154 research outputs found

    The impact of the conflict on solving distributed constraint satisfaction problems

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    Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems (DCSPs) involve a vast number of AI andMulti-Agent problems. Many important efforts have been recen accomplished for solving these kinds of problems using both backtracking-based and mediation-based methods. One of the most successful mediation based algorithms in this field is Asynchronous Partial Overlay (APO) algorithm. By choosing some agents as mediators, APO tries to centralize portions of the distributed problem, and then each mediator tries to solve its centralized sub-problem. This work continues until the whole problem is solved. This paper presents a new strategy to select mediators. The main idea behind this strategy is that the number of mediators conflicts (violated constraints) impacts directly on its performance. Experimental results show that choosing the mediators with the most number of conflicts not only leads to considerable decrease in APO complexity, but also it can decrease the complexity of the other extensions of the APO such as IAPO algorithm. MaxCAPO and MaxCIAPO are two new expansions of APO which introduce this idea and are presented in this article. The results of using this mediator selection strategy show a rapid and desirable improvement over various parameters in comparison with APO and IAP

    Combination Therapies in Ophthalmology: Implications for Intravitreal Delivery

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    Most pathological processes involve complex molecular pathways that can only be modified or blocked by a combination of medications. Combination therapy has become a common practice in medicine. In ophthalmology, this approach has been used effectively to treat bacterial, fungal, proliferative/neoplastic, and inflammatory eye diseases and vascular proliferation. Combination therapy also encompasses the synergistic effect of electromagnetic radiation and medications. However, combination therapy can augment inherent complications of individual interventions, therefore vigilance is required. Complications of combination therapy include potential incompatibility among compounds and tissue toxicity. Understanding these effects will assist the ophthalmologist in his decision to maximize the benefits of combination therapy while avoiding an unfavorable outcome

    Tomografia pasywna pola prędkości i symulacje geostatystyczne w obrębie pola ścianowego

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    Generally, the accurate determination of the stress in surrounding rock mass of underground miningarea has an important role in stability and ground control. In this paper stress redistribution around thelongwall face has been studied using passive seismic velocity tomography based on Simultaneous IterativeReconstructive Technique (SIRT) and Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS). The mining-induced microseismicevents are used as a passive source. Since such sources are used, the ray coverage is insufficientand in order to resolve this deficiency, the wave velocity is estimated in a denser network and by the SGSmethod. Consequently the three-dimensional images of wave velocity are created and sliced into the coalseam. To analyze the variations of stress around the panel during the study period, these images are interpreted.Results show that the state of stress redistribution around the longwall panel can be deduced fromthese velocity images. In addition, movements of the stressed zones, including front and side abutmentsand the goaf area, along the longwall face are evident. The applied approach illustrated in this paper canbe used as a useful method to monitoring the stress changes around the longwall face continuously. Thiscan have significant safety implications and contribute to improvements in operational productivity

    SafeDeep: A Scalable Robustness Verification Framework for Deep Neural Networks

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    The state-of-the-art machine learning techniques come with limited, if at all any, formal correctness guarantees. This has been demonstrated by adversarial examples in the deep learning domain. To address this challenge, here, we propose a scalable robustness verification framework for Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). The framework relies on Linear Programming (LP) engines and builds on decades of advances in the field for analyzing convex approximations of the original network. The key insight is in the on-demand incremental refinement of these convex approximations. This refinement can be parallelized, making the framework even more scalable. We have implemented a prototype tool to verify the robustness of a large number of DNNs in epileptic seizure detection. We have compared the results with those obtained by two state-of-the-art tools for the verification of DNNs. We show that our framework is consistently more precise than the over-approximation-based tool ERAN and more scalable than the SMT-based tool Reluplex

    Índices de criticidad de equipos y mantenimiento resistivo

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    El mantenimiento óptimo de cientos de miles de equipos utilizados por cada empresa es uno de los principales desafíos de los gerentes de mantenimiento, operación y adquisiciones. La producción continua y la competencia en el entorno empresarial y las limitaciones de recursos requieren que los equipos vitales de cada empresa deben ser controlados, monitoreados y considerados. Para hacer esto, es necesario identificar equipos críticos y esenciales. En este trabajo, se definió una fórmula mediante encuestas de campo y preferencias de 75 expertos y gerentes de la industria petroquímica para determinar el índice de sensibilidad de los equipos. Las opiniones de los expertos extrajeron diez características convincentes para determinar la sensibilidad del equipo, y el coeficiente de ponderación de cada uno se obtuvo utilizando el método de toma de decisiones grupales, Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica. La introducción de la fórmula del índice de mantenimiento resistivo representa la capacidad de utilizar las fortalezas y oportunidades y la sostenibilidad y resistencia contra debilidades y amenazas. La fórmula original tiene cinco subindicadores que consisten en la efectividad de los equipos, la efectividad de la mano de obra, la eficiencia de costos, el grado de endogeneidad, la extraversión y exogeneidad, y la tasa de eventos de salud, seguridad y ambientales. Desde la perspectiva de 64 especialistas, se utilizó el método de toma de decisiones grupales y la matriz de comparación pareada para determinar su coeficiente de ponderació

    Quality of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Emergency Department Based on the AHA 2015 Guidelines; a Brief Report

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    Introduction: Adhering to existing guidelines on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can increase the survival rate of the patients. The present study has been designed with the aim of determining the quality of CPR performed in the emergency department based on the latest protocol by the American heart association (AHA).Methods: In this prospective cross-sectional study CPR process was audited in patients above 18 years old in need of CPR presenting to the emergency departments of 3 teaching hospitals based on the AHA 2015 guidelines. Less than 60% agreement was considered as fail, 60-70% as poor, 70-80% as moderate, 80-90% as good, and 90-100% as excellent.Results: 80 cases of CPR were audited (55% male).  Location of arrest was the hospital in 58 (72.5%) cases and 48 (60.0%) of the cases happened during the day. 28 (35.0%) cases had orotracheal intubation before the initiation of CPR. 30 (37.5%) patients had a shockable rhythm at the initiation of CPR. Based on the findings, out of the 31 studied items, 9 (29.03%) had excellent agreement, 10 (32.25%) had good, 4 (12.90%) had moderate, 2 (6.45%) had poor, and 6 (19.35%) had fail agreement rate.Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, the quality of applying the principles of basic and advanced CPR in the emergency department of the studied hospital had intermediate, poor and fail agreement with the recommendations of the AHA 2015 in at least one third of the cases