452 research outputs found

    A core stateless bandwidth broker architecture for scalable support of guaranteed services

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    Optimal Placement of Multiple Interconnected Gateways in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Data c ollec ted b y sensors of ten h av e to b e rem otely d eliv ered th rou g h m u lti- h op w ireless path s to d ata sink s c onnec ted to applic ation ser v ers for inform ation proc essing . T h e position of th ese sink s h as a h u g e im pac t on th e q u ality of th e spec i c W ireless S ensor N etw or k ( W S N ) . Ind eed , it m ay c reate ar ti c ial traf c b ottlenec k s w h ic h affec t th e energ y ef c ienc y and th e W S N lifetim e. T h is paper c onsid ers a h eterog eneou s netw or k sc enar io w h ere w ireless sensors d eliv er d ata to inter m ed iate g atew ay s g eared w ith a d iv erse w ireless tec h nolog y and inter c onnec ted tog eth er and to th e sink . An optim iz ation f ram ew or k b ased on Integ er L inear P rog ram m ing (IL P ) is d ev eloped to loc ate w ireless g atew ay s m inim iz ing th e ov erall installation c ost and th e energ y c onsu m ption in th e W S N , w h ile ac c ou nting for m u lti- h op c ov erag e b etw een sensors and g atew ay s, and c onnec tiv ity am ong w ireless g atew ay s. T h e proposed IL P for m u lations are solv ed to optim ality for m ed iu m -siz e instanc es to analy z e th e q u ality of th e d esig ned netw or k s, and h eu r istic alg or ith m s are also proposed to tac k le larg e-sc ale h eterog eneou s sc enar ios

    Measurements of the observed cross sections for e+e−→e^+e^-\to exclusive light hadrons containing π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 at s=3.773\sqrt s= 3.773, 3.650 and 3.6648 GeV

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    By analyzing the data sets of 17.3, 6.5 and 1.0 pb−1^{-1} taken, respectively, at s=3.773\sqrt s= 3.773, 3.650 and 3.6648 GeV with the BES-II detector at the BEPC collider, we measure the observed cross sections for e+e−→π+π−π0π0e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\pi^0, K+K−π0π0K^+K^-\pi^0\pi^0, 2(π+π−π0)2(\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0), K+K−π+π−π0π0K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\pi^0 and 3(π+π−)π0π03(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0\pi^0 at the three energy points. Based on these cross sections we set the upper limits on the observed cross sections and the branching fractions for ψ(3770)\psi(3770) decay into these final states at 90% C.L..Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Partial wave analysis of J/\psi \to \gamma \phi \phi

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    Using 5.8×107J/ψ5.8 \times 10^7 J/\psi events collected in the BESII detector, the radiative decay J/ψ→γϕϕ→γK+K−KS0KL0J/\psi \to \gamma \phi \phi \to \gamma K^+ K^- K^0_S K^0_L is studied. The ϕϕ\phi\phi invariant mass distribution exhibits a near-threshold enhancement that peaks around 2.24 GeV/c2c^{2}. A partial wave analysis shows that the structure is dominated by a 0−+0^{-+} state (η(2225)\eta(2225)) with a mass of 2.24−0.02+0.03−0.02+0.032.24^{+0.03}_{-0.02}{}^{+0.03}_{-0.02} GeV/c2c^{2} and a width of 0.19±0.03−0.04+0.060.19 \pm 0.03^{+0.06}_{-0.04} GeV/c2c^{2}. The product branching fraction is: Br(J/ψ→γη(2225))⋅Br(η(2225)→ϕϕ)=(4.4±0.4±0.8)×10−4Br(J/\psi \to \gamma \eta(2225))\cdot Br(\eta(2225)\to \phi\phi) = (4.4 \pm 0.4 \pm 0.8)\times 10^{-4}.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. corrected proof for journa

    Direct Measurements of Absolute Branching Fractions for D0 and D+ Inclusive Semimuonic Decays

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    By analyzing about 33 pb−1\rm pb^{-1} data sample collected at and around 3.773 GeV with the BES-II detector at the BEPC collider, we directly measure the branching fractions for the neutral and charged DD inclusive semimuonic decays to be BF(D0→μ+X)=(6.8±1.5±0.7)BF(D^0 \to \mu^+ X) =(6.8\pm 1.5\pm 0.7)% and BF(D+→μ+X)=(17.6±2.7±1.8)BF(D^+ \to \mu^+ X) =(17.6 \pm 2.7 \pm 1.8)%, and determine the ratio of the two branching fractions to be BF(D+→μ+X)BF(D0→μ+X)=2.59±0.70±0.25\frac{BF(D^+ \to \mu^+ X)}{BF(D^0 \to \mu^+ X)}=2.59\pm 0.70 \pm 0.25

    Measurements of the observed cross sections for exclusive light hadron production in e^+e^- annihilation at \sqrt{s}= 3.773 and 3.650 GeV

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    By analyzing the data sets of 17.3 pb−1^{-1} taken at s=3.773\sqrt{s}=3.773 GeV and 6.5 pb−1^{-1} taken at s=3.650\sqrt{s}=3.650 GeV with the BESII detector at the BEPC collider, we have measured the observed cross sections for 12 exclusive light hadron final states produced in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation at the two energy points. We have also set the upper limits on the observed cross sections and the branching fractions for ψ(3770)\psi(3770) decay to these final states at 90% C.L.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figur

    Measurements of psi(2S) decays to octet baryon-antibaryon pairs

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    With a sample of 14 million psi(2S) events collected by the BESII detector at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC), the decay channels psi(2S)->p p-bar, Lambda Lambda-bar, Sigma0 Sigma0-bar, Xi Xi-bar are measured, and their branching ratios are determined to be (3.36+-0.09+-0.24)*10E-4, (3.39+-0.20+-0.32)*10E-4, (2.35+-0.36+-0.32)*10E-4, (3.03+-0.40+-0.32)*10E-4, respectively. In the decay psi(2S)->p p-bar, the angular distribution parameter alpha is determined to be 0.82+-0.17+-0.04.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    First observation of J/\psi and \psi(2S) decaying to n K^0_S\bar\Lambda +c.c

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    The decays of \jpsi and \psip to nKS0Λˉ+c.c.{n}{K^0_S}\bar{\Lambda}+c.c. are observed and measured for the first time, and the perturbative QCD ``12%'' rule is tested, based on 5.8×1075.8 \times 10^7 \jpsi and 1.4×1071.4 \times 10^7 \psip events collected with BESII detector at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider. No obvious enhancement near nΛˉn\bar{\Lambda} threshold in \jpsi \to {n}{K^0_S}\bar{\Lambda}+c.c. is observed, and the upper limit on the branching ratio of \jpsi \to {K^0_S} X, X \to n \bar \Lambda is determined.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
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