422 research outputs found

    Transfusion-related acute lung injury in multiple traumatized patients

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    Background: Many of the multiple traumatized patients who refer to the hospital need transfusion. Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is a serious clinical syndrome associated with the transfusion of plasma-containing blood components. In the article, we present a case of TRALI following transfusion of packed red blood cells Case Presentation: A 24 year old male referred to Shahid Beheshti Hospital due to multiple trauma with left femoral and humerus fractures. Due to severe anemia he received 3 units of packed red blood cells. The symptoms of TRALI began 2 hours after transfusion. He was transferred to intensive care unit (ICU) due to metabolic acidosis and severe hypoxia. The TRALI was confirmed after ruling out the other probable pulmonary diseases. He recovered and was discharged. Conclusion: Transfusion related acute lung injury should be considered in any case receiving transfusion of plasma containing blood components

    Scopolamine reduces the density of M1 muscarinic neurons in rats' hippocampus

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    Cholinergic system in CNS is involved in learning and memory. Scopolamine as muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist is used for creation of memory impairment. The purpose of this study is evaluation of scopolamine-based amnesia on memory retention and the effect of this phenomenon on the number of neurons contains M1-receptors in the male Wistar rats hippocampal regions. Thirty-five male Wistar rats (200±20 g) were distributed randomly into five groups. Control group (intact samples) and 3 experimental groups with sham group (saline) were tested by the method of passive avoidance (shuttle box) in doses of 0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg/kg (intraperitoneally) as a single dose. After one week, memory test was taken from the rats. Finally, brains dissected from sacrificed rats, and then processed tissues were stained with antibody against M1 receptors (Immunohistochemistry technique) followed by counting of hippocampal CA1, CA3 and DG regions. Our results showed significant decrease in neurons contains M1-receptors in all area of hippocampus. We found that the less number of M1-neurons showed in 1 mg/kg dose of scopolamine. We concluded that scopolamine as muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist can reduce dose-dependently the density of M1-neurons in all areas of hippocampus

    Modified Dolphin Monitoring Operator for Weight Optimization of Frame Structures

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    In this article, a modified dolphin monitoring (MDM) operatoris introduced and used to improve the performance of the collidingbodies optimization (CBO) algorithm for optimal designof steel structures (CBO-MDM). The performance of the CBO,enhanced colliding bodies optimization (ECBO) and CBOMDMare compared through three well-established structuralbenchmarks. The optimized designs obtained by thesealgorithms are compared, and the results show that the performanceof CBO-MDM is superior to those of the other twoalgorithms. The MDM is found to be a suitable tool to enhancethe performance of the CBO algorithm

    Effect of parasite infection with Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Nordmann, 1832) on fish growth rate in Zaringol Stream in Golestan Province

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    This study investigated the effect of parasite infection with Posthodiplostomum cuticola on fish growth rate in Zaringol Stream in Golestan Province. A total number of 447 fish specimens (173 Capoeta capoeta gracilis, 111 Alburnoides eichwaldii, 131 Paracobitis malapterura, 32 Neogobius fluviatilis) were captured by electrofishing during December 2009 to September 2010. Total number of parasite on fish body was counted by investigating internal organ and surface of skin and branch. Results showed that slope of regression curves and condition factor were significantly lower in infected C. c. gracilis. N. fluviatilis was the most abundant infected fish in Zarringol Stream. It seems that it's feeding dependence on benthos makes this fish more susceptible to infection by parasite

    On the Globalization of the {QAnon} Conspiracy Theory Through {Telegram}

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    QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory that became popular and mainstreamover the past few years. Worryingly, the QAnon conspiracy theory hasimplications in the real world, with supporters of the theory participating inreal-world violent acts like the US capitol attack in 2021. At the same time,the QAnon theory started evolving into a global phenomenon by attractingfollowers across the globe and, in particular, in Europe. Therefore, it isimperative to understand how the QAnon theory became a worldwide phenomenon andhow this dissemination has been happening in the online space. This paperperforms a large-scale data analysis of QAnon through Telegram by collecting4.5M messages posted in 161 QAnon groups/channels. Using Google's PerspectiveAPI, we analyze the toxicity of QAnon content across languages and over time.Also, using a BERT-based topic modeling approach, we analyze the QAnondiscourse across multiple languages. Among other things, we find that theGerman language is prevalent in QAnon groups/channels on Telegram, evenovershadowing English after 2020. Also, we find that content posted in Germanand Portuguese tends to be more toxic compared to English. Our topic modelingindicates that QAnon supporters discuss various topics of interest withinfar-right movements, including world politics, conspiracy theories, COVID-19,and the anti-vaccination movement. Taken all together, we perform the firstmultilingual study on QAnon through Telegram and paint a nuanced overview ofthe globalization of the QAnon theory.<br

    Neural Network Model of Estimation of Body Mass Index Based on Indirect Input Factors

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    A well-prepared One of the main concerns of people in developing and developed societies is increasing the Body Mass Index (BMI) level. BMI, in fact can be considered as an indicator of overall health condition. Genetic aspects aside, the BMI level is affected by different factors, such as socio-economic, environmental, and physical activity level. This study investigated the effect of different factors on the BMI level of a sample population of 470 adults of three residential neighborhoods in Shiraz, Iran. The Pearson correlation coefficient, independent sample T-test and One Way ANOVA were used to extract the variables which significantly influenced the BMI. The statistical analysis showed that despite the apparent association of BMI with physical activity level, it is influenced by several factors such as age, residence record, number of children, distance to bus or taxi stop, indoor or sport exercise. Then, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was applied to predict the level of personal BMI. Artificial Neural Network-based methodology results showed that the generalized estimating ANN model was satisfactory in estimating the BMI based on the introduced pattern

    Leptospirosis mimicking collagen vascular disease in a thirteen-year-old Iranian girl

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    A thirteen-year-old girl from Dezfoul, Iran was referred to our hospital with a history of eight days of high fever, headache, odynophagia, diffuse abdominal and body pain especially limb pain. She then developed conjunctival erythema, transient maculopapular rash on the trunk and also diplopia. No obvious or specific point was shown in the history. In the lab studies, she had very high sedimentation rate (ESR), bandemia and leukocytosis and thrombocytosis with negative results for an array of infectious diseases. Before making a vasculitis diagnosis a microscopic agglutination test for leptospira and then PCR test in blood and stool were requested and revealed to be positive for leptospira. She responded to doxycycline and remained well after one year of follow-up. Leptospirosis should be considered in differential diagnosis of vasculitic syndromes in Iran even for patients from seemingly non-enzootic areas. © 2012, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciencces

    Effect of Listeria monocytogenes inoculation, sodium acetate and nisin on microbiological and chemical quality of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella during refrigeration storage

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    In this study, the microbiological quality and lipid oxidation of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) fillets treated by dipping in sodium acetate (0, 1 and 3%), nisin (0, 0.1 and 0.2%) or their combination were evaluated during 16 days of refrigeration storage. Antilisterial effect of nisin was enhanced with the increased concentration of sodium acetate. With increasing the concentrations of sodium acetate, mesophilic counts were lower but regarding nisin, better results were obtained by applying 0.1% nisin. Greater inhibition of mesophile bacteria was observed when combination treatment was used. The number of lactobacillus was lower when higher concentrations of sodium acetate and nisin were used. Peroxide, TBA and total viable base nitrogen (TVB-N) values were lower in the samples treated with both nisin and sodium acetate and higher results were obtained in the combination treatments.Key words: Listeria monocytogenes, nisin, sodium acetate, microbial quality, chemical quality, grass carp