545 research outputs found

    Shareholding patterns and financial performance: evidence from the banking sector in Bangladesh / Mohammad Kamal Hossain.

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    This study attempts to examine the relationship between shareholding patterns and banks’ financial performance, as defined from three different dimensions, namely, profit-based performance measured by return on equity (ROE), market-based performance measured by Tobin’s Q (TQ) and valuebased performance measured by economic value added (EVA). It included 29 out of the 30 banks listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange for the period 2013–2017, providing a balanced panel with 145 observations. All data were collected from the annual reports of the respective banks. The randomeffects GLS regression model was employed to test the chosen hypotheses. This study found a conflicting result, i.e. there was a relationship between some, but not all of the patterns of shareholdings and financial performance of the listed banks in Bangladesh. For example, a significant relationship between foreign shareholding and banks’ financial performance, as measured by ROE, TQ and EVA-log, was found. Sponsor-directors and general public shareholdings were found to be significantly related to ROE and EVA-log, but insignificantly associated with TQ. However, institutional and government shareholdings were insignificantly related to the banks’ financial performance, regardless of the measures employed to assess it. This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the relationship between shareholding patterns and banks’ financial performance, and may indicate the need for a restructuring of the existing shareholding patterns in the banking sector in Bangladesh in order to maximise performance. This study is distinctive compared to prior studies, as it examines the relationship between the shareholding patterns disclosed in the annual reports of the sampled banks and banks’ performance, as measured by EVA-log along with ROE and TQ, which have not been covered earlier


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    Knitting machine stoppages cause loss of fabric production. The smooth running of knitting machine depends on yarn quality, knitting machine conditions and knitting production conditions. Knitting machine stops due to different causes. In this work it was found that the causes of stoppages are yarn breakages, set-off, machine cleaning and fabric roll cutting, yarn joining, needle breakages and oil problem. The major cause of knitting machine stoppage was machine cleaning and fabric roll cutting. It occupies almost 40.38% of total stoppage time. This cause lead to the production loss of 43.48 kg of fabric. Similarly, yarn breakages, set-offs, and other causes like yarn joining and needle breakages occupied 20.19%; 7.69% and 31.7% of total stoppage time respectively. The knitting machine was stopped for total 312 minutes among 24 hours or 1440 minutes of running due to all of the causes. The causes, combindly led to production loss of 107.66 kg of fabric in 24 hours. Due to the all of the causes total 21.66% of fabric production loss was realized

    Ice slurry storage system in district cooling application for air-conditioning

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    Application of Binary Logistic Regression Model for Assessing the Caesarean Risk Factors in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna and Gopalganj District

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    The main focus of this study is to investigate the caesarean risk factors in a particular area of Bangladesh. The caesarean delivery rate is increasing day by day in most developing countries like Bangladesh and number of caesarean births has almost doubled in the last eight years in Bangladesh largely due to maternal, socio-economic and demographic factors. Instead of many disadvantages, caesarean deliveries are most common among women but it is not clinically justified. For improving the maternal health status, it is essential to determine the risk factors of caesarean delivery. For this study some hospitals have selected from Khulna and Gopalganj district. Our population is the total number of pregnant women admitted for delivery in the hospitals and 600 respondents were taken as sample. After collecting data, information were arranged in tables and analyzed. For the analysis, chi-square test and fisher’s exact test were performed to identify the significant association between delivery type (caesarean/non-caesarean) and maternal, socio-demographic and socio-economic factor’s respectively. A stepwise binary logistic regression analysis was carried out to identify the most impact factors on caesarean delivery. We found that 14 risk factors were statistically associated with delivery type out of 21 risk factors. From this study, it is clear to us that above influential factors may affects the mother’s health status in Bangladesh as well as Khulna and Gopalganj district

    Analyzing Factors Influencing the Job Satisfaction of Building Construction Workers in Bangladesh: A Study on Private Construction Firms

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    Workers of all organizations need to be satisfied to facilitate their input towards the attainment of organizational goals. Construction workers like all other workers need this sort of satisfaction enables them give off their best. The purpose of this study was to analyze and find out the factors influencing the job satisfaction of construction workers who were working in private construction firms in Bangladesh. Data were collected from building construction workers of different private construction firms in Dhaka city. A total of 144 construction workers were interviewed randomly with a structured questionnaire. To meet the objective of this study individual bi-variate analysis and factor analysis of job satisfaction of building construction workers are considered here. The Cronbach’s “Alpha” reliability estimate for the 30 items was 0.897. This study worked with six main factors with twenty one dimensions related to job satisfaction. Out of which four factors such as motivation, working environment, human relations, and supervision by supervisor are moderately correlated to job satisfaction scoring 0.679, 0.555, 0.650 & 0.615 respectively. The findings indicate that 95% of the respondents are male and confirms the fact that the construction workers of this sector are male dominated. The age distribution of respondents that majority of respondents 71 (49.3%) out of a total 144 are aged between 21-30 years. It is evident from the study that regression model is able to express 63% of total variation. Human relations, motivation, working environment, and supervision by supervisor are the most influencing factors in framing job satisfaction of building construction workers since coefficient beta scores 0.323, 0.284, 0.276, & 0.235 respectively. So the management should focus on the above mentioned issues for making the workers happier with their job. Keywords: Influential factors, Building construction workers, Job satisfaction, Bangladesh

    Electrical-field activated sintering and forming of micro-components

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    As the demand for miniature products has increased significantly, so also has the need for these products to be produced in a rapid, flexible and cost efficient manner. The application of electroplasticity shows significant potential to produce the components by using powder materials. Nevertheless, previous research has shown that there are still significant challenges to be met in order to achieve increased relative densification of product samples and simplification of the processes. The process concept in this study comprises the combination of electrical-field activated sintering and forming processes. Therefore, the aims of the research were to develop the process concept for the manufacture of micro-components and to design the die sets along with other tooling for machine setup to enable the forming of micro-components from powder materials. A comprehensive literature review on micro-manufacturing, size effects, powder metallurgy and the electroplasticity process has been conducted. The development of the die sets for the process has been described, followed by a series of experiments. The FE thermal-electrical analysis was also carried out to study the heating flows of the die sets development during the process. In this research, titanium (Ti) and titanium tin alloy (90Ti10Sn) have been selected for the main powder materials tested for both vacuum and open-air process environment by using a Gleeble® 3800 testing system and Projection Welding machine respectively. Meanwhile, for the additional experiment, copper (Cu) has been selected to be tested in the open-air process environment by using a Projection Welding machine with die sets prepared by the Micro-FAST project. Based on the data collected, this efficient process has the potential to produce components with a high relative density of around 98%. Changes of the particles concerning deformation and breaking are crucial in the course of achieving the densification which differs from a conventional sintering process

    Physico-chemical factors of solar salt farms water in the coastal area of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

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    Physico-chemical factors of water at different gradient of the salt production pans (reservoir, condenser and crystallizer) of the coastal area in Cox’s Bazar were studied.Analyses of water temperature at different gradient of salt pans show almost similar values (31°C-32°C). The pH values varied from 4.9 to 7.4. The acidic pH values were recorded in Chakaria Sundarban area. Salinity ranged from 30.03‰ to 330.52‰, lowest salinity was found in reservoir pan and highest in crystallizer pan. Electric conductivity values fluctuated between 9.60 and 336.00 mmhos/cm and its values gradually increase from reservoir to crystallizer pans. Total hardness, Ca, Mg and HCO3 varied from 8000 to 213600 mg/l; 2987 to 106300 mg/l, 5013 to 107300 mg/l and 36.6 to 146.4 mg/l respectively and their values were always found to be Reservoir < Condenser< Crystallizer. Alkalinity ranged from 50-570 ppm, the lowest values were recorded in reservoir pan and highest were found in crystallizer. Usually higher concentration of K was obtained in crystallizer pan and the highest value (15.2g/l) was recorded at Moheskhali sampling area