2,262 research outputs found

    Морфологические изменения в нижнеальвеолярном нерве на экспериментальной модели его травмы разной степени тяжести

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    У роботі на 40 лабораторних щурах досліджено закономірності та патоморфологічні зміни у нижньоальвеолярному нерві й параневральных тканинах у різний термін після операції, що викликані різним ступенем дії травмуючого фактору.During the experiments on 40 laboratory rodents we have studied the regularities and pathomorphological changes in lower dental nerve and paraneural tissues induced by disturbing factor of varying influence intensity observed at different postoperative periods

    Чинники впливу на розвиток інвестиційної і страхової діяльності страховика

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    Метою статті є визначення рівня важливості чинників впливу на інвестиційну діяльність страхових компаній і дослідження внутрішньої структури можливого впливу інвестиційної діяльності страховиків на розвиток страхового ринку в Україні

    Global tuberculosis targets and milestones set for 2016-2035: definition and rationale.

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    BACKGROUND: Global tuberculosis (TB) targets were set as part of the World Health Organization's End TB Strategy (2016-2035) and the Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030). OBJECTIVE: To define and explain the rationale for these targets. DESIGN: Scenarios for plausible reductions in TB deaths and cases were developed using empirical evidence from best-performing countries and modelling of the scale-up of under-used interventions and hypothetical TB vaccines. Results were discussed at consultations in 2012 and 2013. A final proposal was presented to the World Health Assembly in 2014 and unanimously endorsed by all Member States. RESULTS: The 2030 targets are a 90% reduction in TB deaths and 80% reduction in TB incidence compared with 2015 levels. The 2035 targets are for reductions of 95% and 90%, respectively. A third target-that no TB-affected households experience catastrophic costs due to the disease by 2020-was also agreed. CONCLUSION: The global TB targets and milestones set for the period 2016-2035 are ambitious. Achieving them requires concerted action on several fronts, but two things are fundamental: 1) progress towards universal health coverage to ensure that everyone with TB can access high-quality treatment; and 2) substantial investment in research and development for new tools to prevent TB disease among the approximately 1.7 billion people infected

    Application of Aptamers Improves CRISPR-Based Live Imaging of Plant Telomeres

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    Development of live imaging techniques for providing information how chromatin is organized in living cells is pivotal to decipher the regulation of biological processes. Here, we demonstrate the improvement of a live imaging technique based on CRISPR/Cas9. In this approach, the sgRNA scaffold is fused to RNA aptamers including MS2 and PP7. When the dead Cas9 (dCas9) is co-expressed with chimeric sgRNA, the fluorescent coat protein-tagged for MS2 and PP7 aptamers (tdMCP-FP and tdPCP-FP) are recruited to the targeted sequence. Compared to previous work with dCas9:GFP, we show that the quality of telomere labeling was improved in transiently transformed Nicotiana benthamiana using aptamer-based CRISPR-imaging constructs. Labeling is influenced by the copy number of aptamers and less by the promoter types. The same constructs were not applicable for labeling of repeats in stably transformed plants and roots. The constant interaction of the RNP complex with its target DNA might interfere with cellular processes

    Microvascular Dysfunction Is Associated With a Higher Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objective-Recent data support the hypothesis that microvascular dysfunction may be a potential mechanism in the development of insulin resistance. We examined the association of microvascular dysfunction with incident type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and impaired glucose metabolism by reviewing the literature and conducting a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on this topic. Methods and Results-We searched Medline and Embase for articles published up to October 2011. Prospective cohort studies that focused on microvascular measurements in participants free of T2DM a baseline were included. Pooled relative risks were calculated using random effects models. Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria for this meta-analysis. These studies focused on T2DM or impaired fasting glucose, not on impaired glucose tolerance. The pooled relative risks for incident T2DM (3846 cases) was 1.25 (95% confidence interval, 1.15; 1.36) per 1 SD greater microvascular dysfunction when all estimates of microvascular dysfunction were combined. In analyses of single estimates of microvascular dysfunction, the pooled relative risks for incident T2DM was 1.49 (1.36; 1.64) per 1 SD higher plasma soluble E-selectin levels; 1.21(1.11; 1.31) per 1 SD higher plasma soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 levels; 1.48 (1.03; 2.12) per 1 SD lower response to acetylcholine-mediated peripheral vascular reactivity; 1.18 (1.08; 1.29) per 1 SD lower retinal arteriole-to-venule ratio; and 1.43 (1.33; 1.54) per 1 logarithmically transformed unit higher albumin-to-creatinine ratio. In addition, the pooled relative risks for incident impaired fasting glucose (409 cases) was 1.15 (1.01-1.31) per 1 SD greater retinal venular diameters. Conclusion-These data indicate that various estimates of microvascular dysfunction were associated with incident T2DM and, possibly, impaired fasting glucose, suggesting a role for the microcirculation in the pathogenesis of T2DM. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012;32:3082-3094.

    Measurements of total odd nitrogen (NOy) aboard MOZAIC in-service aircraft: instrument design, operation and performance

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    A small system for the unattended measurement of total odd nitrogen (NOy, i.e., the sum of NO and its atmospheric oxidation products) aboard civil in-service aircraft in the framework of MOZAIC is described. The instrument employs the detection of NO by its chemiluminescence with O-3 in combination with catalytic conversion of the other NOy compounds to NO at 300degreesC on a gold surface in the presence of H-2. The instrument has a sensitivity of 0.4-0.7 cps/ppt and is designed for unattended operation during 1-2 service cycles of the aircraft (400-800 flight hours). The total weight is 50 kg, including calibration system, compressed gases, mounting, and safety measures. The layout and inlet configuration are governed by requirements due to the certification for passenger aircraft. Laboratory tests are described regarding the conversion efficiency for NO2 and HNO3 (both > 98%). Interference by non-NOy species is <1% for CH3CN and NH3, <5 x 10(-5) % for N2O (corresponding to <0.2 ppt fake NOy from ambient N2O) and 100% for HCN. The time response of the instrument is <1 s (90% change) for NO2. The response for HNO3 is nonlinear: 20 s for 67%, 60 s for 80%, and 150 s for 90% response, respectively

    Microvascular dysfunction as a link between obesity, insulin resistance and hypertension

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    Impaired microvascular dilatation from any cause and impaired insulin-mediated capillary recruitment in particular result in suboptimal delivery of glucose and insulin to skeletal muscle, and subsequently impairment of glucose disposal (insulin resistance). In addition, microvascular dysfunction, through functional and/or structural arteriolar and capillary drop-out, and arteriolar constriction, increases peripheral resistance and thus blood pressure. Microvascular dysfunction may thus constitute a pathway that links insulin resistance and hypertension. Overweight and obesity may be an important cause of microvascular dysfunction. Mechanisms linking overweight and obesity to microvascular dysfunction include changes in the secretion of adipokines leading to increased levels of free fatty acids and inflammatory mediators, and decreased levels of adiponectin all of which may impair endothelial insulin signaling. Microvascular dysfunction may thus constitute a new treatment target in the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension

    TIME Impact - a new user-friendly tuberculosis (TB) model to inform TB policy decisions.

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death from infectious disease worldwide, predominantly affecting low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where resources are limited. As such, countries need to be able to choose the most efficient interventions for their respective setting. Mathematical models can be valuable tools to inform rational policy decisions and improve resource allocation, but are often unavailable or inaccessible for LMICs, particularly in TB. We developed TIME Impact, a user-friendly TB model that enables local capacity building and strengthens country-specific policy discussions to inform support funding applications at the (sub-)national level (e.g. Ministry of Finance) or to international donors (e.g. the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria).TIME Impact is an epidemiological transmission model nested in TIME, a set of TB modelling tools available for free download within the widely-used Spectrum software. The TIME Impact model reflects key aspects of the natural history of TB, with additional structure for HIV/ART, drug resistance, treatment history and age. TIME Impact enables national TB programmes (NTPs) and other TB policymakers to better understand their own TB epidemic, plan their response, apply for funding and evaluate the implementation of the response.The explicit aim of TIME Impact's user-friendly interface is to enable training of local and international TB experts towards independent use. During application of TIME Impact, close involvement of the NTPs and other local partners also builds critical understanding of the modelling methods, assumptions and limitations inherent to modelling. This is essential to generate broad country-level ownership of the modelling data inputs and results. In turn, it stimulates discussions and a review of the current evidence and assumptions, strengthening the decision-making process in general.TIME Impact has been effectively applied in a variety of settings. In South Africa, it informed the first South African HIV and TB Investment Cases and successfully leveraged additional resources from the National Treasury at a time of austerity. In Ghana, a long-term TIME model-centred interaction with the NTP provided new insights into the local epidemiology and guided resource allocation decisions to improve impact