural address, the clauses expressing power and the handover of power are intrinsic to the legitimation effect aimed by the speaker


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    Effect of Substitution of Cement by Mineral Powders on the Physicomechanical Properties and Microstructure of Sand Concretes

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    The approach that contributes to the development of eco-materials in construction is the use of mineral powders, which can improve mechanical properties and reduce cement consumption. This article aims to study the effect of substitution by mass of cement with mineral powders on the physicomechanical properties and microstructure of sand concretes. The used mineral powders are A: the limestone, B: the natural pozzolan, C: the hydraulic lime, D: (1/3 limestone + 1/3 natural pozzolan + 1/3 hydraulic lime), and E: (1/2 natural pozzolan + 1/2 hydraulic lime). The studied percentages are 5%, 10% and 15%, in both separated and combined states. The studied properties are workability, compressive strength, the elasticity modulus in compression, shrinkage and microstructure analysis. The objective is to target the optimal percentage of the substitution of cement with mineral powders, which ensures the best compromise between the main properties of the studied sand concretes. The obtained results show that the optimal percentage is in favor of the substitution of cement by 10% D (1/3 limestone, 1/3 natural pozzolan and 1/3 hydraulic lime). Even the 15% of mineral powder D, presented similar performances compared to the sand concrete (without mineral powders). Finally, in the context of the development of eco-materials, it should be noted that the 10% D and 15% D (1/3 limestone, 1/3 natural pozzolan and 1/3 hydraulic lime) contribute to decrease the use of cement and consequently to reduce of CO2 emissions

    Hemicryptophytes plant species as indicator of grassland state in semi-arid region: Case study of W Biosphere Reserve and its surroundings area in Benin (West Africa)

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    In semi-arid region managers are facing rapid degradation of grassland. There is a need to determine indicators to be used to detect early change occurring in the grassland for their sustainable management. Thereof, in this study, we explored the reliability of the use of hemicryptophytes as indicator of grassland state in semi-arid region within W Biosphere Reserve and surrounding areas (Benin). Plots of 10 m X 10 m were installed along a land use gradient (from communal lands to the protected area via the buffer zone) in three vegetation types for plant biomass harvesting and hemicryptophytes traits measurement. The hemicryptophyte density, biovolume, tussock size, contact frequency, contribution to total plant biomass and grassland grazing value were assessed and compared between land uses. Findings showed that hemicryptopyte traits were significantly different with the land use type. Hemicryptophyte biovolume and hemicryptophyte contribution were strongly correlated, respectively, with total biomass production and grazing value. The study highlights the relevance of hemicryptophyte as indicators of grassland state that could be used by grassland managers for grassland monitoring, restoration and sustainable use.Keywords: Grassland monitoring, hemicryptophyte traits, indicators, land us

    Characteristics of agricultural entrepreneurs and their agribusinesses in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Benin

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    Entrepreneurship in the sub-Saharan African agricultural sector has been growing in recent years because of increasing unemployment and underemployment. In Benin, policies and programs are encouraging individuals to start their own agribusinesses. To further sharpen these policies and programs to improve agricultural entrepreneurship's contribution to the economy, it is essential to avail information on the entrepreneurs, their businesses, and the typologies of agribusinesses. Such information is limited, which reduces the ability to develop evidence-informed policies and programs. This research aims to fill the gaps by describing the features of agricultural entrepreneurs in Benin. A random sample of 819 agricultural entrepreneurs was used, and data were collected on entrepreneurs and their businesses. Descriptive analysis and hierarchical clustering of principal components were performed. The study found that women’s participation in agricultural entrepreneurship in terms of new business formation is still low. Also, the agricultural entrepreneurs are more driven by necessity than opportunity, although they have a highly positive personality, mainly in terms of optimism and risk. At the enterprise level, most agribusinesses have been in operation for more than three years, but only one out of ten entrepreneurs felt that their business was at a mature phase. The research also evidenced that informality in the agribusiness sector is high because almost half of the agribusinesses were not registered with any formal governmental entity, and only three out of ten complied with tax regulations. Agricultural entrepreneurs were active in knowledge networks to expand their activities and improve their performance. Three categories of agribusiness were defined with the cluster analysis: ‘informal agribusinesses’ essentially built for profit, not registered, and owned by not highly educated adult entrepreneurs; ‘professional new agribusinesses’ were mainly operated by young entrepreneurs with a university education and agricultural professional training; and ‘mature agribusinesses’ were mostly formally registered and owned by highly educated entrepreneurs. This research will be instrumental for policymakers and practitioners to better understand agricultural entrepreneurship and improve its economic outcomes. It provides a strong evidence base to support the ongoing motivation of policymakers to provide solutions to unemployment and underemployment through agricultural entrepreneurship
