174 research outputs found

    Green Parties in Europe: Potential Routes of Future Development

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    This article provides a descriptive analysis of the performances of Green parties in Europe, aiming to explore factors that are crucial for understanding the differences of their success. Concentrating on two areas of interest, namely the parliamentary representation of Green parties across Europe and the complex interaction between the Europeanization process and European integration on one side and the development of Green parties in Europe on the other, the authors aim to detect potential routes of future development of green politics in Europe and question to which extent party evolution will be linked to adjustment strategies in different cultural and political environments. Special attention is paid to the assessment of the importance of the EU membership and on the dynamic relationship between transnational political structures that are a new form of political organisation in Europe

    Rashladna komora za hlađenje i zamrzavanje robe

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    Zamrzavanje i čuvanje hrane provodi se u rashladnim komorama na različitim temperaturama, ovisno o vrsti robe i trajanju čuvanja. Temperature hlađenja u komorama često idu i ispod -25°C. U ovom radu potrebno je napraviti mjerenja pri upuštanju takve komore u rad, do temperature hlađenja od -25°C. U uvodu su opisane komore i čuvanje hrane u komorama te je u nastavku izrađen toplinski proračun isparivača te su dani crteži rashladnog sustava, shema spajanja i regulacije kao i analiza rezultata mjerenja

    Analiza toplinskih karakteristika podnih konvektora

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    U ovom radu opisano je ispitivanje i analiza toplinskih karakteristika dva podna ventilokonvektora u režimu hlađenja prema normi prEN 16430 i EUROVENT 6/3. Ventilokonvektori su indentičnih dimenzija i konstrukcije uz razliku u razmaku među lamelama orebrenog izmjenjivača. Mjerenje je provedeno u Laboratoriju za toplinu i toplinske uređaje Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje za tri različita temperaturna režima i tri brzine ventilatora. Uvodno je dan opis, namjena i glavne karakteristike ventilokonvektora. Nadalje su navedeni zahtjevi koje postavljaju norme. Dan je opis mjerne linije te opis mjerenja anemometrima, termoparovima i termografijom. Rezultati mjerenja su analizirani i kao ulazni podaci korišteni za proračun rashladnog učinka prema odabranoj metodi. Na kraju je dana usporedba rezultata dobivenih eksperimentalno i numerički te je dana preporuka poboljšanja konstrukcije u cilju povećanja rashladnog učinka

    Materials for the microreactors

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    U radu su navedeni neki materijali koji se koriste za izradu mikroreaktora. Među njima se nalaze polimeri, keramika, staklo te metali. Navedena su fizikalna, mehanička i toplinska svojstva te kemijska reaktivnost odnosno inertnost. Kemijska obilježja bitna su zbog toga što nam ukazuju na to koji materijal je najbolje upotrijebiti ukoliko imamo agresivne reaktante. U uvodu kratko je objašnjen koncept budućih postrojenja koja bi primjenjivale mikroreaktore za sintezu kemijskih spojeva koje koristimo u svakodnevnom životu. Fizikalna i mehanička svojstva nam govore o izdržljivosti materijala na temperaturu i samoj kvaliteti materijala te gustoći. Toplinska nam svojstva govore o razini deformacije mikrostruktura uslijed povećanja temperature. Toplinska vodljivost nam govori kako brzo se materijal može riješiti topline generirane kemijskom reakcijom, odnosno koliko brzo može sustav nadoknaditi izgubljenu toplinu iz okoline. Najbitniji materijal za izradu mikroreaktora je staklo, nakon toga slijede polimerni materijali koji se često koriste kao materijal za izradu mikrostruktura.In this paper materials used for production of microreactors are discussed. Amongst these materials are glass, ceramics, polymers and metals. Physical, mechanical, thermal properties and chemical reactivity or inertness are listed. Chemical properties of materials for microreactors are important because they point out the material that is best used if aggressive reactants are used. In the introduction the concept of future plants that use microreactors for the synthesis of chemical compounds used in everyday life are explained. Physical and mechanical properties tell us about the durability of materials towards the temperature, the quality of the material and density. Thermal properties tell us about the level of deformation microstructure due to increases in temperature. Thermal conductivity tells us how fast the material can exchange the heat generated by a chemical reaction, and how well the system can quickly make up for the lost heat from the environment. The most important materal used for production of microreactors is glass, after that polymeric materials, which are often used as materials for the microstructures

    Analysis of Safety and Security of Information and Communication System in a Corporate Environment

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    Postoji široki raspon proizvoda i usluga koji su namijenjeni otkrivanju rizika i ranjivosti IK sigurnosti. Nove sigurnosne prijetnje i nove sigurnosne tehnologije za zaštitu, razvijaju se svakodnevno. Pojavom IK (Informacijsko – komunikacijski) sustava značajno se promijenio način poslovanja i oblik komuniciranja čime su se razvili i novi mediji. Radno mjesto više nije fiksno određeno, a informacija je postala ubrzana i pojednostavljena. Razumijevanje brzine tih rješenja i kvalitetne zaštite ključne su za pravovremena ulaganja. Prioriteti, odabir i održavanje metoda sigurnosti i zaštite i dalje su glavna pitanja organizacija koje se suočavaju sa prijetnjama i ranjivostima. Stoga je posebno važno postaviti odgovarajuće mehanizme zaštite IK sustava uz definiranje sigurnosne politike organizacije što je u radu i prikazano.There is a wide range of products and services designed to detect the risks and vulnerabilities of IK Security. New security threats and new security technologies for protection are being developed on a daily basis. With the introduction of IK (Information and Communication) systems, the way of business and the form of communication has changed significantly and new media have been developed. The workplace is no longer fixed and the information has become accelerated and simplified. Understanding the velocity of these solutions and their chances for success as they mature is critical for timely investments. Prioritizing, choosing and maintaining security technologies continue to be major issues for enterprises face continuing and newly introduced threats and emerging vulnerabilities. It is therefore particularly important to set up appropriate mechanisms of the IK system protection, defining the security policy of the organization as it is presented in the work

    Povišenje otpornosti na adhezijsko trošenje titanove legure Ti6Al4V primjenom prevlake PACVD TiN

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    U radu je ispitana mogućnost povišenje otpornosti na trošenje legura Ti6Al4V primjenom prevlake PACVD TiN. Opisana su svojstva Ti6Al4V legure i podrobno objašnjeni razlozi njezine široke primjene u raznim granama industrije. Također, opisana su svojstva i karakteristike prevlake TiN. Ispitana su slijedeća svojstva prevlake PACVD TiN: adhezivnost (VDI 3198), debljina (kalotest), hrapavost, nanotvrdoća (Fischerscope) i otpornosti na adhezijsko trošenje metodom „Block On Ring“. Prevlaka TiN u odnosu na neprevučenu površinu legure Ti6Al4V pokazuje povišenje tvrdoće, hrapavosti, faktora trenja te značajno povišenje otpornosti na adhezijsko trošenje

    Control of Bio-Inspired Sprawling Posture Quadruped Robots with an Actuated Spine

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    Sprawling posture robots are characterized by upper limb segments protruding horizontally from the body, resulting in lower body height and wider support on the ground. Combined with an actuated segmented spine and tail, such morphology resembles that of salamanders or crocodiles. Although bio-inspired salamander-like robots with simple rotational limbs have been created, not much research has been done on kinematically redundant bio-mimetic robots that can closely replicate kinematics of sprawling animal gaits. Being bio-mimetic could allow a robot to have some of the locomotion skills observed in those animals, expanding its potential applications in challenging scenarios. At the same time, the robot could be used to answer questions about the animal's locomotion. This thesis is focused on developing locomotion controllers for such robots. Due to their high number of degrees of freedom (DoF), the control is based on solving the limb and spine inverse kinematics to properly coordinate different body parts. It is demonstrated how active use of a spine improves the robot's walking and turning performance. Further performance improvement across a variety of gaits is achieved by using model predictive control (MPC) methods to dictate the motion of the robot's center of mass (CoM). The locomotion controller is reused on an another robot (OroBOT) with similar morphology, designed to mimic the kinematics of a fossil belonging to Orobates, an extinct early tetrapod. Being capable of generating different gaits and quantitatively measuring their characteristics, OroBOT was used to find the most probable way the animal moved. This is useful because understanding locomotion of extinct vertebrates helps to conceptualize major transitions in their evolution. To tackle field applications, e.g. in disaster response missions, a new generation of field-oriented sprawling posture robots was built. The robustness of their initial crocodile-inspired design was tested in the animal's natural habitat (Uganda, Africa) and subsequently enhanced with additional sensors, cameras and computer. The improvements to the software framework involved a smartphone user interface visualizing the robot's state and camera feed to improve the ease of use for the operator. Using force sensors, the locomotion controller is expanded with a set of reflex control modules. It is demonstrated how these modules improve the robot's performance on rough and unstructured terrain. The robot's design and its low profile allow it to traverse low passages. To also tackle narrow passages like pipes, an unconventional crawling gait is explored. While using it, the robot lies on the ground and pushes against the pipe walls to move the body. To achieve such a task, several new control and estimation modules were developed. By exploring these problems, this thesis illustrates fruitful interactions that can take place between robotics, biology and paleontology

    Evaluation of Soil and Plant Nitrogen Tests in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production

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    Nitrogen (N) management is critical in optimizing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield and reducing environmental pollution. Several plant and soil based tests were proposed for assessment of N status in crop plants. Aim of this study was to evaluate the convenience of plant based tests (leaf chlorophyll content index (CCI) and petiole nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations) and soil based test (soil nitrogen (Nmin) content) for estimating potato N status. Experiment was conducted in North West region of Croatia in 2011 growing season as randomized complete block design with four replications. Treatments were four N rates, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N ha-1. At pre-plant 50 kg N ha-1 was applied as NPK 7:20:30. Four side-dressed N rates, 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha-1 were applied 45 days after planting (DAP). CCI and petiole NO3-N concentrations were measured at 58 and 98 (DAP), while soil Nmin content was measured before planting, 58 DAP, 98 DAP and after harvest. No significant differences in total tuber yield were determined between 100, 150 and 200 kg N ha-1 treatments. Significantly highest residual Nmin content (33.25 kg ha-1) after harvest was determined on plots fertilized with 200 kg N ha-1, indicating potential N leaching during fall and winter. Significant linear relationship between petiole N-NO3 and N treatments were determined at 58 DAP (R2=0.32) and 98 DAP (R2=0.75) and between CCI and N treatments at 98 DAP (R2=0.62). Significant linear relationship between soil Nmin content and N treatments were determined at 58 (R2=0.57) and 98 DAP (R2=0.56). Plant based tests are better correlated with N treatments at later growth stages in which applied N could be utilized by the crop

    Evaluation of Soil and Plant Nitrogen Tests in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production

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    Nitrogen (N) management is critical in optimizing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield and reducing environmental pollution. Several plant and soil based tests were proposed for assessment of N status in crop plants. Aim of this study was to evaluate the convenience of plant based tests (leaf chlorophyll content index (CCI) and petiole nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations) and soil based test (soil nitrogen (Nmin) content) for estimating potato N status. Experiment was conducted in North West region of Croatia in 2011 growing season as randomized complete block design with four replications. Treatments were four N rates, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N ha-1. At pre-plant 50 kg N ha-1 was applied as NPK 7:20:30. Four side-dressed N rates, 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha-1 were applied 45 days after planting (DAP). CCI and petiole NO3-N concentrations were measured at 58 and 98 (DAP), while soil Nmin content was measured before planting, 58 DAP, 98 DAP and after harvest. No significant differences in total tuber yield were determined between 100, 150 and 200 kg N ha-1 treatments. Significantly highest residual Nmin content (33.25 kg ha-1) after harvest was determined on plots fertilized with 200 kg N ha-1, indicating potential N leaching during fall and winter. Significant linear relationship between petiole N-NO3 and N treatments were determined at 58 DAP (R2=0.32) and 98 DAP (R2=0.75) and between CCI and N treatments at 98 DAP (R2=0.62). Significant linear relationship between soil Nmin content and N treatments were determined at 58 (R2=0.57) and 98 DAP (R2=0.56). Plant based tests are better correlated with N treatments at later growth stages in which applied N could be utilized by the crop