34 research outputs found

    Metabolite profiling of the carnivorous pitcher plants Darlingtonia and Sarracenia

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    Sarraceniaceae is a New World carnivorous plant family comprising three genera: Darlingtonia, Heliamphora, and Sarracenia. The plants occur in nutrient-poor environments and have developed insectivorous capability in order to supplement their nutrient uptake. Sarracenia flava contains the alkaloid coniine, otherwise only found in Conium maculatum, in which its biosynthesis has been studied, and several Aloe species. Its ecological role and biosynthetic origin in S. flava is speculative. The aim of the current research was to investigate the occurrence of coniine in Sarracenia and Darlingtonia and to identify common constituents of both genera, unique compounds for individual variants and floral scent chemicals. In this comprehensive metabolic profiling study, we looked for compound patterns that are associated with the taxonomy of Sarracenia species. In total, 57 different Sarracenia and D. californica accessions were used for metabolite content screening by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The resulting high-dimensional data were studied using a data mining approach. The two genera are characterized by a large number of metabolites and huge chemical diversity between different species. By applying feature selection for clustering and by integrating new biochemical data with existing phylogenetic data, we were able to demonstrate that the chemical composition of the species can be explained by their known classification. Although transcriptome analysis did not reveal a candidate gene for coniine biosynthesis, the use of a sensitive selected ion monitoring method enabled the detection of coniine in eight Sarracenia species, showing that it is more widespread in this genus than previously believed.Peer reviewe

    De novo transcriptome assembly of Conium maculatum L. to identify candidate genes for coniine biosynthesis

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    Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum L.) is a notorious weed containing the potent alkaloid coniine. Only some of the enzymes in the coniine biosynthesis have so far been characterized. Here, we utilize the next-generation RNA sequencing approach to report the first-ever transcriptome sequencing of five organs of poison hemlock: developing fruit, flower, root, leaf, and stem. Using a de novo assembly approach, we derived a transcriptome assembly containing 123,240 transcripts. The assembly is deemed high quality, representing over 88% of the near-universal ortholog genes of the Eudicots clade. Nearly 80% of the transcripts were functionally annotated using a combination of three approaches. The current study focuses on describing the coniine pathway by identifying in silico transcript candidates for polyketide reductase, l-alanine:5-keto-octanal aminotransferase, gamma-coniceine reductase, and S-adenosyl-l-methionine:coniine methyltransferase. In vitro testing will be needed to confirm the assigned functions of the selected candidates.Peer reviewe

    Kohti kansalaiskeskeistä palveluiden kehittämistä – miten yhdistää tiedolla johtaminen ja kokonaisarkkitehtuurityö?

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    Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluiden arvioinnin ja kehittämisen tulisi perustua yhdenmukaisiin tietoihin yksilön, alueen ja väestön tasolla – tarvitaan tiedolla johtamista ja tiedon hallinnan uudistamista. Tiedon hallinnan uudistamisen tulisi pohjautua kokonaisarkkitehtuuriin, jotta tiedon yhteentoimivuus eri toimijoiden välillä toteutuu. Jotta eri sidosryhmät, johto mukaan lukien, saadaan mukaan kokonaisarkkitehtuurilähtöiseen tiedon hallinnan kehittämiseen, tarvitaan kehys, jonka avulla sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluita voidaan arvioida ja kehittää yhdenmukaisiin tietoihin perustuen. Tässä paperissa esitettävä tiedolla johtamisen kehys tukee kokonaisarkkitehtuurityötä lähtemällä liikkeelle toiminnan tavoitteiden kuvaamisesta ja niistä sopimisesta yhteisesti, määrämuotoisella tavalla. Kehystä voidaan hyödyntää tiedolla johtamisen viitearkkitehtuurin kehittämisessä. Tiedolla johtamisen kehyksen keskeinen osa on kansalaiskeskeinen toimialamalli, jonka systeemiteoreettiset periaatteet ja yhdeksän käsitettä esitetään tässä paperissa

    Common controls driven conceptual leadership framework

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    The forthcoming social welfare and healthcare reform in Finland with its organizational, financing and steering changes challenges the leadership. All service systems levels of the social welfare and healthcare have to achieve performance objectives whilst at the same time also meeting conformance requirements. However, there are hundreds authority documents (e.g., best practices, guidelines, regulations and standards) the common controls of which are adapted partly manually and partly by leveraging automation in organizations. Leaders review and develop their practices around performance and conformity (i.e., conformance or compliance) within frameworks that are mainly the sets of principles. However, the common controls affect into the main tasks of the governance (i.e., direct, evaluate and monitor). Therefore, we construct a conceptual leadership framework to highlight the meaning of the common controls and the meaning of criteria for performance and conformity. The constructed framework contains the terms (e.g., a control objective, decision criteria, event, insight, and transaction) that are mainly defined in the glossaries of the authority documents. The terms are used to find out terms and definitions for the leadership framework to figure out cognitive meanings for the concepts of the common controls driven leadership

    The killer of Socrates exposed:Coniine in the plant kingdom: Dissertation

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    The killer of Socrates exposed : Coniine in the plant kingdom

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    Coniine, a piperidine alkaloid, is known from poison hemlock (Conium maculatum L.), twelve Aloe species and Sarracenia flava L. Its biosynthesis is not well understood, although a possible route starts with a polyketide formed by a polyketide synthase (PKS). This study focused on identification and characterization of PKS-genes involved in coniine formation, induction of callus from plants containing hemlock alkaloids and investigation of the possibility to elicitate the alkaloid pathway in cell culture in order to understand coniine biosynthesis. Plant materials involved in different stages of this study were investigated for their alkaloid content using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A novel type of PKS, CPKS5, was identified as the starter candidate for the initiation of coniine biosynthesis by catalysing the synthesis of the carbon backbone from one butyryl-CoA and two malonyl-CoA moieties. When elicitated, poison hemlock cell cultures produced furanocoumarins but no piperidine alkaloids. The hemlock alkaloids are wider distributed than previously has been thought among Sarracenia, and Aloe spp. contain a new alkaloid for the genus. These results together pave the way towards possible utilization of hemlock alkaloids.Piperidiinialkaloidi koniini tunnetaan myrkkykatkosta (Conium maculatum L.), kahdestatoista Aloe-lajista sekä Sarracenia flavalta L. Sen biosynteesiä ei kunnolla tunneta, mutta mahdollinen reitti alkaa polyketidillä, jonka on muodostanut polyketidisyntaasi (PKS). Tässä tutkimuksessa keskityttiin tunnistamaan ja karakterisoimaan PKS-geenit, jotka osallistuvat koniinin muodostukseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin koniinialkaloideja sisältävillä kasveilla kalluksen muodostusta sekä mahdollisuutta elisitoida alkaloidituotanto kasvisoluviljelmässä, jotta koniinin biosynteesiä ymmärrettäisiin paremmin. Tutkimuksen eri vaiheissa käytetty kasvimateriaalin alkaloidikoostumus tutkittiin kaasukromatografiamassaspektrometrillä. Uudenlainen PKS, CPKS5, aloittaa koniinin biosynteesin muodostamalla yhdisteen hiilirungon yhdestä butyryyli-CoA:sta ja kahdesta malonyyli-CoA:sta. Elisitoidut myrkkykatkon soluviljelmät eivät tuottaneet piperidiinialkaloideja, mutta tuottivat furanokumariineja. Katkoalkaloidit ovat laajemmalle levinneet Sarracenia-suvussa, kuin aikaisemmin on uskottu, ja Aloesta löytyi suvulle uusi alkaloidi. Näiden tulosten yhteisvaikutuksena ymmärryksemme koniinin biosynteesin selvittämisessä on mennyt eteenpäin

    The killer of Socrates exposed:Coniine in the plant kingdom: Dissertation

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    Analysis of Sarracenia Alkaloids

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