272 research outputs found

    Pratiques et stratégies de gestion des ressources herbagères cultivées par des éleveurs laitiers sur un front pionnier en Amazonie brésilienne: cas du municipe de Uruará.

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    In the Brazilian Amazon frontiers, milk production is an important component for smallholders' viability. In dairy farms, herd feeding is based on cultivated pasture established after forest burning. Pasture degradation is considered as a constraint for farms' sustainability. The objective of our approach is to identify the role of pasture perenniality to consolidate and stabilize dairy farms. This research deals with the case of dairy farmers in the Uruará municipio situated on the Transamazonian frontier region in the state of Pará. The analysis of livestock farming system' diversity, on the basis of agricultural structures and farms' evolution, shows different functions allocated to milk production and dynamics of change. The analysis of combinations of farmers' practises, on the basis of farms continuous surveys for one year, shows four major pasture management strategies characterized by practises (modalities and decisions), determinants and reasons. Theses results allow to identify farmers' objectives and capacities to manage pasture. In Brazilian Amazon, pasture perenniality is not the only stake and not the major constraint for dairy farms' sustainability and reproducibility. It's necessary to adapt approaches and proposing solutions to pasture management in order to ensure smallholders farming system' sustainability and forest preservation.Sur les fronts pionniers amazoniens au Brésil, la production laitière est un facteur de consolidation des exploitations familiales. Dans les élevages lait-viande herbagers, les troupeaux bovins sont alimentés sur des prairies cultivées installées sur défriche forestière. Le discours scientifique considère que la durabilité de ces systèmes est étroitement liée à la pérennité des prairies. L'objectif de la recherche est d'identifier si le maintien de prairies pérennes est une entrée clé pour appuyer et stabiliser ces exploitations lait-viande. Notre recherche est conduite auprès des éleveurs laitiers du municipe de Uruará sur le front pionnier de la Transamazonienne dans l'Etat du Pará. Une analyse de la diversité de ces systèmes d'élevage, à partir des structures de production et des trajectoires d'évolution, met en évidence les différentes fonctions de la production de lait dans leur fonctionnement ainsi que par leur dynamique d'évolution. L'analyse des combinaisons de pratiques, à partir de suivis d'élevages laitiers pendant une campagne annuelle, conduit à identifier quatre principales stratégies de gestion des ressources herbagères. Elles se caractérisent par leurs expressions (pratiques et modalités), leurs déterminants et justificatifs. Ces résultats permettent d'identifier les objectifs, les attentes et les capacités des éleveurs pour gérer les ressources herbagères. En Amazonie, la pérennité des prairies cultivées ne constitue pas le seul enjeu clé ni la contrainte majeure pour la durabilité et la reproductibilité des élevages laitiers herbagers. Il s'avère nécessaire de renouveler les approches sur la gestion des prairies pour consolider les exploitations familiales tout en préservant l'écosystème forestier

    Involvement of small-scale dairy farms in an industrial supply chain: When production standards meet farm diversity

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    In certain contexts, dairy firms are supplied by small-scale family farms. Firms provide a set of technical and economic recommendations meant to help farmers meet their requirements in terms of the quantity and quality of milk collected. This study analyzes how such recommendations may be adopted by studying six farms in Brazil. All farms are beneficiaries of the country's agrarian reforms, but they differ in terms of how they developed their activities, their resources and their milk collection objectives. First, we built a technical and economic benchmark farm based on recommendations from a dairy firm and farmer advisory institutions. Our analysis of the farms' practices and technical and economic results show that none of the farms in the sample apply all of the benchmark recommendations; however, all farms specialized in dairy production observe the main underlying principles with regard to feeding systems and breeding. The decisive factors in whether the benchmark is adopted and successfully implemented are (i) access to the supply chain when a farmer establishes his activity, (ii) a grasp of reproduction and forage production techniques and (iii) an understanding of dairy cattle feed dietary rationing principles. The technical problems observed in some cases impact the farms' dairy performance and cash position; this can lead to a process of disinvestment. This dynamic of farms facing production standards suggests that the diversity of specialized livestock farmers should be taken into account more effectively through advisory approaches that combine basic zootechnical training with assistance in planning farm activities over the short and medium term. (Résumé d'auteur