41 research outputs found

    Sustained in vivo signaling by long-lived IL-2 induces prolonged increases of regulatory T cells.

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    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) expressing FOXP3 are essential for the maintenance of self-tolerance and are deficient in many common autoimmune diseases. Immune tolerance is maintained in part by IL-2 and deficiencies in the IL-2 pathway cause reduced Treg function and an increased risk of autoimmunity. Recent studies expanding Tregs inĀ vivo with low-dose IL-2 achieved major clinical successes highlighting the potential to optimize this pleiotropic cytokine for inflammatory and autoimmune disease indications. Here we compare the clinically approved IL-2 molecule, Proleukin, with two engineered IL-2 molecules with long half-lives owing to their fusion in monovalent and bivalent stoichiometry to a non-FcRĪ³ binding human IgG1. Using nonhuman primates, we demonstrate that single ultra-low doses of IL-2 fusion proteins induce a prolonged state of inĀ vivo activation that increases Tregs for an extended period of time similar to multiple-dose Proleukin. One of the common pleiotropic effects of high dose IL-2 treatment, eosinophilia, is eliminated at doses of the IL-2 fusion proteins that greatly expand Tregs. The long half-lives of the IL-2 fusion proteins facilitated a detailed characterization of an IL-2 dose response driving Treg expansion that correlates with increasingly sustained, suprathreshold pSTAT5a induction and subsequent sustained increases in the expression of CD25, FOXP3 and Ki-67 with retention of Treg-specific epigenetic signatures at FOXP3 and CTLA4.This work was supported by Wellcome Trust Grant 091157, JDRF International Grant 9-2011-253, the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, and the Medical Research Council Cusrow Wadia Fund. The Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) is in receipt of a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (100140). U.M.N. was the recipient of a Hoffmann-La Roche postdoctoral fellowship.This is thefinal version. It was first published by Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089684111400146

    cDNA display: a novel screening method for functional disulfide-rich peptides by solid-phase synthesis and stabilization of mRNAā€“protein fusions

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    We report a robust display technology for the screening of disulfide-rich peptides, based on cDNAā€“protein fusions, by developing a novel and versatile puromycin-linker DNA. This linker comprises four major portions: a ā€˜ligation siteā€™ for T4 RNA ligase, a ā€˜biotin siteā€™ for solid-phase handling, a ā€˜reverse transcription primer siteā€™ for the efficient and rapid conversion from an unstable mRNAā€“protein fusion (mRNA display) to a stable mRNA/cDNAā€“protein fusion (cDNA display) whose cDNA is covalently linked to its encoded protein and a ā€˜restriction enzyme siteā€™ for the release of a complex from the solid support. This enables not only stabilizing mRNAā€“protein fusions but also promoting both protein folding and disulfide shuffling reactions. We evaluated the performance of cDNA display in different model systems and demonstrated an enrichment efficiency of 20-fold per selection round. Selection of a 32-residue random library against interleukin-6 receptor generated novel peptides containing multiple disulfide bonds with a unique linkage for its function. The peptides were found to bind with the target in the low nanomolar range. These results show the suitability of our method for in vitro selections of disulfide-rich proteins and other potential applications

    The malarial exported PFA0660w is an Hsp40 co-chaperone of PfHsp70-x

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    Plasmodium falciparum, the human pathogen responsible for the most dangerous malaria infection, survives and develops in mature erythrocytes through the export of proteins needed for remodelling of the host cell. Molecular chaperones of the heat shock protein (Hsp) family are prominent members of the exportome, including a number of Hsp40s and a Hsp70. PFA0660w, a type II Hsp40, has been shown to be exported and possibly form a complex with PfHsp70-x in the infected erythrocyte cytosol. However, the chaperone properties of PFA0660w and its interaction with human and parasite Hsp70s are yet to be investigated. Recombinant PFA0660w was found to exist as a monomer in solution, and was able to significantly stimulate the ATPase activity of PfHsp70-x but not that of a second plasmodial Hsp70 (PfHsp70-1) or a human Hsp70 (HSPA1A), indicating a potential specific functional partnership with PfHsp70-x. Protein binding studies in the presence and absence of ATP suggested that the interaction of PFA0660w with PfHsp70-x most likely represented a co-chaperone/chaperone interaction. Also, PFA0660w alone produced a concentrationdependent suppression of rhodanese aggregation, demonstrating its chaperone properties. Overall, we have provided the first biochemical evidence for the possible role of PFA0660w as a chaperone and as co-chaperone of PfHsp70-x. We propose that these chaperones boost the chaperone power of the infected erythrocyte, enabling successful protein trafficking and folding, and thereby making a fundamental contribution to the pathology of malaria

    Target Expression, Generation, Preclinical Activity, and Pharmacokinetics of the BCMA-T Cell Bispecific Antibody EM801 for Multiple Myeloma Treatment

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    We identified B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) as a potential therapeutic target in 778 newly diagnosed and relapsed myeloma patients. We constructed an IgG-based BCMA-T cell bispecific antibody (EM801) and showed that it increased CD3+ T cell/myeloma cell crosslinking, followed by CD4+/CD8+ T cell activation, and secretion of interferon-Ī³, granzyme B, and perforin. This effect is CD4 and CD8 T cell mediated. EM801 induced, at nanomolar concentrations, myeloma cell death by autologous T cells in 34 of 43 bone marrow aspirates, including those from high-risk patients and patients after multiple lines of treatment, tumor regression in six of nine mice in a myeloma xenograft model, and depletion of BCMA+ cells in cynomolgus monkeys. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics indicate weekly intravenous/subcutaneous administration

    Electrohydrodynamic Properties of Succinoglycan as Probed by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Protolytic Titration and Capillary Electrophoresis

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    The electrostatic, hydrodynamic and conformational properties of aqueous solutions of succinoglycan have been analyzed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), proton titration, and capillary electrophoresis (CE) over a large range of pH values and electrolyte (NaCl) concentrations. Using the theoretical formalism developed previously for the electrokinetic properties of soft, permeable particles, a quantitative analysis for the electrohydrodynamics of succinoglycan is performed by taking into account, in a self-consistent manner, the measured values of the diffusion coefficients, electric charge densities, and electrophoretic mobilities. For that purpose, two limiting conformations for the polysaccharide in solution are tested, i.e. succinoglycan behaves as (i) a spherical, random coil polymer or (ii) a rodlike particle with charged lateral chains. The results show that satisfactory modeling of the titration data for ionic strengths larger than 50 mM can be accomplished using both geometries over the entire range of pH values. Electrophoretic mobilities measured for sufficiently large pH values (pH > 5-6) are in line with predictions based on either model. The best manner to discriminate between these two conceptual models is briefly discussed. For low pH values (pH < 5), both models indicate aggregation, resulting in an increase of the hydrodynamic permeability and a decrease of the diffusion coefficient

    Validation of GOCE gravity field models by means of orbit residuals and geoid comparisons

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    Three GOCE-based gravity field solutions have been computed by ESAā€™s high-level processing facility and were released to the user community. All models are accompanied by variance-covariance information resulting either from the least squares procedure or a Monte-Carlo approach. In order to obtain independent external quality parameters and to assess the current performance of these models, a set of independent tests based on satellite orbit determination and geoid comparisons is applied. Both test methods can be regarded as complementary because they either investigate the performance in the long wavelength spectral domain (orbit determination) or in the spatial domain (geoid comparisons). The test procedure was applied to the three GOCE gravity field solutions and to a number of selected pre-launch models for comparison. Orbit determination results suggest, that a pure GOCE gravity field model does not outperform the multi-year GRACE gravity field solutions. This was expected as GOCE is designed to improve the determination of the medium to high frequencies of the Earth gravity field (in the range of degree and order 50 to 200). Nevertheless, in case of an optimal combination of GOCE and GRACE data, orbit determination results should not deteriorate. So this validation procedure can also be used for testing the optimality of the approach adopted for producing combined GOCE and GRACE models. Results from geoid comparisons indicate that with the 2 months of GOCE data a significant improvement in the determination of the spherical harmonic spectrum of the global gravity field between degree 50 and 200 can be reached. Even though the ultimate mission goal has not yet been reached, especially due to the limited time span of used GOCE data (only 2 months), it was found that existing satellite-only gravity field models, which are based on 7 years of GRACE data, can already be enhanced in terms of spatial resolution. It is expected that with the accumulation of more GOCE data the gravity field model resolution and quality can be further enhanced, and the GOCE mission goal of 1ā€“2 cm geoid accuracy with 100 km spatial resolution can be achieved.Space EngineeringAerospace Engineerin