21 research outputs found

    Comprendre le processus d'adaptation des démarches d'enseignement en classe de sciences et technologies à l'école secondaire analyse des besoins perçus par les personnes enseignantes en milieu défavorisé

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    Since the implementation of the latest reform in the education programs of Quebec, the adaptation of teaching has taken on an important place in the concerns of all actors in education. However, this adjustment towards the adoption of teaching practices that require more participation on the part of the pupil is not accomplished so easily, particularly in the field of science and technology (ST). In order to gain a better understanding of these processes of adaptation, it is opportune to question ourselves on the factors and dynamics of interest at stake, especially in disadvantaged environments. Such environments are faced with situations where other difficulties coexist: integration of pupils, lack of interest, problems in classroom management, multi-ethnicity, etc. As a result, such difficulties give rise. to particular limitations, expressed in the form of needs, by pupils and teachers, likely to have a restrictive effect on the adaptation of teaching practices. Accordingly, our research focuses on the needs perceived by teachers in high school ST classrooms in disadvantaged school environments, since they present a privileged means to better understand the processes involved in the adaptation of practices. The adoption of an ecosystemic perspective, centered on these needs and their contribution towards the dynamics of decision-making, enabled us to better apprehend the complexity of these processes in ST classrooms. We were able to identify the needs perceived by teachers by following the methodology of conceptanalysis of needs, and by combining focus groups with the DRAP software. The results account for the large variety of needs to be considered in the equation of adaptation of teaching practices. These needs generally belong to the classroom system (microsystem). For pupils, they are mainly cognitive needs, but for teachers, they pertain to organization and structure. The influence of these needs on the adaptation processes depends on the interpretation by teachers of teaching situations, so much so that a same need can at times be assumed as negative pressure, generating obstacles, or at other times as a positive impulse, facilitating adaptation

    The bridging of pluralistic visions of science and ethics for bioethics - Tibetan medicine as compared with the Western research on longevity and human genetic enhancement

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    La thèse examine les liens entre la vision pluraliste de la science et l’éthique de la médecine tibétaine et les nouvelles pratiques en médecine occidentale, soit la longévité et la recherche sur la génétique amélioratrice. Elle cherche à cerner l’apport que la médecine tibétaine peut apporter aux recherches occidentales sur la longévité et la génétique humaine amélioratrice. Elle traite donc d’un enjeu social clé et du débat qui s’y rattache. La découverte et la description sont centrales à la méthodologie et informent l’analyse. Nous avons examiné dans un premier temps, les travaux de recherche sur la longévité reliée à la génétique amélioratrice (mémoire et muscles). Nous nous sommes penchés également sur les fondements de la médecine tibétaine en tant que système intégré. Pour ce faire, nous avons traité des notions telles que la santé, l’identité, la perfection et l’immortalité. Notre cadre conceptuel repose sur la théorie bouddhiste de l’interdépendance qui se caractérise par la formulation de catégories qui ensuite sont synthétisées dans l’essence; les deux niveaux d’interprétation de la théorie sont décrits en détail avant de passer à une comparaison avec la notion de complexité occidentale. La médecine tibétaine de fait présente un système où l’éthique et la science sont intégrées et se prête bien à une comparaison avec la vision pluraliste de la science à partir d’une perspective éthique/bioéthique. Les commentaires recueillis auprès des experts nous ont permis de cerner comment la science, l’éthique et l’amélioration de la longévité sont définies au sein des deux paradigmes de l’Est et de l’Ouest. Nos résultats montrent six points qui se dégagent au terme de cette recherche permettent de jeter un pont sur la vision pluraliste de ces paradigmes. Ceux-ci transcendent les points de vue doctrinaux individuels de religions ainsi que du monde scientifique occidental. Plus que tout, ils laissent entrevoir un cadre de références novatrices qui contribuera à la prise de décision à l’égard de questionnements bioéthiques.This thesis identified and examined the links between the pluralist vision of Western science and the ethical studies of Tibetan medicine, and sought to determine how the bridging of pluralistic visions with Tibetan medicine might contribute to Western research on longevity and human genetic enhancement. The investigation focused on the current debate in these latter two fields. Discovery and description were central to the methodology and informed the analysis. Initially, we examined the research on longevity related to human genetic enhancement (memory and muscle), which addresses the limitation of the physical body, and explored its ramifications through such concepts as healthism, identity, perfection and immortality. Then examining the foundation of Tibetan medicine as an integrated system, we contrasted contemporary longevity research with the Eastern model, in which individual existence and experience escape limitations. We further addressed brain science research and the Tibetan medicine continuum, the unique quality of the latter being that the mind is used as a tool and is philosophically linked with Buddhism. Finally, utilizing the Buddhist conceptual framework of the interdependent theory, which is characterized by formulating categories of phenomena that are then synthesized into their essence, the theory’s two levels of the interpretation of phenomenal reality were described in detail before moving to a comparison with notions of Western complexity. Tibetan medicine employs an integrated system in which ethics and science are interwoven, providing the base for a comparison with the pluralist vision of science from an ethics/bioethics perspective. The insights gathered from interviews with experts in various fields highlighted how science, ethics and longevity enhancement can be addressed within these two paradigms. The research findings led to six points that bridge both the Eastern and Western paradigms by transcending the doctrinal standpoints of individual religions, ethical systems and sciences, and laying the basis for an innovative framework by providing concrete reference elements for decision-making in regard to bioethical questionings

    Avez-vous dit « autorité » ? Les défis de l’interdépendance positive dans le cadre de l’enseignement des sciences à l’école secondaire

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    Concernant l’éducation scientifique, le gouvernement du Québec insiste sur la nécessité d’agir en interdépendance et de privilégier le travail de groupe dans des classes hétérogènes du secondaire. Or, l’acte d’enseigner est très complexe. Les enseignants sont conviés à des changements majeurs sur le plan des attitudes et des comportements. Leur autorité dépend de plus en plus de l’adoption d’un contrat pédagogique fondé sur l’interdépendance positive entre eux et leurs élèves.On the subject of scientific education, the Government of Quebec insists on the need for acting in interdependence and for privileging group interventions in secondary schools and heterogeneous classes. However, the act of teaching is very complex. The science teachers are invited to major changes in their attitudes and behaviors. Their authority depends more and more on the adoption of an educational contract based on positive interdependence between them and their students

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Représentations de la discipline et des sciences à l'école secondaire analyse des documents de source québécoise

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    La discipline, au sens d'une gestion des comportements, demeure un sujet de préoccupation pour plusieurs chercheurs, praticiens et parents. Parallèlement, le champ de l'enseignement des sciences au secondaire connaît des problèmes divers, dont la conséquence est souvent de réduire l'intérêt des élèves face à l'apprentissage des matières scientifiques. De l'avis de nombreux auteurs, l'étude de la discipline dans le contexte d'une classe de sciences constitue une voie à explorer en vue de remédier aux risques d'échecs dans ce domaine. Grâce à l'analyse du contenu des discours tirés d'un échantillon d'écrits de source québécoise, ce mémoire examine les représentations respectives des enseignants et des élèves. Il met en évidence des obstacles spécifiques relevant des caractéristiques des acteurs, des réalités complexes, ainsi que des besoins propres à l'enseignement-apprentissage à l'école secondaire

    Comprendre le processus d'adaptation des démarches d'enseignement en classe de sciences et technologies à l'école secondaire analyse des besoins perçus par les personnes enseignantes en milieu défavorisé

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    Since the implementation of the latest reform in the education programs of Quebec, the adaptation of teaching has taken on an important place in the concerns of all actors in education. However, this adjustment towards the adoption of teaching practices that require more participation on the part of the pupil is not accomplished so easily, particularly in the field of science and technology (ST). In order to gain a better understanding of these processes of adaptation, it is opportune to question ourselves on the factors and dynamics of interest at stake, especially in disadvantaged environments. Such environments are faced with situations where other difficulties coexist: integration of pupils, lack of interest, problems in classroom management, multi-ethnicity, etc. As a result, such difficulties give rise. to particular limitations, expressed in the form of needs, by pupils and teachers, likely to have a restrictive effect on the adaptation of teaching practices. Accordingly, our research focuses on the needs perceived by teachers in high school ST classrooms in disadvantaged school environments, since they present a privileged means to better understand the processes involved in the adaptation of practices. The adoption of an ecosystemic perspective, centered on these needs and their contribution towards the dynamics of decision-making, enabled us to better apprehend the complexity of these processes in ST classrooms. We were able to identify the needs perceived by teachers by following the methodology of conceptanalysis of needs, and by combining focus groups with the DRAP software. The results account for the large variety of needs to be considered in the equation of adaptation of teaching practices. These needs generally belong to the classroom system (microsystem). For pupils, they are mainly cognitive needs, but for teachers, they pertain to organization and structure. The influence of these needs on the adaptation processes depends on the interpretation by teachers of teaching situations, so much so that a same need can at times be assumed as negative pressure, generating obstacles, or at other times as a positive impulse, facilitating adaptation

    Représentations de la discipline et des sciences à l'école secondaire analyse des documents de source québécoise

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    La discipline, au sens d'une gestion des comportements, demeure un sujet de préoccupation pour plusieurs chercheurs, praticiens et parents. Parallèlement, le champ de l'enseignement des sciences au secondaire connaît des problèmes divers, dont la conséquence est souvent de réduire l'intérêt des élèves face à l'apprentissage des matières scientifiques. De l'avis de nombreux auteurs, l'étude de la discipline dans le contexte d'une classe de sciences constitue une voie à explorer en vue de remédier aux risques d'échecs dans ce domaine. Grâce à l'analyse du contenu des discours tirés d'un échantillon d'écrits de source québécoise, ce mémoire examine les représentations respectives des enseignants et des élèves. Il met en évidence des obstacles spécifiques relevant des caractéristiques des acteurs, des réalités complexes, ainsi que des besoins propres à l'enseignement-apprentissage à l'école secondaire

    Besoins perçus et adaptation des démarches d’enseignement: le cas de l’enseignement des sciences et technologies au secondaire

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    <p>Cet article traite de l&rsquo;adaptation des d&eacute;marches d&rsquo;enseignement en cours d&rsquo;action, adopt&eacute;es par les enseignants des sciences et technologies de l&rsquo;&eacute;cole secondaire. Il vise &agrave; comprendre les processus dynamiques de l&rsquo;adaptation de l&rsquo;enseignement. Il s&rsquo;appuie sur des donn&eacute;es qui ont &eacute;t&eacute; obtenues gr&acirc;ce &agrave; un protocole de recherche qualitative ax&eacute; sur des techniques de groupes de r&eacute;flexion. Les r&eacute;sultats de la recherche mettent en &eacute;vidence l&rsquo;h&eacute;t&eacute;rog&eacute;n&eacute;it&eacute; des parcours d&rsquo;adaptation des enseignants. Ils soulignent la n&eacute;cessit&eacute; du professionnalisme de l&rsquo;enseignant des sciences et technologies. Ils sugg&egrave;rent de prendre en consid&eacute;ration la complexit&eacute; des besoins d&rsquo;adaptation. Ceux-ci commandent en d&eacute;finitive la compatibilit&eacute; entre les d&eacute;marches de l&rsquo;enseignant et les besoins de ses &eacute;l&egrave;ves. Le processus d&rsquo;adaptation est aussi guid&eacute; par le plaisir de la reconnaissance, les rapports de l&rsquo;enseignant aux savoirs, de m&ecirc;me que par la d&eacute;fense des valeurs collectives.</p><p><br />Mots cl&eacute;: adaptation de l&rsquo;enseignement, perception des besoins, enseignement des sciences et technologies&nbsp;</p><p><br />This article deals with the adjustment of teaching approaches made by high school science and technology teachers while teaching. It aims at achieving a better understanding of the dynamic processes of teaching adjustment. It relies on a qualitative methodology using focus groups. Data analysis shows the multiplicity of ways that teachers use to adjust their teaching. It stresses out the importance of science and technology teachers&rsquo; professionalism and suggests taking into account the complexity of teacher and student needs in the equation of teaching adjustment. Those needs call for an increased compatibility between teaching approaches and students&rsquo; needs. The adjustment of teaching approaches is also related to the quest for recognition, the teacher relationship with knowledge and the collective values in place.<br />&nbsp;<br />Keywords: Teaching adjustment, students and teachers needs, science and technology teaching</p